

  • tallee
    tallee Posts: 22 Member
    I am back after being away for a long time. I quit smoking at the end of 2016 and gained the weight to prove it. LOL. Thanks for the inspiration and for the tip about bookmarking the discussion. I was not aware of this and it will be a great help! Happy New Year!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,765 Member
    Morning ladies~
    woke up at 12:30 this morning and didnt get back to sleep until after 2. then slept until 6:45 :o
    today is my day off from work, and have alot of stuff I need to do...I will go down in a bit to see my DFIL and then make copies of things I think the Lawyer will need. stop at Walmart and pick up my comforter and mattress pad for new bed,bed supposed to be delivered tomorrow, hoping it comes today so I can get it inside.. we will be having snow tomorrrow
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,646 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Heather and Lisa Thank you for publishing your bios. I have really been enjoying the ones the newbies have been posting. Since I have been on this thread for less than a year, there are many things I do not know about the veterans! It's wonderful and inspiring!

    Karen in Virginia
  • fitgranny56
    fitgranny56 Posts: 19 Member
    My big goal for the rest of January is to do away with sugar. I gave up soda years ago and thought this was going to be easy but I was so wrong! Any suggestions?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    My big goal for the rest of January is to do away with sugar. I gave up soda years ago and thought this was going to be easy but I was so wrong! Any suggestions?

    :) The best tool for me at the start of my weight loss journey was to pre-plan and pre-log my meals for the day and stick to the plan. My plan included healthy foods including a bedtime snack and included only foods I wanted to include that would be nutrition dense....thus I had to leave out all the sugary dessert foods. It amazed me that when I treated my body to healthy eating, the desire for the sugary stuff went away. Do it one day at a time. Also, be clear about what you mean about doing away with sugar.....a lot of processed foods have sugar (bread, salad dressing, etc.) For fun, you might want to read " Year of No Sugar" by Eve Schaub also "Better Than Before" by Gretchen Rubin about habits. And keep coming back to this thread for support and encouragement.

    :) Barbie from chilly NW Washington
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,912 Member
    I must admit, I only skimmed. 24 hours and over 100 posts! Busy people! Went to chiropractor yesterday and felt better for a while. Haven't been sleeping well worrying about stuff going to happen this year. Too many unknowns, and out of my control. I know we will get through it, just hate not knowing.

    Must remember that no matter my problems, there are others much worse off than me.

    @e that put her in the home. Please keep her in your thaoughts and prayers. She asked that her name stay anonymous.

    Allie, you go girl! One day at a time and stay strong. You are doing it right!

    Rita from CT
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Kelly TOO cute a story, I bet you write these down, these antics are priceless!

    fitgranny Suggestions about sugar, if you can't go cold turkey like folks following WHOLE 30 program....I would start with the most obvious temptations, cookies, crackers and candies out of the house.....I found that Tazo "calm" tea tastes sweet all by itself and I drink that to get my sweet in. Also, I eat a lot of fruits and veg instead of processed foods. i guess the best way is slow and steady...it's great you gave up soda that is a whopper of a big thing to give up if you were a regular soda drinker.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
    edited January 2017
    fitgranny56 Reading labels helps too. It is amazing how much hidden sugar is in processed food. Anything ending in ose is suspect too, like maltose. I try to stick to foods that are not processed and if they are like my peanut butter the fewer the ingredients the better.

    I agree about the tea an orange cinnamon spice tea tastes sweet with 0 calories.

    :heart: Margaret
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-15 X5X 30

    Gloria - I sent you a friend request so that when you add your exercise to your diary I will see it on the newsfeed and I will be able to comment there.

    Purl- I sent you a friend request as well. I am in the 40 pound loss by May 27 group. It was full so I am offering to post our challenges on here for everybody to be able to participate if they would like to. So far the challenges are;
    1. Take your measurements-neck, above chest, below chest , biceps, waist, hips, thighs , calfs
    2. Weigh yourself weekly
    3. Exercise daily and post it
    4. This is what I am doing for the week and you can join me if you want to. Besides the four above I am setting my alarm for every hour to get up and do 10 minutes of movement, such as, cleaning, walking, housework…

    Have a great day everyone!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member

    Kate UK
  • richmondlady
    richmondlady Posts: 27 Member
    my new condo life
    fantastic daugher
    wetland park walks nearby

    Canookie-- soon! I have a good pic.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: Congratulations on getting to choir practice! :heart:

    MeredithDeV: I'm more than 10 years older than you and am here to tell you that getting older is good news. Being great with turning 55 is a sign of good health and good living. Congratulations! :smiley:

    Lisa: I was very interested in your comments about gastric bypass. Many years ago we had a dear friend who underwent gastric surgery, although I don't know exactly what form that took. She did great for a couple of years and was shedding the weight but eventually returned to old bad habits & regained it all. We were members of the same yacht club. We moved too far away to stay active there and lost track of her. I haven't seen or heard from her in many years. I looked her up online and found that she's in business for herself as a bookkeeper and seems to be doing well. Her photo shows that she's still very heavy. You got the weight off and keep it off because of your own commitment and determination. I admire you for it. :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    NYKaren: Color makes a huge difference in my moods. I'll think of you smiling in your brightly colored blouse. :wink:

    Heather: I love that you shared your story with our new friends. It shows how your determination and courage led to success, and may be a huge benefit for others who are now beginning their journey to better health. :heart:

    Fitgranny56: I have been a coffee drinker since childhood and always sweeten it. Most of my life, sugar was the sweetener of choice but I eventually switched to artificial sweeteners in coffee and soft drinks. They have huge health risks and I no longer buy sugar-free soda & avoid sugar free cocoa, etc, if it contains saccharine or other artificial sweetener. A few years ago I found stevia and it is my goto sweetener of choice except for baking. I use Stevia in the Raw when travelling by air. Beware of sweeteners claiming to be stevia but with other ingredients. Stevia doesn't taste like sugar, in my opinion, but I've come to like it. When I am baking I use real sugar. :wink:

    Rita: One day at a time. There is a Bible quotation I like but I can't cite where to find it: "Sufficient to the day is the trouble therein." (((HUGS)))

    The only thing on my calendar for today is walking. I may blast myself out of my comfort zone and take the dog for a walk a bit later. He will appreciate it. I can get my own exercise riding the trike in the garage but he deserves to get outside and stretch his legs, too.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,912 Member
    I am selling my Fitbit Blaze. You can pm me if interested. My DH got me an Apple Watch for Christmas taking the place of the Blaze.

    Rita in CT
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,912 Member