February 2017 Running Challenge



  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    I've been at a few gyms where they had mini TV's on every recumbent bike (possibly the treadmills too).
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    @KeepRunningFatboy - Is TM treadmill? If so, that just blows my mind. That is some serious determination there.

    I was thinking that too. Thing is, if I had a treadmill at home, I think I could put on the TV and do it. The only treadmill I can access is at the gym. It isn't a huge gym, but there are always treadmills available to use. The problem isn't accessing treadmills, it is the TV. At home, I can watch whatever I want. At my gym, there is 1 TV for the whole gym. I can run/walk for a long time if there is a good show on, but I try to be courteous with volume and not to hog it from other members even if I was there first. Last time I went in and someone was already watching something really stupid and annoying, I wasn't exactly thrilled. I don't want to be like that guy.

    Phone or tablet and a Netflix, Amazon Prime, or some other type of service like that, is the only thing that makes it just bearable for me. But I still struggle with even an hour + on the dreadmill, somehow 1 dreadmill hour feels like 5 actual hours. I wonder if it's somehow related to dog years and actual years, lol.

    If they put in wireless internet, perhaps. Or if I can find a service to download beforehand. That doesn't work for new shows, though. For example, this Sun. when the new episode of The Walking Dead is on, I will be traveling for work. Either I'm going to be on a treadmill at the hotel watching the new episode or I will be sitting idle in my room watching it.

    Ahhh, yeah, Netflix and Amazon let you download now (hooray!!!), although you can't get current broadcast tv shows on them. But right now I'm about halfway through The Man in the High Castle (Amazon original) so that's a good one to download. And these services are producing so much original content nowadays, it might be worth looking into. Fortunately though, the weather has been mostly cooperating and I've had only a few times where I've been forced onto the dreadmill for a long run!
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    ritzvin wrote: »
    I've been at a few gyms where they had mini TV's on every recumbent bike (possibly the treadmills too).
    My gym has little TVs on all the cardio equipment. The gym near my work has more channels than the one near my apartment, though, so that's why I prefer the work gym. But if I have to go to the home gym I can either watch Two and a Half Men (which seems to be ALWAYS ON), or listen to music.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    @KeepRunningFatboy - Is TM treadmill? If so, that just blows my mind. That is some serious determination there.

    I was thinking that too. Thing is, if I had a treadmill at home, I think I could put on the TV and do it. The only treadmill I can access is at the gym. It isn't a huge gym, but there are always treadmills available to use. The problem isn't accessing treadmills, it is the TV. At home, I can watch whatever I want. At my gym, there is 1 TV for the whole gym. I can run/walk for a long time if there is a good show on, but I try to be courteous with volume and not to hog it from other members even if I was there first. Last time I went in and someone was already watching something really stupid and annoying, I wasn't exactly thrilled. I don't want to be like that guy.

    Phone or tablet and a Netflix, Amazon Prime, or some other type of service like that, is the only thing that makes it just bearable for me. But I still struggle with even an hour + on the dreadmill, somehow 1 dreadmill hour feels like 5 actual hours. I wonder if it's somehow related to dog years and actual years, lol.

    This! I can't tell you how much faster the time and miles go by when I'm outside vs. on the mill. During the week, right now being winter, my only option is the treadmill because it's really not safe for a woman to run in the dark alone. I am SO looking forward to more daylight so I can run outside more often!
  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member
    Yes , TM is for treadmill. My gym has 4 TVs on the wall, but only myself and 1 other guy was there. It helps to pass the time. And I got to do it with a marathon in just 4 weeks.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    @KeepRunningFatboy - Is TM treadmill? If so, that just blows my mind. That is some serious determination there.

    I was thinking that too. Thing is, if I had a treadmill at home, I think I could put on the TV and do it. The only treadmill I can access is at the gym. It isn't a huge gym, but there are always treadmills available to use. The problem isn't accessing treadmills, it is the TV. At home, I can watch whatever I want. At my gym, there is 1 TV for the whole gym. I can run/walk for a long time if there is a good show on, but I try to be courteous with volume and not to hog it from other members even if I was there first. Last time I went in and someone was already watching something really stupid and annoying, I wasn't exactly thrilled. I don't want to be like that guy.

    Phone or tablet and a Netflix, Amazon Prime, or some other type of service like that, is the only thing that makes it just bearable for me. But I still struggle with even an hour + on the dreadmill, somehow 1 dreadmill hour feels like 5 actual hours. I wonder if it's somehow related to dog years and actual years, lol.

    This! I can't tell you how much faster the time and miles go by when I'm outside vs. on the mill. During the week, right now being winter, my only option is the treadmill because it's really not safe for a woman to run in the dark alone. I am SO looking forward to more daylight so I can run outside more often!

    I hit the treadmill when it is cold and/or when it is too dark out. This time of year, it is still difficult to get out during daylight. Still, the last time I ran outside on streets during daylight (less than 2 weeks ago), I almost got hit by an impatient driver. And I'm a man, so it isn't always about gender. In fact, the driver trying to run me over was a woman... and I didn't even recognize her as an ex, lol.
  • LifeIsGoodAZ
    LifeIsGoodAZ Posts: 23 Member
    Well now I'm a bit behind (work got in the way) but I still plan to get there...

    February: Run 125

    2/1: 6.5 miles (4 x 400 hill repeats)
    2/2: Rest day
    2/3: 4.4 miles before the sun came up
    2/4: All day workshop :neutral:
    2/5: Catching up on home life :neutral:
    2/6: 5.0 Lunch run
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    Azercord wrote: »

    Picked up a new running partner on Sunday. My two boys are (close enough) old enough for a dog so we went to the shelter and I think we found a pretty good one. This is Kree (there is a nerd reference in the name and I will confirm it if guessed correctly) and she is about 9 - 11 months old. We are beginning leash training so any suggestions are appreciated. Really looking forward to the added motivation/help for runs.

    She is so cute!!! And my nerd guess is Marvel/Guardians of the Galaxy-related? Ronan was of the Kree race.

    Not just Ronan. Captain Marvel is Kree, among other things, and other people.
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    Date Distance Total To Goal (55)
    2/1 3.0 Mi 3.0 52.0 Mi
    2/2. Yoga
    2/3. Rest
    2/4. 5.0 Mi. 8.0. 47.0 Mi
    2/5 Stretching and rest
    2/6 3.0 Mi 11.0 44.0 MI
    2/7 Rest

    Was supposed to do my 3 miles yesterday but family requirements interfered. Got them done today on the treadmill at work. I am trying to catch up on posts, I am only 6 pages behind.

    March 11- St Malachi 5 miler (partial course preview for Cleveland Half)
    May 20 - Cleveland Marathon 8K (Maybe)
    May 21 - Cleveland Marathon Half
    June 10 - Run and Ride Cedar Point 5k
    June 11 - Run and Ride Cedar Point Half Marathon (Back up Plan) or Quarter Marathon[/quote]

  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    OK, I am finally caught up on posts.
    @KeepRunningFatboy - That is awesome that you are pacing the Cleveland Marathon. I wish they had more pacers for the half for us slower people more just for motivation then a specific time. I think the slowest is 2:30.
    @HonuNui - I love seeing you snorkeling pictures! They are beautiful.
    @Shanaber - That is crazy about your heart. Are they going to do any additional tests?
    @lporter229, @garygse, @louubelle16 and everyone else who raced this weekend. Congrats on great races! Love seeing the swag and pictures.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Azercord wrote: »
    I actually forgot about the Kree race but no that isn't it. It is from Star Gate SG1 "kree" is from the Goa'uld language meaning "hey you" or "attention" so basically I'm just saying "hey you" at my dog to get her attention, it amused me.

    I feel ashamed I have every season on DVD and didn't think of thst.
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    edited February 2017
    I'm not going to complain about the cost then!

    I strained my right collateral... Falling on a patch of ice when I was visiting the Japanese alps

    I'm honestly quite annoyed, let's say 124 million on a scale of 10.

    Tomorrow maybe a non rainy day, hope to be able to cycle a bit - of course I cannot run.
  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member
    2.1.17 - 11.5 m. TM @ 8:00 pace.
    2.2.17 - 7.5 m. TM RH Lvl 1 9:25 pace.
    2.4.17 - 19 m. TM 9:22 pace.
    2.5.17 - 1.1 m. Need recovery day.
    2.6.17 - 9.9 m. Nice day in Ohio.

  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    2/1: 2.2 miles walk, 6.3 miles bike
    2/2: Rest/PT
    2/3: 45 mins elliptical
    2/4: 10 miles bike
    2/5: 67 mins elliptical

    TOTAL: 3/22 workout days

    Yesterday I managed to get in a 60 minute workout on the elliptical plus cooldown. My goal was to spend about as much time and effort as I would for a long run. I would have spent more time but I had a busy weekend and fitting time in for even that was hard enough. I haven't added today's bike workout yet because I'm currently on it as I type.

    @Ohhim Sounds like you did a great job pacing and keeping everyone entertained!

    @MobyCarp You know you must be a dedicated runner when you go through all that for an 8k race. Congrats on a job well done and helping your team win!

    @louubelle So sorry about your terrible week! Sounds like that race was what you needed to help boost your spirits. I hope things are much better for you this week.

    @ddmom0811 Way to go roughing it out through those stomach problems and congrats on the HM!

    @BeeerRunner Yay for an awesome pain free 20 miler!

    @shanaber Congrats on a great HM!

    @juliet3455 Thanks for the link, I'll have to check that out

    @azercord So cute!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Fri. was a rest day as I was very worn out. Sat. I went hiking, but no running. And hiking wasn't even that far. Sun., nothing. So I had a rough start because I took too many rest days in a row. However, I felt pretty good by the end.

    Added 4 miles today.

  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    edited February 2017
    @Azercord love your new partner! Kree is gorgeous. Hope you both have fun running. My Stella has taken to it pretty well, but some days are better than others. Get one of the bungee hands-free running leashes if you don't have one already.

    Date :::: Miles :::: Feb MTD (goal = 70)
    02/01/17 :::: 2.6 :::: 2.6
    02/02/17 :::: 3.1 :::: 5.7
    02/03/17 :::: 2.6 :::: 8.3
    02/04/17 :::: 6.8 :::: 15.1
    02/05/17 :::: 4.0 :::: 19.1
    02/06/17 :::: 3.7 :::: 22.8

    Tonight was running group workout and we dressed like ninjas to disguise who we all were. There's a contest to see who can name the most runners on facebook

    Workout was reverse ladder 3-2-1-1-2-3 minute intervals with 1 minute between on the way down and 2 minutes between on the way back up. Then 4 sprints. I was super winded tonight. I can tell it's been a couple of weeks of not doing speedwork.
  • snowyne
    snowyne Posts: 268 Member
    2/1 - 4.3
    2/2 - rest
    2/3 - 3.1
    2/4 - 5.0
    2/5 - 4.6
    2/6 - 3.1
    Feb total: 20.1/100mi.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    A little 3 km Stretch and Recovery run. What felt like a Super Slow pace of 6:45/km.
    Now to go see if I was captured by the photographer yesterday.

    Chilly Willy HM Grande Prairie, AB Feb 5,2017 PB@ 2:12:36
    01/05 21.2 km –21.2km –118.8 km – YTD 141.3 – Chilly Willy HM BP@ 2:12:36
    01/06 3.0 km –24.2km –115.8 km – YTD 144.3 – 3 km Recovery run
