Rainbow Warriors: Getting Fit & Fabulous!

This is the place for the Warriors to support and motivate each other in our fitness and weight loss goals. Initial membership is by invitation, but I encourage anyone who is serious about getting fit to join.

I welcome everyone to introduce themselves (name, age, where you're from) and tell us about you weight loss and/or fitness goals.

I would like to encourage members to post daily and weekly challenges for the group. I'm old-school, so I can't track mileage, and I'm not so good at coming up with other such challenges.

I do, however, intend to post weekly questions related to everything from food to why you're on MFP.

Mostly, though, let's have fun!


  • Camppryor21
    Im Kayla 24 and from Texas. I been wanting to be part of a group for a while now but havent found the right one... till now. I would like to be a member and any other members that join, if we are not friends add me. My goal is to lose 100 pounds and I have just hit the 10 pound mark.
  • BProudOfU
    BProudOfU Posts: 83 Member
    My name is Rhonda. I'm 40...something LOL. That just makes it harder for me to lose weight. I want to lose about 100 lbs. I just started a few weeks ago so have only lost 5 lbs so far, but I think I am now addicted to this "healthy" thing.
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    I am Samantha, 25, from Indiana. I've struggled with losing weight my entire life because I never had any real support. I was always big and got teased which led to even more overeating. Now I am hoping to find the support and encouragement that I need and actually get this off to a great start. I am trying to lose at least 130 pounds, possibly closer to 150 depending on when I feel comfortable in my own skin. I would absolutely love to have you guys on my friends list so we can throw support back and forth. Feel free to add me!

    My first goal is to get under 300 pounds... slowly, slowly creeping in that direction. Natural monthly fluctuations still get me a little down, though.
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Oh my...guess I'm the old one here...52 to be exact! I'm currently living in Wilmington DE but soon to be moving to Okla where my family lives...complete with five grandkids!

    I started this life style journey in Jan and this is the longest I've ever kept to such a program! My hope is to lose 100lbs total!
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Woohoo!. I'm Sarah. I'm 21 and I'm from Michigan. :) I was on MFP a couple of years ago but gave up, and came back very briefly a couple times since then. This time I'm not going to give up as easily! I'm hoping to lose over 100lbs which will take some time but I want to get healthy again and feel better about my body. I suffer from anxiety and depression so my medications often effect my weight loss and my low energy makes it hard to exercise.
  • Abenstern
    Abenstern Posts: 46 Member
    Hello I'm Alice, I'm 18 and from Kentucky. I've always had a problem with weight since I was a kid, and I'm about to start college so I really want to turn things around and change things. I've got 62 pounds to lose so I can be down to a healthy weight. I really want to be healthier and also to feel better about myself. Another big goal is to not mind getting my picture taken.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    As usual, I'm late to my own party.

    My name is Jaq, I'm 25yo, and I currently live in the oft overcast city of Seattle, WA.

    I'm looking to lose about 120 pounds. I've lost 23, so far, so I have only about 100 to go. I'm also looking to get fit and healthy, so no shortcuts for me. It's all about proper diet and exercise. I've switched to a pescetarian diet, but I only eat fish about twice a week, so it's mostly vegetarian during my work week. I feel terrible on the days I don't get all my veggies!

    I'll come back with a weekly question for you all, tomorrow, when I think of one.
  • anberlingasm
    anberlingasm Posts: 177
    I'm Sarah, I'm 25 and I'm from the north of the UK. I don't really have a goal weight per se, I'd just like to be healthier and happier with my body. I'm getting married at the end of next month, so my short-term goal is to fit comfortably in that wedding dress! I've lost 13lb so far but I have around 30lb to go before my BMI shifts to where I want it to be.
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    Debbie, 45, currently living in a little town within Houston, TX. Iøve overeaten but a little, all of my life, so I am now overweight and don't want to have a double knee replacement, like my mom did.

    I have spent the last two years building up endurance and, on my own, went from walking to running. I do that, and I supplement with some workout programs on the exercise TV channel.

    My gf is doing this with me :)
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    Hi. I'm 32 from England and I mainly want to feel better mentally through exercising and eating healthily. I could do with losing about 1.5 stones to get my BMI on track, but then that's baloney anyway, so if I lose weight that's a bonus but I'm not getting too hung up on it. Looking forward to some challenges. I'm also wondering if it's worthwhile getting a heart rate monitor as people talk about them a lot on here? Tam x
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    Hi. I'm 32 from England and I mainly want to feel better mentally through exercising and eating healthily. I could do with losing about 1.5 stones to get my BMI on track, but then that's baloney anyway, so if I lose weight that's a bonus but I'm not getting too hung up on it. Looking forward to some challenges. I'm also wondering if it's worthwhile getting a heart rate monitor as people talk about them a lot on here? Tam x
  • BiggySwaggy
    My name is Ksenia. I'm 20 yo. I live in Moscow, Russia.
    I want to lose 125 lb or 57 kg.
    I decided to lose my weight, because I understood I can't live like this anymore.
    I want to be healthier, stronger and prettier for my gf. She's really awesome.
    And I've got a secret dream. I wanna dance. I wanna become the dancer. At first, just for me. Then - we'll see.
    I think, that motivation is so good for everyone of us. And support too.
    Now, I'm on the way to my beauty. And I hope, I can and I will.
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    I'm CJ, 33, from Northern NJ. I've lost 50 pounds and would like to lose another 40-60. Mostly right now my goals are physical: to have more balance, flexibility, agility,and strength. So, I've been doing yoga and pilates, in addition to lots of walking and such for cardio health.
  • saydee3
    saydee3 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi! I'm 28 and have 26 lbs to lose. I've made it to 10. Add me as a friend!
  • MerA822
    MerA822 Posts: 43
    i'm Maram 82 years old from EGYPT ...i know so far a way i want to loose 33 lbs and i want to be in a very good shpe during the next month to celebrate my birthday ,
    hope to jion you :))
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! My name is Summer, I'm 25 years old, and I live in the most sassy place on Earth...."Cleveland, Ohio"!!! :wink:

    I have been on MFP since January 2011. I haven't exactly figured out 'weight loss' yet, as you can tell by my clicker. I haven't figured out what I'm doing wrong completely, however, I have not gained anything either. I'm no longer focusing on my 'scale' number, as there hasnt been movement there, but my body is definitely changing, toning, and shaping...In the long run, I'll definitely take those inches over the scale if I have to only have one.

    I'm excited everyone ;)
  • DawniesLife
    DawniesLife Posts: 157
    Hello my name is Dawn, I am 26 and I live in Hamilton, Ohio (near Cincinnati). I joined MFP back in September of 2010, but never used it until late December 2010. In December 2010 I weighed in at 212 lbs now I have lost 52 pounds with the help of the tools on MFP and with the support of other users here on MFP (in addition to support from friends and family, especially my wife who is also on her own weight loss journey). I am down to 160 pounds now and have another 35 pounds left to lose before I reach my goal of 125. I am currently counting my calories and logging my foods and I also exercise although I have been slacking on that lately and need to get back with that part of weight loss. I do love to walk though and am beginning to enjoy running. :)
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    I'm April and 28. I was hardcore doing this from Oct 2010 to May 2011. I took 2 months off with vacation and not eating 100% "healthy" and in that time I gained about 3lbs. Right now I have a goal to lose as much as possible before my moms wedding in November in Hawaii. I had lost 14 but taking those 3 in factors I'm at like 11lbs. This has been a very slow process for me. I don't want to point fingers at being type 1 diabetic but it doesn't help weight loss. Insulin is a weight gainer. That is why working out helps b/c you can increase your insulin sensitivity and take less insulin. I'm doing my 2nd Diabetic 5K this year and maybe going to run it or at least beat my time from last year of 52 minutes. My goal is to at least get to my healthy BMI and then I want to build muscle! :-) I love lifting weights and hate hate cardio.
    My partner and I are on here together. (Evanescenxluvr)
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Hi folks,

    How are yall doin today? Here in Delaware land the heat is so fricken oppressive. The humidity makes the 100+ weather unbearable! So, I'm staying indoors today...well at least until later on. There is gardening to be done and a gym to get to!

    Let's get motivated this weekend!!! Move it move it!!!!

    Yall are doing great!!!!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    @twooliver - it's hot & humid here in Indy too! YUCK, it's been this way all week! BTW my dog's name is Oliver, haha!

    @amccrazgrl - I ran my first 5k in April for Race for the Cure, it was awesome! How far away is your 5k? There are training programs you can do to get you ready to run a 5k, like the couch to 5k is an 8 week program. I found another one online that was 5 weeks (which coincidentally was all the time I had to train, haha).

    Anyway, I'm 31, and I've been big for as long as I can remember. I've been up and down with my weight when I started my journey about 7 years ago, but I've been able to keep that in check better over the past couple years. My highest weight pre-MFP was ~260, so I'm down almost 70lb from my highest....with at least another 50-60 to go!! We'll see when I get there what I am comfortable with...I'm not so much interested in the scale, as I am with body fat, how I look, and how I feel! Oh, and how I am able to perform - I play on the local women's rugby team, so ultimately I'd like to be quicker & stronger! :)

    Ok, I'll propose our first challenge - I know for me it's hard to exercise on the weekends (during the week it's part of my regular routine, I go right after work), so how about let's all try to get at least 10 min of exercise on Saturday & Sunday! :flowerforyou:

    PS...forgot to add....thanks to ROBO for creating this group! And you can call me Shar. Or I also answer to Charmin lol (don't ask, it's my rugby nickname!)