
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited December 2016
    Sherry – That’s GREAT news! Keep it up, you are certainly doing something right that is working for you. Great NSV for quitting smoking! You will feel stronger as you lose weight. I’ve lost 40lbs so far. Not long ago, I tried picking up a 40lb bag of potting soil and could NOT do it. And when I thought about my having been carrying that around on my body, it was no wonder I was tired of the time, stumbled when I walk; and, generally felt light “kitten”.

    LOL! Yes, I remember press-on nails … never worked for me, typing in my job would make them ‘pop off’; so when I was working I had acrylic nails; but, very bad for my nail beds. Even taking them off to give my finger nails (regular ones) they were very thin. Now that I am retired, I have to enjoy my own nails. But, they are so brittle that it does not take much to break them off; so I wear them just a little past my fingertips.
    How big (or small) is you RV? I’m too claustrophobic to ever think I could live in one or in a ‘tiny house’. There is a ‘tiny house’ down the main road that is very cute; but, I don’t think anyone lives in it. It’s cute, made like a log cabin and has a dormer on it, which is probably overlooking a bedroom loft.

    Barbie – I’m glad that you have been able to be up and dance. If I don’t eat, I get very dizzy. If I don’t eat and exercise, I feel like *^$*())(%$##%^&& warmed over. So I have been adding at least one meal every day.

    Gloria – I’ll take a picture of them, and, I can assure you they won’t be in “Cracker’s” mouth or she might get a whipping. She’s ended up with 3 this week. One for the slipper incident; and, twice because she ran down about a quarter of a mile to visit with the little dog (who is contained inside an invisible fence). That is one thing that DH and I are strongly considering. I think we (at least I) have decided that we can do that ‘on our own’. We got a price from an ‘invisible fence installation place with a price of $1800. He called the next day to see if we had made our decision. I told him that we had not ‘had enough time to talk about it’. Then, 2 days later called again and I told him the same thing. He then told me that he would not call me again and to just let him know. I won’t call, he has to know that the price was well outside our range.

    Went to PetSmart and they have 2 that we might be interested in; plus I will check the Lowe’s website with the 2 numbers the man at Lowe’s told me about. One of the ones I saw at Pet Smart would cover 25 acres. I think maybe the guy read it incorrectly and maybe it was 2.5 acres. Then another one that would cover approximately 3 acres. One you had to buy, the other you put up around the sides of you house. I don’t know which one will work best; but, we have to do something because I don’t want her to get ‘picked up’ (not by the dog pound or by someone else) and she needs to stop running down to visit the other dog. DOGD and boyfriend brought their sweet little chocolate lab puppy over. She’s really grown since they got her shortly after they moved into the house they rent with another couple. She and the other girl do NOT get along at all. I think it is going to be a miserable 2 years together. One of the things she is most unhappy about is that her Dad has moved into the 3rd bedroom (so they don’t have an extra bedroom for guests). Done without them talking about it first. Supposedly, he moved out of his wife’s home, because she was actually trying to get custody of other children. Seemed strange to me, ‘if he was actually the Dad, or Step-Dad’ and not just a ‘boyfriend’. He either does not pay any rent or he is helping his daughter and her boyfriend with their share of the rent. DOGD hasn’t said much but they did have issues about the 2nd pet and renter’s insurance. The lease does not take into consideration any subsequent pets. There is just a ‘pet deposit’. They cannot change the lease because it does not say pets and an extra fee for the 2nd one. Then she approached them about what renters insurance covered and when Taylor told her that it only covered what belonged to her and her boyfriend, she got really nasty about it. DOS’s attorney looked over the lease and told them they had no right to charge them a 2nd deposit for their dog. He also said that the owner/lessor could not charge ALL of them a ‘fee’ for a check if it was sent in after the date due. They pay the other guy in the apartment for their share (I guess they are lucky that he has been paying for it, albeit late). I know when they lived in an apartment, they were charged for the room, by each, and if someone moved out, they were not required to pay to cover the other moving out. They had the place to themselves after both of them moved out. They wanted a house, because it is cheaper for them than the apartment. She said she just did not realize how ‘b*****” this other girl could be. Their dog is a huge bulldog/pit mix and not at all under control. I was sitting on the couch and he comes over and jumps all in my lap licking me. He weighs a good 50 or 60lbs. They guy got him off me and apologized for him jumping in my lap.

    I got up this AM and went to let “Cracker” out of her crate. The light was on, she was not in the crate. I don’t remember leaving the light on when I put her in bed. I can’t believe that I let her out and did not put her up. Opened the door and she came right in. There have been a couple of things that have given me pause; since DH is not here. I must be sleep-walking or something.

    NYKAREN – Having coffee in the evening is my indulgence; but, it tastes so much better when DH makes it and brings it to me.

    Lisa – DH’s urologist was ‘out on medical leave’ the last time he needed him; so they got him right in with one of the other MDs and he likes him sooooooo much better. But, I doubt his MD will ever come back to the practice, if he doesn’t lose his license [this was the 2nd time he has had an issue with Rx drugs]. That might be one reason that he performed a procedure on DH that has require for him to be ‘asleep’ the other 2 times he has had it done. This new Urologist, as well as the one we saw on an ER basis, at their office; both told him to NOT let it get so bad that he is ‘in pain’ and to make sure he calls THEM and they would meet him at their office. He does NOT need for an ER MD to try to put in a catheter when that would not be his field of expertise. He has mentioned other ways it this cauterizing him proves to be too many, too often. But, DH is not ready to take that even into consideration. So we are both praying that he won’t have to go back for a minimum of 6 months, if not longer.
    Yes, it is unusual, it seems for a MD to be ‘out sick’. My GP had the flu and was out for 3 weeks. He said ‘it was rough’ and really advises everyone to get their flu shots. It had hit him a little sooner and he had not gotten his flu shot before them.

    If you have never had this done, I would suggest, even if you have had a total hysterectomy to have a C-125 test. There was an email that was going around about 2 years ago, about a woman who had had a hysterectomy having ‘ovarian’ cancer (because those cells were still inside her body). I think this is a one-time test. Since my mother had died from complications of ovarian cancer; with a copy of that email in hand … my GYN had no problem doing this blood test. My hysterectomy was caused by fibroid tumors; but, as a teenager, I would start every 21 days and bleed for the majority of that time. I’d have to stay home from school a day or two because of excruciating cramps. I would suggest this to 'all' ladies on this site to consider having this test done. My insurane even paid for it.

    Mary - I've never 'mourned' about losing all my 'works' ... instead, I 'celebrated' it. Taking my ovaries had not been discussed until afterwards. That did not bother me; and, after a few times of taking hormones; I told GYN that I wanted to try life without them ... they were making me feel worse than being on them. Have not taken them since. I was 35 when I had my hysterectomy and 2 children, for me, was enough.

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Lenora Having someone bring you coffee in bed is the height of happiness! NYKAREN
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member
    Allie, relax whenever and where ever you can. Enjoy your time there and ignore him.

    UTI back and feeling feverish. Back on antibiotics. Chiropractor yesterday DH doc today, chiropractor again tomorrow, then MRI Thursday. Thank God for insurance!

    Rita in CT
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    edited December 2016

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,008 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    I have promised myself I will leave here lighter than I was when I came down, just back from a walk got 6,000 steps so far and will probably go for a bike ride in a bit..
    Tom off to Lowes, our front lawn down here is dead, from who knows what.. but he is going to rake it out and see what he can do with it..
    so the plan is tomorrow that my friend Mary will pick me up around 8:20 for Christmas coffee hr, that will be fun, and will go out to lunch with next door neighbor Esther, our renter Helene to an indian restaurant,now I am not one for spicy foods so I am hoping there is something I can eat..
    Saterday night is the dance , and will go to that and leave the old goat at home....oh and friday night is the voices of La Casa and Mary would like me to go with her to that..
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 266 Member
    edited December 2016
    I thought I would try to check in more frequently, when I can to keep up..

    I got to work very hungry..Had to fight hard to avoid the Starbucks stand and the giant cookies. Got my healthy egg breakfast and black coffee (cheaper brand) and I will be just fine.

    Lenora-I am an dog obedience instructor and judge. I understand the science of dog training. Please tell me you didn't really whip your dog 3 times last week and that is just regional slang you are using.
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member

    Carey - Northern Alberta

    Goals for Dec:
    - Increase walking to 7500 per day by end of month
    - Get to Tai Chi at least once a week
    - Increase daily water intake
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hi all!

    I echo the thankful goodbyes to my womb and ovaries! What a relief! I think the word is "flooding" and it certainly was. :o

    This morning we had another phone call from the Hove estate agents. :# Wanting an update. Apparently they are "busy" down there. Well it's as dead as a dodo round here. I hope we sell before the vendor gets fed up with waiting for us. :s

    Yoga lunch was enjoyable, after the Christmas music was sorted out. The speaker, churning out all the usual drivel, was right in front of my chair. I froze, panicked and swore and said I'd have to leave. My friend went to the bar and asked them to turn it off for me, They did. :D
    Sue - I have had a long standing phobia about piped music in shops and restaurants. I mean phobia. I have been so much better in recent years and have coped a lot better since I lost weight and felt more in control of my life. This year, with not sleeping and all the stresses of family trauma and house move, it has returned. This was the third day running that the same ÷×+# tape has been playing at high volume in three different places.
    Last night I woke up and found I was terrified of falling asleep. It felt like dying. I had to get up and go downstairs to read. I am definitely not in the mood for Christmas this year. Not coping. It all feels like much too much trouble.
    DH is writing his cards right now. I must do mine. :s:'(:#

    I did well on the calories for yoga lunch . Just had half a piece of paté, a small fillet of trout and lots of vegetables, no bread or potatoes. :D A small glass of wine in a long soda water. o:) 400 calories. :)

    Sorry to be such a grump at the moment. Love you loads, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Heather I really hope that your DH's family situation is resolved, whatever the outcome. Even really bad news is better than no news.
    Penny Is your town celebrating St. Lucia Day with special celebrations? If so, can you please post pictures. I just love the pictures of the far north.
    Joyce It is good that you are out of the ICU.
    SueI am so sorry to hear that you have been ill.

    Last night's party went very well. People did not want to leave and we ended up staying an extra hour. The caterer was cleaning up around us. Afterwards, I walked for 5 miles- not quite up to speed or distance ( only 5 miles) but after three hours in high heels, I just sort of pooped out. I did not eat all day- just got too busy- and then was too busy to have much of anything at the party. I am proud of myself- no sweets of any kind. I had a cup of tea instead of champagne because by the time I realized I had not had any, it was already put away. Of well, better to avoid the calories and alcohol. I am down one pound since Friday but I realize this is not the way to do it.
    For some reason I got up at 2 a.m. this morning and then stayed up for a few hours. I kept writing a "to do" list in my mind. Well, back to work.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Heather sending you peace, <3 you so deserve to find that peaceful center within you. When I am feeling overanxious/overwhelmed I just focus in on my breath, in and out, one moment at a time. I know it is not forever, but oh, how difficult it is when we are experiencing it! My DD has a fear of movie credits, at either the start or the end of a film, for a time it was quite severe, we only see it occasionally now, but for years it plagued her and we rarely went to the movies because of it. We really don't know where it came from, but we feel grateful it didn't escalate to other venues, we really did avoid the situation as well. Is there a way for you to avoid the shops and restaurants with the piped in music?

    Ann262 good for you for walking past the treats, having a plan/strategy is the best solution to all the tempting and spontaneous moments of: might as well, I'm hungry, it's the holidays, whatever! Well, having lots of protein (almonds and cranberries) in my purse has staved off the impulse eating for me this week.

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,008 Member
    good almost afternoon ladies~
    darn close to 9,000 steps so will I know I will pass 10,000 today..
    I just sooooo love it down here, people are so friendly and my friends down here care about me and want to spend time with me.
    checked the weather for the next 10 days and am thinking next thursday I will take myself down to Sanibel Island.. that is a day where I go and do what I want to do. walk the beach.. look for shells and go to Ding Darling Wildlife refuge to enjoy the birds...
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) I've just finished my breakfast and feel like a brand new human being.....fasting is not good for my brain. When I was walking Sasha this morning I reached for my pedometer in my pocket (to check the time) and it wasn't there. I was so sad to have walked for awhile with no step count recorded. I guided Sasha's walk back to the house to get my pedometer and when it wasn't where I thought it would be, I figured out that I'd put it in the wrong pocket and the steps had been recorded. I'm finally warm again. I'm used to wearing several layers of long sleeves and for the blood test, I needed short sleeves. The minute I got home, I put on two warm shirts and fixed my breakfast. Now my day can begin.

    :'(<3Heather,sending hugs to you at this challenging time with DH's family situation and your frustration with music everywhere you go.

    :)Allison, I hope you'll take it one day at a time and continue to enjoy all the good parts of your Florida trip.

    <3 Barbie
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 266 Member
    grandmallie, so glad the vacation is going better now and you are no longer searching for an early flight home! :-)

    Barbie-Fasting isn't for everyone, I know it is not for me. My blood sugar drops and I just can't think, plus I get cranky!

    Just back from a lunch xmas party. I had a small portion of pasta with a small meatball. I skipped the bread. I did indulge in a few homemade xmas goodies. I feel okay with that. I was selective, kept portions small and logged it.

    Party #2 tonight at my running club meeting. Yowza!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    Penny - Love the pics! I can imagine a fire would be hard to fight in the freezing cold! :noway:

    Thank you all so much for your support. It helps so much. KarenNY - Your daughter's story is similar to mine and equally difficult to understand by others. Spiders, snakes, heights, enclosed spaces - Yes - but music? And credits? Most people think I just dislike it . I am a bit disappointed that it has returned with a vegeance this year, but it's understandable.

    We have just had a phone call from DH's sister with an update on the family trauma. The resolution should be tomorrow. At the moment things are at least less dreadful than they were. We are taking comfort in that. <3 People are showing a good deal of compassion and maturity at last. I am crying as I write this.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited December 2016
    Klanders30 – Actually it is to my chair in the den, with one of my protein bars. Yes, it is the epitome of happiness. I am missing that this week; but, he is off having fun with our 2 grown ‘boys’.

    Rita – Yes, I agree – thank goodness for insurance. I feel for you; I had 4 UTI in 2 months; without one maybe 2 days at the most. It was horrible; the 4th time, I had to be catheterized.

    Mary – We lived in Jacksonville for a while and had that ‘wide blade’ grass (Bermuda) that is so tolerate of hot summer days. Did y’all have someone who could water it while y’all are not down there? Someone told us it was grubs. We’d have patches, DH would rake it out, then we’d put something to kill them and a few feet out from the patch. I don’t think it is like centipede which most Georgians have … that sends out runners so we cut them out of our flower beds and put them in the bare one. When we moved here, no grass … new house. We’d buy sheets of it and cut it into 4” squares and about 6” apart; then we would spread sand over it to level out some spots. But, it won’t grow under trees unlike the Bermuda grass.

    Allie – I love ‘hot & spicy’ foods; but I don't like curry and a lot of dishes that Indians make has it in them. Will put hot sauce on most things.

    Ann262 – Not ‘whipped’, more like one ‘pop’ to the butt. I don’t understand why she has decided to ‘run down the road’ (about 1/4th of a mile) … to play with a small dog in ‘their’ yard. Other dog is contained by an invisible fence. We live in the country and DH won’t put up a fence; I don’t want him to, but would like for her to come when I call. We are considering an invisible fence, a do it yourself project. I called a company who does it; but it was totally ‘out of the question, $1800 to be exact. We can do that for maybe $300 and some digging.

    DOS's are a lab (too big to play with, and she gets very submissive when she comes down); and their male Boston Bull Terrier who wants to hump her even though both have been 'fixed'.

    They had one that you connect to the house; just not sure how effective that would be with a metal roof. When I went down there and called her, she knew she was ‘in trouble’. Ran across their lawn like the wind; then slowed down on the road. I called her to ‘get in the car’; but, I had to lean over and open the passenger side; that is where she usually sits/lays. I fussed at her and said … ‘you’ve GOT to STAY in our yard’. I am convinced that pets understand what you are saying to them. She also wasn’t happy to have to be bathed either because she got into some grease. So far she has not left the yard since. I don’t know why she did it the first time; but, the vet said ‘if’ the dog was ‘in heat’ … it would attract ‘all’ dogs, male or female. I had never heard that before. Yes, it is a regional slang. I love on her a whole lot. I think she got ‘mad’ at me because she had to be ‘crated’ all day because we went out of town for the day (Graduation).

    Heather – Christmas is not one of my favorite seasons, I think because my Mother died 10 days before. Just not a good time; and, I am subject to bursting into tears when “Silent Night” is played.

    Penny – When the Methodist church in my hometown was burning down; they realized they’d never save it, so instead they started watering down my Daddy’s office, which was in an old house, probably about the same age as most of them, around the Civil War era. All mine and DH’s possession were stored in the room facing the church. There was a chimney in it and when it fell, someone yelled “MOVE” … and everybody backed up; it fell right where they had been standing and the bricks broke off and came into the yard where we were watching it. We thought that was pretty good since 2 of the fire departments involved were purely ‘volunteer’. Had trucks from town, one from Macon, and 2 more from surrounding areas (volunterr). Back during that time (when I was living at home, or when we lived at parents’ lake house while a house was being finished for us … a ‘fire’ was a huge deal and people would come out just to watch them burn because once they got to going, there was no stopping it.
    Surely, the little guy was not sent to school sick. You can’t help if they get sick at school. I came down with the 3-day (German) measles one day in class and when I feel asleep the teacher came over to see ‘why’. She put her hand of my forehead and when I looked up, had small spots everywhere. She took me immediately to the office. I wanted to stay so I could go to a ‘birthday party’ because the Daddy was going to give us a tour of the Post Office and what they do.
