

  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    “When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.” ~Harriet Beecher Stowe
  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    “I’d rather attempt to do something great and fail than to attempt to do nothing and succeed.” ~Robert H. Schuller
  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    “All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.” ~Michael John Bobak
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Hi and goodnight. Feeling like an upset tummy so just going to ay lay down. see you all tomorrow!
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Thanks all for the birthday wishes but it wasn't my birthday. It was my DGD's. We did home made create your own pizzas. She had fun. The party is on Saturday so two cakes for her this week. I have to say my piece of birthday cake was very delicious.

    Stopping on pg 5. I will get caught up........evntually.

    Allie - Good Luck. I want only the best for you. Counselling did help Larry and I.
    Stick to your guns and keep your pay cheque going into your own account. You can pay a bill or two from there. I could be wrong but it seems as if Tom wants to stay in control of you. Finances can be discussed at counselling also. We did.

    NY Karen - Thanks for the photo of you and Rori. Glad that you were able to meet up

    Carey - Is there something in particular that has you stressed.

    Yvonne - Happy that you are "YOU" again. I love the idea of rewarding yourself. I used to do that. The last time I bought myself a tea go cup. I love that thing.

    Kate - Good decision to have that coat altered. It sure changes how things look when the fit is good.

    Lisa - So sorry to hear about your DH's wrist. Tell him it is far better to stay on top of the pain than to chase it.

    DJ - We go camping as often as we can. Lol. Last year we camped with friends for 10 days, went on our own for about a week. Sprinkle in a few weekends as we go.

    Lenora - It is an RV type trailer. I think it was brought up to sell to a Snowbird so you could live in it. I can't wait to get it rehabbed and out for the first run.

    Mia - That's quite an honour to be the first guest speaker. Do you like public speaking?

    Re- I am sure that you've been hit on a time or two. Who could resist your smile?
    Cute story about the hot dog stand.

    Sherry - It sounds as if you are much happier in your new surroundings.

    As I said I am chasing you ladies. Hopefully I catch up soon

    So , Wednesday was the birthday supper for Keira. She liked it but is getting very excited for the dance party on Saturday. She phoned her uncle with a play list. He laughed at that. Lucky girl gets 2 cakes. The one for Saturday is very sassy. Keira is ready to dance, dance, dance. I got her an American Girl design book. She has already used the stencils and designed 6 outfits ("Mix and Match. You know how it works, Grandma?")

    DGS went to kick boxing yesterday. He is complaining about his aching muscles today. He is at that awkward stage where he is growing so fast that he doesn't know what to do with his limbs.

    Thursday was a Costco day. Busy place. I took my brother out to see the trailer. I made my sister put on clothes and come with us. Fell asleep for a few hours directly after supper.

    Friday I had to be at the store at 6 a.m. and then stayed until 1 p.m. because one of the other managers had an appointment. There is a reason that I only work 5 hrs a day. My back was spasming so I put the heating pad on. I woke up at 7 and had left overs. This day really took a toll.

    I will tell the story of DH and I meeting at a later date.

    Freezing in Lethbridge
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,788 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    and welcome to all the new ladies~ such a wonderful group here.... Love ya all lots... working until noon...
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    heather so glad you are all better!

    Ann nice to see you again :)

    Heading to the gym before DH and I have our scholarship talk with DD She is enjoying college a little too much and it is time to clip her wings!! Hard to do now that she's getting older but since we are funding this college adventure we have a little control left-or so we think.

    Have a great weekend everyone- I'm thinking spring and starting to plan veggie garden! NYKAREN
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Heather - that was a hard way to lose weight! So glad you are down to your goal, though.

    Sherry - As a cat lover, I agree. If peace and contentment had a sound it would be a kitten's purr. My earlier kitty, Pip (not you Pip the Athlete) had the most marvelous purr. You could hear it across the room!

    Off to work the double shift soon. We talked to the guy running the Bball program last night and he is going to send out a text to the coaches and parents about Lobby courtesy this morning. I hope it helps some. Time will tell.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Saturday! Gearing up for a not so busy weekend; so of course I made a list of things to get done. tops on the list is food prep for next week. As far as the Instant Pot goes; I have decided to make three recipes. I will try my Curried Butternut Squash and Pear soup, a simple chicken and roast veggie dinner, and a jamaican jerk pork loin. Those should give me some idea of how this miracle of an appliance works and if I really have to have one. The other thing I need to do is go visit my sister. She is still hanging in there. It has been a year and three months since her brain tumor was found. She is trying an alternative treatment which includes ingesting cannabis oil. It seems to have stopped the growth, but the other treatments (chemo, radiation, etc) also stopped it for a while. Anyway, she is sassy and surly and hard to be with. I don't blame the tumor for the personality; she has been like that her entire life. I feel bad for her nurses. BUT...she is my sister, and I keep hoping I will find her in a better mood or having a good day!
    Leigh- An Instant Pot is a pressurized cooker. Technology has made it like the "bionic" counterpart to the old pressure cookers. Faster, Stronger, able to leap tall buildings... not really...just able to cook pot roast dinner in 30 minutes or less.
    Pam from Adelaide- Welcome! I had to look up Adelaide, but due to your "summer" comment, I figured you were somewhere in Australia. We could send you some snow!
    Penny- If you are reading and too busy to chat; just wanted to shout out: HELLO!!!
    Well, the sun is out! I am going to sign off, get my man-child (DYS) up and off to work, head out to do the grocery shopping, and see if I can get a walk in before the sun goes away! I see blue sky to the west, so maybe Ole Sol will stick around today! I really need his company! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,409 Member
    Lenora, although I still have some weight to lose, I am down at least 20# from my all-time high. Ask me to lug around even 5# of something today – it becomes evident very quickly what extra weight does to our bodies and how even a few pounds lost makes a big difference.

    Barbie, so glad Bess is settling in. I’m sure she is grateful every minute that she is with a great new family. And if I lived closer I’d attend your line dancing class – sounds like fun!

    Marni, great your mommy moose was there to greet you. When we lived on the farm, there was an injured cow elk who stayed in the back of our sheep pasture to heal – DH would take hay to her. We had to chase away a number of poachers with their spotlights at night keeping track of her from the road for the minute she left our property. When the herd came back she was well enough to travel. Hope she lived a long healthy life. These large beasts are magnificent! Oh, and the King Crab claw looks yummy!

    Grace, glad your daughter is recovering. That fish fry sounds wonderful…. Enjoy having the family there! Hope you can relax a bit!

    DrKatiebug, I will look for leggings at Walmart – I see there is Lularoe distributor nearby but not sure if I’m ready to go that route. “Flashy” leggings would be fun to wear when I’m walking – DH will have a fit laughing I’m sure. I did find a neat tunic top on Zulilly a few months ago. Love it because I am very long waisted and it comes below my fanny. Hate buying “long” tops that don’t do the job. Nancy D, you might have the same problem….they are hard to find. I think tops are made for gals 5'6" - so those of us 5'9" can lose 3" to cover our tushies.

    Sherry, there is nothing like a purring kitten to bring down BP. I think seeing/touching our furbabies curled up and peacefully sleeping is very comforting. I’m trying to train my brain to stay “in the moment” and not worry about tomorrow or yesterday! So I try to imagine myself as relaxed as our sleeping pets. I think it works.

    Pam in Adelaide – I have been a fan of Joe Cross for several years and his films – “Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead”. Very inspiring – I don’t juice much but the physical improvement from losing weight was astounding. And I now have another favorite from down your way – Damien Gameau from “That Sugar Film”.

    Jane, I picked up “Younger Next Year” at the library and will start reading it this weekend. Great to hear about the different ways to get some cardio in.

    Kelly, I got an Instant Pot for Christmas and it’s still in the box. Was going to give it to my BFF for her birthday this week – but I need to read more about it and maybe keep it here. Please keep us posted on how those recipes turn out. I love to cook dry beans and so far the thing that works best has been pressure canning them so I have jars of them ready to go at any time. They fall apart a bit more than the canned ones I get at the store but I like the creamy texture and generally buzz them into soups anyhow.

    Looks like snow is in the forecast for Monday – I have the appt. with the Orthopedic doc for my knee and wanted to stop at the New Balance outlet store and see about getting new walking shoes. Hopefully it will warm up and turn to rain by mid-morning.

    OK, it’s getting time for my Saturday morning grocery run. Those of you I missed, you are in my thoughts! Welcome newbies! This is a great bunch!

    SW WA State

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    pamfgil wrote: »
    Hi I'm new here, live in Adelaide so I dealing with summer at the moment. January resolution was to cut down sugar. So far so good
    February's resolutions
    Keep up low sugar
    Log all good
    Keep working on un cluttering house
    Continue cooking

    :) Welcome, Pam. You have come to the right place for encouragement and support for your resolutions. You are a perfect example of why we like everyone to tell us a location (general or specific). It helps put what you say in perspective. Since it is summer for you and winter for me, we have very different challenges about what exercising or activities we can do outside. I hope you'll keep coming back.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington state
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,937 Member

    184.9 pounds, up but attribute it to a lot of salt yesterday. Had 'bad' popcorn and subway foot long. Not good choices

    Squats rest day
    Stretches rest day
    45 min dog walk
    Breathe app 1
    Water 8 cups
    Steps: Apple Watch 5401 Fitbit 5289

    Rita from CT
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,937 Member

    Here is a partial screenshot of the squat challenge app I have. The breaks between the sets make it easy to meet the daily goals. I do yoga stretches during the 'rest' time between sets.

    If some of you want to join me, I can start a thread with instructions for the challenge. Might do it anyway....

    Rita from CT
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Hi everyone. Still wondering the US. Trying hard not to gain weight!!

    Lillian running away from chilly West Central Saskatchewan