Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Snatch, C&J: Post your best videos



  • _Phill727
    _Phill727 Posts: 57 Member
    Y'all are crushing it. This is the best thread on MFP, I'm convinced.
    I love Oly lifting but powerlifting is definitely a gap in my fitness at this point. Time to get after it!
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    Been training around a groin/hip strain since Oct. Needed to see where my DL is for programming leading up to June 3rd meet. Worked up to a heavy single and PR at 405. BW = 169 currently and will be gaining up to 180 so hoping a 425+ pull will happen in June. Feeling pretty good.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    So one of the girls at my gym and I are talking about doing a meet maybe in the fall. I was planning on Spring- but I could probably do fall. So we shall see. that would be cool to finally step on the actual platform. #stillnotstrongenoughandneverwillbe

    YAS! DOOO IT!!!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I was going to last year and the moved the meet- so my gym was like- well we will do this one instead-but it was several months away- and I plan my year in 6 month blocks. I wasn't going to shift or extend a bulk. And I was already 3/4 of the way through a training cycle. And by the time the new meet date rolled around I was going to be cutting for my wedding- so sorry not sorry- I'm not doing it.
    So maybe this time.
    I need to get through a July certification- so I'll see if we can pick one that's several months out of that- the july thing is serious- like I just started my training program now for that- it's 4 days of intense dancing and a test. so- no massive weight training for a meet for that. So- balancing dance and lifting is hard. But I'm excited- I think it'll be good. it's been a long time coming.

    I'm slightly afraid I'm going to seriously love it- and its' going to derail my financial plans- which is another reason I put it off. It needs to be done- I've been lifting long enough- there is no reason outside money not to do it.
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    Do you guys normally have just one lift that seems to be clicking at a time? Every time my Deadlift starts to progress well and more rapidly, my other lifts start to feel like complete garbage... a la Squats & Bench.

    I'm gonna be "that guy" but I swear this isn't a humble brag. All three of my lifts have been progressing. I think it's because I'm still new enough to the sport that I'm gaining pounds simply because there are things that are being fixed on all three lifts. I'm finding optimal grip widths, stance, cues, etc. and it's helping me see gains in all three. I know it will all slow down eventually, but I bench three days a week and squat and deadlift two days a week and I'm seeing the most progress for all three lifts that I've ever seen.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    Do you guys normally have just one lift that seems to be clicking at a time? Every time my Deadlift starts to progress well and more rapidly, my other lifts start to feel like complete garbage... a la Squats & Bench.

    I'm gonna be "that guy" but I swear this isn't a humble brag. All three of my lifts have been progressing. I think it's because I'm still new enough to the sport that I'm gaining pounds simply because there are things that are being fixed on all three lifts. I'm finding optimal grip widths, stance, cues, etc. and it's helping me see gains in all three. I know it will all slow down eventually, but I bench three days a week and squat and deadlift two days a week and I'm seeing the most progress for all three lifts that I've ever seen.

    I think this makes a lot of sense.
    The past 6 months have been similar for me, everything coming along pretty steadily. But I had never really trained optimally or honed in on my form etc. Plus I was coming off a lot of down time.
    I could say my bench hasn't had quite as much progress as squats/deads (no new 1RM in like 2 years, last tested max I hit was 5 lbs shy), but also I lost 30+lbs and didn't train bench/chest/triceps much at all most of 2016. I hit a pre fatigued rep PR a few weeks ago (150x3 I think?), so all things considered I'd say bench is doing pretty well too.
    Deadlift has really been my money lift recently I guess. A lot of that is form related I think.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »

    I'm slightly afraid I'm going to seriously love it- and its' going to derail my financial plans- which is another reason I put it off. It needs to be done- I've been lifting long enough- there is no reason outside money not to do it.

    Do ittttttttttttt. There are tons of meets in NJ/PA/NY/MD. Meet entries are normally less than $100, and I think most people compete 2-4/year so maybe at most you'd be looking at the equivalent of $35/month which is a fairly reasonable cost for a hobby.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    5x5 with 292lb. Experimenting with wider stance. Felt good. Working grip too. All DOH.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited April 2017
    Since I trust the regulars that post here, tell me how much these suck.

    What do you think?

    It is so frustrating that coming back from injury, every single time I squat, they just feel like I have never done the movement before. Before injury they were strong and they moved well, (platform best of 412/188kgs) even though I high bar because of the crushing lower back pain I get from low bar. I know many people have commented on my elbows, however, elbow mobility is an issue.

    Anyway, I am crestfallen and pissed and I hate everything about my squat. Feel like giving up and drinking until I don't care anymore. It's a shame that I live on the first floor, because I'd totally jump.

    If you want to see more video...

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Fittreelol wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »

    I'm slightly afraid I'm going to seriously love it- and its' going to derail my financial plans- which is another reason I put it off. It needs to be done- I've been lifting long enough- there is no reason outside money not to do it.

    Do ittttttttttttt. There are tons of meets in NJ/PA/NY/MD. Meet entries are normally less than $100, and I think most people compete 2-4/year so maybe at most you'd be looking at the equivalent of $35/month which is a fairly reasonable cost for a hobby.

    Unfortunately- as a professional dancer- I already spend 200+ a month on dance training and then workshops/intensives scheduled throughout the year (I.E. California intensive- 4-5 days + hotel + airfare) that I foot the bill for myself- so while it's cheap compared to other hobbies- I have a motorcycle- and my professional dance career on top- so- heh- I don't really actually NEED another hobby LMAO.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Fittreelol wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »

    I'm slightly afraid I'm going to seriously love it- and its' going to derail my financial plans- which is another reason I put it off. It needs to be done- I've been lifting long enough- there is no reason outside money not to do it.

    Do ittttttttttttt. There are tons of meets in NJ/PA/NY/MD. Meet entries are normally less than $100, and I think most people compete 2-4/year so maybe at most you'd be looking at the equivalent of $35/month which is a fairly reasonable cost for a hobby.

    Unfortunately- as a professional dancer- I already spend 200+ a month on dance training and then workshops/intensives scheduled throughout the year (I.E. California intensive- 4-5 days + hotel + airfare) that I foot the bill for myself- so while it's cheap compared to other hobbies- I have a motorcycle- and my professional dance career on top- so- heh- I don't really actually NEED another hobby LMAO.

    Darn you and all your hobbies!!! lol :D
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    Since I trust the regulars that post here, tell me how much these suck.

    What do you think?

    It is so frustrating that coming back from injury, every single time I squat, they just feel like I have never done the movement before. Before injury they were strong and they moved well, (platform best of 412/188kgs) even though I high bar because of the crushing lower back pain I get from low bar. I know many people have commented on my elbows, however, elbow mobility is an issue.

    Anyway, I am crestfallen and pissed and I hate everything about my squat. Feel like giving up and drinking until I don't care anymore. It's a shame that I live on the first floor, because I'd totally jump.

    If you want to see more video...


    I really don't know exactly what you think needs fixing, so I'll just offer some general observations and you can take them or leave them. First, I want to say that I think your squat looks good, and the things I'll say are ALL personal preference I think.

    1. I noticed that some of the reps look rushed. I don't know if that's by design or if you're just hurrying through your sets.
    2. There doesn't appear to be much bracing at the top of the lift. I see you inhale, but sometimes it's after you've already started the eccentric portion of the lift. Focus on taking that air into your stomach.
    3. Some reps appear to "dive-bomb" more than others. Again, I don't know if that's because you're rushing through reps or if a lingering injury makes it tough to slow it down.
    4. Depth. You squat deeper than any powerlifter I know and I respect it big time (and I'm slightly jealous). I think that you can afford to cut depth about 1-1.5" if it's comfortable.

    Everything I've noticed seems to just come from the speed at which you squat. It's not necessarily harmful to your squat, but slowing down may be something to consider and possibly see if it makes a difference.

    PS: I hate giving my opinion sometimes because I don't want to seem as if I'm bashing. I feel like I need to reiterate the fact that I think you're an impressive lifter and your focus on keeping good form is the reason why you'll continue to be a great lifter.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    ^ Teach me this magical purposely cutting depth thing. My *kitten* is literally 12 inches off the ground in the hole, and I'm sure I'm wasting energy because of it.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited April 2017
    I really don't know exactly what you think needs fixing, so I'll just offer some general observations and you can take them or leave them. First, I want to say that I think your squat looks good, and the things I'll say are ALL personal preference I think.
    Thank you Chris. They look good to me, but....
    1. I noticed that some of the reps look rushed. I don't know if that's by design or if you're just hurrying through your sets.
    It does feel like I rush them. Glad you noticed too.
    2. There doesn't appear to be much bracing at the top of the lift. I see you inhale, but sometimes it's after you've already started the eccentric portion of the lift. Focus on taking that air into your stomach.
    I try to pull the bar down into my back, but its a cue I am not to practiced yet at. Also, my shoulders make it difficult to do this. Maybe I should go wider with my grip? But the times I do that, the bar becomes even more unstable.
    3. Some reps appear to "dive-bomb" more than others. Again, I don't know if that's because you're rushing through reps or if a lingering injury makes it tough to slow it down.
    Yeah and this is were it become mental. I like to make my reps quick so I get the stretch reflex carryover in the hole, but then it leads me to rush them and lose composure.
    4. Depth. You squat deeper than any powerlifter I know and I respect it big time (and I'm slightly jealous). I think that you can afford to cut depth about 1-1.5" if it's comfortable.
    The depth I get is a byproduct of high bar and the desired stretch reflex I get from the bottom. I was thinking about switching to flat shoes, Sambas, or chucks. But I do indeed need to cut my depth.
    Everything I've noticed seems to just come from the speed at which you squat. It's not necessarily harmful to your squat, but slowing down may be something to consider and possibly see if it makes a difference.
    Maybe I should slam a box underneath my *kitten*?
    PS: I hate giving my opinion sometimes because I don't want to seem as if I'm bashing. I feel like I need to reiterate the fact that I think you're an impressive lifter and your focus on keeping good form is the reason why you'll continue to be a great lifter.
    Nope no bashing at all and I did ask @_incogNEATo_

    Thank you of the compliments and observations it really helps my diminished confidence.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    ^ Teach me this magical purposely cutting depth thing. My *kitten* is literally 12 inches off the ground in the hole, and I'm sure I'm wasting energy because of it.
    I'll split you a box of candle sticks and matches?
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    ^ Teach me this magical purposely cutting depth thing. My *kitten* is literally 12 inches off the ground in the hole, and I'm sure I'm wasting energy because of it.
    I'll split you a box of candle sticks and matches?

    Ah, ^ High bar and skwat shoes. I am guilty of both. I guess that would be a good place for me to start.
    I've been thinking about trying low bar to see if I could get more hip tork (/drive?). I've just always been high bar and used a heeled shoe I guess. Funny enough, my first year I literally cried many times because I was so frustrated I couldn't break parallel. I'm not even sure what happened to make me so "good" at it, I basically stopped squatting for a while.
    But I've been noticing when I switch (or try to) from quad to lower back it shuts me down. I've considered tinkering with sumo for the same reason. But I dunno. I'm still working on figuring stuffs out.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Since I trust the regulars that post here, tell me how much these suck.

    What do you think?

    It is so frustrating that coming back from injury, every single time I squat, they just feel like I have never done the movement before. Before injury they were strong and they moved well, (platform best of 412/188kgs) even though I high bar because of the crushing lower back pain I get from low bar. I know many people have commented on my elbows, however, elbow mobility is an issue.

    Anyway, I am crestfallen and pissed and I hate everything about my squat. Feel like giving up and drinking until I don't care anymore. It's a shame that I live on the first floor, because I'd totally jump.

    If you want to see more video...


    Definitely diving. I would slow it down and work on stopping it right below parallel. This will keep you hammies engaged better and give you a rebound reflex instead of bouncing at the bottom of squat. Not only that is will give you better leverage to move the weight right out of the hole. Tempo squats would be a good idea for an accessory to work on this.

    Maybe get a better side view as well as front view and we can see more.

    I'd also move your grip out just a touch.

    Last thing, you're not really set every rep. This is equivalent to stop and goes on deads. Though not horrendous, I would concentrate on locking knees out and starting from same position every rep.

  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    ^ Teach me this magical purposely cutting depth thing. My *kitten* is literally 12 inches off the ground in the hole, and I'm sure I'm wasting energy because of it.
    I'll split you a box of candle sticks and matches?

    Ah, ^ High bar and skwat shoes. I am guilty of both. I guess that would be a good place for me to start.
    I've been thinking about trying low bar to see if I could get more hip tork (/drive?). I've just always been high bar and used a heeled shoe I guess. Funny enough, my first year I literally cried many times because I was so frustrated I couldn't break parallel. I'm not even sure what happened to make me so "good" at it, I basically stopped squatting for a while.
    But I've been noticing when I switch (or try to) from quad to lower back it shuts me down. I've considered tinkering with sumo for the same reason. But I dunno. I'm still working on figuring stuffs out.

    We will always "figuring [the] stuffs" out. Yeah, I am going to try it out.