

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,252 Member
    I did NOT lose my pound this week. So back to my tracking and exercising

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,117 Member
    Thanks @theslightedgeforever yes they become part of the family. I'm definitely a pet person, and I loved Mr. Hyde very deeply. I haven't gotten on the scale yet, I will as I go into the shower. I don't think I lost but who knows?
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,252 Member
    trooworld I like to weigh before I shower as I think wet hair weighs more ;) Have you been sticking to healthy habits this week? We never know when disease or stroke/heart attack will strike.

    gemwolf So let's make it a priority this week to lose that lb.There's no reason I can't do this it's just a matter of putting in the effort.

    Food-didn't track :/ but would have been over. I went looking for comfort food plus PMS cravings hit. I can always recognize the signs afterwards.

    Exercise didn't feel like it but made myself do 15 min treadmill. Then did some foam roller exercises and band work for shoulders. Hit my step goal though.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,117 Member
    Hi all. I'm hoping today is an easier day to deal with than yesterday. Yesterday, I just didn't want to be at work due to the loss of my cat and the depression. It was all I could do to not run out of the building like I was on fire when quitting time came.

    @gemwolf110 thank you. I do wish they lived longer as well. I hope you don't have any problems with Stella. I would hate to have to deal with that weather!

    @theslightedgeforever I usually weigh before shower too but I forgot and weighed after and I weighed exactly the same as last week. Yes, I've pretty much been sticking with the healthy habits. I did have a cake pop yesterday at work. At least you did some exercise, now get to tracking girl!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,252 Member
    For Kindle users this book is free today

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,252 Member
    trooworld Maintaining is better than gaining but then we aren't at goal weight yet so let's both work at losing that pound this week.

    food over on calories and carbs
    exercise- 65 min treadmill speed intervals, weight lifting, 10 min gardening
    met step goal
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning gals:

    I blew it yesterday. I am fighting being overwhelmed and depression...I cried all day Sunday, ate good on Monday, but blew it last night. I am now paying for it with my stomach. When will I learn? I am learning SLOWLY that food does NOT make me feel better in the long run. It makes me feel like crap.

    I can't get into my clothes, and I REFUSE to buy bigger ones. So here is to another day of finding that balance I am so looking for.

    I need a hair cut, never seem to have time, need to do my nails, never am home to do them..I am praying for a spring break..LOL

    Well the next two nights I have church so I won't be home to eat, so hopefully that will get me back on track.

    @trooworld I hope you feel better...I am sorry for your loss.
    @theslightedgeforever yes lets' lose this pound this week, thanks for the book hook up
    @gemwolf110 I hate snow, that's another reason we moved. LOL We lived in Boston for a year and my husband hated it. That's where I learned the term wicked and they thought I was a country bumkin, barefoot and pregnant at 14..LOL I was not, but that's what they thought of people form the midwest. :) I learned a lot living there.

    Okay gals gotta go

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,117 Member
    Hi all. Well, yesterday was a lot better than Monday, Monday I thought I was going to lose it at work. Yesterday I was able to not be irritated by people and actually do some work. I did have a piece of apple pie for pi was good so I guess I don't regret it. I could have a treat like that every day if I'm not careful and that would be bad.

    @theslightedgeforever yes indeed.

    @cbabie thank you, I'm having a really hard time. Food definitely does not help take those emotions away. Can you make a list of things that are good distractions, for instance reading, going for a walk, crossword puzzles, etc and keep this list in your purse? Would that help?
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,252 Member
    cbabie What food did you "blow" the day with? There are so many definitions to that. Did you have sugar? or did you go above your calorie limits? I know you are thinking black and white. How about put signs up in your kitchen? Like Do you want to feel like crap? Look how close you are to size "X". One more bite of junk and you are there.

    trooworld I love pie. I won't make it cause I'd eat the whole thing. So back to healthy eating. Have you done any exercise yet? Go take a walk.

    food under cals and carbs
    exercise 30 min treadmill
    met step goal
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning! I felt so horrible yesterday. My legs felt like two ton bricks, knees hurt..I know it's the food I ate the day before. You see how the body tells you that you are not fueling it properly? I wanted to thank you all for coming
    to this board and being an encouragement to all who cross our paths.

    I have to go walk as I am committed to my health. I ate no refined sugar things yesterday. All the sugar came from fruit naturally.

    Day one, success!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,117 Member
    Hi all. Today I have to go to the podiatrist about my toenails (1 of them is falling off and 1 is in danger of falling off). I don't know what I am in store for but I'm not looking forward to it.

    @theslightedgeforever I know this is going to sound like an excuse, but unless I go for a walk in the morning before work at 5am, I won't get it takes me at least an hour (sometimes up to 2) to get home from work with the traffic, and then we have to cook dinner, and by the time we eat, I'm tired and we have about 30 minutes before we go to bed. No time at night. I haven't been going to the gym in the morning because the time change has messed me up: getting up at 4:20 am to go to the gym (or for a walk) is really like getting up at 3:20 and I just can't do it yet. I hope to get back to the gym, or a walk, soon.

    @cbabie great job with no refined sugar! Way to get back to it.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,117 Member
    Hi all. I hope you missing members come back soon! It's getting lonely in here. :(

    I didn't do so well yesterday, I got cheese and crackers on the way home from work but at least it wasn't chips and dip! Well, hope everyone is well.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    @trooworld I totally understand getting home late and no time before bed. That's why if I exercise it has to be before work too!! Well I totally ate my self into a sugar blitz.. I was so frustrated and felt so crappy when I finally got home at 8:30 last night..I ate all the sour balls. Nothing but PURE sugar. My knees hurt, my legs ache and I know it's the food and my weight. I am going to work from home today and try to start my process again...I don't have to go out for lunch with coworkers or church friends...just stay at home and eat what I should for the next 3 days and hopefully that sets the stage for success.

    yes where or where are the rest of you?

  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi all,

    I am just slammed right now. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. <3
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,252 Member
    cbabie Yaaay on no refined sugar and be aware of what your body needs. OK just read your next post. lol Start over again.

    trooworld How about break up your exercise routine. Do 10-15 min in the morning and then 10-15 min at night. Or 10-15 min at lunch time Use a crockpot. Didn't you say your husband cooks? Let him cook or you rotate. You could also get in a full morning and afternoon exercise session on your days off

    mysticlizard We miss you Hope things get better

    Food under cals and carbs
    Exercise none
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,117 Member
    Hi all! Well, I took hubby to urgent care yesterday and he has bronchitis. Today, we are celebrating his brother's birthday. My sis-in-law is bringing Indian food and the birthday boy wants ice cream cake, so we are going to try to make one.

    @cbabie I'm so sorry you had a slip up. Our bodies definitely let us know when we aren't treating them right. For me, what happens is I get severe heartburn and start puking in my mouth. That's been happening lately and I know I need to switch up my diet. I hope working from home helps you get back on track. ((( HUGS )))

    @mysticlizard I hope things slow down soon. Thanks for popping in.

    @theslightedgeforever my husband cooks about 1/2 the time. I can't use a crockpot most days because the stuff would be overcooked even on low due to how long it takes to get home. Today is my day off, I will try to go for a nice walk. I only get a 30 min lunch, so that won't work, it takes me 15-20 mins to eat. But I might be able to go for walks on my 10 min breaks (which I stretch into 15 mins lol).
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,252 Member
    trooworld You have some good ideas there on how you can fit in some exercise time. I hope your hubby gets better

    gemwolf I always try and think that God's timing is perfect so when things finally happen that's when it was meant to happen.By nature I am an impatient person. I hope you find lots of relaxation time on vacation. I'm usually so stressed on vacation I can't wait to come home lol

    Food over cals and carbs
    Exercise none
    step goal not met
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,252 Member
    I lost 0.9 lbs So almost made my 1 lb loss. How about you?

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,117 Member
    Hi all! Well, I got a little bit of exercise in yesterday, we walked the dog for about 30-35 mins. It was kind of slow but it was something. I am committing to going for a walk for at least 30 minutes today. Today is a beautiful day out. I am also going to do some meal prep so that I might have time to go for a walk during the week after work. I just weighed in and I gained 3 ounces. :( But that's almost maintenaining so I guess that's not too bad. I am also committing to logging my food this week. I logged breakfast, which was a typical weekend breakfast for us that serves as lunch too: a breakfast burrito. It was 1,010 calories! Ouch.

    @gemwolf110 I hope the time passes fast. It sounds like you don't have much time for the gym, can you do some exercise during your lunch or 10 minute breaks at work?

    @theslightedgeforever he's already feeling a bit better and is coughing less, so that is good. Great job on the loss! Thanks for the reminder!
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Good Morning
    I'd like to join you. I am a former WW member as well as pretty much every other diet/weight-loss program that is out there. I really like MFP. Much like WW on-line but FREE!! I have been overweight all my life (64 years) with the exception of maybe a few weeks here and there when I did manage to get to my goal weight. Its a tough and life-long challenge but at least trying to manage it keeps me from being much heavier. At the moment I am about 25 lbs from goal. Would really like to get off of this roller coaster ride once and for all. Have been very good on my calories, water and exercise for the past 8 weeks or so and have lost. Now to keep it up and get-r-done. Nice "talking" to you. Any other Canadians in this group?