Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,441 Member
    shirley's (in pic) doing a little better, usually takes 3 laser treatments for improvement. Yesterday we had a ribbon cutting ceramony at our rescue. Granville Homes donated(most of it) to build a 4800 sq ft building on our property. There was the president of Granville, manager of Subaru ( They give % of car sales certain times of the year) some city council members. Our Rescue, Animal Compassion Team (check it out on FB) also got the contract last year for the county shelter. Before them, it was a very high euthanasia rate, now it's very low & they take dogs out into makeshift play yards & send alot out to different no kill rescues, out of state too.ytq7tl6i4c6o.jpg
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,441 Member
    I'm doing better, my shoulder /wrist pain has subsided. I went to a really good flexability class today & will continue to go every week. I lost 2 more lbs!! Our youngest son came by this morning & left some donuts, but we put them down the sink! I want to mention that my hubby lost about 50lbs & got off insulin, still has struggle with sugar but is winning. Our kids think we're amazing & laugh when they come over there's no "goodies" around anymore lol
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @Evamutt - glad your dog is doing better. Sounds like some great work that you do at the rescue centre - such a great cause.

    Jen - you are not alone, I have no willpower to say no to any food at the moment - too many christmas snacks lying around and it's not even close to Christmas Day yet. I'm doomed!! Hope your Christmas spirit is starting to make an appearance - I've had years where I just don't feel it and it's so hard.

    Rachel - congratulations and commiserations in equal measure. But as others have said, at least you know about the PCOS - if you are aware of it, you can at least do something to manage it. And you are in a great place to start with so good incentive to keep doing what you have been doing. Glad Chance is ok now - I think it's a good job that all our pets are cute as they are far too much mischief to get away with it otherwise.

    Joy - to be honest I feel like I have fallen off the side of the earth :). Too much to do in too little time - going to have to take a view on what is really essential and what can be dropped otherwise me and my husband will be asleep by Christmas! I too thought we were sorted for Christmas but it appears we may not be - sigh!

    Shy - sorry to hear about your father in law, hope he is doing better now. Sounds like another busy week for you - I truly don't know how you do it!

    @Dalceridae - hope you get your dog home today as expected

    So, in good news: I'm still here! Today is my last day of work until January 4th! We have Alistair's 2nd birthday party on Sunday which will be fun then my husbands birthday on Monday which will also be fun!

    In bad news: I'm absolutely shattered! I'm coughing! And too much to do in too little time - party food and birthday cake to pick up tomorrow, shopping to do, swimming lesson for Alistair. Oh and then my father in law will land on us tomorrow evening for two nights - why did I think it was a good idea to invite him down to stay for the birthday party???? Then cooking on Sunday morning in between helping Alistair to open presents and then the madness of a 2 year old party in the afternoon.

    Anyway, have fun everybody - for all of us who are struggling with one challenge or another, hang in there - it will get better. I won't be around much this weekend but I will be back and checking in next week and trying to keep on top of things over the next couple of weeks.
  • samoejr
    samoejr Posts: 30 Member
    edited December 2016
    I desperately need motivation! Worked out intensely from Feb to July (CrossFit and so), then traveled and have been struggling with weight gain since. Been doing insanity for 2 weeks now, but my eating habits are fluctuating. I'd eat super healthy for 2-3 days then super crappy for a couple days. So tired of this cycle :(

    Need to lose about 20 kg.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome @somoejr!

    @janetay01 I'd be shattered too, that sounds exhausting! I hope you can fit in some time for yourself

    @Evamutt What a cutie! And congrats on the 2lb loss, throwing away doughnuts is a huge NSV!

    @jdelaroy Sorry to hear you have it too. That is hilarious timing on your second pregnancy though! Kids have never been a plan for me so luckily the infertility isn't a concern. Just got to keep that heart disease, uterine cancer, and insulin resistance at bay!

    HAPPY FRIDAY!!! Our operating system is down so today is going by VERY slowly. I made it to the gym this morning since I've got a happy hour after work so I'm proud of myself for keeping active (@bluepoppies777 I seriously love the challenge idea!) I also packaged all the Christmas cookies from the swap yesterday so that I can get rid of them over the next few days and I only set aside a few for myself. I'm feeling much more in control this week so I'm hoping to ride that wave through the New Year
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @Evamutt sounds like a great place! I love that you put them down the sink. Hopefully, after they left.

    @janetay01 Yikes sounds like a fun busy week. Take care of yourself. I am glad you get a couple of weeks off. I don't even get a day off for the holidays this year. :(

    @samoejr Maybe try to eat more at moderation, Eat mostly healthy and add in a treat, that way you don't have as strong of an urge to eat badly.

    @rachel0778 Yeah I was in shock when I found out I was pregnant. It was a lousy time in my life. Today though I am so glad I have him in my life. Great job on the gym, and the cookies.

    Today I am trying to win the battle against the dreaded chocolate in the break room. ( I feel like and addict, 1 minute at a time.)
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
  • Dalceridae
    Dalceridae Posts: 81 Member
    @Rachel0778 That's a great pic! I'm especially loving it because I was able to bring my fuzzy pup home from the vet today after her rubbish bin adventure a week ago! She's able to go off fluids and onto solid foods and oral meds finally, so she's back home and curled up on my feet right now as I type.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Gem: I would love to hibernate as well!! Looking for anywhere from 6-15” of snow here in Wisconsin today into tomorrow! Yuck!! The temperatures suck as well!! Brr!!! Way to go on the steps!!!
    Rachel: Not great news but a great outlook for you! Way to stay positive! Glad the pup is doing better!! I love that meme!! My dog once ate a whole batch of peanut butter cookies!!!
    Joy: Welcome back lady!! I think you felt as good Saturday as I did on Sunday! We are not 20 any more! That pub crawl was amazing!! I had so much fun!!! I am with you… I am totally prepared for Christmas and yet last minute stuff keeps popping up… I ran out at 8:30 two nights in a row for stuff… And it is literally freezing cold and I don’t want to leave my home! =(

    Jdelaroy: sorry you aren’t in the Christmas spirit… that’s always a bummer… I absolutely hate when companies pull that crap… if Christmas was on a Monday, you’d have it off…. GRRRR!

    Evamutt: Awhh… cute pup!! Glad you are doing better!! Way to go on the 2 more lbs!!!

    Janetay: My will power sucks too!! Sounds like a very busy weekend!! Hang in there!! You will survive and it will be fun!! =)

    Thanks for all the thoughts of my father-in-law… things are not getting better… 2-3 days has changed to 4 day of ICU and talking of rehab facility for him after his hospital stay. He still has a brain bleed and it seems to be getting worse. 3 broken ribs, a punctured lung… His is withdrawing from Nicotine and we got him on a patch yesterday so his mood is improving. It’s still not a great outlook… Been busy with that and busy with getting final touches for Christmas!! Huge snow storm in the forecast and things just keep piling up… Tomorrow was suppose to be my husband’s family Christmas but with the FIL in the hospital it will be somber… And not everyone will make it with the snow storm. =( Here’s to a better week next week!!!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Happy Friday!! I'm so glad it's Friday! Yesterday I was stuck at home with a sick boy, it is still freezing here so we didn't even leave the house! Just let the dog in and out and shut the door fast! I didn't 'exercise', but I worked all day at home, changing sheets, laundry, vaccuuming and baking. So I'm counting that as one of the 9 day challenge! Today I will take the dog for a walk after work because she didn't get one this morning.

    Shy, sorry to hear your FIL isn't improving much at all. Seeing anyone in the ICU is a very scary thing, so keep the positive energy going and hopefully it will rub off on the rest of the family. Hang in there! ACK! snowstorm! It is still freezing here, but hasn't been snowing. I love a white Christmas with lots of snow, so I hope we get more next week!

    Rachel, when I read you saying that kids were never a plan for you, the first thing I thought was well, it's going to save you TONS of money and headaches! HA!! My hubs and I always say we would have matching Porsches if we didn't have kids! LOL.

    Jane, good grief woman - pour yourself some wine to help you through the weekend! LOL! I actually hate kid's birthday parties (when I'm hosting!) haha! I know the kids love them, and they are fun - but it is so stressful for the moms to have everything organized and the mayhem of the party, and then the clean up of the aftermath. Definitely just try to keep sane and if anything goes haywire, just laugh it off! good luck and happy birthday to your 2!

    Jen - I don't know why I can't stop eating stuff right now too! I'm like a golden retriever with no off switch! What the heck??!! It totally bites that you have to work through the holidays (do you have any sick time?!) :) Hopefully you can spark some christmas magic between now and the 25th, but if not, don't worry - we have all had years that have fallen flat. Not every year can be like a hallmark commercial!

    I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member

    Look at his FACE!!! haha! That would be my dog!
  • Dalceridae
    Dalceridae Posts: 81 Member
    @gemwolf110 What a gorgeous dog! I'm so glad to finally have my girl back from the vet. We went out for a shorter walk today as I don't want her to overexert herself, but there was no snow sadly - just lots and lots of mud. I don't know what I would do without wellies.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @dalceridae Glad your pup is back home and on solid foods now!

    @gemwolf110 What a cutie! Your dog should talk my dog into enjoying the snow. He's driving me nuts all cooped up!

    @bluepoppies777 I didn't do anything yesterday either. It's hard to get the motivation when the weather is so crappy. I absolutely love those memes by the way!

    @ShyCush6 So sorry to hear your FIL is still in the hospital :( I hope things start turning around soon. Were you still able to celebrate with your in-laws this past weekend?

    I think I ate every Christmas cookie known to man this weekend. Seriously. I'm still tracking and I'm still exercising, but my waistline thinks it's officially time for the holidays to be over. I'm definitely going back into weight loss mode after we get back from my SO's Grandma's house. It is going to be a fun filled holiday week this week so I'm just going to make the best choices I can. I'm glad it's a 3 day week at work because I definitely need some time away!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Happy Monday! 6 more days until Christmas! It's snowing here today, so it's feeling quite festive! :) Warmed up a bit, so it's nice not to be absolutely frozen anymore!

    Rachel, I ate every Christmas cookie known to man this weekend too :( what is going onnnnn?? Will have to try to wrestle myself away from all goodies this week!

    We went to see Rogue One last night, took the whole fam. Everyone liked it! I have a family of all boys, so we see allll the guy movies. LOL. Pretty much behaved with the popcorn, didn't overdo it. and only drank a few sips of diet coke. I did get the fuzzy peaches, but didn't eat too many, so that was a win.... but the butter tarts got me at home later! GAH!

    Gem - Cute pup!! Our last dog was a husky-shepherd with one brown eye, one blue eye. She was a beauty too, but not as fluffy as yours!

    Have a good week, everyone! I'm sure everyone will be busy this week with wrapping and prepping for Christmas, so check in when you can, and sending Christmas wishes to everyone! xo
  • Dalceridae
    Dalceridae Posts: 81 Member
    I have officially lost 10% of my bodyweight! I struggled so much all last week and I often feel discouraged because I have so far to go, but this was my first goal. I wanted to reach it by the end of the year.

    My border collie is mostly back to herself today and had a good follow up visit with the vet. She lost a fair bit of weight while ill, but at least she's back to eating now. She's even bugging me to play with her toys again, which is a great sign. I was so worried last week!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Joy - what are fuzzy peaches? They sound good!!

    @Dalceridae - glad your border collie is back to herself. They cause us such worry when they get ill but playing with her toyds again is a great sign!

    @gemwolf110 - gorgeous dog :)

    Shy - so sorry to hear about your father in law, sending positive thoughts your way.

    So, we made it through the birthday weekend - Alistair had a marvellous time on Sunday, lots of lovely presents and sugar overload with his birthday cake! The party was primarily our friends and family but he had his best friend from nursery round and they just rampaged round the house squealing and laughing hysterically so good fun was had by all. He was absolutely shattered by the end of the day and fell asleep, snoring, in my arms during story time! Father in law has now gone home so we are the final push for present wrapping, food planning and all the many other little bits and pieces. Have a good day all and I'll check in soon.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @bluepoppies777 I hope you're having a wonderful week preparing for the holiday! Great win at the movie theater, darn butter tarts!

    @dalceridae So glad to hear your pup is at home and doing okay. Congrats on the great weight loss milestone!

    @janetay01 Glad to hear the birthday party was a big hit! It sounds like a lot of fun :)

    I've been doing really well getting back on track with my treats over the last 2 days, even though I've had dinners out both days and I've got another work luncheon at a pizza place today. Everything is pre-tracked and I have dinner planned as well so I can be set up for success. I woke up naturally at 5am this morning (eek!) but I was able to hit the gym for a 5 mile run before work so I'm feeling good! Hopefully I can keep this momentum going into Christmas Eve.
  • Bobbie48421
    Bobbie48421 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone. Today is another fresh start day. Im frustrated with myself for slacking and giving myself excuses allowing myself to gain everything back. I really need to stick with logging my food and being accountable. I'm hoping that by joining the MFP Community it will help me with my failures.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    Good morning! Sorry for the radio silence, it has been such a crazy week/weekend/end of year!

    @ShyCush6 - Sorry to hear that your father in law is still in the hospital. Good thoughts for you and your family through this time!

    @bluepoppies777 - Glad to hear you enjoyed Rogue One! There are so many movies I want to see, it's crazy! We'll probably see that this weekend, and maybe Assassin's Creed too. I love the video games, and Michael Fassbender is awesome, so we will see. I'm going to see Manchester-By-The-Sea tomorrow night. It's a Casey Affleck film. I'm from New England (and grew up in Boston/went to college in Boston too) so I gotta support those movies! :)

    Big welcome to the new faces I see! @Bobbie48421 @samoejr

    @gemwolf110 - Your husky is so precious!! I would just run around in the snow with a dog like that! Is she part alaskan malamute? They tend to have longer coats than huskies do. My fingers are crossed that there is an opening in the department you are cross-training!

    @janetay01 - Glad to hear Alistair's party was a success for all!

    @jdelaroy - Chocolate is hard to avoid this time of year. If you allow yourself one piece, you can still stay under, and enjoy the deliciousness too.

    @Rachel0778 - Way to get that run in yesterday morning! That's amazing dedication right there!

    I'm with a lot of you that it's been hard to get to the gym. I took Sunday off as my rest day, and was planning on going in on Monday, but my boyfriend was called into work early and needed the car because he was closing the store at midnight, so I ended up sitting on my butt snacking on cookies from my cookie swap this weekend. Oops! Went to the gym last night though and did some back and some cardio. Tonight we have spin class. Rather than taking another rest day tomorrow (we're going go the movies after work) I'm going to get my butt into gear in the gym in the morning before work. Friday I'll have personal training, and then Saturday I'll hit the gym before we drive up to Maine to see my parents and sisters.

    Still need to figure out when to wrap presents for friends and family. I scheduled that into my journal to do that tonight before spin class, so let's see if I can get that done! I'd love to be able to drop off my friends' presents before the holiday weekend, but I don't know if I'll have time. I'll have to make time, maybe tomorrow or Friday.