

  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Becca - Thanks for the hug

    Karen VA - Praying that all goes well with Olivia and her mom. Safe travels.

    NY Karen - Have fun in Morocco. Lucky girl!

    Re in Tx - I'm coming to your island paradise too

    Allie - Hope things work out for you. Take care of yourself.

    Lenora - Thank you for sharing your story. You are a very brave woman.

    Charleen - Don't own a cat but my dog acts like a paperweight sometimes too.

    Had youngest Grandson stay overnight last night. What a treat.

    Hugs to all. Have a great day.

    Paula Y.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good late evening to my favorite cyber sisters.

    Sounds like most of you are doing well today. Got lots of busy Moms and Grandmas. Good traveling wishes to Karen on being with Olivia. As an former RN one of the hardest things for loved ones was to see all the tubes, IVs, monitors beeping, etc. Just be prepared.

    Allie, all I can say is we all love you here and this is one place where you are safe and you can always get many hugs.

    Hugs, I love them!!!! I was brought up in a family of huggers. Dad being a Baptist preacher gave and received a lot of hugs. He loved to be in churches that were in low income areas and hugs were needed abound. I love them, they are a very important in my life and I get so few of them I crave them. Charlie was not brought up that way at all. I have always thought I could change him. My sister married a non hugger and he is a true Peterson hugger now. But I just can't get them out of Charlie. He will occasionally but it is more of a bear hug or just a light hug with a pat on my back. I don't want a bear hug, I just want a good strong loving hug.

    Not much to say except I hope the back spasms aren't to bad when I wake up. After I get up and moving around it feels OK. It's just that my body tells me to go back to bed when my heart is telling me to get up and go to church. I have one lady that knows how important my hugs are and gives them all the time. We have one of our Sunday sChool class members that her husband has severe kidney disease, is not a candidate for a transplant since he has heart and lung problems also. He has fallen and in bad condition and they have called in hospice. We have lost 3 spouses of our SS class members lately. I am 66 and there is only 1 other lady younger than me and there are 25 members of our class and there is one other senior ladies class. We are just an older church.

    Hope everyone has a good night, Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,678 Member
    stats for the day:
    rowing machine- 20min, 107ahr, 127mhr 60aw 3360meters - 128c
    Apple Watch- 151c
    Smatrix- 7min 137ahr 152mhr 5-5 - 83c
    Apple Watch- 82c
    0 runner- 15min 106acadence 47l 15h 8.43min mi 6-10resist, 1.73mi = 157c
    Apple Watch- 162c

    total cal 368
    light day
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,678 Member
    Grandmallie - out of respect, I'm going to keep my mouth shut
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    15,000 steps
    170 minutes walking Sasha and Bess
    135 minutes riding the exercise bike
    60 squats

  • tammyclf
    tammyclf Posts: 57 Member
    Michele in NC - I had to get my son to show me lol. And be sure you search popsugar! Not popsecret! If I said popsecret I must have been craving popcorn! Lol
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Mia – Great leggings to wear to the “Red Hat Society” meetings and for Valentine’s Day. <3

    Michelle – Me, too! And that is my ‘first’ stop – ALWAYS! K-mart in left back; Publix to the right and front of store, the few times I ever go to Wally-World … it is at the front of the store, a LONG way from where just about anything I might go there for is. :#

    Now, as for caramel-chocolate covered apples? I am a ‘sucker’. Will buy one and let it last me 3 days (1/3rd a day). I also like Olive Garden’s mints. One night we went with the family and I asked for a couple of more; and, the waitress went back and brought out a whole cup of them. It lasted a full month, one mint a day.

    Where are y’all going in FL? Stop by and pick me up, please … or I will meet y’all! Just kidding; can’t really get away … especially if an Interstate is involved. B) This week I got a Jury Panel form I had to fill out. I think since I am ‘retired’ on a ‘disability’ from my job with them, I doubt they will call me … it is a year commitment. I dealt with too much ‘court’ in my day … I think I have served enough.

    Lanette – I found I had been toting around a 40lb bag of potting soil (or an ‘elephant heart’). Could not even lift it; no wonder I kept stumbling and falling down and having to be held on to by DH. Now, I can walk without too many problems; but, I do always have a ‘walking stick’. :(

    Rori – Tux, our cat will attack if you rub his belly; but, he asks to be rubbed by getting right under us while we are on the swing on the deck and rolling on his back. Then he and Cracker will get into a tag team activity. My DOS comes down and anybody that comes in or out of the house, will find him up on the deck railing asking to be rubbed (on his sides). DOS just pops him on both sides and he enjoys it. His tail is ‘always’ 90° with a cute little curl at the end. :D

    Beth – That’s hysterical! I will have to remember that since 60lbs total is my goal. I can say that I got rid of the “Elephant D*** that was stuck up my @$$.” Gutter brain; gutter mouth. I agree, ‘who comes up with this things’? :o I will have to tell that one to DH! He’ll get a kick out of that. That can be something to stifle his ‘that’s what the girl at the picnic said’. His way, after the first time, of saying ‘let’s get outta here, I am beginning to find it difficult to be pleasant beyond my stretching point’.

    Paula – Thanks ... I try to be. But, there are days when I want to just ‘stay’ inside in my PJs and veg out.

    Today I walked 40 minutes; first ½ with Cracker. We then ran up on DH and DOS; and, she got into the truck and went back to the house. I don’t want her to ‘think’ it is “OK” for her to go back there and explore (with or without Luna). I like for her to always be within ‘ear shot’. She hasn’t (cross my fingers) gone back down the road to visit with the little dog inside its invisible fence. I think she knew after the 2nd day in a row of me having to go get her, that she was a ‘deep doodie’.

    Karen – That is wonderful news! Have a safe trip; we’ll be thinking about you and holding all of you up in our prayers. <3

    I am either having an allergic reaction to something; an interaction between my meds and something; or worse. I am beginning to think that I have the 'shingles'. Right along my left jaw line. I'm trying to keep my hands off my face and will call my MD first thing Monday AM. I feel like I am 'on fire'. If this is what it feels like to 'burn in Hell', I hope I won't have to. Although I know there are a few who hope I do. LOL!!!! >:)

  • Jaja99
    Jaja99 Posts: 21 Member
    Toni, Carol, and Lanette- Thanks for the encouraging words!

    Rori- Your trip sounds like it will be fun! Mars is one hardworking cat. Cute picture!

    Marnie- Glad you are up and moving. Hope the back continues to cooperate. It was interesting hearing about the Iditarod. I saw the start on TV a few years ago. The moose on the car is one moose picture I don’t like! I hope there wasn’t much damage! We used to sing that song in Girl Scouts. I had forgotten it. Now it will probably replay on and on and on…

    Allie- I’m sorry this is such a difficult time. It is so hard to know the right thing to do.

    Becca- Yummy lunch and dinner!

    Michele- Enjoy Florida. I’m heading there on Wed. for a week. I hope we have great weather!

    Joyce- Hope you make it to church and got your hug! My dad was a preacher too. We lived for a few years in Berne, Indiana.

    Karen VA- thanks for the update. That is encouraging news!

    Sarah- the chart was interesting. I can’t wait until I reach a 60 lb. loss. How will I ever work that little (big) fact into the conversation?

    My grandsons came over for a while today. The met some new kids in the neighborhood and had a blast playing. I did some raking in the back yard (yay, exercise!) so I could keep an ear on them. It was great hearing the 5 boys laughing, and playing. One of the boys they met was just an amazing kid. He was 9 years old and so polite. He left their game to ask if I needed help raking. Later I heard him caution one of the others to watch his language and he took the lead on making sure the younger ones were safe. Well time for bed!
    Jana in VA
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    <3 Going to catch a few hours' sleep. Plane leaves at 5:30a.m. Thanks for all the well wishes. Olivia is peeing a little now and had a brain MRI that was normal. We are beginning to feel hopeful. Will keep you updated.

    Karen in Virginia

    That is wonderful news! (((Hugs and prayers))) for Olivia and you and your family.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Lenora - we own a condo in Titusville, FL. Vince has been going to the Daytona 500 for about 35 years now. Just recently I've been going with him. Admitted, I don't care to go to the race on Sat. I'd rather go to the mall across the street....lol But I do go to the Daytona, mainly because they close the mall. In a way, it surprises me because I would think that that would be the time the locals would know that the stores weren't crowded. But then again, the price the mall charges to park in their parking lot, they probably can afford to be closed.

    I really wish we could stop along the way, but we have to give one of our cats a sedative to make the drive. By the time the sedative wears off and she starts to come to is about the time we get to Titusville. Trust me, others have asked us to stop but we really can't.

    I really hope you don't have shingles.

    Karen in VA - what wonderful news about Olivia.

    Joyce - welcome. You can do this.

    Michele in NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Awake early, but I did get 6 hours sleep. :)

    My final Valentine's present for DH arrived from Amazon yesterday. So I'm all ready. :D We never go out as the restaurants are full and expensive, but I do prepare something easy, but special. One year DH cooked the whole thing!
    We're having our favourite easy starter - blinis with low fat creme fraiche and lump fish roe. <3 Main is tandoori monkfish kebab. With salad <3 And I have some raspberry sorbet left over from Christmas. Low sugar.
    Champagne, of course! DSIL gave us a bottle for a Christmas present!

    Michele - I shan't be cooking for Rori as I will have to journey up to London on the train to see her. :D<3

    Going to try out the new Korean paste I got from Amazon today. Found the recipe on skinnytaste.com. Having it with salmon fillets.
    Tomorrow DH will have to fend for himself as I am up in London. I feel sushi coming on! I won't be able to exercise before I get on the train so I know it will be a day of going over on calories. The danger will be coming home emotionally exhausted.

    Got to get back to my memoir this week. I am always sooooooooooooo much happier when I am working on my writing. It changes my whole day. My whole life. Why then do I find it so hard to get down to it?

    NY Karen - Wishing you a GREAT trip to Morocco. What is the itinerary?

    So glad to hear that Olivia is improving. Safe journey Karen. <3

    Kim - What's happening?

    Penny - ditto

    Time to take DH up a nice cup of tea. He got very worked up during the Wales/England rugby match yesterday and had to leave his room it was so tense. He went back in and England won at the last minute. Occasionally he has got so anxious that he's had a panic attack the night after, but he seems to have slept ok.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Morning all:

    Thanks for the sinus comments from several of you. I think that is what it is because I am very congested today. It woke me up again last night, but seems to be a little better today.

    DJ - the idea of 15 minutes per day decluttering is a good one, I think I am going to give it a try.

    Sarah - Loved the weight loss equivalents. Right now I am between having lost the amount of pizza the average American eats in a year and a 3-gallon tub of super-premium ice cream. It puts a different perspective on it.

  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    Good morning everyone. Glad you like the chart, I thought it was a hoot and Jana, I don't know how to work the 60 lb one into a conversation but when I lose that amount I will find a way lol! Welcome Joyce from Canada, lots of us here. I am originally from Saskatchewan but live in Ontario now.

    Not looking forward to a day of procrastinated chores but looking forward to going to a dear friend's 40th wedding anniversary tonight!

    Have a great Sunday ladies!

    <3 Sarah, Ontario, Canada

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Icy weather today so I am happy to stay in the entire day. Home chores and a a nap are in order.

    I can tackle any decluttering 15 minutes at a time, great tip!

    Will post the itinerary for Morocco when I look it up! DH has booked a whirlwind 7 day tour that has us in a new city every day. NYKAREN
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    edited February 2017
    Karen safe trip. Prayers for your family.

    NY Karen we have had our share of ice this winter too. Glad you do not have to go out in it. This is the first year I have used salt all over our driveway and sidewalk. Ii discovered using a hand held spreader works best because it keeps down the puddles of salt. I don't like using salt because it is so hard on the environment. I don't want to risk anyone falling including me.

    :heart: Margaret