~*Sexy for Christmas*~



  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    http://www.twohundredsitups.com here's the situps ink again -- I still haven't done mine today but I will.

    1/2 a cookie isn't so bad mundy, I ate a doughnut today. a whole one.

    I am not eating clean or anything like that though.

    I love my hipbones too - also the fact that my underwear fits now or sometimes is even a tiny bit loose - for a while there my bf was like "uh do you need to buy a bigger size" and I was like "T____T I think L is the biggest Victoria's Secret makes in this Pink line"
  • risaiz
    risaiz Posts: 47
    great, I finally was able to open the tracking list. I will be weighing in tomorrow morning. I was unable to do the sit-up challenge due to back problems can't do sit-ups, so I will have to see what the next challenge is. I'll update tomorrow...

    I have a bad back also, so I do sit ups on a balance ball. It's not as bad on my back as doing sit ups on the floor. It's worth a try and I hope this could help for you :)
  • cass89
    cass89 Posts: 198 Member
    ok so TOM arrived yesterday so my weights gone up >.< so i'm currently 95kg (209lbs) :( but starting the 30 DS today so hopfully that will help me DOMINATED!
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    Weighing in at 203.0 today! Down 2 lbs. in 2 weeks. Yay!
  • dizins
    dizins Posts: 21
    my weigh in for 1st week is 207 I started at 210 so lost 3 lbs. and my tracker only says lost 1 lb. so I see a glitch there and not sure how to correct it.
  • dizins
    dizins Posts: 21
    i figured it I restarted and it was picking up from my weight when I was here in April so I changed it.
  • cass89
    cass89 Posts: 198 Member
    Cass I think I fixed you, sorry!

    thanks :happy:
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    hey can anyone tell me when weigh in is?
  • cass89
    cass89 Posts: 198 Member
    hey can anyone tell me when weigh in is?
    Thursday or Friday.
  • deevo
    deevo Posts: 276 Member
    Fridays I believe
  • epalone2
    epalone2 Posts: 8
    SW: 194
    7/21: 189.8:happy:
  • carintoby
    carintoby Posts: 21
    Do you just post it here, or send it to a certain person?
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Did Day Three of the 200 sit-ups program. Ended up doing 126 over the course of 5 sets and boy was I feeling it by the end!

    Today I've jogged 2.1 miles, did 30 minutes of yoga, did the sit-ups and am going to Zumba class in just a bit.

    I'll be reporting my weekly weigh in tomorrow since I joined last Friday. Want to keep it a week at a time!

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • zbjs
    zbjs Posts: 4 Member
    Weigh in for the week: 146!
    Woo hoo!
  • kathywoo10
    kathywoo10 Posts: 139 Member
    Weigh in for the week: 146!
    Woo hoo!

    Great Job!

    My weigh in for the week is 182.2! :)
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Weigh in this week is 189lb, so down 1lb... Better than nothing!

    Have also done three days of the sit-ups program, will definitely be sticking with it.
  • Great job everyone! I bought a new scale today, I am so happy. I have been a while without a scale and it has been hell. So I am going to weigh myself tomorrow morning and let you guys know the update.

    I am proud of myself this week. I did my boot camp class twice this week, walked 2-4 miles every day, and stayed in my calories. Of course, I set my calories at 1600 and eat some of my exercise calories, but still. I need to bring that number down a little I think. I think my body is too used to it and needs a change. i am not sure if I want to change it to 1300, 1400, or 1500. I mean of course, i will be eating more than that because of all the exercise, but still. What would you guys recommend?
  • Weigh-in was 246. Not the best but better than nothing!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Great job everyone! I bought a new scale today, I am so happy. I have been a while without a scale and it has been hell. So I am going to weigh myself tomorrow morning and let you guys know the update.

    I am proud of myself this week. I did my boot camp class twice this week, walked 2-4 miles every day, and stayed in my calories. Of course, I set my calories at 1600 and eat some of my exercise calories, but still. I need to bring that number down a little I think. I think my body is too used to it and needs a change. i am not sure if I want to change it to 1300, 1400, or 1500. I mean of course, i will be eating more than that because of all the exercise, but still. What would you guys recommend?

    I just dropped to 15 but it may be that rather than the calorie intake you can just change WHAT you eat slightly, or you can change your workouts a little bit. Like if you haven't been eating vegetables or fruit with every meal, add them but go ahead and stay with 1600 calories for a couple weeks and see if that helps I had to drop to 1500 to continue weight loss at 1lb/week though - MFP didn't automatically change it EVEN THOUGH it did prompt me as to whether or not I wanted it to reevaluate and I always said yes. You might need to run the wizard again and see if it still says 1600.
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    Weigh in for the week 214.6 which is a 1.8 lb. loss for the week and 3.4 lbs. total for this challenge.

    I'm having a rough time sticking with my calories due to hypoglycemic episodes but I've made some adjustments to my basal rates and hope it helps.

    Congratulations to everyone who's done so well this week it's great to look in here and see all the numbers going down!
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