

  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    I took my hubby to the ER today. The Dr did a CT scan on his abdomen and an IV. The nurse put 2 bags of saline on it. The Dr really didn't find anything other than bacterial infection or flu virus. Either way it's awful. I picked 4 prescriptions for him and his getting comfortable.
    Michelle he doesn't think I can take care of her cause she weighs 70 lbs and difficult to walk. But I feed and water her. Since back surgery I can't get jerked by her. I do play fetch with her.
    Karen baby Olivia is a doll!!
    Take care friends.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,917 Member
    :) Our library is connected to the Washington Anytime Library that allows me to access both audio books and e books that I can download to either my phone or my computer. I listen to audio books while I walk the dogs and when I do housework or yard work. Jake often listens to books while he plays solitaire on his computer.

    :) Our chiropractor sold his practice and moved to Utah to a new job. Today was my first visit to the new chiropractor and I was delighted to find out that I liked her even more than the old one.

    :) Stats for today:
    two hour line dance class
    189 minutes walking Sasha and Bessie
    149 minutes riding the exercise bike

    :)Mia, your needlework is amazing. I am in awe of your talent.

    :) This morning my weight was finally down to what it had been before I went out for Chinese food on Friday. Today I went out for Chinese food again, so my weight will be up again from the sodium. I have the same thing every time--the lunch size portion of broccoli with garlic sauce and brown rice, I bring the soup home to Jake. I eat half the food at the restaurant and bring the other half home for my 4 PM meal.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Yvonne - are you getting the info about what each day is designated as from a calendar? I love it!

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,632 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Glo – glad you are better!

    Sarah – glad you’ll get your doctor to get you what you need.

    Heather – great pictures!

    Allie – you go girl, this is taking commitment and courage, and I’m sure Tom is clueless, but you can do this for YOU! You deserve to be treated with kindness and respect

    Michele – I love the butterfly!!!


    Kim from N. California
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,052 Member
    edited April 2017
    LOVE LOVE LOVE the butterfly pictures.

    Mia love the napkins!

    Dana sorry to hear DH became so sick. Hope the meds get him feeling good again soon.

    Yesterday Aldis had pots of hyacinths for sale for $1.00 a pot as an after Easter sale. I bought three. I love their smell and remind me my mother had them in her garden. I also got a lovely centerpiece half price. Made my day!

    :heart: Margaret
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,632 Member
    the above pictures were taken in the rainforest at SF Academy of Sciences
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,632 Member

    a couple more...
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    Accountability Post
    Wednesday's Progress (4/19)
    ✔️1. Carbs 50-75g (limit 25g/meal)
    (B0, L9, D21, AS 9, BBS 25= 62g)
    ✔️2. Fiber 30g (30g)
    ✔3. Track/complete entry daily
    ✔4. Vegetables - big salad daily
    5. Exercise - log 30 Fitbit minutes, 2 miles, 5000 steps. And the elliptical 5 days a week.
    ✔️6. No eating after 9pm.
    ✔7. In bed by midnight.
    ✔️8. Declutter: Electronics, Craft Supplies, Pantry, ✔Fridge, Cooking and Baking, Dishes and Serving, ✔Linen Closet, ✔️Laundry Closet, ✔Medicine Cabinets, ✔Personal Care.

    Decluttered the laundry closet today.
    Have a good night and a great day tomorrow.

    -- Ginger in Texas
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »

    Re ~ Where are you?

    Carol in GA

    Here I am, Carol.... Thank you, my Dear, for checking up on me.

    Hello, my Lovely Ladies!

    I have had a little hitch in my git along, so far as keeping up with all of you. I uploaded a picture on my 365 day thread - which was large enough to set off the security alarms in my IT department - so now, I can't spend any time on MFP at work.

    It was stupid - I just wasn't thinking... Bank Security and all that. So much cyber crime... but, I just don't think like a criminal, I guess... stupid, stupid, stupid. So, at least for now, I am going by a strict no non-work computer use at the office. I still don't know what the fall-out will be... I expect to be written up, at least, but, we shall see. Hope I don't become unemployed, because of my stupidity - but whatever happens, I have only myself to blame.

    Alas, that means the only time I have for MFP is at home... and I never have ANY spare time here. I got behind and was trying to get caught up - but, I have given up on that. I have skimmed the wonderful pictures and some of the posts. I have missed you guys!

    Let's see... the news:

    Still haven't hit Onderland... I am doing the puffy thing, again. I expect when next The Puffy Princess departs, I will see that magical number, under 200, at last. I haven't weighed less than 200 lbs since my Freshman year in college... that was 1983/84... so, its been a minute... LOL.

    The new job did not come to pass... My friend advised that the company pulled the job recs in the 11th hour. He had 2 open - was just about to fill one (the other one was for me!) - and had to tell the gal who had passed through the entire interview process that there was no job to give her. At least I didn't get that far into it. He says that he isn't sure whether the company is going to sell off a bunch of their mortgage portfolio, or whether they are going to acquire another mortgage company - but either way, they didn't need any outside people. So, the big bucks are out - but my quality of life continues. It's all good. I was really of two minds on the whole thing, anyway.

    Other than that - no excitement. Physical therapy continues... I am getting some lower body strength... I can actually do a squat, now - although not with any weight, to speak of. Given time, I expect to be able to do a proper one, with a little weight. Maybe I will be able to start in on Strong Lifts 5x5 after all...

    Speaking of lifting... DH wanted to invest in a weight set for home - since he is getting into the whole fitness thing - but he doesn't want to try and do it at the gym, where I would have to help him in and out of the benches. At home, we can set up the bench and the weights so it's easy for him to get on and off without assistance... so we picked up a cheap weight-set at Walmart and ordered a bench on line. Plenty for either of us to start with. I can't imagine either of us lifting more than 140 pounds any time soon. Just have to get the bench put together, now. He says he will spend his afternoons lifting. We shall see. It really wouldn't break my heart if suddenly, my DH became a stud-muffin. I have loved him for Lo these many years, squishy, but, I might love him even more as an Adonis. He is already dropping some pounds - so lifting might really do the trick. I laugh and tell him I am going to have to keep on plan if I am going to keep my 100 pound lead on him - but really, it wouldn't break my heart if he dropped below 300, soon. He is ten years older than me - and being that heavy is not good for his health.

    In addition to my Physical Therapy, I am still working the elliptical - As a life without Tacos is not a life I want to live. Besides, my company is doing their annual fitness challenge - and while I am not the team captain this time, I still have to uphold my standing as an exercise goddess.

    So, that's all the news that's fit to print.

    Loving all the sibling pictures, the art and all the beautiful Grandbabies...

    Allie, my Love - Hugs! You know I support you.

    *waves at alllll the new people* Hello Ladies, nice to meet you! This is a wonderful spot for support and friendship. Just be prepared to read.

    I will try to check in, just to let you all know I am alive - but, I won't be around too much. :'( My lunch breaks were really the only free time I have in my day.

    Hugs for everybody!!

    Re in TX
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited April 2017
    Grits - lol yeh might be a bit of a shock if you stripped down. Years ago when 3 of my sisters and I were all are going to Weight Watchers and we'd go to weigh in I would tease that I was going to spit out the gum in my mouth. :)

    Janetr okc
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,632 Member
    and the birds
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    It seems that what I had is going around. Our big boss came downstairs today, asked how I was and said he was feeling under-the-weather. Woke up in the middle of the night with stomach cramps - I told him that was how mine started. By the end of the first day I could have had a colonoscopy sans the pre-exam meds. Do not want it again!

    I have a guy moving in with us - now get your minds out of the gutter - he's only 20 and a friend of my darling gson who graduated last year. He is going to help me with the boys. I am very thankful to have the help. He's a nice guy who has had a difficult life with a drug addicted mom and a father who disappeared into thin air. Fingers crossed it works out.

    Allie thinking good thoughts for you as you struggle with a difficult situation, <3

    Better go so I can message Marcelyn to get LastPass to let me into my sites! I'm sure it's just something simple that I'm overlooking. :|

    Talk with you tomorrow.

    Gloria in WA where we may have thunderstorms tomorrow. thunderstorms-smiley-emoticon.gif
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Kim - beautiful, thanks for sharing :)

    Janetr okc
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Leigh - You are doing so great. I hope you have a wonderful trip.

    Heather - Baking/cooking with grandchildren is a great joy. Looks like Edie and Max had fun with you.

    NYKaren - Now why didn't I go work out instead of succumbing to the temptation of chocolate to deal with my stress?

    Karen in Virginia - Your afternoon with Jilli sounds delightful. I thought I was the only one who has discussed goose poop in detail with a grandchild. Welcome to the Club!

    Anita - You know what works and are back on track. Good for you.

    Dana - Here's hoping your husband gets well soon.

    Kim - Thanks for the butterfly and bird photos.

    Another fight with my boss. I now have been told that any decisions to do with staff or staffing need to go through the higher echelon. It's weird that after all these years of making decisions now my decisions are being called into question. It just keeps getting worse. Jheri is determined that I figure out how to take stress leave. Does it sound strange that I don't really want to take stress leave? It feels to me that stress leave is a failure of sorts, that I am not the strong person I once was. It also feels like "they" will have won and the staff will not have a strong advocate. I do know that things can't continue as they are. I have an appointment with my doc on May 2nd and the list of what I need to discuss with her just keeps growing.

    Harmony is spending the night. Our DS had to go to Calgary for meetings very early in the morning tomorrow. She doesn't drive and it would be a nightmare on transit to get Harmony to the dayhome and then get to work on time. Harmony is such a little sweetheart she brought one of her babies, Rosie. Rosie is apparently 3 yrs. old and her little sister who doesn't talk very well. We read some books,cuddled and said prayers. I asked if she wanted to mention her other grandparents in her prayer. "You mean Kim's parents? Nope, just you and Grandpa. You know I don't really know them, right?" I know they were not interested or involved in her life when she lived in Ontario. It is definitely their loss. They haven't even phoned since December.
    She is a smart cookie. She tells me she is going to ask Grandpa to take Chico for a walk with her because that will make him happy. She knows him well.

    Bought a couple of end tables that Jheri is going to do up for my living room update. I think it is starting to come together. I am impatiently waiting to see what she does for my painting.

    We have the old trailer cleaned out, cleaned up and photos taken. Now to post them on kijiji or a similar site and get it sold before the May long weekend. I am slowly getting the new trailer organized. Larry is still waiting on the door and canopy from the RV supply. He is frustrated with how long it is taking.

    I fell off the No Sugar so hard today. I am going to have to find a healthy way of dealing with stress. I really do not want to go to work tomorrow but I am sucking it up and will be there. I am going to back off taking on responsibilities. Not so sure how I will do with that.

    Going to take it one day at a time.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge