"You can eat whaver you want, as long as you eat at a deficit" is true, but it's garbage advice.



  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    Theo166 wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    pinuplove wrote: »
    I can fit 1/2 of a large, thin crust ham and pineapple pizza into my daily calories relatively easily, so why shouldn't I?
    Because pineapple shouldn't be anywhere near a pizza... :tongue:


    It also needs the jalapenos, then you have the sweet and hot, which is to die for.

    And bacon... maybe some ham.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    Fair enough.
  • NannersBalletLegs
    NannersBalletLegs Posts: 207 Member
    edited March 2017
    annacole94 wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    All I can say is you and I must be reading very different threads. I see posters go out of their way to mention "but, nutrition" all the time.

    And I'm sorry, but it is kind of condescending to suggest that the average newbie doesn't realize that nutrition is important without being explicitly told that in every single reply. I don't think the concept that "weight loss" and "health" are two related but different things is such an intellectual leap for most.

    We must be, because all I'm seeing in this thread (with about two exceptions), is a bunch of people responding with things like, "No thanks. I'll take my chili cheese fries over your broccoli" or "Fall on your face eating organic chia seeds, you weirdo. I'm gonna go eat buffalo wings and chocolate and pizza." Those aren't exact quotes of course, but it's the general spirit of much of the commentary in this thread. I guess everyone prefers flame wars to actual conversations just like in every other internet forum.

    A lot of people are really ignorant about basic nutrition. It's not necessarily insulting people to offer nutritional advice or to assume that they may not have a lot of knowledge. I was very uneducated (and pretty indifferent) about that sort of thing when I was really young and am still learning more all the time. As I enter my mid-thirties, I find that my interest in it has only grown, because I'd really like to avoid osteoporosis, colon cancer, and other unpleasantness as I age. Anyone who wants to remind me to eat my leafy greens and take a vitamin every now and again is okay in my book.

    You get answers to the questions you ask.

    If you post an attack rant, then buckle up and get ready for a hard defense.

    If you're a reasonable person with a reasonable question, people are really informative. If you ask for support, you'll get support.

    But if you're aggressive and disjointed and spewing nonsense, it goes like this.

    Just so you know, I'm not the OP. I didn't post an "attack rant." I don't know if that was entirely clear based on your response, which seemed strongly directed at me as if I was the OP. What I wrote was a very long, thoughtful response that acknowledged some gray area and some points on both sides in addition to trying to bring some other voices and perspectives. Overall, I was expressing the perspective that "eat whatever within your limits" isn't super helpful in some circumstances and wanted to discuss that gray area. Most people did respond to me in a civil manner, even if they disagreed or didn't really get what I was saying. Fine. I'm not talking about those people. I'm talking about the people just being snarky and over-the-top without really contributing anything to the debate. Sure, the OP started a fire. That doesn't mean we should just continue throwing gasoline on it.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,013 Member
    jdb3388 wrote: »
    People don't want to eat 1 slice of pizza, or a 1/4 of a plate of Loco Rice, or 7 chili cheese fries. They want to have a meal. If you eat the "right amount" of junk food to stay within your calorie limits, you're going to be starving to death and it's going to cause you to eat more. Eating food that doesn't taste as good as what you want is much better than satisfying a craving and then derailing later because you were so hungry you caved. There are a few people around here who have done their time, lost their weight, and they are in good shape. These people give advice from the "look at me, I lost a ton of weight so I know what I'm doing" stand point, but seem to have forgotten what it was like to ACTUALLY live as a fat person. So when someone tells you you can have junk food, don't listen to them, not because they are lying to you - they aren't, it's true - but because the advice isn't helpful in practice.

    It was helpful to me. I'm at my goal weight now, but it was not long ago that I was still overweight. I was overweight most of my adult life. I haven't forgotten what it was like. For me having small portions of "junk" food is satisfying. Eating food that doesn't taste as good as what I want is what causes me to derail and overeat. Eating food you don't really like and depriving yourself of foods you love may work for you but I don't think that advice is helpful in practice.
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