

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,654 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Joyce – those are really cute shoes – so much better than my dress shoes!!!

    Marni – tears for the moose, and grr for the *kittens* that did it. Love the saying about the Men, a friend of mine has a BIL who lives in AK, while nice enough he’s odd…

    Gloria - Great news on the insurance - if this job ends in June, get that shingles shot NOW and maybe you can get a 6 month supply of needed drugs in May just in case the next insurance is not so wonderful.

    Yinka – welcome

    Gingersnap – no judging here…. Especially if you’ve done the research… we each are headed to healthy via our own path…

    Sue – Happy Belated Birthday!!!!

    Barbie – she was with you when she was walking! And if she’s anything like my Levi, if he’s with me he’ll put up with anything!

    Sherry – I am so glad you have found this nice stepping stone to the future! You sound so happy. I have to admit I had really not been exposed to Minons until you started posting them – the sayings are great, they are a bit odd looking!

    This weekend is the super bowl party that I cater each year (I’m not a caterer but this is for an older friend) so 30+ people, I do the entrée and a veggie, they bring starters, dessert and drink. I do set up, serving, and clean up. This is a group of physicists who work together at Lawrence Livermore Labs and they are all over 70 – some in their 90’s but most are still working – However the hostess is the world’s most boring eater! So I have to do something with little to no spice, no allergies to deal with at least, so I am making 3 kinds of baked scratch Mac ‘n Cheese 1. Bacon and smoked cheddar 2. 4 cheese 3. Shrimp and leek with jack and cream cheese…. The vegie will be a big spinach salad, green beans and almonds, and a honey glazed carrot dish. I like doing this, but it is a long day – I have about ½ of the prep done, will do a bit tonight and finish tomorrow. I’ll bring everything ready to tuck into the oven. The hostess always compensates me generously, so that is a nice perk!

    Well off to cook.

    February Goals:
    Write Christmas letter, and have all cards ready to send by Dec1…this was for nov. but still working on it. Jan. still working on this….**** GET THIS DONE*******
    Read and report on a book –
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday –
    Work on water consumption –
    Lunch with Kyle -


    Kim from N. California
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    14,000 steps
    128 minutes walking Sasha and Bess
    153 minutes riding the exercise bike
    10 minutes doing physical therapy exercises
    taught the two hour beginning line dance class

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening My Dear Friends,

    Joyce, nice shoes. I didn’t realize they’d be so dressy. “Nice”.

    Katla, glad your DH used the bike and two days in a row is a great start.

    Marni, you have been here long enough now that you know ya can’t look the other way without getting behind. We are a chatty group but that is one of the things we all like about it. I just wish I read faster. Good to have you back.

    Beth, when you took that fall into the chocolate I guess there was no one there to help and you had to eat your way out of it? So sorry.

    Gloria, what a wonderful insurance plan. Too bad the job will end. :/

    Kate, your DH definitely sounds like a keeper.

    Yinka, welcome. We are happy to have you join us. I love that great smile and thanks for the introduction. Please come often and join right in.

    Ginger, welcome to you as well. We are generally a non-judgmental group of ladies. We try to support each other as much as possible, so you can feel safe here. Just don’t leave when you reach your goal and we’ll support you in maintenance.

    Rita, I love the picture of you and Brownie. I laughed at the visual too.

    Ann, it will take a bit to get back into the routine of logging and eating right. I find the biggest help is planning ahead which can include logging ahead. If you change something you can go back and adjust the log. Good luck.

    It’s almost bedtime and my throat has started hurting again. PPffttt…what’s with this nighttime sore throat??? At least it’s not all day so I should be happy. I’m using my ColdEeze which contains zinc and will keep using it until this is over. Off to bed for my beauty rest.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you.
    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    oops forgot to sign my mug.
    Becca in
    Rainy Oregon
  • MrsGLT
    MrsGLT Posts: 44 Member
    Hello everyone. It's been a busy week. I'm trying to remember the last time I posted. My daughter had surgery on Tuesday. Everything went good and she's been recovering nicely until today. Back to the doctor this afternoon for a UTI, app aided by the catheter from last weekend. It's been one thing after another this week.
    The eating is going okay considering my stress level has been so high. I've been wearing too many hats. Wife, mother, grandmother, nurse & babysitter is just too much for this middle aged lady.
    On Sunday we are having a big family fish fry after church. My son is bringing his fish cookers, & the fish. My parents are coming and I'll have all my kids together.
    Time to rock my granddaughter.
    Grace in Texas
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    February's Goals
    To know that I am an intelligent person. I will control my emotions and not let my emotions control me. Every time I am tempted to use food to satisfy my frustrated desires, build up my injured ego, or dull my senses, I will remember that I will take off pounds sensibly.
    (My TOPS pledge)
    Love Becca
  • nytetears
    nytetears Posts: 22 Member
    Hi I am 52 and living in Louisville KY. Though I have had my account for a long time I am just getting started here. Never did much before. Nice to see some people in my age range
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Michelle, I remember now when you had the landscaping done and how disappointed you were about the plants that you wanted to bloom early. We aren't having him plant anything (well, some grass the "cheap" way). We're just having things taken away and cleaned up. We might put in a few annuals and flowering shrubs ourself if we are motivated by the cleaned up yard.

    Welcome Yinka and Gingersnap. I love both names. Gingersnap, I have a friend who was very successful on that same pill. After her initial jumpstart she cut back on the dosage. I tried a different one once. I can't remember the name of it now but it was super expensive and I didn't get it refilled after the first month. Actually, I think it's name was Meridia. Not absolutely positive. It was many moons ago.

    I agree that your best bet for LuLaRoe is to ask on FB. If we were FB friends, I could add you to some groups. Your best bet for a big selection is a multi-consultant group. One I like is called LuLallRage. You might be able to search for it under groups and find it. They have a sale on Saturday night.

    I confess to getting most of my solid color leggings from other places. Search for "buttery soft leggings" on Amazon. There's one brand I like that is $11.99. They aren't as comfortable as LLR, but at half the price they feel pretty good. And although I like the LLR Irma tunic and the Carly dress to wear with my leggings, I actually prefer to get my tunics elsewhere,
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sherry in the icy Gorge: I've done everything on the "Admit it list" & several of the items fairly recently. (1,4,5) :devil:

    (((Becca))) I love your February goals. :heart:

    I just talked with my DSIL who lives in eastern Oregon. They've had so much snow that buildings are beginning to collapse. The Portland news stations don't even mention them. They stop their coverage at Baker City. I'm almost mad enough to call, write, & txt the Portland stations with my complaint.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "Normally I'm quite normal . . ." The Gods Must be Crazy
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Katla~ I know the weather media well media in general is frustrating! Portland weather lumps ALL the "coastal" into one. Hey news flash Lincoln City can be world's away from Hammond weather wise!
    Sometimes after I recite the TOPS pledge, I say,"Amen". It just fits!
    Becca up late in
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Welcome to fellow newbies.

    I am curious, I figured out that DH refers to husband or significant other, but does it stand for Dear Husband, Damn Husband, Dorky Husband or what?

    KJ - what is an instant pot?

    Grace - glad your daughter's surgery went well.

    Lenora - what you said about lugging the 40 pound bag of potting soil really struck a chord. A few years ago, I was hiking with friends (one of the last times I did) and was struggling up the mountain while the others seemed to be gliding effortlessly ahead. I was feeling very low until one friend told me to think about it differently - every bit I did was twice as hard because I was carrying my own special backpack with me all the time. It still didn't get me up that mountain any quicker, but I did feel better.

    Becca - I know what you mean about Oregon weather. We spend three months of the year in Waldport and can be socked in with fog when Yachats and Newport, twenty minutes either side of us have bright sunside or vice versa. It is part of the Coast's charm.

    I was very pleased with myself yesterday. Went to the hairdresser and did not touch or even want the three little mini chocolates she serves her clients with tea. Before I would have scarfed them down and peeked longingly at those of the women sitting near me. I find I have fewer cravings than before. I am passionate about food and am delighted that I am finding recipes that give me as much pleasure as the calorie-laden dishes.

    Hope everyone has a nice day.
  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member
    pitegny wrote: »

    I am curious, I figured out that DH refers to husband or significant other, but does it stand for Dear Husband, Damn Husband, Dorky Husband or what?

    Yup - that's exactly right - all of it. :-)
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Charlene-I was curious also so looked on the internet. Lularoe has a website where you can see many of there clothing offerings but they are not sold in stores. The people who sell the product are independent sales people and have in home parties. the website has a map with where you can find your own consultant.

    Tomorrow DGS#2 turns 9 years old. I'm getting time to myself as the boys are going to visit their mother. we will celebrate his birthday next weekend- maybe a party at a indoor trampoline park.

  • pamfgil
    pamfgil Posts: 449 Member
    Sorry forgot pref name is Pam