10 a Day (800g) Veggie&Fruit Challenge Participants Check in!



  • Tum22
    Tum22 Posts: 102 Member
    tojo567 wrote: »
    I started it this morning. I had half a banana, a grapefruit and a blood orange.
    Do you worry about all the sugar you're eating with fruits?

    I started yesterday. I am worried about the sugar and carbs. However I am finding it easier to keep within my calories as I am able to eat lots of things all day.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    JennieMaeK wrote: »
    Yesterday's numbers:
    • 69g banana with breakfast
    • 111g lettuce with lunch
    • 56g tomato with lunch
    • 250g apple with lunch
    • 392g turnips with dinner

    Total - 878g

    Great job! And you guys are eating things I've never had before-adding turnips to my 'to try' list lol :)
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member

    101 g celery
    97 g carrots
    12 g onion
    42 g kiwi
    119 g strawberries
    30 g banana chips
    = 401 g
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    In regards to the loo comments, I have definitely seen a difference within 1 day.

    In general, my fiber is where it should be but I have been having trouble in the poo department. One day of eating 10 servings of veg/fruit and no trouble. Lol. I'm thinking this may be due to soluble vs insoluble fiber..??
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    As long as we're talking about making deposits at brown & Co. Community Bank I may as well add mine too, I have never had problem "going" but I have noticed that when my vegetable consumption is high the ummm... "quality" and texture are better. There is more structural integrity when the fiber is up. Trying n it to get too gross here.... LOL!

    This made me laugh so hard. Thank you!
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Tum22 wrote: »
    tojo567 wrote: »
    I started it this morning. I had half a banana, a grapefruit and a blood orange.
    Do you worry about all the sugar you're eating with fruits?

    I started yesterday. I am worried about the sugar and carbs. However I am finding it easier to keep within my calories as I am able to eat lots of things all day.

    What's to worry about?

    Don't believe the woo that carbs and sugar are bad.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,720 Member
    In regards to the loo comments, I have definitely seen a difference within 1 day.

    In general, my fiber is where it should be but I have been having trouble in the poo department. One day of eating 10 servings of veg/fruit and no trouble. Lol. I'm thinking this may be due to soluble vs insoluble fiber..??

    Could be, but in theory there could also be an issue with water or fat consumption, too. From your earlier report on this thread, the fruit/veggies you ate to get to 10 did include some that brought a good bit of water along with them (orange, tomatoes, cucumber, etc.). But you'd know what your regular water consumption is, and how it's spread through the day.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    In regards to the loo comments, I have definitely seen a difference within 1 day.

    In general, my fiber is where it should be but I have been having trouble in the poo department. One day of eating 10 servings of veg/fruit and no trouble. Lol. I'm thinking this may be due to soluble vs insoluble fiber..??

    Could be, but in theory there could also be an issue with water or fat consumption, too. From your earlier report on this thread, the fruit/veggies you ate to get to 10 did include some that brought a good bit of water along with them (orange, tomatoes, cucumber, etc.). But you'd know what your regular water consumption is, and how it's spread through the day.

    I actually pay a good bit of attention to my hydration and fat intake due to slight and sometimes bad constipation. I drink a lot of fluids and urine is almost always very light colored. Fat intake tends to be around 60 grams per day. My usual fiber intake tends to be from grains more than veg and fruit. But for sure my veg yesterday gave even more fluids. Whether it's type of fiber or extra water, I was happy about yesterday's results.

  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    As long as we're talking about making deposits at brown & Co. Community Bank I may as well add mine too, I have never had problem "going" but I have noticed that when my vegetable consumption is high the ummm... "quality" and texture are better. There is more structural integrity when the fiber is up. Trying n it to get too gross here.... LOL!

    This made me laugh so hard. Thank you!

    I am cracking up too! Brown & Co....LOLOLOLOL!!!
  • Sairzie
    Sairzie Posts: 122 Member
    Couldn't start yesterday as my food delivery didn't come until the evening. But today have logged 850g as follows:

    400g salad made up of cucumber, tomatoes, spinach, rocket, celery, peppers and red onion.
    50g of mixed beans with the salad for lunch.

    Dinner was 100g sweet potato chips, 100g of a veg mixed with broccoli, sweet corn, spinach and peas + 50g of homemade pineapple salsa.

    Breakfast....nearly forgot...had 50g of raisins.

    Pudding after dinner was 100g of pineapple.
    Got an even bigger salad planned for tomorrow's lunch!!
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I've failed today. I hit 707g which isn't bad but yet again my calories are really low today.

    Only hit 1326 calories after having an ice cream and a chocolate mousse.

    I think I'll have to go for higher calorie veg like swede and sweet potato etc.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member

    15 g golden raisins
    15 g dried cranberries
    15 g onion
    99 g zucchini
    61 g bell pepper
    13 g sun-dried tomatoes
    129 g strawberries
    72 g kiwi

    = 419 g total

    I'm slacking on this. Doing fine by U.S./Canadian standards.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    I've failed today. I hit 707g which isn't bad but yet again my calories are really low today.

    Only hit 1326 calories after having an ice cream and a chocolate mousse.

    I think I'll have to go for higher calorie veg like swede and sweet potato etc.

    Hitting over 700 is still an epic accomplishment :#
  • I've failed today. I hit 707g which isn't bad but yet again my calories are really low today.

    Only hit 1326 calories after having an ice cream and a chocolate mousse.

    I think I'll have to go for higher calorie veg like swede and sweet potato etc.

    I would definitely NOT call that failing! Great job!
  • As long as we're talking about making deposits at brown & Co. Community Bank I may as well add mine too, I have never had problem "going" but I have noticed that when my vegetable consumption is high the ummm... "quality" and texture are better. There is more structural integrity when the fiber is up. Trying n it to get too gross here.... LOL!

    This made me laugh so hard. Thank you!
    As long as we're talking about making deposits at brown & Co. Community Bank I may as well add mine too, I have never had problem "going" but I have noticed that when my vegetable consumption is high the ummm... "quality" and texture are better. There is more structural integrity when the fiber is up. Trying n it to get too gross here.... LOL!

    This made me laugh so hard. Thank you!

    I am cracking up too! Brown & Co....LOLOLOLOL!!!

    I'll be here all week! *takes a bow* :D
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    I have 150g of carrot sticks in front of me!

    And lunch (Eggplant, Zucchini, Mushroom, lentil and chickpea bake) had 208 grams... wait, do chickpeas and lentils count? Caz that would make it 275g... I'm getting there...

    I think I want this recipe.

    Beans and legumes count for one serving per day... so 80 grams.


    It's this recipe, tweaked! I used 500g of eggplant, 500g of zucchini, 250g mushrooms, along with the lentils and chickpeas. Ileft off the pinenuts (coz I didn't have any) and used parmesan (because I like it better). The baked yogurt over the top makes this awesome almost cheesey topping, it's really good!!
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    Wrapping things up for the day food-wise and today I came in at 770g of veg/fruit. Still under the 800g mark, but I improved from yesterday so feeling pretty happy with things :) Tomorrow is the day I get to 800g lol.

    178g sweet potato (seems odd to me that sweet potatoes count, but regular potatoes don't?)
    211g California Blend mix: cauliflower, broccoli and carrots
    60g Roma tomato
    '80'g of refried (pinto) beans (actually ate 120g but only 80g counts)
    50g iceberg lettuce
    22g yellow onion
    75g blueberries
    94g banana

    I also went over on fiber today and hit 36g (instead of 25 recommended). We'll see how that plays out lol :D
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    I have 150g of carrot sticks in front of me!

    And lunch (Eggplant, Zucchini, Mushroom, lentil and chickpea bake) had 208 grams... wait, do chickpeas and lentils count? Caz that would make it 275g... I'm getting there...

    So I ended up at:

    150g carrots
    275g mixed veg with lunch
    210 g cabbage, 40g cucumber and 35g capsicum with dinner

    = 710 g for the day.

    Not quite there but not bad!
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    edited February 2017
    I have only had 422 grams so far and have been so stuffed this entire day, how can I possibly eat any more? Blurg! Even the apple is not tempting me, because it is a damn Pink Lady and not a Honeycrisp.

    ETA: I also need to figure out how to fit in 50+ more grams of protein. Double blurg!