Serial Starters



  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I don't typically watch Dr Oz. It just happened to be on as I was channel surfing and it was about weight loss... it was talking about Thyroid problems causing weight gain, not being able to lose weight... there was a 6 question quiz, to help you figure out if you had Thyroid problems...I answered Yes to 5 of 6 questions...I always winder if these things are real, but the more I listened, the more things sounded like me... sort of... I have lost weight in the past, with better diet and exercise...unfortunately, I have no insurance, so I can't go to Dr and get checked out. But, they gave some good tips to boost your Thyroid and Metabolism... starting with 30g of Protein every morning...2 eggs are a big help.. Greek yogurt... protein shakes or smoothies.. so, another reason for me to get my booty outta bed in the morning... and, when you have a high carb diet, it also slows yer Metabolism... and, I seem to do that, unintentionally...

    So, I must tell myself, it's worth trying... get my butt up out of bed in the morning and eat a decent breakfast... you never know if it works, unless you try...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,338 Member
    Good evening,

    Had half a baked potato with cheese/sour cream, 2 chicken sausages and 2 appetizer crescents with root vegetables inside. I have fried rice thawing out for tomorrow night. Too hungry to wait for frozen lasagna, so there it is.

    Dawn, I eat more at breakfast and between breakfast and lunch than I do all day - so I front load my nutrition so I am not chasing it down.... Eggs are easy and you can make them quickly, I was just thinking you could make oatmeal ahead of time and then SO could eat it for you........ Oatmeal if old fashioned and is not the instant variety has much less sugar - and can be microwaved, I just dont have a microwave so I cook mine on the stove.

    Lady from work asked that I think good thoughts for her first WI tonight. I didnt know she had found a WW meeting and that she "jumped back on the wagon". Good for her.

    Time to take dog out, rain most of tomorrow, so will enjoy a dry walk. Will stop by Lana's Palm Tree and see what she is up to......

    Wishing all a good evening.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Calories are good today. Carbs okay. Protein could be higher. All in all, I'll take it. There is still room for improvement.

    Sore from chiropractic appt. Taking advil. Will stretch and take a hot bath later.

    Reminding myself that I cannot expect to be on plan for one day and immediately be skinny! :)
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - I do eat a lot of oatmeal... sadly, it is the instant kind...I don't add sugar, I do add PB... eggs are super easy and yummy...I just don't always know from day to day when I have to get up... so, I give up and either don't eat, or eat the wrong thing..

    Annie- very good reminder..I have to remind myself of that often...i know that I didn't put weight on quick...I just have a hard time accepting that it doesn't come off quick.. even though, I know that's how it truly works..

    Waves to Lana, Missy and all the others that stop by...

    May check in later...
    - Dawn
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,338 Member

    Rain, today for sure with flood warnings.... off and on for another couple of days. Next serious chance of rain will be Next Wednesday so a break for things to dry up (with any luck).

    Dawn, I put PB2 in my oatmeal sometimes for variety. I have to tell myself - it took years to get this way and a number of really bad habits. - key is to change a couple of them and kick them to the curb.

    Lana?? - I will have the Cboys come knocking with a basket of goodies. Check in when you can.

    Missy - your basket will include good coffee and things to keep you awake on your middle of the night shifts.

    Oatmeal is done and I will jump back under the covers.

    Wave to all who follow. :)
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,860 Member

    Good morning Annie and Dawn and Sara~~

    Congrats Sara on GoOOOOOOoood Weigh in!

    All is well here - but today is loaded with errands to run on the "best" weather day of the week to do lots of walking around the neighborhood.

    Lunch at a pizza place with a friend. It is higher-end brick oven thin crust pizza, so two pieces with a salad should be OK, and will be my main meal. It was MY idea; why do I crave tomato sauce now?

    Waves to Missy and Sam and Ammey (where are you?) And binoculars out for Liz and Jen and Chamie, just in case they are lurking behind the palm fronds~~ Liz I think of you often knowing what the upstate New York weather has been like!


  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    First day back to drinking water.... yuck... I'm not cutting soda out completely... just can't... but, 64oz jug of water for the day...yay...blah
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    edited January 2017
    Ended up drinking almost 2 jugs of water... there may be 1/4! I did determine, I do not like Culligan water.. everyone thinks it's great... guess I'm just used to well water...Culligan tastes chemically to me..

    Missy- it is one habit I just can't quit...I can cut back...I have before... it's just doing it.. it's so

    Our weather is about to get scary, I'm afraid..60- 65 today and tomorrow... then, drastic drop... supposed to have lots of ice this weekend... they're trying not to scare us, saying that they can't say how much, cuz storm is still over ocean... but, social media is making it sound huge... hopefully they're wrong and it's not bad at all... guess we'll wait and see... fingers crossed..

    Still have lots of calories left for dinner... not quite sure what the plans are, yet...

    Will check in later...
    Have a good evening...
    - Dawn

    There was so little left in my jug, I finished it! That's a whole gallon! I should be floating
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,338 Member
    Good evening,

    It was pouring this morning, but now mainly very strong winds.....over on calories - my lunch salad is a different one (went to another store closer on Saturday). Will be doing some thinking about lunches....

    Water!! Dawn good for you - reminds me too much that I might have an infection so I avoid drinking that much water all all costs.....I do drink twice as much liquids as I used to. Will also give another glass of water a thought.

    I used to kill my coffee (work coffee usually needs it) but I take instant coffee that I like, so I have learned to drink black if I need to.

    Lana - I often wonder if Liz, Jen and Chamie lurk - but they know they can stop by.....I hope they are doing well.

    Fried rice on stove. Stay warm and safe out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,860 Member

    Sara - One time a long long many years ago, I belonged to some "group" on the WW boards--I think it was in the Challenges section, and I had to go away for a while (a few months?). When I went back to the boards, no one seemed to care that I was gone, my name was never mention, and it hurt my feelings. (Yes, I am a delicate flower!) So, I figure it can't hurt to occasionally mention their names in the hopes that they might stop by some time and look around--especially Liz, who started Serial Starters.

    I am being a bit sentimental today. My last uncle died today. Both of my parents came from big families, and now, all of the 13 (total) of both sides are gone. I feel a bit "lost".

    Heading off now to log my martini. Uncle Steve loved his martinis! He lived to 88.

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    A bit over on calories today. Sweets at work did me in, although I did track them and showed some restraint. We had tacos for supper tonight and I was going to skip the shell, but in the end I ate it. Still, I know I'm doing pretty well.

    Back was feeling a little better today - until I got home and started doing housework. Grrr. Time to sit down and relax.

    Lana - I am sorry to hear about your uncle. 88 is a good, long life. Enjoy that martini!

    Dawn - great job drinking water. I aim for 40-50 ounces of plain water each day, plus my coffee, milk, and today it was 0 calories flavored water. (not much better than diet pop.)

    Missy - I love my pop but trying to only have it once or twice a week as I'm paring down my diet.

    Sara - Your positive attitude is always such an inspiration to me.

    I'd better go drink some more water...

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    edited January 2017
    Lana- so sorry for your loss...88 is a great age! I understand how you feel, when yer not mentioned, or really not even noticed. It means a lot to me, even if I'm away for awhile, I'm remembered. I feel this way, pretty much every day at work...the other kennel worker is acknowledged, given things, praised...I get overlooked, and talked about behind my back, as tho I don't do anything (my boss literally said that to my co worker)... we will always remember you here! Hugs

    Sara- we've had crazy high winds today as well... supposed to continue, tomorrow... scared a few of the dogs and made a heck of a mess with leaves and trash... ugh

    Dinner was not good... mostly because I refuse to cook a meal just for myself...SO hasn't been sleeping well, so he crashed almost as soon as we got home.. he's the cook more than I am... he'll eat my cooking... but, his is better

    Will check in later...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Annie- Thank you... water is always super hard for me...I truly just don't like it...the jug I have holds 64oz and it keeps it cold all day... that's only way I can drink it... once water gets warm...I'm done...

    Glad yer back is a little better... hope it keeps getting better...I think I'm getting tendonitis and I'm miserable... May have to resort to wearing a brace... getting more and more difficult to do my job when I hurt so bad...I'm a
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,338 Member
    Lana- to live 88 years is not easy - enjoy your martini and have great memories of your Uncle.

    Liz was so insistent that she create her own group- what spirit! She knows where we are - as does Chamie and Jen. They will come back when they are ready. Their lounge chairs are reserved for them.

    Friend from work started WW again last week and she lost 7.6 on her first weigh in. She went home and had wine to celebrate. She is another tall lady- so she gets more points than I do ( :s ) - I am glad she is looking for a better way to deal with food. She has had a bad year and has gained a lot of her weight back.

    Had to brush teeth and put in night guard to stop the extra eating.

    Will be on hammock with Tillie watching the Cboys - hot and cold drinks are available tonight.
  • Cheerios0392
    Cheerios0392 Posts: 46 Member
    First week of Jan was a massive failure for me! I have been so stressed being back at work, literally crying some days (I'm looking for a new job but until then this is my life). I went a few thousand calories over this week so not a good start to the year for me. But I'm going to start taking better care of myself this coming week- stress wise and health wise. Eating better will help me feel better as well. No need to ruin my body over a silly job. I'm hoping to be at least 1/2 a kilo down by the end of Jan. I can do it!!!!!

    Oh dear. I can see only the good in your week!
    You are deserving of huge CONGRATULATIONS!
    A massive Non Scale Victory: You counted all of your food to even know you were over on your calories!

    That is amazing!!-- that you can count all of your food. I want you to bottle and sell to me that commitment to journal and track every day!!!! To heck that you were over, and it doesn't matter if by a lot.

    I keep trying to get myself to count everything, but the commitment and sense of purpose and energy is not yet there with me.

    No negative self-talk allowed!!!! 10 Gold starts and Cabana Boy foot massage for you!


    Thanks so much! I am trying my best :3
  • Cheerios0392
    Cheerios0392 Posts: 46 Member
    Cheerios, if you took a poll, most of us who work use food to deal with things. If you must eat find the best food you can.

    Definitely! I've been doing far better this week :)
  • Cheerios0392
    Cheerios0392 Posts: 46 Member
    I didn't really plan to do this, but I woke up on Sunday morning and just decided I was going to start eating less carbs. I have been so hungry lately and when I look at my macros, I noticed on the days I feel like nothing fills me up, most of my calories are carbs. So it's my 4th day now of eating low carb and I have not felt uncontrollable hunger the entire time. I have felt satiated and full most of the time. Every now and again I do get hungry but eating a snack stops it. It's not like snack after snack after dessert until I can stop. So it's been going really well. I don't know if I will keep it up, it's just something I'm doing to try and control the hunger as it has been quite bad lately and it seems to be working! I really hope to have even better news in the next week or two when I weigh in- if this continues to keep me feeling nice and satisfied I am very likely going to lose a bit of weight. I'm hoping for half a kilo! :)
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,338 Member

    Good morning,

    For those wondering - I mark the next day of posting so that things dont become one long blab fest - but also to help stop one day blurring into another. This week has been bad with all the rain ..... Chicken Teriyaki is tomorrow not today-- I left myself a note and had that "aarg" moment when I realized I had too many premade salads and had to wait one more day.

    Cheerios - hope your new plan works - we have to try new things as we go. I have donated the easy weight and now have to think about how to get rid of the hard to lose weight. Still a work in progress.

    I am getting occupational whiplash between people changing jobs and people leaving the company and new people coming in. Wow.

    Oatmeal is almost ready and I need to think about heading towards work. Picked up a "get over yourself" spray that the Cboys made last night. Invisible odorless but effective.

    Wave to all who follow - dont forget to pick up your own spray to get through today.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,860 Member

    Hello All.
    I am running very late this morning.

    Will read later, and get caught up with you all. Have a good Wednesday!!!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,338 Member
    Good evening,

    Frozen Lasagna in toaster oven. I have my new lease package - should I open it??? only went up 45.00 a month, what a nice surprise!! Can breathe a little easier. Yipee!!

    Rain should be stopping for a couple of days, but this mess is heading east, so heads up!!

    Lana- how did your day go??

    Hope to stop by before lights out.