

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    I have been away for a few days, so need to catch up. In the meantime, I thought some of you might like to see this list of 15 old wives' tips (in French grandmother's tips) for losing weight faster. Some of them are ones we see often in English-speaking articles. A few might surprise you.

    1. Drink at least a quart a day of water flavored with fresh lemon.
    2. Brush your teeth after lunch. (Apparently the aftertaste of your lunch can make you hungry in the afternoon.)
    3. Add black pepper to your dishes. (It helps burn fat).
    4. Don't eat after 19:00/7 pm.
    5. Drink green tea.
    6. Add fresh parsley to your dishes. (It is a diuretic.)
    7. Drink nettle tea. (You actually find it in the grocery store here. Supposedly helps to evacuate fat.)
    8. Eat cold potatoes.
    9. Drink the water you cook your artichokes in. (The article does warn it is bitter.)
    10. Rub fresh coffee grounds on your thigh. (Caffeine being a thinning agent.)
    11. Have a full stomach when you do your grocery shopping.
    12. Eat a tomato for breakfast. (Apparently good for both losing weight and lowering cholesterol.)
    13. Eat soup for dinner.
    14. Clean your house more often. (The article suggested modern women do this less often and it burns about 200 calories per hour.)
    15. Eat fruit for dessert.

    Source: www.quedesastuces.com
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Penny- Loved the baptism photo. Enjoy your time with the family. You are a better woman than me, I can't even imagine slithering around an ice cave.

    Sarah - Sounds like you are a very busy lady. Good stress relief list. Please stay safe and dry. I find journalling helps me. Yesterday there were a few holes in the page.

    Heather - You reminded me of a song my Mom used to sing. "She was a fishmonger but that was no wonder, her Mother and Father were fishmongers too"
    So glad that you are in a position to help your son. The hand drawn heart is very special.

    Margaret - I used to help Mom make sauerkraut on the farm in the big old crocks. I haven't done it in years. Good luck.

    Anita - I hope the find out what is causing your pain and come up with a plan to alleviate it.

    Ginger - How I would love to be as organized as you. It's probably not going to happen.

    Mia in MI - YES YOU CAN!!!!

    Lisa - Congratulation on the new adventure. I think we were all sure you would land the job.

    Cheri- Celebrating with you.

    Joyce - My "talk" consisted of a book about becoming a woman being stuck in my underwear drawer. It was too late. Got my period at nearly eleven at school. I was totally convinced I was hemmorhaging to death. Thank goodness the school nurse was at our school that day and had supplies for me.

    Karen in Virginia - Olivia's smile would brighten any day.

    Rori - Awesome photo. You look like you were enjoying beach time.

    Thanks everyone for the advice for my ankle.
    My SIN letter came yesterday. I think I have all I need to forge ahead.
    Big blow out with my Boss yesterday. Once again "I just want out of here". He keeps defending an action that I find mind boggling. Maybe I will be fired for insubordination, one can only hope. Today I just avoided him. I have given this company my all. C'est la vie.

    Babysitter panicked my DS and Her by texting them that Harmony had a severe infection in her "lady parts". I picked her up and checked her over. Putting a pair of underpants that fit her better solved everything. She is very sensitive to seams, etc. No pain, no discharge, no odour, no redness. I carried on and took her to dance and she was just fine.

    Waiting for my dress to come in to Ricki's. I am really hoping that I can wear it for the wedding on Saturday. Still have to find a wedding gift. I thought I would buy the folding wagon from Costco for them. There are just so many uses I can think of for it. It was just a little too out of the box for my traditional DH.

    Met a friend at Tim Horton's. She had my tea and an apple fritter waiting for me. I have to admit I did not tell her about the No Sugar challenge until after I scarfed down the fritter.

    Sharon in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    A long long day of work today, but I will make a healthy lunch and dinner to bring along. No exercise for me today, but am looking forward to a week off next week.

    This Sunday I will take a nice road trip to visit DD in her upstate college, just spending one night up there. After that, the plan is to embrace spring cleaning and getting out into the sunshine (fingers crossed) for garden prep and exercise in the great outdoors (oooh what a concept ;) all week long -I feel so excited to be an homebody :D

    Re that is a tough one losing that ring, I hope it appears again. Still, you are losing weight, make sure you've got your rings in a safe place, maybe not on your finger while your shrinking girl :p

    Rori nice pic, you look great

    Mia I am pulling for you and this walk, you've got this. One step at a time, you're going to do this.

    Beth you made me laugh on your stress walking, glad you looked back and saw DH coming up! I think it's great that he is on board with getting in better health , I know I love going out for walks with my DH, as for cooking healthy for him, not so much.

    Have a great Thursday everyone and wish me luck on this marathon day

  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    Karen Yeah Olivia, you go girl!
    Rori Love that pic of you
    Ginger Glad your mom is ok
    Re Hope you find your ring
    NYKaren Hope today passes by smoothly for you
    Sharon Work stress is THE worst

    To build on Sharon's comments about toxic workplaces I have worked really hard at developing some skills in dealing with people. I took and then became a certified instructor in Crucial Conversations (https://www.vitalsmarts.com/crucial-conversations-training/) This is not a communication course, rather it teaches us how to deal with those 10% of conversations that are really high stakes like dealing with abusive superiors. I can't change how other people behave but I certainly can try to use some skills to minimize the toxicity. And at the end of the day, I can say that I took the high road. This has reduced my stress significantly and my judgmentalism. Now I don't always see people as being mean, sometimes they simply lack skill. I know when I was a young manager, I didn't always know how to deal with difficult situations. Now I appreciate the skill involved.

    So today is the two year anniversary of my father's death. I am sad and my relationship with him was complicated so it makes this day harder. It helps to have this group to be able to express myself so thank you.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    have laundry going and trying to figure out how to talk to my dad..tactfully...I was awake trying to figure it all out..
    Being in the sandwich generation really is the pits~
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited April 2017
    Re: Hope you find your ring!

    Rori, and everyone: Thanks for the good words on me getting the job. I think the person who sent my resume on to them, along with my current boss, sealed the deal. The CEO and HR person I interviewed with seemed fascinated that I would use my current employer as a reference, and she was the first (and possibly the last) reference they called. But I'm not leaving because I hate my job or my boss--which is, apparently unusual. I know my publisher understands why I had my ears open for non-profit work, and never hid from her that I was thinking about it.

    I'm at a stage in my life where I simply need a higher purpose in coming to work than supplying enough money for the company owner's new house, new car, etc. And, on the more selfish side, I won't miss the weekly drop-dead deadlines of newspaper work at all.

    However, the best, most swirlingly joyful piece of this on the personal side is that I can work where I choose--and that makes me almost annoyingly happy. :blush:

    Mia: you can do this! Even a 5K is just done one step at a time. :)

    Olivia, Joaquin and Bea and family pictures are such lovely, happy things to come across as I scroll down this thread--thank you all for posting them.

    Hugs to all who need them, kudos to those who are seeing new, happy numbers on that scale!

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Wow..I was away for a few days and there are pages to read. I am only part-way through, but thought I would break it up.

    Heather: I think that is one of the loveliest family portraits I have ever seen. It exudes warmth and love.

    Lanette: What a fantastic garden! Snickers are my chocolate of choice, but I rarely indulge. Love the sweet and salty combination.

    Cheri and Re: Congratulations on the weight loss!

    Kelly: Joaquin has a beautiful smile!

    Anita: Sorry to hear about your neck pain; hope the MRI shows something easily fixable.

    Allie: I had never heard of a Himalayan salt lamp. Will check it out.

    Ginger: Your decluttering is inspiring!

    Susie: Trawling for recipes has really helped me on my MFP journey. I have lost over 40 pounds since the start of the year, largely thanks to the low calorie, but tasty dishes I have been able to find on the internet.

    Lisa: Congratulations on the new job; how exciting!
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,409 Member
    edited April 2017
    Good morning sweet ladies! <3

    Wind has been blowing and rain coming sideways. Well see how well the gorilla tape is holding the greenhouse together when the sun comes up. Tomorrow, very windy predicted - 20 to 30 mph steady. Weatherman must be getting even for all the fleas of a thousand camels comments I've been making. :s>:)

    Just ran across this "Sweet Freedom Summit" which is about ending sugar addiction for good. Think I'll sign up. It's online and free.....what have I got to lose but this stubborn five pounds. Here's the link: http://sweetfreedomsummit.com/?utm_campaign=SWEET17&utm_medium=InviteBox&utm_source=visitor

    It might be a gimmick to sell stuff - it was on Dr. Robert Lustig's FB page, so hoping it's legit.

    Be back later- B)

    SW WA State
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    edited April 2017
    Rori glad you had a great trip.

    Ginger hope your eyes keep improving.

    Re so frustrating about your ring. Hope it turns up. Is there anyway not to let her in your home again? You are more than justified.

    Sharon hope ankle doesn't slow you down too much. I know how hard it is when your legs are not working the best.

    Penny sounds like a wonderful community.
  • pamfgil
    pamfgil Posts: 449 Member
    Lisa, Congratulations on the job.
    Lannete. Best wishes on the cutting sugar, I found it was easier to do by gradually making changes
    Got home while it was still light today, so the dogs came for a walk with me. 16000 steps today
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    :)Lenora, Jake has had such severe reactions from steroids that he lists them among his allergies in his medical records.

    :)Lanette,. that "Sweet Freedom Summit" looks interesting. I hope it has answers for you.

    :)Joyce, I don't watch Survivor but I am equally attached to DWTS. I know many bright, intelligent, accomplished women like us who watch reality shows. I think it's a healthy self soothing behaviour with no bad side effects.

    :) Got to bed earlier and up earlier today so there will be lots of time to walk the dogs before dance class. No rain today, so the dogs will be more willing to walk.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Good morning all! It is Thursday morning and as planned I would have been up early and packing; getting ready to leave around noon; BUT hubby asked if we can stay an extra day! Yea! One more day in Texas with the kids and our Joaquin! We got all of the cleaning and repairs pretty much done yesterday. Just some laundry to do today and still have to sort and store the oodles of baby clothes that were given to them. Passed a garage sale on our walk through the neighborhood yesterday and picked up a little toy wagon (for Joaquin to fill with toys and things and pull around) and also one of those ride on early bikes (the ones you push with your feet to move; no pedals). $8 for both and in new condition! DH and I told the kids we would stay home tonight so they can have their first date night since Joaquin has been born. They hope to go see a movie after we all have dinner. DH is already bemoaning the fact that we have to leave. His mom is older and having the usual aging issues of a woman in her mid eighties. She lives only 45 minutes from our home. Our two sons are still in Michigan; so moving to TX is not in our future for now. BUT...I did remind him how easy it is to get here and relatively inexpensive. (The trip itself wasn't expensive; it is the $$ we are spending spoiling the kids and fixing things!) But it's all good and has been a wonderful visit! Posting a couple more pics! One is some more snuggle time with Joaquin and the other is the longhorns at the stock yards. n4es6pf0rpq5.jpg

    Lisa- Congrats on the new job and hurray for being able to work from anywhere! It does make getting up to work on MOndays much easier if you can do it from home in your jammies!
    Cheri- Victory! So happy for you!
    Re- Hope you find your ring! It seems something like this happened to one of our group last year. She ended up finding her ring in a box she had been going through at work.
    Penny- As usual I love hearing about your life in a very northern town. LOL I would imagine you can catch up with half the town in a visit to the doctor or to the store. Loved the photos of the outdoor baptism!
    Heather- Thank you for taking us along on your excursion! You paint pictures when you talk/write about your life. I enjoy every adventure and word!
    Barbie- Does Jake have RA? I am not sure if it is Jake, or another one of the ladies husbands with RA. But hearing about Jake and his many trips to the doctors for colds that turn UGLY; into bronchitis or pneumonia...reminds me of my Tim. He has always been susceptible to bronchitis/pneumonia, but now on the RA drugs his immune system is shot and it seems we are at the docs for him more often. Hope Jake is feeling better soon!
    Well, daughter and baby J are awake and she wants me to take him so she can shower. Of course I can't say no to that! ttyl xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • LuvmyFurbaby
    LuvmyFurbaby Posts: 8 Member
    Good morning Ladies,

    Sorry I couldn't get online yesterday, but I did track everything.

    The MRI didn't go so well!!! I found out that I'm claustrophobic and couldn't complete it! I thought my heart was going explode and my hands were trembling really really bad. So they called my doctor to prescribe me something to help relax me and then I got rescheduled for this Friday.

    I have to get going now, but I will get caught up later.

    Snohomish, WA
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Kelly Be still my heart. Joaquin.is.so.cute!!!! I think Olivia would like him very much...

    Love the pictures of the Longhorns. Postcards!

    Karen in Virginia
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout B
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 90
    OHP- 1X5X 45/50, 5X5X 55
    DL- 15X 95/105/115/120

    Kettlebell Swing
    GobletSquats- 3X5X35
    Russian Kettlebell Swing- 16 X7X35

    40lbs loss by May 27 Challenge
    Buns, Guns and Abs 30 Day Challenge
    25 Squats
    9 push-ups
    30 leg lifts

    April move your @$$ Challenge
    I am going to take 2-2 mile walk today. Just getting ready to go on the first of my 2 mile walks.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Karen in VA ~ Olivia is a doll. Love that baby smile.

    Allie & Beth ~ Thank God you are there for your parents.

    Re ~ I am so sorry about your ring getting lost. Once a diamond from an antique ring of mine fell out and I couldn't find it anywhere. Weeks afterward, I was vacuuming and saw something glinting in the carpet. It was the diamond. Had it reset and still wearing today.

    Re ~ Congrats on the inches lost. I would love to have a waist again. Sigh!

    Kelly ~ Such a beautiful baby. I know you hate to go home! Y'all are great grandparents to do all the things around the house and give the kids a night out. I know they appreciate you.

    Anita ~ So sorry you had an anxiety attack during the MRI. Hope the meds will help you relax.

    We had a terrific thunder storm last night after all the heavy rain and tornado warnings. I don't think I have ever witnessed so many lightning strikes and claps of thunder. The little Pom was terrified. Now, today is sunny and very windy. DH left around 4 AM to go to his antique show so I just pray that he made it safely as many of the roads were closed due to flooding and tree damage.

    Carol in GA
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member