

  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Anvilhead. That is awesome.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    "Step off George"
  • tammys_130
    tammys_130 Posts: 7 Member
    Funny because I thought forums were for sharing of information. This does not seem to be the case here. Whoever said I should post my personal experience, if you read my post that is exactly what I did. It is my personal experience only and solely my opinions. Sorry but I feel I have a right to that opinion and I did gain something beneficial from her book. I don't care if it was my first post or 100th. That should not make a difference. And to assume I didn't read other posts and insinuate I don't have half a brain... well that shows just how cruel and horrible some people can be. Not that I need to explain myself to any of you (since you will find fault with anything I have to say) but I DO read these forums and I have a bachelors degree from an Ivy League college so I am far from an idiot or half a brain. I educate myself about diet and exercise before I embark on anything and consult with my MD as well. I have also consulted with a nutritionist who highly recommended green smoothies, which was one of the reasons I wanted to incorporate them into my diet. I did not claim to be an expert on anything and was merely offering my own experience of what this book had to offer me since majority have such a hard core negative stance on this that they won't at all have any open mindedness toward anything. The additional need to be judgmental with sarcasm and ridicule because someone's view are different from your own is disgraceful and hurtful.

    I did not say I strictly adhered to this cleanse or cleansing in general. I was very clear I did not follow it exactly and benefitted from the overall information I received after reading the book. I have had very good success in becoming fit and still lose about 1 pound a week eating clean and working out. I gathered "toxins" to include parasites, old fecal matter, not digestible processed food ingredients, etc... Any information that I feel is beneficial and successful to my doing so (as this partially was) I was simply trying to express in case any others were interested as I personally love to see what helps others and keep an open mind. I did not expect such a negative and harsh group of individuals to find the need to go about bashing somewhat because I thought this was a "community" where people were helpful and supportive to one another and if they didn't have a decent way of commenting replies they wouldn't bother to. I was wrong in that and will refrain from the forums and posting anymore. I hope you will all please consider how you speak to others and treat others (particularly someone new like myself) in the future. I found your comments to be very hurtful and unnecessary and hope that you consider there is an actual person behind the post. Just because someone's views, opinions or experiences are different from your own or you don't agree with does not make them wrong.

    With that I'm done. Sorry I even brought it up but never expected this kind of treatment in return. Now that I see how judgmental and hurtful some are here I will keep to myself and continue to do what's best for me and simply use this app to log my food and exercise. I suppose this forum is best used by those who are members of MFP for a lengthy time and the rest of us who are new have no right to post our experiences or thoughts on anything.

    Best of luck to all on your journeys to health and fitness. I sincerely wish more positivity and open mindedness to some of you and success and happiness to all.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    edited December 2016
    I think that it's hilarious that people still think cleanses/detoxes are necessary even after seeing all the negative comments about them. They can't claim ignorance.

    1. The human capacity for self-BS is infinite.

    2. 11/8/2016
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    I'm thinking about starting the cleanse myself. Like you said as a jump start to weight loss. The book is about 10 bucks so for those of you who are saying its a waste of money come on now, I could see that if you had to pay a monthly membership most of you spend more at starbucks. LOL :D;)

    There is no such thing as "jump starting" weight loss...
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    tammys_130 wrote: »
    I gathered "toxins" to include parasites, old fecal matter, not digestible processed food ingredients, etc...

    What do you mean, old fecal matter and not digestible food ingredients? Where in our bodies does this all lurk?
    If someone has problems with old fecal matter getting stuck somewhere in their bodies and internal parasites then they need to see a doctor and get appropriate treatment, not drink a smoothie.

  • tammys_130
    tammys_130 Posts: 7 Member
    I continue to be amazed by your comments even after the moderators post. I don't appreciate being attacked like I personally wrote the book. If any of you actually took the time to read my posts you would see that I did NOT do a cleanse and don't promote cleansing or juicing or fads, etc... For the 4th time, I utilized information from her book to incorporate more greens (in the form of smoothies) in my diet as well as learning about ways to remove food/waste from my body. I consult with my doctor and a nutritionist and both were supportive of my dietary changes, including the smoothies. So stop insinuating things I never said (like I did a cleanse or drink a green smoothie just to release toxins, etc...) and take the time to stop being so critical and read what I actually write. I used the book as a tool, not a sole tool but one of many. You act like your opinions are the only ones that matter.

    If your goal is to discourage people from expressing themselves on this forum then you have succeeded in doing so with me. It's not simply a person being sensitive but a matter of respect. Now I am left with a very negative feeling about this app and definitely do not like the so called "community" atmosphere some of you create. I may look to another app to track my food and fitness in because the atmosphere here is too disrespectful and critical.

    I really wish some of you would consider there is an actual person behind every post. It truly is sad people treat others this way as if they are right about everything and don't even bother to read what I had said to be a personal experience.

    I'm completely done with wasting my time on responding anymore. Some of you have nothing better to do than say thing I didn't say, assume things I didn't do and drill me like I authored the book. So please get off my case and find something better to do with your time. You have done enough damage to me.