Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member
    edited February 2017
    Good morning All~~

    Sara - This is my answer to your QOTD:

    Reworking an old idea of mine.....
    Custom making an actual menu for me. My goal is to make a rough draft by Valentine's Day.

    The menu would look like a restaurant menu--big open book thing, likely hand written, only one page per side-- breakfast and lunch on the left, top and bottom, and dinner and snacks on the right, top and bottom.

    I will begin to collect my 3 or 4 "Go To", easy-to-shop-and-make meals.....putting the calories and serving size nearby in the "meal description area", and then the total calories for the meal over on the right, where the $$ price is on a restaurant menu.

    I would print up a form for a grocery list of every ingredient to make the whole menu, with checkboxes, so that I could know each week or two what I needed to get from the grocery store to be able to make these meals and snacks.

    Once I have hatched at least 4 of each meal, maybe 7 dinners, my reward would be to go to Michael's arts and crafts and buy a piece of heavy stock for the cover of My Menu.

    I'll be looking for meals that I can make several servings of, eat one and freeze the rest.

    TGIF !! Special Poolside Happy Hour tonight~~

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    I faced the scale and it wasn't as bad as I feared. The number was 156.6. So, thankful I was not up into the 160's and essentially, I have maintained since just before Christmas. However, my lowest weight in 2016 was 148.8, so definitely up! Goal is 145 at least...would like to see if I could get to 140. Just walked away from a heart-shaped donut during morning meeting.

    Sara - DH did buy himself a shake, as well. :)

    Lana - great idea for putting together safe meals and menus that you like. Always easier to eat well when you like what you are eating.

    Welcome Shalto!

    Tonight DH wants to try the new Irish Pub in town. I am planning to only eat 1/2 of whatever I order. And then tomorrow's lunch is out with Grandpa and grandkids. We are celebrating Grandpa's 92nd birthday. Again, planning to only eat 1/2 of meal. May try to drink water only but if I have pop, it will be diet. No excuses for any other meals or snacks. Would like to be back in the 140s by April and my next dr appt.

    Enjoy the day! Will lurk from work.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member

    Annie - Irish Pub sounds dangerous. Definitely drink water or diet pop. If you have a beer, things could get out of hand.
    Happy Birthday to Grandpa! 92 !!

  • shalto
    shalto Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    I made it through day 4 - even conquered a dinner meeting last night. Stuck to the grilled chicken, a small roasted potato, green beans and water. No bread/dessert for me!

    I am anxious about facing my first weekend back OP. Weekends always mess me up! What are your strategies for staying on track?
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    edited February 2017
    at work ladies ---

    Lana check out freezing meal items......

    shalto - I remind myself how bad my health was when I started and how expensive my meds were.......

    Annie - facing scale took courage - congrats !! Think special something tonight/ this weekend - book/hot bath - tea/coffee??

    bbl. poolside?? raining cats and dogs here, Tillie will come with me.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    was on phone call for checking patients ins claim and I was on hold forever but worth it because I gave her a pep talk about the fruit/water she was eating and junk food/pot luck she was trying to ignore. I didnt have to help her too much because she had the right attitude. I told her she was stronger than that junk food.....
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Good evening,

    Walked in and smelled "skunk" - cat spray - found source sprayed vinegar on it and opened window and scentsy is plugged in. I wish my neighbor would stop feeding the cats. I may have to talk to manager about this.

    Frozen lasagna in toaster.

    Lana - I love your idea. I just ordered a cookbook from Cooking Light that is based strictly on calories all meals and snacks, we shall see. Preparing in advance is your best tool and keep us posted and pictures??

    Poolside with Lana - nice seafood entrees and fruit drinks available - ask the Cboys they have other drinks not listed on the menu....... Lana - you want to pick the music?? I keep hearing "hold" music from my phone calls.

    Oh - I usually dont go to Town Hall meetings at work, I get claustrophobic and they are not mandatory, but I found out that I can forward my "good idea" to the COO - working on the write up this week. Will keep you posted.

    Will stop by before nights out. Wave to all, wishing all a good evening.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Well, date night was fun! Ran into some former co-workers and visited for awhile. Dinner was good = shepherd's pie. And two glasses of wine. And a soft, warm pretzel appetizer. And 1/2 a piece of cheesecake. It was tasty - and good to be out with DH sans kids. Drinking water now. Tomorrow is a new day!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member

    Getting ready to catch early morning train to NYC.

    See you all later or on Sunday!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Good morning,

    Thank you Lana for getting us started. You are up extra early. Why does your train take so long? Does it make every stop along the way??

    Sent hats to the company I work for NICU department last week and have not heard a response - left my work email to ask for a contact for the next set of hats (preemie hats I am knitting), I will give them another week and then think about donating outside my company. I will email my manager again as she has contacts at the Cancer Center for chemotherapy hats, once I see how this pattern turns out for Chemo hats. Trying to find a resource is beginning to feel like spitting in the wind. I have a note to myself for 2 emails Monday, so I will keep knitting and wait until then. End of rant.

    Dog is up and fed, will go get a little more sleep.

    Wishing all a great day.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member
    It's a 10-11hour trip plus the time it takes to get to station by two cabs. Will explain that one some other time.

    It's a Saturday and Chapel Hill is still having its water state of emergency.

    There is such thing as train to Durham--closer to house, but no sleeping cars on that train, which I need because of chemo fatigue.

    I hope things work out for the babies hats. A sweet thing for you to be doing Sara.

    Gosh I am sleepy. Will take nap as soon as I'm on train and conductor comes around.

    Annie. You did not bad at the pub!

    Lana, going north to face the scale.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Saturday morning

    I love my lazy Saturday mornings. Sitting and drinking coffee with DH while I read the news and check my Facebook, Serial Starters, etc. Just folded a load of laundry. Now it's time to do PT exercises and get cleaned up. Celebrating Grandpas 92nd bday at 11 a.m. today.

    Scale didn't change due to last night's dinner and drinks, but I'm sure it will show up at some point. Will try to control myself at lunch and then eat light for supper. Lots of water, for sure!

    Plans to go shopping today. Checking the clearance racks for winter coats for DH and DS. DH has managed to rip a seam under his arm and DS broke his zipper! (And we just bought that coat last year! :( ) Also planning to do some housework.

    I think I've decided that we will not do any appetizers or anything for the Super Bowl. It's just us and I'm not going to use it as an excuse to eat badly.

    Lana - have a safe trip!

    Sara - it's so nice of you to make and donate hats!

    Hello to everyone else. Enjoy your day!

  • Cheerios0392
    Cheerios0392 Posts: 46 Member
    edited February 2017
    I did my own version of keto for 3 weeks (I'm not keeping under 20g of carbs a day, more like between 50-100g) and I have really been enjoying it. Week 4 I started eating more carbs here and there and before you know it majority of my calories were coming from them and I then had that unbearable nothing can satisfy me hunger and was eating to, or above, maintenance every day. Then I went back to the higher fat, higher protein, lower carb eating again and I've been managing my hunger again. Low carb isn't something I plan to do forever, but this is definitely helping to keep my appetite under control. Someone in my family was just diagnosed with diabetes so I had my blood sugar and a bunch of things tested at the doctor and everything is good, which is also great. I will most likely do this for a couple of months with a week here and there of higher carbs and eating at maintenance so I'm not always in a deficit. I really just want to lose probably 5 kilos, and I'm pretty confident this low carb experiment will get me there haha :)

    Then it's back to learning to maintain again... ahhh always my downfall! :P

    Hope everyone else is going well ~ KEEP AT IT :)
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Waves and hugs everyone! Made it thru another incredibly stressful week...I honestly wish I could find a way to make things's a daily struggle for sure... haven't been doing great on food choices... but, haven't been overeating... no changes on scale... need to get myself motivated...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning,

    Dog up and fed, back to sleep for me.

    Groceries, laundry, vacuum, roast sweet potatoes, pick up dog medicine, and make chicken fried rice. My to do list for today. Need to add "nap".

    Wave to all who follow.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Have not been as good as I wanted to this weekend. Too many drinks and too many carbs...not sweets, but carbs nonetheless. Actually got over 10,000 steps yesterday just from running errands. Still not able to exercise. :( Planning a good weekend. Making white chicken chili in the crock pot tomorrow for supper and then will eat that for lunch all week along with salad. Also hoping to cook up some chicken breasts later today as an option for leftovers for lunch/supper on the nights when we are "on the go". Veggies and string cheese for snacks.

    Taking DS for a haircut this afternoon and then getting groceries. Trying not to go too crazy for SuperBowl food, but DH did request hot turkey and cheese sandwiches on Hawaiian buns for supper. So, that is not low-carb.

    I'm not quitting!! I can lose this weight again!

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I read the Blog about Adrenal Glands..
    That really sounds like me...I can change a lot to try to help myself...I just don't know how to keep the stress out of my life... maybe, if I can start feeling better, the stress won't get to me so bad... maybe, I won't feel so much like arguing... although, I feel I need to argue some things... I have to stand up for myself and the animals...
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member

    Hi All~~

    I'm back in NYC now attempting to deal with the huge stack of mail.

    Sara - only one good thing in that mail pile....Thank you for the funny card!

    Today's weigh in: 235.8
    All time high: 245.6
    Goal: 185 or 175?

    Waves to Sara and Cheerios and Dawn and Missy.....Annie and Shalto must be out exercising!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Good evening,

    Coffee on an sinus infection sour stomach - dont try this at home!!

    Chicken fried rice is done now to let it cool and freeze up the leftovers.

    Lana - I hope there were 2 cards.....

    Got 3 small knitting projects done, have enough to do to just keep setting up the next ones....

    Dog out on walk and then will be under the Palm Tree with Lana shredding her mail.....
  • kittens_info
    kittens_info Posts: 10 Member
    edited February 2017
    Found your post and love the name. Let's see...i have done this 5 6 or 7 times. No more, I am going to become healthy and happy in 2017. :)