

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,440 Member
    Sarah - I will be thinking of you. What a stressful situation. <3

    Yvonne - We have a lot of problems with our NHS and funding, but at least all treatment is free. You never have to wonder if you can afford it before you go to the doctor. Awful that you can't afford investigation. What a dilemma!

    DJ - Pleased your cruise went well. We have paid for ours today and we are looking forward to it in August. Hope all goes well with your daughter. <3

    Off tomorrow for another posh meal. :o I've looked at the menu and think I've found some items that don't pile on the calories. Mainly fishy. :D I will have one small spritzer. :) Then DH wants to buy me something to wear on the cruise. How sweet is that! <3 Can't believe it's 14 years since we met on Saturday. It still feels like a new and fresh relationship.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    OK Heather, how did you meet your DH?

    SW WA State where we are having a little thunderstorm after all!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Katiebug that is a huge NSV and so thrilling I'm sure. Would love to lose an inch from my waist. Glad you are getting that lesion checked out.

    Janetr okc
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,900 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Medical coding can certainly make a 'huge' difference in what the insurance companies will pay; getting them 'changed' is an Act of Congress. I have a strong family history of breast cancer; both sisters are survivors; with my oldest sister having it twice. First time at the age of 38 or 39; they ended up having to put an implant in the breast because when they attempted to close her up after a 'rotation flap' surgical procedure pulling muscles from her abdomen up and under the skin to make the breast, the skin was too tight. For a couple of years she had to use a prosthetic breast, which she said was 'hot and heavy and sticky feeling'. The implant started leaking, so they were going in to remove it and did a mammogram on the other breast, and had cancer in it, too. They did a bi-lateral mastectomy and immediately started with the skin stretchers for reconstruction. For some reason I think she had the 2nd reconstruction as a 'rotation flap' from the muscles in her back. She looks like a train rail yard with all the stitches. Middle sister had what looked like a 7-year-old had taken her breasts off; a big "X" mark on both breasts. Then when they put the stretchers in, she got an infection and ended up back in the hospital. Needless to say, she has not yet had reconstruction done. They both had the BRAC1 and BRAC2 testing (AFTER) they had cancer; oldest sister was advised to have the BART test; whatever that is. I'll never understand why insurance companies will NOT run these tests 'unless' you have cancer. Sort of seems like closing the barn door after the fire (and before the horses have escaped). But, since both of their tests turned out negative; I will take that mine would be, too. I do monthly exams and every 6 months have a sonogram on left breast that has a spot; but, hasn't changed in close to 2 years.

    I don't think about it, don't worry much about it ... I do what I can and that is all I can do.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member
    I couldn't stop from smiling on my. ride home, it was pouring rain and thunder, I was drenched, i looked like ai took a shower , fun fun! and when I was running from wk to the train station, I got drenched by a semi- truck, that was awesome!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :) The rain, thunder, and lighting have reached the Olympic Peninsula. The rain started right after Jake said that the flowers needed water. It got warm enough today for the air conditioning to come on.

    <3 Barbie
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Very cool and windy here, has rained off and on and maybe some tomorrow. I will be glad to say goodby to it for awhile. We use Home Advisor.com to get our work done and we have an appointment with a landscaper tomorrow afternoon just to get an idea of what needs to be done. When setting up the appointment, I wrote that we won't have the money until fall to do this.

    I said to Charlie today 'may the 4th be with you' and he had no idea what I was talking about. So I told him it was Star Wars day. When I reminded him that it was May 4th, he finally got it.

    Yvonne, I am going to have a Colonoscopy in September. I am afraid that since it is not a screening colonoscopy but a diagnostic one, that I will have to pay a pretty penny for it also.

    Jagbug, welcome. Is the jag reference due to the TV show JAG? Loved that show.

    Dana, my niece has been posting pictures of the flooding. She went to college in Pocahontas at Williams baptist College. I here they are OK at the college. But the rest of the town looks terrible. She lives mid Arkansas now and is OK.

    Katla (?) I think it is you. Hope your daughter gets home OK going through all those storms.

    I am jsut glad we have our new gutters and gutter guard up and running.

    Thank you all so much for your thoughts on my Grandma's quilts and Mom being able to complete so many of them. My Grandma made sure she made a quilt for every grandchild. So Mom just continued that with her own grand children. I think eventually she gave away all the quilting blocks to a group that makes them and gave them to a good cause.

    We have been trying to get the blinds and drapes back up in the office. The blinds that were in there were tore up thanks to our wonderful cat. Really I think it is because of all the junk I let accumulate on the love seat and the cat just added to it. Anyway, the clamps to hold the blinds in place were pretty old and we needed to get new blinds because we couldn't use those to put a new set in. My window covering was just a valance. I wanted something different this time. I wanted the same valance because of how they matched the weird wall color and I used the same material to make a valance when I remade the closet into a small sewing room. I have a very small framing pice of white sheer on each side of the closet. My sister suggested I use a blue sheer and I liked the idea so we went looking at Walmart tonight. As you remember, my dear husbands heart rules his wallet. So the sheers we bought were cheap, and they are white. I went to Bed Bath and Beyond last night and they have a large selection and they have some blues. I may just take my sister there and pick something else out.

    Well Amazing Race came on 10 minutes ago and they are in Italy this week. So chao. Is that right?????? I am trying to say goodby in Italian.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Storm came through and looks like a tornado hit. No power, trees down, still thunder and lightening. Dogs are scared. Neighbor took kids to try to find someplace to eat. More later

    Gloria in WA where of course my phone was on 14% when this happened. Charged in car
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    ArisingSol wrote: »
    Greetings all!

    So nice to see a group of 50 somethings here!! I became a member on April 15th and didn't have any goals other than to just get started. I've been logging my food entries pretty consistently and even though I had some things that aren't the healthiest, I have no regrets and can only keep pushing forward.

    I'm chained to a desk working 60 hours a week. I realized sitting so much, along with poor eating and sleeping habits, are primarily responsible for the current shape I'm in and made the choice to do something about it. I actually consider today to be the first in a 90-day transformation challenge I've set for myself.

    My goals for May:
    1. Move from sedentary to exercising 3-5x a week.
    2. Daily Meditation 20-30 minutes
    3. Do something every week to celebrate my femininity.
    4. Stay accountable

    Looking forward to learning more about myself and all of you. :smiley:

    Hope everyone has a super productive month!!

    Ciao for Now ~ Elisha

    Hello Elisha!

    I'm retired now but was in the same situation as you work wise. It's extremely hard to get in a workout when you work so much. It's also hard to make healthy food choices when you are tired. I think your goals are not out of reach and with a time line motivating you, you are going to succeed.

    Good luck in your quest,