
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Just to let you guys I am feeling much better. Don't have my charger on iPad here so I'm not posting much. Packing out, will more than likely go to a regular room later today. They are going to do a scope of my stomach tomorrow
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    JOYCE ~ Get well!
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Joyce - Prayers for a quick recovery.

    Beth - so sorry about your mothers diagnosis.

    CJ - I have never been to NYC but if I make it I will be at that exhibit for sure! Thank you for telling me about it.

    Pip - You both look so happy and proud of yourselves as you should be! Congrats on the great times.

    Still have some shopping and cards to do. Oh, my! The more time I have the more I waste. Anyone else find this to be true?

    Toni in Tennessee where it rained most the night (Yeah!)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited December 2016
    Becca – Love the Advent Apron. Hopefully, you won’t get stuck. Maybe get some of those tiny little gold safety pins.

    I remember making these little faces with my boys, out of hose that I had a run in. I don’t know what we did with them. I’m sure during one of the several moves we made, they got chunked.

    Joyce – Saying my prayers for you. Get well … hoping and praying for a good outcome of the stomach scope.

    Toni – I’ve been totally useless today … did not even get out of my gown this morning. I might stay up late tonight; but, tomorrow I’ve got to go get weighed-in in the AM; then run by grocery store, get some gas, come home in time for DOGD to go back to town to get her hair done. She made 3 “A’s” and 1 “B” this semester and the Dean’s List … don’t think we could be any prouder of her for this. She is now a full-fledged senior. One more year until graduation and then from there … no telling. Sky’s the limit!

    Lenora with her ‘fuzzy pink flamingo slippers on’.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
    Stats for the day
    ride hm 2 gym- 11.31min, 15.4amph, 146mhr, 2.9mi= 136c
    fitbit- 148mhr, 92c
    SPIN- 37MIN, 80ar, 107aw, 11-16g, 122ahr, 135mhr, 14.7mi = 294c
    fitbit- 153mhr, 253c
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.34min, 11.4amph, 143amhr, 1.4mi = 81c
    fitbit- 140mhr, 61c
    walk station 2 wk 7.58min, 3.6ap, 111mhr, .4mi = 48c
    fitbit- 145mhr, 59c
    Walk wk 2 sta- 8.19min, 3.6ap, 112mhr, .4mi = 62c
    Fitbit- 145mhr 97c
    ride dome 2 hm up Mst- 18.24min, 7.7amph, 103mhr, 2.4mi 150c
    Fitbit 145mhr 133c
    Total cal 771
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hey All -

    No time to chat - but wanted to check in and say "HI" to y'all. Can't see photos at work anymore, so I will have to look at them when I get home.

    Love you guys!!

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    edited December 2016
    194904olsgis3xqe.gif I was able to dance all three performances today at the assisted living places. I was tired at the end, but no more tired than any of the other dancers. I readied myself by skipping the physical therapy exercises for the day and lying down for an hour before dressing for the performances.

    :)Sherry, congrats on your success in weight loss and strength....your consistency has paid huge dividends. Now that I know that you're doing Physical Therapy exercises three times a day, I'd better stop whining about doing mine twice a day.

    :# tomorrow morning I go for my fasting blood test....12 hours with no food is a huge challenge for me ( but a small thing in light of all the challenges that everyone else has)

    <3 Barbie from chilly NW Washington
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Newbies: Welcome to a great group. As you post we will get to know one another. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I'm so glad you are finally feeling better. Yay!!!! :bigsmile:

    Sherry: I am delighted for you. You are doing very well and seem happy with your new town and new life. YAY!!! :heart:

    Barbie: Congratulations on dancing at all three performances at the assisted living places today. What a wonderful way to see for yourself that you are getting stronger and healthier. I'm sure you'll do well with your fasting blood test. :bigsmile: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    We did some Christmas shopping today and I got a bunch of Christmas Cards into the mail. It feels like a very productive day to me. Tomorrow morning I'm set to walk with friends & I have a meeting to attend in the evening. I expect to do more Christmas shopping during the middle of the day. I'm currently planning to visit Amazon to find gifts for my grandchildren.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    "Normally I'm quite normal . . ." The Gods Must be Crazy
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Ok Mary - enough lurking! I miss your talking with us. How is your shoulder and your Lymes? I sure hope you are doing better. (((((hugs))))))

    Joyce - so glad you are doing better. You gave us quite the scare.

    Lenora - I want a picture of those slippers - preferably not is Crackers mouth!

    Carol - I love finding emoticons that fit the conversation but don't have the time to do it tonight

    Katla - I haven't even started Christmas shopping but the boys have my upcoming paycheck spent . . . lol

    Barbie - so proud of you!

    Sherry - you are doing so awesome! You have every right to be proud of yourself!

    Allie - I am so sorry that Tom is being a ****! Just go about your business and have a GREAT TIME!!!

    Dozing off since I did not sleep well again last night so gonna cut this short and hit the sack.

    Sorry if I missed anyone - I'll catch you next time. BTW newbies - if you are reading but not posting you can just put one of our emoticons and mark your place. That way we know you are here!

    Love to all'

    Gloria in WA where they say it will be below freezing in the morning!
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member

    Kate UK
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning!! Sherry you are doing so great, wow, keep it up, you are an inspiration.

    Went to a lovely restaurant before a concert last night and went for veggies, veggies, veggies--so Delish! Okay I had wine as my splurge and then chased it all with a little espresso, my kind of indulgence!

    Today is all about getting to the gym to work out and then taking it easy tonight. Got to try and get better sleep, so no caffeine after noon. Fingers crossed on that one.

    Have a great day everyone, NYKAREN
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 266 Member
    Good morning ladies! I didn't get the sleep I was hoping to get last night BUT, I am up early on my own and feel okay so going to take my dog for a morning run. I am going to try to get a swim in at lunch. We have our running club Christmas potluck tonight, so I need some extra burn. No, running club potlucks are not full of healthy food. Runners love to eat goodies! :-)

    Yesterday, I was going to run on my lunch hour but it was yucky out so I was going to use one the treadmills at the gym. Then I decided, since was staying in, I would use the elliptical instead and save the pounding for real running outside. Thirty pounds overweight and just getting back started. I am on a roll and don't want an injury now! Did 30 minutes on the elliptical and 20 minutes of upper body strength training. Dog Obedience class in the evening upped my step count alot!

    deannahollis and suede313-Welcome!!
    NYKaren - great job walking past the cookies all day and focusing on veggies at dinner. I sat all day at work with a bowl of M & Ms behind me. It didnt' even tempt me. That is HUGE for me.
    Heather-I guess you don't like Christmas? I am fairly new here and haven't read all 25 pages of this thread so there may be a back story I missed. I do get annoyed when they start all that in October. In December, okay. Enjoy your yoga lunch!
    Sherri-WOW! That is great progress! It is amazing what deciding to make healthy changes can do when you stick with it. I am so happy for you!
    grandmallie-Yowza! I am sorry to read vacation is going so badly. I hope things get better, I really do.
    CJ-Good luck with the party!
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all...

    No word from the potential tenants over the weekend, trying not to read too much into that, but the DH and I have decided that tying ourselves to anyone else for years at a time for income is probably a bad idea, so hopeful that they tell us first that they don't think they can swing it. Otherwise, we'll be telling them we've decided not to lease, and that's going to be an awkward conversation. Oh well. We've decided that, if the warehouse doesn't sell, one more year here will get us where we want to be financially. Really hoping it sells, but not counting on it.

    No doctor's appointment for me yesterday, as my doctor called in sick. Weird that it was so shocking--because doctors aren't supposed to get sick, I guess. Really glad she wasn't poking around on me while germ-laden... but now I get to start again and try to get an appointment. Gah.

    Up since 2:15 this morning--the insomnia is not getting better. One of the other reasons I wanted to talk to the doc. Got kind of tickled when they called me, as they offered me a "women's health" appointment to go ahead and get a pap smear done, etc. The temptation is always to tell them that, if they can find my cervix, they're welcome to test it, since it was removed more than 15 years ago now. They get all huffy about it, though, and make noises about "testing for irregular cells," and such things. Just see no need to test for cervical cancer (or uterine or ovarian) when those are some of the few things I'm genuinely NOT worried about. When they did my hysterectomy, they evicted all of that, and bless the doctor that did it. Changed my life, when I was literally 300 pounds AND anemic from all the blood loss--sixty-day-long periods are no joke, and I don't miss them even a little.

    Joyce, my dear - thinking about you, glad to hear you're being transferred to a regular room--that's a long time to spend in ICU. Thank you for updating us.

    Beth - so sorry about your mom's diagnosis. Thinking of you, as well.

    Kudos to the triumphant, hugs for the worried or desperate, welcome to the new chums.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Gloria- thanks for your concern. My shoulder is back to normal. I'm babying it still because it is a little touchy. I am still working out though just not posting. I have just been a lot busier than normal. We are still working on our remodel of our bathroom. We also celebrate Christmas this coming weekend and I have been getting ready for that. We rent a hotel suite with a living room area and we decorate it. I hope to be back to normal... hopefully by the first of the year! I still am taking medication for the Lymes and will be rechecked for that in February. It is a hard disease to fight because it goes into all of the different body systems and goes dormant as well as mutates. Stay warm! It has been single digits here!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 266 Member
    Just back from a 3.75 mile run with my black labbie. Perfect conditions at the cross country ski resort and, at this time of year, can never count on that.

    lhannon-You crack me up! I had a hysterectomy about 12 years ago. I remember reading forums and told to be prepared to "mourn the loss" of my uteris. I was so happy to get rid of that! There was no mourning for me! I hope you get the insomnia sorted out, that really just plain suck.

    Mary - Hi there! Nice to meet you!