

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,865 Member
    Hello ladies: We had a good day today. Got up early and loaded the truck with junk to take to a free cleanup day in town. Had to wait in line almost an hour but it was worth it to get rid of that stuff. We have more we need to get rid of but at least a big chunk is gone. I am doing a Fitbit challenge this weekend so trying to get more steps in. My DD's best friend started the challenge and she is working double shifts this weekend at the Denver airport. I think that gives her an unfair advantage. LOL

    Rori - Glad you had a good trip to Hawaii and hope you enjoy the next one.

    Re - Hope you find that ring.

    Mia - Sounds like you are making great progress.

    KJ - Hope you have a safe trip home.

    Mary - Sorry to hear you are still struggling with the Lymes.

    Pip - Like the material. I think it will look very nice.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Hey ladies, I'm just in the background. Don't mind me. I'm just sitting in the corner, (where the recliners are), looking out and loving you all.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Just got back from seeing the play "Leading Ladies" at the Green Room. Really, really funny.

    Nite everyone

    Michele in NC
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Oye ,I can not write straight to save my life....
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member

    Hugs and more Hugs!

    Re in TX
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,306 Member
    edited April 2017
    Sharon - Excellent job identifying those "old" reactions. Our brains do get hardwired to any form of threat, even if nowdays it doesn't apply. Well done! I'm glad you got compliments on your dress. Feels good, doesn't it.
    I have had two days of much too much eating and drinking. Far too much. :embarassed: Back to it today. Like Bea, I won't let one slip up defeat me! I tumble and fall, but I get back up again. I have a few pounds to shift before they stick.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Good morning girls

    We are having lovely Spring weather here. It was the Grand National horse race here in Liverpool yesterday 70,000 people wow, we don't go but watch on TV. We will be in town today and expect it to be busy with lots of visitors from all around the world

    Reading some of your posts about being abused made me so sad and how I admire your courage and resilience <3

    Just enjoying my second cuppa in bed (courtesy of DH) will then do a Leslie Sansone vid (to balance out the wine to be drunk later LOL)

    Enjoy your Sunday

    Kate UK
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,052 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    The sort of thing we do on weekends ...

    Saturday -- My husband and I decided to do a nice, casual relaxing ride on Bruny Island today. :)

    We took the ferry over to the island, and started the ride with a climb. I was testing new shoes and whenever I get new shoes, the whole cleat thing is always a pain. I thought I had it right, then second guessed myself and changed it ... and so on and so forth ... and it was wrong. So at the top of the hill, my husband "shoed"? "shod"? me. :D And we finally got it right.

    The ride continued!

    With shoes and cleats that worked, I actually attempted climbing some hills standing up. I haven't done that in a long, long time! It's a bit of work! I could be stiff tomorrow working a set of muscles I haven't worked recently.

    Two rain storms came through ... one just before we reached our turn-around town, and we missed it. And one while we were in our turn-around town, and we missed it because we were having a relaxing lunch under shelter. That one was accompanied by thunder!

    So it was a good ride. And nice to not really have much in the way of schedules and deadlines. :)

    Distance: 74.5 km
    Elevation: 640 m
    Moving Time: 4:21:31
    Elapsed Time: 5:45:08
    Speed: Avg: 17.1 km/h | Max: 51.1 km/h
    Heart Rate: Avg: 135 bpm | Max: 178 bpm


    How many miles is that

    I don't use miles so I had to look it up ...

    1 kilometer is equal to 0.621371 miles

    Therefore 74.5 km * 0.621371 = 46.3 miles.

    Google has a conversion feature now too. :)

    Thanks. When I was looking up the conversion, I was getting something wacky. That looked like around 40 or so miles. Nice ride

    Yes, nice short rides this weekend. Today's was 33 km. We're tapering. :)

    Machka9 – On my Windows, I have Cortana (a search engine at the lower left-hand corner of my screen. I find it invaluable because I can look up anything and not have to close out and go to IE or Google. “Ask me anything” is what is showing in the box.

    Close out?

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    janet what a beautiful pic of your GD, lovely <3

    Chris you are a great inspiration to me (no pressure ;)

    Okay ladies, what do you all know about HIVES? I've never experienced this until last night welts appear all over my torso, feet and palms, yikes!!! Luckily I had one Benadryl tablet on hand and after 45 minutes I had some relief. What in the world was that???

    I am off on my road trip and will catch up later tonight. You are one terrific group of strong women and so glad I found you!

  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    Hey, just stopped in quickly as our basement finally gave way to the water and flooded. Pray the water recedes.

    Hey how many calories does flood cleaning get me!

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    gotu52 wrote: »
    Hey, just stopped in quickly as our basement finally gave way to the water and flooded. Pray the water recedes.

    Hey how many calories does flood cleaning get me!


    Oh Sarah so sorry. Praying the water recedes quickly and leaves very little damage in its wake. LOTS of calories burned. (((Hug)))

    Janetr okc
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Thanks all for the kind compliments on my granddaughters prom photo.

    Janetr okc
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited April 2017
    Popping in to say I probably won't be popping in for a while. I keep forgetting how much time grandchildren take! My back is unfortunately not cooperating. I guess it's mad at me for what I did to it Friday morning.

    When I met them yesterday evening, grandson Leo said he'd seen me from the plane when I was driving to the airport on a snowmobile. :heart: Of course whoever he saw, it wasn't me. No way I could get five people, three suitcases, four backpacks and a satchel home on a snowmobile. No, I was driving the "car". When granddaughter Juno saw it, she went bug-eyed :noway: and said she'd never ridden in a car that big before. It's a Toyota Land Cruiser and really not all that big.

    /Penny, focusing on just being Gramma at the North Pole
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Penny - enjoy your grands! We hope to see ours here in a couple weeks.

    - your granddaughter looks truly lovely - she's a charmer.

    Heather - Bea's obviously quite proud of herself, and good for her! Love that face. :)

    - Your strength is awe-inspiring, and inspirational in a lot of ways. You're an amazing woman. I'm proud to say I know you.

    That's accurate for all of you, actually. This thread is a continual wellspring of hope, support and examples of who I want to be when I grow up. Since I'm 57, I should probably start looking into doing that soon. :wink:

    After much back and forthing, the time between my two jobs is going to be used for a short vacation. Corey can fit in a PT appointment at the beginning of the week on April 17 or 18, and then another at the end of the week the following week--and he faithfully does his hourly exercises, so they're pretty pleased with his progress. Next X-rays are May 15, to see if that bone's knit itself like it should, and then, fingers crossed, he can go back to work by mid-June or so.

    So, since the 19th is my last day at the paper, we're going to take off on the 20th and drive over to see the grands--who are at Ft. Polk, Louisiana, with their mama on a 90-day temporary duty (about a 10-hour drive). My apologies for the language, but before the crapweasel sperm donor takes our eldest grandson off for the summer to whatever cave that troll exists in the rest of the year, we wanted to go see them, get a little fishing time in for Grandpa Corey with the boy. And a little Gramily time with both for me... :)

    Then we've got reservations up in Arkansas at a lodge on Lake Hamilton. Three days of "us" time and some driving around the area to get a good look in the springtime at the place we eventually plan to move. Won't be moving any time soon, but then, the world never works on my timeframe. I am an impatient soul, though. Have resigned myself to at least a few more summers in the blast furnace that is West Texas, and then we'll see. I will, at least, be busy once I start my new job May 1.

    Working part-time at the paper, now that my energy levels are back, leaves me way too much time to fret over Corey's progress with the wrist healing. But, I'm painting, which is good for my soul, and I'll post a pic eventually, once I get it where I want.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas