

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,648 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,648 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Well hello there, Bess, nice to meet you. You have no idea how much love you're in for.

    Barbie, she looks like such a sweetheart. Glad she's there and you all are home safe and sound.

    Janetr okc

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,312 Member
    Barbie - What a lucky dog! She must think she is in heaven! Lovely pic of all of you. <3

    The doctor came and didn't think it was a UTI, rather inflammation, gas, etc. He injected me with a magic potion and gave me some anti inflammatory pills. If I get worse I should call him and go to hospital for an ultra sound. Really don't want to do that. :'(
    We are not happy with the hotel at all. They gave us an "upgrade" so now we are looking over the beach bar and restaurant area, with faint music sounds all day and a live Mexican trio in the evening. My worst nightmare. :s If it wouldn't nearly kill DH I would change rooms, but I daren't suggest it. :sad: DH 's main gripe is that the food here is astronomically expensive! I never wanted to come to this kind of beach resort in the first place, but was persuaded because I though DH would enjoy it. I always find these places, that our agent likes to end the holiday with, a complete waste of time and money. I am so not a beach person. :noway: But even DH is mind boggled at the money they are charging for food. We shall come back very, very skinny.
    Truthfully, I hate these kind of places for so many reasons.

    I will just have to endure it and hope to get home in one piece.

    Love Heather xxxxxxxxxx
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Katie – I’ve got to look into this leggings site and see what they have since so many of you have talked about them being great.

    Grace – When my DYS cut his scalp wide open when putting in a pig trap; I was worried about him. His wife (fiancée at the time) sent pictures of it and said that he had driven himself into town (30 miles away) … I had to agree with her that he needed his @$$ whooped. Thankfully, he did not crack his skull wide open. That would have really been a mess. To this day, those pictures sort of make my tummy do complete ‘flips’. Prayers for your daughter and {{{{{hugs}}}}} for you.

    Gloria – I know that sizes in clothes depends a lot of whose manufacturers’ name is in them. My husband used to sell paper goods and one of his customers’ made clothes for different manufacturers and at the end of the line; after the name had been sewn in, they were then carried over to another batch of tables with conveyor belts and sizes were put into them. The ones with more expensive name brands and the ones you would buy at K-Mart or someplace like that … might have actually fit you in a 4 at the more expensive one; then a 14 or higher at K-mart. If the ### on the size really bothers you, then ‘cut it out’. I know that when I had my size 16 jeans altered; I cut the size tags out of them because I knew when they got too big for me, I would be donating them to Goodwill. That way, they could figure out from how they looked, what size they thought they were. Right now, I am a pretty consistent size 12; I know if I lose down to what my goal is … I will be consistently a 10 (maybe an 8). I’m not too worried about it because I wear yoga pants and skinny jeans; but, I can tell that some of them are getting a little larger for me.

    Oh, if I stoop down to get something, like getting a shoe box out of my closet; I better be close to something I can pull my entire weight up on, to get up or I have to get down on my hands and knees and crawl over to something. A lot of times, my center of balance just rolls over and I fall on my butt anyway.

    MrsGLT – My ‘baby’ (38) is sleeping on the couch and will be headed home to Louisiana first thing in the morning. I’d like to get up and try to get to my cellphone and take a picture of Cracker asleep on his legs. She is such a light sleeper I don’t know that I can do it. But, I am going to try. Both of them can sleep in just about any position.

    Pip – Nice T-shirt quilt.

    Heather – I am so sorry you have had such a bad time being ‘sick’ on your vacation. {{{{{hugs}}}}}!!!!!

    Barbie – Cute new pooch.

  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
    Bess is beautiful! She has such a sweet face. Great she ate some dinner and is settling in and so glad you are home after your travels today.

    Felt like spring today and my Ella and I worked in the yard, cutting back the asters and pruning honeysuckle and clematis. Ella just turned a year old. She's fun and keeps me hopping. Someone dropped her mother at the landfill in Nome Alaska. The mom had a litter of 7 pups but three froze to death before they were discovered. My son teaches in Nome and sent me a picture of the smallest female. He said he thought my husband and I would love this girl. Our life got more active when we adopted Ella. Kevin was right, we love Ella and she is pure puppy, smart and sweet.

    Betsy NW Washington
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    We are out at the ranch (no wifi) so will be short.
    Heather-sending good wishes for your recovery. My DD went to Mexico for her anniversary and she was sick for quite a few weeks when she got home. See your regular doctor.
    Barbie-Bess is beautiful. So glad she is settling in so well. She had her eyes on Her new sister.
    SueBDew in TX
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,373 Member
    Did 45 minutes of Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do another segment of Pilates DVD, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class

    Went to church last night. I was supposed to be a Eucharistic Minister. This is about the third time that I wasn't needed and I didn't know that until I got up. I finally asked someone if they've discontinued the EM position. That's when I found out that its been discontinued at least for the flu season. Reasonable....I just wish someone had told me. But there is a bright side. Now don't ask why the lady put me on the schedule this way. But one week she has me scheduled to be EM on Sat. and lector on Sun. Now I won't have to go on Sat. The guy who was supposed to lector last night a while ago asked if someone could lector for him. I told him I would. Then his wife tells me that it's the wrong month, he'll be away in February. When I get to the church last night, he has someone else lectoring for him. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but it's almost as if he would have taken me but someone else better came along so he had his wife give me a story about how it was the wrong month. Well...I'm certainly not going to stress over it.

    After exercise went to Food Lion to get chicken broth and a rotisserie chicken for chicken soup for that lady and her hubby. Then I made the soup and a lemon cake. Made the icing. I know her hubby likes icing so I put extra on (plus...I didn't need it sitting around the house)

    Grace - so sorry to hear this about your daughter. You were wise to tell her to go to the ER

    Chris - WTG on those pants...and not a bad price at all

    Carol - I didn't take the special food to the dinner. To me, that would be rude. However, what I did was put it in the car and ate it before I left to got there.

    janet - there's nothing you can do about the syrup. If the other bottles aren't opened, why not write to the company and tell them of the confusion (no need to mention the calorie count). I know one time I ordered some cereal in a bowl. I like them to take especially to the condo. Good portion control. Anyway, the only way I could get them was to buy a whole case of something like 96. Anyway, this one case came short one. Not a real big deal as far as I was concerned. I did write to Amazon so that if a certain batch of them is short one, they can check before sending out the case. Lo and behold they sent me another case! I thanked them and told them that I was going to donate the second case to the soup kitchen. There is no way I can eat two full cases before they start to get "funny"

    Heather - this trip certainly hasn't been the most pleasant of experiences for you, huh? Get better fast

    Joyce - so happy for you -- a new stove! And good for you taking that shower. I bet you feel a lot better.

    barbie -- Bess is absolutely adorable. She needs a big hug and kiss from me. Please give it to her. You really look so much better than the all of the other pics of yourself that you've posted. Must be that "doggie glow" that you have. I'm guessing you need to housebreak her. If you do, I'm sure it won't take very long. Bess-hope you like long walks!

    Marcelyn - ANOTHER medal. Congrats!

    Allie - NO, NO, NO. Maintain your ground. Put ALL of your check into your account. After all, it is YOUR money. You can pay bills just as well from your account as from the joint account.

    Michele in NC
  • StephaniePhotoLady
    StephaniePhotoLady Posts: 13 Member
    edited January 2017
    How do I join group?
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited January 2017
    StephaniePhotoLady - You join by posting like you did how ever there is a slight "fee", I'm afraid you're going to have to send a couple bags full of those beautiful tomatoes to the name below :) j/k

    Welcome, you have discovered a wonderful group of supportive, encouraging ladies here. We're all on this journey together of a living a healthy life style. Tell us a little about yourself, where you live, family, etc. and sign your posts with your name so we can reply. Be sure to click on the star at the top of the page (just above the magnifying glass) to "bookmark" our group so you can find us again.

    Come back and join right in.

    Janetr OKC
  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Carleen - Thanks for the warm welcome. You go girl - keep working towards your goal. Losing 25 lbs is a great accomplishment. The quilt is beautiful. I haven't done anything quite that complicated yet, but it is beautiful.

    I have a daughter (33), a son (32) and a step daughter (32 but a few months younger than my son) and 7 grandchildren 2 girls, the oldest and the youngest and 5 boys.

    Barbie - Sure wish my little doggie would walk half that much. We go outside so he can sniff everything in the yard then back in cause he doesn't want to go to far. I've taken him down the block, but sometimes end up carrying him back. He's almost 10 years old and not near as energetic as he was. I presume Bess is another dog? What breed?
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I'm so sorry that you're feeling worse. I hope you don't actually have a UTI. If you do, I'm sending good thoughts that medicine will handle it promptly. It is a shame that you aren't having fun on your vacation. How much longer before you get to go home? :heart:

    Barbie: Thanks for sharing photos of you, Jake & Bess, the new girl in your lives. You all look wonderful. I'll bet her shyness eases fairly quickly when she discovers she's fallen into doggy heaven. I have a soft spot for black & tan dogs. My very first cocker pup was that color. :bigsmile:

    Today was a sit around and do nothing day. I don't like that much at all, but I guess I was ready for a day of rest. If I'd had some gumption I would have gotten out of the house and exercised. Tomorrow I'm looking forward to yoga.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn
  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Dreamwriter - Husband is doing well, he'll be off work for 2 to 4 weeks, depending on what the doctor says. He has a doctors appointment tomorrow, so will see how things are going.

    Grace - hope your daughter is feeling better

    Tracie - I know what you mean - I know lots of women in this town, but not one that I would call a best friend. This group is so awesome and welcoming.
  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Barbie - Bess is a beautiful fur baby. Glad things are going well with her.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3