

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,078 Member
    Machka9 Wow what a wonderful way to spend a weekend.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    :)Machka, your ride sounds awesome. Thanks for adding a map to tell us more about where you went.

    :) Yesterday a woman in my line dance class told me that since she has been dancing with me, her stamina has improved and she is now able to do much more work in her yard before getting exhausted.

    :) I am excited about my adventure in Seattle today and so sad that Jake will be staying home. He said that he feels better today (today is day #13 of his illness), but certainly not well enough to go somewhere all day.

    :) I don't do holiday baskets for children or grandchildren but if I did, they'd be filled with books and office or craft supplies and nothing edible.

    <3 Barbie from chilly gray NW Washington
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Mia- I know that you can do it! I count 1-2-3-4 in my head when I walk and speed up the counting to move faster. It works for me.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    GINGER ~ Your art work and writing are amazing. Such talent! :)
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Mary - good job that you were able to stop and weigh the pros and cons and "what you want the most over what you wanted at the moment" and walk away. What a victory for you, not to mention an inspiration for us. Thanks for sharing. <3

    Janetr okc
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    machka9: Thanks so much for sharing the maps of your ride. It makes a huge difference for my understanding of your accomplishment. I am so impressed! :star:

    This talk about holiday baskets has lit a fire under me. I'd forgotten all about Easter. I need to figure out something for my little grand bunnies (children). Yikes! Your comments have given me enough time to shop and ship. THANK YOU!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    MARY ~ Congrats on the weight loss and on being able to resist the sweets. :)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,369 Member
    Did an hour of a Peak 10 DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do some riding on the recumbant bike

    Making some lemon bars for Vince to have later in the week. This is a new recipe so I hope it turns out OK. Made jello yesterday and it looks like it's 1/2 gone already. I put it in a mold and it didn't come out of the mold well. I'm thinking what I need to do next time is put the mold in warm water first.

    grogers - awesome pictures

    Min - a 19 minute mile is nothing to sneeze at. Congrats

    Hope people read my posts. I've asked a few questions and never gotten a response. So I'll ask again, how can you "friend" someone now?

    Leigh - I'm making a list of things to put in the "tote". Thanks for the idea of colored pencils. Jess is very artistic so she might enjoy them. Or maybe paint brushes

    NYKaren - I agree with you totally on the attitude of younger kids. I'm thinking that a lot of it has to do with the parents.

    machka - great ride

    Mary - good job. Are you the type of person who can have just a little of something. That helps me, but I know everyone can't do that.

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,640 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    The sort of thing we do on weekends ...

    Saturday -- My husband and I decided to do a nice, casual relaxing ride on Bruny Island today. :)

    We took the ferry over to the island, and started the ride with a climb. I was testing new shoes and whenever I get new shoes, the whole cleat thing is always a pain. I thought I had it right, then second guessed myself and changed it ... and so on and so forth ... and it was wrong. So at the top of the hill, my husband "shoed"? "shod"? me. :D And we finally got it right.

    The ride continued!

    With shoes and cleats that worked, I actually attempted climbing some hills standing up. I haven't done that in a long, long time! It's a bit of work! I could be stiff tomorrow working a set of muscles I haven't worked recently.

    Two rain storms came through ... one just before we reached our turn-around town, and we missed it. And one while we were in our turn-around town, and we missed it because we were having a relaxing lunch under shelter. That one was accompanied by thunder!

    So it was a good ride. And nice to not really have much in the way of schedules and deadlines. :)

    Distance: 74.5 km
    Elevation: 640 m
    Moving Time: 4:21:31
    Elapsed Time: 5:45:08
    Speed: Avg: 17.1 km/h | Max: 51.1 km/h
    Heart Rate: Avg: 135 bpm | Max: 178 bpm


    How many miles is that
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,078 Member
    edited April 2017
    Michele I think you find them under friends in the community section put their user name in the search box and then make a friend request when asked. I believe it is similar to FB. I usually come to this site and just touch base every few days in the friends site. Hope this helps. It seems odd you cannot do this from the home page.

    (((Mary))) I am so sorry. I just read parts of a book called How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can. The author Amy Scher has Lymes disease, too. Some of her ideas are out there, but they work for her. Just reading how Lymes effected her life is interesting. Take care.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Meg – Certainly sorry for all you’ve gone through; will be praying for a good outcome. Sorry that Benny isn’t doing well; it is difficult to lose a fur-baby because they can be a good stress reliever in times of trouble.

    Leigh – I can’t tell you how awful it really was; but, so glad that we did not continue down that lane. I practically told the loan officer ‘out-of-town’ where she could put it when she called me a week ‘after’ we ‘withdrew our application’ that she had gotten approval to ‘waive’ the “Profit & Loss” schedule. “Gee, lady, what do you NOT understand about ‘we’ve decided NOT to go through with this route’. We have other plans and we won’t go ‘into debt’ doing it. Might have less money in our ‘retirement account’; but, it will be worth it to get rid of some debt and have more money in our pockets. We can put $$$ back into the ‘fund’ without any problems. We can have it ‘auto deducted’ as well, so we won’t miss it coming out. What we had tried to do was going to be a ‘bad’ decision. As it stands, we’ll have money in our savings, money for 3 months of income, and be ‘debt-free’ … all without even considering bankruptcy. It’s been hard enough to have to watch DOS & DDnL#1 going through it; but, they made their bed; and, they have had to lie in it. But, our ‘trying’ to help them prevent this has been a ‘drain’ on us. I’m glad that they finally decided to do it, to be honest. One thing it has done is make Louis and me open up about ‘finances’ and even given me a little insight into how he runs his business. At this point, I am ready for DOS to just go ‘find himself a job where taxes are taken out’ and ‘maybe even had health and retirement benefits’. They’ll have no debt, so they should have more spendable income. They’ve got to find a car for DDnL#1 because they are turning it in. With a $520+ car payment – I am surprised it hasn’t occurred sooner. Top that off with private school tuition (something they have to do because of how bad the public school here are). They had to do a ‘pre-filing budget’ … which son said was the ‘most humiliating thing’ he had ever gone through; and, will have to go ‘post-filing budget’ as well. I gave him copies of the Dave Ramsey program that our DDnL#2 had done when she got a divorce from her first husband and he left her totally broke and with a lot of debt. She said it ‘really worked’ for her. I’m reading the book that came with it and ‘boy, has it been an eye-opener’.

    Carol – We’re have a beautiful ‘cold’ day down here as well. Louis said that he guessed it was 30-degrees outside.

    Margaret – There are also a lot of schools that don’t follow Michelle Obama’s ideas of how to eat healthy because the counties are poor and struggling as it is. They still have programs where children that would normally go without food a way to eat 2 meals a day. Breakfast and lunch. There are some ‘counties’ around us whose ‘public schools’ are better than this county; but, you still would have to ‘pay out-of-county tuition’ which is almost as high as the tuition in the private school here. It has actually increased in size because it merged with another in a surrounding county. New teacher, new students, a ‘harder curriculum’; and, a lot more ‘homework’ for the kids; but, I think it has been good for the students from the school that took in the other school. More money and they’ve even gotten students in that were going to private schools in another adjoining county. It’s bad when the tuition is about as high as it is to go to college.

    Joyce – I had heard that “April the giraffe” had had her baby. Saw on TV a giraffe ‘having a baby’ and dropping it out about 7 feet or so. When the shelter takes in feral cats here, they are ‘fixed’ and one eat has a ‘nick’ cut out so that people will know they are ‘fixed’. I’ve seen a lot of cats with short tails. My former sister-in-law says that in Japan, people will break the tails of kittens in several places because they ‘think’ it brings them ‘luck’. I had never heard that until I saw their cat whose tail was in several different directions. I am surprised they are going to ‘fix’ the tail.

    Michele – Sometimes it takes ‘letting go’ and letting children ‘face-plant’ themselves so they learn the consequence of their actions. Sometimes they blame us or the ‘expect’ that we’ll ‘bail them out’. DOS’s and DDnL#1’s money problems (because of decisions she had made without first consulting him) caused them to the point they ended up filing for bankruptcy this past week. I know it ‘hurt’ for our son; but, she has done things in the past that should have been a ‘wake-up’ call. He has made 2 distinct ‘threats’ that I told him he ‘needed to stop doing’ especially ‘in front of the girls’ … one thing it is doing is making the feel ‘unsafe and not protected’ and if he doesn’t carry through with them, he is view as not someone to be taken seriously. It is almost as ‘if’ he is afraid of making her mad. I have no problem in that area – ANYTHING I say to her ‘makes her mad’. If it doesn’t it will by the time she gets home and tells DOS. I finally had the nerve to ‘tell him as I saw it’. It made him mad; but, he got over it. I only told him what I ‘see’ ca be a problem. Maybe now, he will take the responsibility on and get her to give him a ‘fair’ share of her check so that ‘he’ can be the one paying the bills. It’s obvious that she has no control over having $$$ in her wallet or bank account. She’s uses a ‘debit card’ for everything and then ‘wonders’ why she is ‘over-drawn’ at the bank. She doesn’t write them in her register; just throws them in the console. If they fall out, which they do quite often, ‘oh well …’!

    I do not ‘like’ raisins, although I ‘love’ grapes. I’d rather have cranraisins instead. So when I am looking for a trail mix; I make sure it doesn’t have raisins in it.

    Most are wrapped in a stiff cellophane, which could probably be found in a store such as Hobby Lobby or Michael’s. I think you can buy it by the yard. Maybe a place like JoAnne’s that sells a lot of crafts.

    Beth – I hate banks, and I do NOT do any ‘online’ banking. I prefer a paper trail. I always want my checking/saving accounts to ‘balance to the penny’. Louis’ bank sends ‘copies’ of the checks he wrote in his statement. He banks at a different bank than I do (although both are ‘joint’ accounts. We just don’t use the other’s account without their knowledge or permission. It works for us.

    You say your son will be ‘home’ in May. Where is he, in college? Living somewhere else with a job? Maybe he doesn’t want to go to college, maybe you need to stop funding his education and tell him to apply for some ‘student loans’ and not ‘co-sign’ with him. Taylor got the HOPE scholarship, state-funded by the lottery … her grades were high enough to get that. It pays a lot of the costs.

    Ginger – Those paintings are wonderful. What type of paint do you use? I have a lot of journals that I have written down things that have been ‘private’ for me. Do they stay in your journal or do you take them out? Are they painted on both sides? How long does it take for them to dry? Heck, just give me your ‘instructions’. Such a good idea; and, a way to keep the pages. I know from reading mine that I have come so far in ‘how I feel about myself and others’.

    Paula – If he was spending money in bars, buying rounds and giving big tips; she had to either have been there herself or know someone who was. Shock value by telling her the truth will maybe keep her from saying that ‘he must have been generous with everyone else BUT you’.

    Mia – I wish there was an exercise for ‘tromping through the woods’. I think that was more exercise than ‘walking the dog’ or ‘walking on a treadmill’. Surprisingly a shorter period of time on treadmill than walking for a longer period of time with the dog. Go figure!

    Leigh – Our DOS married the first time at 19; and, later the next year became a father. Would not trade my DOGD for anything; but, he only got 1 year of college under his belt. He would not move back in with us to be able to save $$$ on not having to pay rent and utilities and would have had the $$$ to send himself back to school at night. Now, he regrets it; but, it is never too late to go back. Unfortunately, at the moment this probably would not happen (unless he decided to go to a technical college. I wish he would, so that probably won’t happen. Our DYS did go to college, has a good job; probably pulling down 6 figures. He was 36 before he got married – and became a Daddy when he married DDnL#2 because she has a daughter.

    NYKAREN – I know about ‘kids’ being disrespectful, especially to their elders, is something that is ‘totally’ new to me. I wasn’t brought up that way.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,640 Member
    Stats for the day-
    Ski Machine- 25min, 5incl, 25resist, 140mhr, 1.25mi = 188c
    Apple Watch- 174c
    Other- skip, sidestep, etc- 22min, 162mhr = 214c
    Apple Watch- 179c
    TotL cal 402
    Light day