

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited February 2017
    Nancy – My mother taught me how to make cording. Are you cutting the pieces on the bias (45°) angle to the sides of the material? They have little things that you can use ‘chalk’ with to be able to see the markings on the back side of the material. Then you’d lay them face down matching up every other strip to form one long row of material and sew them together. They'd have points you'd have to cut off for the sides to be even. You might have to play around with it; but, each piece ought to have a 45° angle; but opposite sides. It is like putting together a puzzle – if you can look at is as a ‘puzzle’ … you should be able to match up the ends to form a long strip. Shorter on top than on bottom. Every other piece should actually be cut the same; with the others between them being the opposite. One longer on bottom that the other; and the top being shorter. It is easier; if you put each in 2 different piles. It would be ‘easier’ to have someone show it to you then to try to explain it. When you sew the seams together; you will have ‘points’ to cut off on each side that is normal where the seams go together. I wish I could draw it out. You can use scraps to do this; just making sure that you cut them on the bias. Cutting them on the bias will give it stretch so you can use your piping around a pillow edge and it will be pliable. You would then wrap your material around cording and using your zipper attachment sew right up next to the cord; then cut off 1 side of the ‘seam’ [usually the side that the cording is sewed in] that it makes so it won’t be too thick when sewing it to your material of the pillow. Like I said … would be a lot easier to ‘show’ someone how to do this than to explain it. Check your area fabric stores, they usually have someone who ‘teaches’ sewing and they could show you what I am royally screwing up trying to explain. I’m just one of those people who has to be shown, try it, tell me again, show me, let me try it and I get it ‘in my brain’ after that. Seems simple; but, it isn’t that easy to explain.

    I’m sure my ‘attempt’ at ‘drawing’ this only using the characters I could find on computer isn’t a very good gesture. You’d be a lot less stressed over it if you can either find a ‘streamstress’ or a ‘tailor’ who would show you at least once how to do it. It really is something that one has to ‘show you’ while moving the pieces around. I put them face down; and set the edges together. When you press the seam flat, there will be 'points' on each side, cut those off and you should have a long strip of material, all facing right-side down. Maybe looking through the YouTube videos until someone can do it and simply explain it. I know I have looked things up on YouTube and thrown it in the corner; then suddenly ‘what they are saying makes sense’. Nothing like getting up at 2:30am to sew something together because it comes to you ‘in a dream’. LOL!

    Michele – As I understand it; you cannot play on your own tiles if there is a train on it; but, you can play on an opposing party’s tile IF they have a train on it, then you can remove your train that is on your train/tiles. I understand satisfying a double either one time, or three. Once, you just continue with your tile butted up against it headed in the same direction. Satisfying it 3x means you can play off the double (one down the middle; and/or out each side). It is a game of finesse in a way. This woman made the comment before leaving the room that ‘we needed to figure out all the rules because some play it differently (according to “The Rules”) and would not be ‘happy’ with our ‘off the cuff rule making’. I asked her ‘if she wanted to show us’? She walked out of the room, we looked at one another and continued playing and helping each other out, since there were ‘new’ people to the game.

    Bianca and Sarah – The older I get the ‘more accepting of my episodes’ my children become; but, I never want to live with them (again). Just put me in a ‘gated community’ with a lot of activities; but, not the 'loony bin'. Somewhere I could either eat there or 'go out'. My BF lives in a nice quiet condo; 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, a kitchen with the W/D in the closet and a place for an office. No yardwork; but, a nice walled-in patio and an area in the front where she can put flowers, etc.

    Kate UK – I always thought that tenderloin was the same cut as ‘back-strap’ … that round long piece of meat cut off a cow or maybe even a pig. The ones that ribeye steaks are cut from.

    Re – My Mother had suffered in a really bad wreck and her neck was in a 24/7 brace at a 45° angle; she attempted to go back to work as a school teacher; wasn’t working out very well for her in the area of pain and being able to pick up anything that fell on the floor. My Daddy was looking for a new secretary and asked her to formulate a letter using ‘site’, ‘cite’, and ‘sight’ in it. She missed every definition. Learning English will all the nuances it takes to speak correctly (or even write it correctly is NOT something I would want to have to learn as a foreigner). It was difficult to do growing up speaking and writing and reading; and my Mother was an English/Lit/Grammar HS teacher. I just ‘cringe’ when my DDnL#1 says “I seen him do it.” No; you either ‘saw’ him do something or you ‘have seen him do something … like in the past (maybe more than once). LOL!!!!! Like - to, two, and too; ‘short’ one is a ‘direction’, the next one is a ‘number’, and the 3rd means ‘also’. A good way to explain it is you point your finger to 'go to'; you hold you fingers up in a "V" for the number; and there are 2 "zeros/'oo'" for also. My Mother had little sayings and they don't teach them any longer in school. Like 'i' before 'e' except when sounding like 'a' as in 'neighbor' or 'weigh'." Their, there, and they’re. So many words that sound the same and have totally different meanings. “They’re going over there to get their swimming suits.” However, I can right some of the longest ‘run-on’ sentences, and my Mother has rolled over in her urn several times. But, at least she no longer ‘pinches’ me when I say something incorrectly.

    I hate the time change … last for 6 months; but, takes my body easily 3 months to get used to it.

    Kate – When I think of ‘boiling bacon’ I think of a chunk of meat that has the same stripes in it, has a hard edge and you cook it in ‘collard greens’ for flavor. I think it is called ‘salt meat’ because it is really salty. My DMnL used to cut it into stripes and cut off the edge and dredge it in flour and fry it. Oh, and she soaked it in milk, first.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,724 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 13.55min, 12.7amph, 142mhr, 2.9mi = 128c
    apple watch- 112c
    ROWING MACHINE- 38min, 61aw, 103ahr, 131mhr, 6365meters/3.96miles = 300c
    apple watch- 304c
    bike ride gym 2 dome train station- 6.54min, 144mhr, 12.4amph, 1.4mi = 77c
    apple watch- 46c
    jog station 2 wk- 4.59min, 9.474min mi, 145ahr, 166mhr, .5mi = 65c
    apple watch- 51c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.28min, 149mhr, 9.28min mi, .4mi = 69c
    Apple Watch- 51c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 19.36min, 8amph, 154mhr, 2.6mi = 216c
    apple watch- 144c

    total cal 855
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Boy am I tired tonight. We worked in the yard today from 11 - 4. Cut roses, Texas sage and Viatex. Then had to haul it all away. Also did a controlled burn and that took an hour or so. So I am about ready to go to bed.
    Read all posts and hope to stay caught up.
    Night all
    SueBDew and the n TX
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    :) Katla, Gretchen Rubin has done 104 podcasts since she started two years ago. I've listened to all but the last one so far, and loved every one.

    :)Lenora, the chicken soup and apple juice don't take the place of the drinks that the doctor prescribes to clean you out for the colonoscopy. They are for the day of clear liquids when everyone seems to drink Gatorade and jello and get no nutrition.

    :)Nancy, salads are never as benign as we expect them to be. I eat mine without dressing or cheese and that helps.

    :)Rita, I'm so sorry that your family is being so negative. Don't let them steal your dream. When we RV'ed we used a professional mail service to receive our mail and send it to us when we asked and we paid all our bills online so we didn't take the chance of missing a payment.

    :) I bought an extension cord to plug in my headphones to the TV so I can ride the exercise bike in the living room and watch TV while Jake is sleeping or using the computer so today I rode for a really long time and watched some great TV--also did a bunch of knitting.

    :) I did only 20 squats today but walked 19.000 steps including 190 minutes with the dogs, line dance class, and 181 minutes on the exercise bike.

    Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member
    edited February 2017

    IremiaRe wrote: »
    Marni – Whoot! Go, Marni, Go! 1.7 lbs is awesome.
    Re in TX
    Re - thanks so much :-) {{hugs}}

    My word for 2017 is “Mindfulness” .. age 52 -34 lbs lost 68.5 to go! 1200 cal/day avg.



    Marni in Alaska
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited February 2017
    Barbie - That's good to know because I don't eat Jell-O and hate Gatorade ... too sweet for my liking.

  • p67ati
    p67ati Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. I'm brand new to this group. I just turned 50 in January and I am focused on a more healthy lifestyle. What advice do you have for me?
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    My goodness you ladies talk fast!! Miss some time on here due to work and I am several pages behind!!
    Trying to stay on track when working nights and I am exhausted is so hard.
    I am off for a few days but planning a family dinner for 20 on Sunday so I will be cleaning house, watching grandchildren, running errands and grocery shopping in the next 2 days!!
    Hope you are all working hard and drinking lots of water!!

    Karen in BC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening My Dear Friends,

    Yvonne, love the legs!! Er um I mean leggings. Tee hee hee

    Sarah, your DH sounds like a keeper! Go girl.

    Cheri, interesting information on your video. Let us know what changes you make and how it is working.

    Re, I’m so glad they did work you in for your PT on Thursday. I’d hate for us to all have to come down there and tell them how the cow ate the cabbage.

    Beth, sorry your DH is hurting but geezer that is no excuse to carb up. Hope you are back to good eating today. smiley-eating-pizza-emoticon.gif

    Cheri, how exciting to get to go to Vegas. I love it just for the people watching. Hope you have a ball. poker-face-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Kay, great leggings.

    Karen, 3 pounds is a great start!!! Congrats and keep up the good work.

    CarolGA, I do hope the doc can come up with some help for your knee. ((((Hugs))))

    Rita, it sounds like you are doing a great job on the purging. We are rooting for you. cheerleading-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Dlites, good for setting your goals. I have a suggestion: Rather than saying do something “more”, give yourself a measurable goal. Something like walk 20 minutes 3 times a week. Or walk 10 minutes a day. It just gives us a way to measure if we are meeting our goal or not. Good luck.

    Kate, you are killing it on the planks. Do you do them from your toes or your knees? Keep up the great work.

    Beth, I hope your hubby is okay. Sending healing thoughts. (Later) Such a bummer about your son’s care giver. A dog groomer, eh? Hope you can find someone soon.

    Re, that is amazing that they could charge that much less for the MRI when they want to. Some of those things are just outrageous.

    Karen, I hope Olivia improves quickly. I know you are all worried about her and we all just want her healthy. ((((Hugs))))

    SueB, my exercise hasn’t been consistent lately either. We both need to get back on track because it makes such a difference.
    Rori, good luck with your colonoscopy tomorrow. I hope the prep went well.

    Katla, I hope you got to work with Arrow today. If I can read far enough I might find out.

    Lisa, glad the surgery went well and I hope Corey had a speedy recovery.

    Rita, I’m so sorry that much of your family is not supportive of your move. I know that has to hurt. I’m proud of you for making the decision and hope you have a wonderful adventure.

    Heather, I hope things start to fall in place for your move soon. I know it is unsettling to not have firm plans for something so major. (((Hugs))) Thanks for the message from Penny.

    Mary, you continue to inspire with your dedication to your exercises. Keep up the great work.

    Ginger, I know it’s not always easy but we are here to support you in better habits and avoiding those cookies and ice cream that call your name from the kitchen. My DH is the one that keeps all that terrible stuff in the house, too. Hang in there!!

    Bianca, you don’t have to wait until you are 50 to join us. To me it was pretty much just a number. The sad thing is, it was just yesterday when I turned 50 and next month I’ll be turning 70. Now that is a number to shudder about. The thing is other than this aging vessel I am in, I don’t feel any older than when I was 30. The older I get the better I get and also the happier. Welcome, we are happy to have you join us.

    Joyce, I hope your sister has a speedy recovery. Sending healing thoughts and prayers.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.
    Had a meeting at the Moose today and then had lunch. I had a prime rib sandwich and didn’t eat the bread. That was the best I could do as just wasn’t in the mood for a salad. I’m tired but did get through all the posts so happy for that. I’m sending good wishes for all that are suffering from illness or personal problems. Congrats to all with victories. Keep up the good work to those that are doing good work and get with it to all of us that are lagging a bit behind.
    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Beth - so sorry to hear that your son's care giver is leaving. How will that affect you?

    One good thing about 50 -- no more periods

    Joyce - so sad for you

    Lenora - you can play on your own train if you can, then you take the train off. But, you're right, you can play on other's trains. To me, as long as everyone agrees to the rules, I don't have a problem playing "off the cuff". We do that a lot when we play Rummikub.

    Welcome everyone new!

    I need to get my CPR certification renewed. The local hospital will have a class if we have enough people. So I sent out a memo to the Newcomers and about 16 said they were interested. I arranged to have 3 different sessions and to have a box lunch delivered. I need a minimum in order to have the delivery. Now I'm willing to pay the delivery fee, but I'm not willing to buy extra lunch(es) in order to have them delivered. I can't get over the people who don't want to get lunch. Yet, they're willing to pay for a lunch for canasta or a dinner for game night (which to me the food isn't that good at all). Well, if I don't have everyone buying lunch, I'm just going to send a memo to them saying that I don't have the minimum needed so I can't get lunch delivered. Maybe the people who don't want to get it will decide to. One lady said she didn't want it because she and her husband wouldn't eat the bread. Take the bread off! What's the big deal. Even *I'm* willing to this once have a sandwich. I won't have the chips or cookie. I didn't last time I had lunch from them. But I'll eat the sandwich (I'm going to get a turkey on wheat. I know that it comes with just lettuce and tomato. I think they give you small packs of condiments, but I won't use them <unless it's mustard>.

    Michele in NC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Quick check in to catch up on reading and answer Meg's question. Yes, I wear my wild leggings. I wear them under dresses to substitute teach and to church, I wear them with a nice tunic to the grocery store, Doctor, errands and casual things like Bridge, and I wear them with tunic tee-shirts and sweatshirts around the house. I wear the solid colored ones just like tights under tighter dresses and skirts. And I wear them under regular wind suit pants as a layer of warmth when walking outside. I like for the tunics to hit at least mid-thigh for modesty's sake, but I have been known to wear them with a regular cotton tee to the gym to workout when it is cold. I have not and probably never will wear them in the pulpit. Maybe the solids under a dress, but not the prints.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Rita – sorry to hear your family is being yucky right now… mine is almost always yucky too… I have determined that a friend or a “paid professional” is the best way to go… I see Lanette has the same idea
    Are you DH and CooCoo’s Nest going to travel around the US? I’ll research a campground for you here if you want to come to Northern California and visit….

    Allie – tea pots and tea cosy? Is it your birthday?

    Karen in VA - glad you got to hold Olivia and that she is showing improvement – I’m sure you and your partner being there was a huge emotional support

    Heather – thanks for the penny update and to any American friends who don’t know fortnight – it’s 14 days…

    Someone asked what I had been wondering “Where’s Sherry?” So I called and left a message I’ll let you know what I hear.

    Barbie asked me about recent books… It is a goal to write a short book review each month… so I have 2 first is January’s as I did not do that one…

    Fly Girl by Sherri Smith - This is classified as a young adult book and was picked by a neighboring town to be the book the town would read for Feb. It was really good, a historical fiction based on the experiences of an African American girl joining the WASPs (Women Airforce Service Pilots) in WWll. A quick read, well written, gives insight to the times and what life was like for an African American in the south.

    Eye of the Needle by Ken Follett – this is the March book for my book club. A few months back we read Pillars of the Earth by K. Follett and I disliked it as I felt that K. Follett just re-arranged the dictionary, there were 5-7 sentences for every 1 sentence needed…way to wordy. So I was not looking forward to Eye of the Needle..BUT I was pleasantly surprised.

    Eye of the Needle is a spy novel, with some twists and turns, set in Europe in WWll and I found it to be a page turner… - I don’t want to give too much away, but it includes a strong female character.

    I have scheduled dinner with my DN (debonair nephew) who’s dad has colon cancer for Tuesday night – that will be a nice time to chat about all that is going on.

    February Goals:
    Write Christmas letter, and have all cards ready to send by Dec1…this was for nov. but still working on it. Jan. still working on this….**** GET THIS DONE*******
    Read and report on a book –
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday –
    Work on water consumption –
    Lunch with Kyle -


    Kim from N. California
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
  • queenegreene
    queenegreene Posts: 1,376 Member
    edited February 2017
    Having a bit of insomnia, so thought I would check in. There is always alot to read, I lIke that abut this thread. In reading your posts, I feel as though I'm getting to know some of you in just the past few days :)

    About me, I hope this isn't too much info on such short acquaintance. Not sure when I'll have the energy to get on the thread again- it takes a lot to read all the posts! How many of you are there anyway?

    I'm 55 and live with my husband of 12 happy years but we've been a couple for almost 20 years (hubby #2, a very good man -complete opposite of husband 1). DH (dearest husband) and I met in college in our 30s as non traditional students both of us making life changes by finishing our degrees that had been postponed in our 20s for different reasons. His health has deteriorated over the past 3 years (mine too, but not to the same extent), so we aren't as active as a couple as I would like, but I find some things to do outside the house, wit girlfriends. His new sedentary lifestyle is rubbing off on me though, which is depressing, which causes me to read more, which results in more sitting around...

    We have 3 acres and a 5 bedroom 'older' house - that is starting to fall apart :/ (DH is not willing to downsize or pay someone else to provide upkeep), so in nice weather we do get busy working/mending outside (but then he suffers from the exertion which leads to sitting around and more things falling apart). Inside, we use a lot of duct tape (only sort of kidding about the tape).

    Life is good except when it's not.

    I'm a child welfare social worker, but have recently become a supervisor, so no more direct service - I miss that. I'm a good teacher and coach, so my employer loves me and the newer employees do too, but 1 employee is a former co-worker and she doesnt like that I now supervise her and tries to undermine and sabotage me at every turn (she wanted the job as sup). So, work is very stressful and full of talking, teaching, modeling good practice, keeping an especially keen eye on that one pesky employee, etc. When I get home, it's SO EASY to just read or watch TV rather than go out with friends.

    I exercise on a stationary bike or elliptical 3 to 5 mornings a week and sometimes take walks at break/lunch, but will rarely exercise after work. Too tired by the time I get home.

    I have a 32 year old daughter (DDD dear difficult daughter). I love her, but she is more like her father (husband 1, not a good man). She will not hold a job for more than day or two, has been incarcerated off on since age 18 (but not, thank God within the past 2 years- finally signs of accepting some responsibility for her own actions ), and tells me I just don't understand her. She's right, I don't understand. Why would anyone want to live like that? She thinks I should continue to support her because she's my little princess; I won't - I can't - she's supposed to be a grown up now. I do have her on my cell phone plan, as a tenuous thread in staying connected with her (since I'm paying for her phone, I always have her phone number- which she changes every month or so as she restarts her life with new 'friends'). When she is doing well, I'm cautiously optimistic. She's (we've) had some real tragedies occur in the past year, but the good news is that she has stayed out of jail throughout the hard times this time(which, in the past, going to jail seems to have been her way of resetting when life wasn't going as planned).

    Enough for now, I just might be able to get back to sleep for an hour before my alarm goes off :)

    Have a great day everyone
    queene in PA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    Queene- Sounds like you have more than enough stressors in your life. <3 I think a lot of women find their husbands slow down and get set in their ways as they get older. We have to "manage" them. :) My husband is susceptible to having an idea planted in passing and being allowed to ponder it without pressure. Then he thinks it is his own idea! :D
    I have a depressed, unemployed son who is obese. Not a good combination. He has two dogs which keep him alive.

    Joyce - Sorry to hear about your sister. ((((HUGS)))) <3

    Toni or Meg - Sorry, couldn't work out who it was - so sorry to hear about your husband's troubles. <3 Depression is no joke.

    Hope that all those who are waiting for things to mend have them mended. (((HUGS)))

    NY Karen - Bon Voyage! (They speak French as their second language in Morocco ) :D

    Second viewing today. I wish I could get more excited. :(

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    Morning beauties:
    Re glad things have settled down and thanks for the bean info
    KJ that is so funny! When I lie, it is usually a conscious under estimation of the portions lol!
    SueBDew so jealous - would love to be in my yard right now on a warm day but as true Canadian, when the weather warms up, I will probably complain about that too :D
    Barbie wow that is a lot of minutes, great job!
    DJ Hey, hope you are doing well.
    Queens Thanks for sharing your interesting story. I am a social worker turned manager as well. I manage a medical forensic program in a hospital. We work a lot with child welfare. You have a very challenging job and I so respect what you do <3 So sorry to hear about the challenges with your daughter, that must be very hard on you.

    I am happy and a little anxious at the same time. The daughters and one boyfriend come home tonight and they never stop eating and of course, they are all thin, in great physical shape and eat whatever they want. I remind them occasionally that I am their future and those habits may eventually lead them to the path I am now on. They just love when I say that. The difference with them and when I was young is that they are much more health conscious. They all work out hard every day, make better food choices but they still are constantly eating. Luckily, I won't be here during the day and will try to do very well during the day to allow a bigger or more interesting meal at night. But I will need help. I definitely eat more and make poorer choices when there are others around not watching their calories like I do. Why is it always so hard (she whines like a two year old) lol!

    For those who need a kick in the ---, a hug, a prayer, some love; sending it all to you with deep respect and grace. Have a great day everyone <3
    <3 Sarah, Ontario
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,813 Member
    good morning~
    Kim ~ No just cause my friend loves me..
    was up early this morning with upset stomach , went back to sleep ,but now running around to get stuff ready before I go to work.... and get Taliah on the bus

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Just caught up on over 500 posts!
    Will update what's going on later.
    Marking my place.
    Chris in MA
  • ready4cruise
    ready4cruise Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, just found this commnity