40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Body Beast Build: Chest/Tris"=Done!
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    I have a scheduled rest day today and I'm enjoying it. Legs were very heavy yesterday.
    This weekend's training will be done in cold and windy conditions. Tomorrow's workout is an 8.5mile tempo run that I expect will be fairly uncomfortable. Sunday will be an easy paced 14 miler...much more fun.

    Happy Friday

  • Resistive
    Resistive Posts: 212 Member
    I am 45 and cool AF :smiley:

    Finding no will power to get to the gym right now, it is damn cold, -32c / -25f

    My spin cycle is calling my name, though I can barely hear it with all the clothes hanging on it ;-)
  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    Resistive wrote: »
    I am 45 and cool AF :smiley:

    Finding no will power to get to the gym right now, it is damn cold, -32c / -25f

    My spin cycle is calling my name, though I can barely hear it with all the clothes hanging on it ;-)

    Get it done! We aren't getting any younger here! Lol cold temps stink! Love having my gym in the basement! Legs and bum day done! Now to get in cardio!
  • tojo_73
    tojo_73 Posts: 213 Member
    sdereski wrote: »
    Showed up for my Wednesday fitness classes and the first one was cancelled. Stayed at the gym and rowed for 35 minutes. The second class was a go, so got another 45 min of good mix of strength and cardio in. :)
    Not a bad day in the end.

    @tojo_73 Oh, I feel for you. As @shellyld2016 , it will make home all the more sweeter.

    Christmas Bridge party tonight. Not sure I am going to be able to fit a workout in.

    I'm jealous you have bridge friends. My wife and I play SAYC socially but we haven't found partners yet. We tend to get made fun of by people who don't play. I don't understand how people can love Euchre and not want to play Bridge (adult Euchre :) )

  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Body Beast Build: Legs"=Done!
  • misscagal
    misscagal Posts: 195 Member
    HIIT class done.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Body Beast Build: Back/Bis"=Done!
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    gam3rguy wrote: »
    "Body Beast Build: Back/Bis"=Done!

    @gam3rguy= machine :)
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Body Beast Build: Shoulders"=Done!
  • Samarisa
    Samarisa Posts: 22 Member
    44 and checking in! Lost well over half my body-weight over the past few years, but always gaining and losing above where I want to be now. Just need to learn mature consistency, I think. That impulse kid in a candy-store nonsense has to go.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Monday all. If I believed in a past life, I was definitely a critic of the world's finest dark chocolate. I have tried magnesium, not having any in the house, yet I wake up and the first thing I want is dark chocolate. I could live off of it if I could. Anyways, TRX done. Will take hot barre later. Have a great day kids.
  • jetrok
    jetrok Posts: 64 Member
    what up
  • jetrok
    jetrok Posts: 64 Member
    looks cool and will be hitting the gym during lunch....plus im cool..lol
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    75 minutes on the bike trainer as cross training today. Goal is to maintain aerobic fitness and flush out the legs after 2 hard days of running.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    @caramelgyrlk - you look fabulous! :)

    Busy weekend away. DH's Christmas party and precious time with my granddaughter. <3
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,094 Member
    So, yesterday I was on my glider trying to get minutes for a race challenge that I was part of since it was our last day and our team was trying to beat another that we were tied with. I got in 135 minutes and 9.11 miles...felt like calling 911 after that, especially since Sundays are supposed to be my rest days. We ended up tying the other team for first place overall in the 8 week challenge. Actually, sort of sad the challenge is complete, and hoping they do one in the spring.

    Took it easy today and just did some strength training at the gym. Will probably do some planks later, though I'm thinking a mid-day nap may be needed. ;)
  • Misnomer971
    Misnomer971 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi all! I'm 45, and only got serious about losing weight/getting healthier earlier this year. I recently completed a 3-month LCD program and lost 25.5lbs, and now it's all up to me to keep it going (I still have quite a bit more to lose).

    I'm doing ok with my daily calorie goal, but exercise is another story. I'm pretty lazy (with a sedentary job and hobbies), so getting off my butt has been the last piece of this puzzle. But I'm starting to improve: I've gone from walking for 15 minutes @ 2.5mph to walking for 1 mile @ 3mph, and I think I'm about to bump that up. Plus, this morning I finally used my dumbbells for the first time. Granted, I only used 3-lb weights and it was only for 12-minutes -- via a "beginner" workout video I found on YouTube -- but I have zero arm strength and it's a start. :)

    Sometimes it can be hard not to kick myself for waiting this long to get my s*** together. Weight loss would have been so much easier 10 years ago...heck, maybe even 5 years ago!
    Samarisa wrote: »
    Just need to learn mature consistency, I think. That impulse kid in a candy-store nonsense has to go.
    When you figure out the secret, please let me know! ;)

  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,094 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hi all! I'm 45, and only got serious about losing weight/getting healthier earlier this year. I recently completed a 3-month LCD program and lost 25.5lbs, and now it's all up to me to keep it going (I still have quite a bit more to lose).

    I'm doing ok with my daily calorie goal, but exercise is another story. I'm pretty lazy (with a sedentary job and hobbies), so getting off my butt has been the last piece of this puzzle. But I'm starting to improve: I've gone from walking for 15 minutes @ 2.5mph to walking for 1 mile @ 3mph, and I think I'm about to bump that up. Plus, this morning I finally used my dumbbells for the first time. Granted, I only used 3-lb weights and it was only for 12-minutes -- via a "beginner" workout video I found on YouTube -- but I have zero arm strength and it's a start. :)

    Sometimes it can be hard not to kick myself for waiting this long to get my s*** together. Weight loss would have been so much easier 10 years ago...heck, maybe even 5 years ago!
    Samarisa wrote: »
    Just need to learn mature consistency, I think. That impulse kid in a candy-store nonsense has to go.
    When you figure out the secret, please let me know! ;)

    Welcome!! This thread is great for motivation and for posting your workouts! There are some serious hosses and hossettes in here kicking booty and getting the job done.

    I highly recommend perusing the challenge threads at the beginning of each month (though you can also join many of them at mid month with the expectation of trying to do half the challenge of a full month). At least for me, joining a challenge thread or two or three keeps me accountable to workout regularly (truth be told I'm inherently lazy)!

    And I can't say enough good about the most recent challenge group I was part of...be on the look out for the next "Amazing Race" - they will post in the Challenge Thread category when they open the next one, hopefully in the spring (Mar or Apr). We just completed our 8 week race (it was at least the second they've done, and my first to participate in). It was a great way to try new workouts (dancing videos, country based workouts (like Radio Taiso from Japan), drumming, stair challenges, a Rockettes workout (for the holidays)) because as we virtually traveled to each new location, the organizer found something unique for us to try based on that country/locale. And being on a team competing with other teams made me not only accountable to logging my workout minutes and doing the challenges, but it also pushed me to work harder to get more minutes (which were considered miles to get to the destination) not to let my team mates down. I think I doubled my workout minutes over my normal while I was in the challenge. Honestly, I'm exhausted after the 8 weeks (and really need to go back to my 'normal' for a bit to recuperate), but it was good motivation to push me farther than I would have pushed myself. They only have 6 teams to fill, so we started with 126 participants, and ended with 120 (with some being switched out from a waiting list during the race as people fell by the wayside). It was AWESOME...and AMAZING...and I highly recommend joining it, if you can get on the teams since they fill up pretty quickly.