
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    I'll be catching up with y'all tomorrow. I had a great Mother's Day! <3<3<3
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) Mothers Day turned out great. First I got a card from the pets, then Jake called me while I was walking the dogs to say "Happy Mother's Day". He fixed lunch using the marinara sauce he made yesterday and continued cleaning the carpets today. I like "services" as a gift rather than food or flowers. He has been talking to his spiritual advisers and getting some good direction about not rushing impulsively into a life changing decision.

    <3 Barbie

    Barbie - I'm glad to see that Jake is seeking the advice of his spiritual advisers and actively seeking to make a wise decision. You truly are the most remarkable, honorable woman I've ever know. I say none of this merely to bolster your spirits but because your attitude and faith humble me. Continuing to pray and send good thots for you and Jake's situation. <3<3

    Janetr OKC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Becca – WOW! 7 ½ hour drive? I’d be taking the ferry, too! One of my classmates and her husband are retired from the military up there. She loves the area; but, can’t wait to come back to GA and live on the ‘family farm’. In fact, seems to me that she spoke of Port Townsend. Either she lived near there or another HS classmate of mine did.

    Sharon – Sweetie, I know what you mean about obsession about plants/flowers … When my one little cheap orchid bloomed again; I decided they were not really that difficult to take care of. Lady where I buy a lot of my plants told me that most die from over-watering them. I had a large bed of petunias down the front of my house in front of the garage; that I dug up 4x during my late pregnancy because the builder had to try to correct the problem that he created by not putting down drain tiles around the foundation.

    HAHAHAHA! I keep telling my son that his 10-year-old knows a LOT more than he did at her age. She is going to have to be ‘watched’ (closely). Both of the older girls are ‘in love’ with their HS sweethearts. One graduated 3 years ago; and, will graduate in December of this year. Her boyfriend has been working this past year, waiting on her to graduate and then will apply to several schools to study to become a PT. They will move to wherever he gets admitted. She will graduate with a Biology major. We’ve told her to make sure she goes to a ‘job fair’ the next time they have one at the school she’s attending. So far, classes and working have prevented her; DYS tells her ‘that is how I got my first job’ … ‘DO IT, take time off to do it’. We’ll see.

    I had a great Mother’s Day, heard from DYS and his family, and got a card from DOS and his family. Then we (the girls) went to a ‘door decoration painting party’. I enjoyed it. Painted a ‘whale’ with a Bible Verse on it. Now, to find a place to hang it. Might hang it on the door to porch which is presently being covered with an old quilt.

    I agree with the ‘liking ourselves’. We are the only one who is ‘in charge of what occurs to us’. Did you even ‘know about a sister, sick or not, in Guyana’? If not, then I would have had my doubts as to where he was going. People can enjoy being ‘alone’ provided they are not ‘lonely’. I stay too busy to be ‘lonely’ even though during the day, I am ‘alone’.

    Machka – Looks like a nice place … beach and hills and mountains. Georgia has all 3. I grew up in Middle Georgia (above the 'Gnat' Line) so it was pretty hilly there. Like everyone living below the 'Gnat Line'; have learned to blow them out of their faces; but, really hate it when they follow you inside! Up until I was in HS the I-75 interest ended there; so we got a pretty good bit of traffic through town. Every 5 years+ we’d have a ‘sleet’ storm and because we lived in a large home; we would take in travelers until the ice melted.

    Lanette – Cute card! DH and I buy something ‘big’ at the beginning of the year that is for Christmas, birthdays, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day that we ‘both’ want.

    Chris – I seem to find that my BP has been all over everywhere and my weight goes up and down as well … nothing that adds up as to ‘when’ it will happen. Tonight I feel like a am retaining water. Found a new cosmetologist to go to. At the paint party, I asked her ‘who cut her hair’. It was cut like my DDnL#2’s friend cut mine. My DDnL#2 told me, ‘oh she IS a beautician. Hey, calling her in the morning. I haven’t been thrilled with the woman I have been going to since my regular one passed away suddenly.

    Margaret – That many special needs children needed a lot more (or if they were all just in regular kindergarten) people supervising them, … 2 people just isn’t enough, especially when you start talking about needing restroom breaks. Going ‘off’ during school time can be ‘fun’ or it can be a ‘problem’, especially with that age of children. I don’t blame you for your decision.

    Sue – You don’t look 77. Hope you enjoy the flowers for a few days.

    Watching Ninja Warrior; I think I get a ‘work-out’ trying to bump them up to the end of the puzzle. Finally, the first one has made it.

    Louis brought home Chinese food on Friday and we had it for supper. I asked where they ate; and, told him that the fried rice was nothing like the other place, which has far more meat and veggies, and ‘egg’ in it. It was extremely 'bland'. This almost looked like he and his brother had picked out most of the meat before bagging it up. He told me that, no, it just did not have much, he agreed it was not as good as the other place.

    Joyce – My BnL (sister's husband) will start on politics or religion when we all go to the beach for a long weekend together, get us strongly disagreeing, and pull out and watch. This last year, I got up and went for long stay in the bathroom, went to the bedroom, unfolded and refolded clothes in suitcase, made sure my C-pap was ready to go; so when I came back I did NOT ask, ‘what are y’all talking about’ … especially if nobody was talking. I’d ask sisters if they wanted to play another set of dominoes. I got the ‘hooked’ on playing the game – Mexican Train. We made up some of the rules (one that I remember was about the doubles and whether it had to be ‘opened’ before anybody could even play on their own train. Googling it did not answer the question, so we decided that it had to be, by any of us when it became our turn … since it would have had to have had a ‘train’ put on it.

    If I had my ‘choice’ I think I would rather my DsnL ‘like’ me; … first anyway; they can learn to ‘love’ me if they want to. I’ve got one that invited me to the painting party today that I’ve had a very up-and-down relationship with. She will ‘tell’ me she loves me; then, will send me an email telling me ‘how I make her feel that she isn’t good enough for my son’. I just take it a day-at-a-time with her. She won’t bring her ‘drama’ to my house after our last blow-up with I told her to “FO” (unfortunately, in front of ‘everybody’). I just wanted her OUT of my house because of what she was saying. Totally uncalled for, and she had been warned! My other DDnL, well … when we are together we have a ‘bucket load of fun’. But, one lives next door and the other lives 3 states away.

    It warms my heart that my DDnL#2 views her husband (our DYS) as her “Prince William” while my DDnL#1 usually complains about her ‘frog’ (DOS).

    Mary – Pretty babies. Hard to believe it has been a year; maybe that is because they were nearly 6 months old before y’all got to see them.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: The facebook message from your daughter seems very loving. :heart:

    Lanette: Thanks for your comments. You reminded me to appreciate my kid's efforts to stay in touch though they're far away geographically. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I'm so happy that you had a great Mother's Day. I read Janetr's comments to you and I agree with her. You are a remarkable and honorable woman. :heart:

    I had a great Mother's Day thanks to my DH and our wonderful adult kids. I had calls from my daughter, son, & also from our daughter-in-law. They each made me feel appreciated and in touch though we are geographically far apart. It was a great blessing to hear from them. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "So many of us believe in perfection, which ruins everything else, because the perfect is not only the enemy of the good; it's also the enemy of the realistic, the possible and the fun."

  • mariannesd
    mariannesd Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone. Age 51, trying to increase my exercise and log my fitness pal every day this month.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Thanks for birthday wishes

    Kate UK <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,610 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hi all! Sending love and hugs to Toni. They do say gambling is the worst addiction of all in the way it ruins lives. :'(
    One good thing about marrying again late in life is that nearly all my money, credit cards etc is in my own name. We have a joint account for bills. The house is owned jointly. DH owns the only car. The downside to that us I have no access to his stash, if anything were to happen to him that necessitated long term care. I must do something about Lasting Power of Attorney before anything happens.

    I'm not using my laptop at the moment because of this Windows XP scare. Will, wait a few days, but I have stuff I want to download and print out, like those documents.

    I am rejoicing today at having an almost fully functioning arm. :drinker: I managed 2 short rowing sessions, even though it was a bit one handed. :D Feeling much relieved and very aware now of the effect of pain/disability on people. I am GRATEFUL FOR MY ARM. :DB):)

    Overate yesterday as I did no intentional exercise. Did a lot of pottering, so counted 100 for that. But I still went hugely over. Just one day and it was alcohol free, which was an achievement in itself. o:) I was really exhausted. :o
    Done all my 600 this morning. :D

    Going to make my brother's Goulash this afternoon (veal) . We have duck legs for dinner. Can't do much tomorrow, nor Wednesday, so the pancakes will have to wait until Thursday. Plus fishcakes. Will buy the fish tomorrow.

    Nice to see Penny and the photos.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Morning everyone! Hope those of you celebrating Mother's Day yesterday had a lovely time. I am spoiled. We celebrate both the USA Mother's Day and the French one, which will be in two weeks. My DH fixed brunch for me and gave me three roses, one fromhim and one each from our two sons. My youngest called, which made me happy. My older son always waits for the French day.

    I am sending virtual hugs to those of you who need it, especially Barbie, Toni, Joyce and Allie. I hope that your lives will be a little easier in the not too distant future!

    I am taking my first break from MFP this week as we will be travelling with friends in southern France. I will weigh a day early before we head out tomorrow and will try to log my diary, but doubt there will be time or internet for much in the way of comments. My goal is not to gain more than four pounds! With the meals and wine tasting they have planned, I will be lucky to be under that!

    -Leigh in France
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Machka - I visited Melbourne and the surrounding countryside some years ago. It was beautiful - and disconcerting! Disconcerting because I didn't know the names of ANY of the trees - and for an amateur botanist that's nightmarish. But I can still evoke the cool, moist air of spring in Victoria, scented by the blossoming freesias that burgeoned lustily through the cracks in the sidewalks.

    Barbie - I don't know Jake at all, so maybe I shouldn't say anything. Still, I can't help wondering if his notion of reconnecting with his ex from 40 years back isn't really a longing to reconnect with his own younger self. (((Hugs))) to you in this trying situation.

    /Penny not quite at the North Pole

    ...who notes that the color-changing code appears to have stopped working. Ah, well...
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,205 Member
    Mary adorable pictures and what beautiful cakes.

    Karen what a sweetie.

    Penney love the pictures from the arctic. Thanks for sharing.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Karen, Olivia is growing and is so beautiful. Our little Olivia dropped by with her Daddy for a short visit yesterday. She is growing so quickly and wanted Poppy to hold het the whole time. He was glad to accommodate :)

    Janetr okc
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Hugs to all who need them!

    Mary ~ Beautiful twins and those cakes were beautiful.

    Janet ~ It's great that you get to chat with your children every day.

    Penny ~ Loved reading about your outing and the photos.

    Had a happy day on Sunday. My DnL, her mom, and I sat on the deck and chatted and drank champagne after lunch. DH took a nap after we ate lunch and the two grand kids played.

    Carol in GA
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    edited May 2017
    Good morning all! Happy Monday! I will start with the good stuff and maybe that will keep my complaining down to a minimum! First: I weighed in this morning and I lost five pounds so far for May! Yea! Despite my romance with mini oreos (last week) and the baby shower bundt cakes and mother's day slice of cheesecake! My measurements remain the same. BUT, as promised, I am back, full force on my high protein meal planning, not just "eyeballing". My food scale got a work out this weekend as I weighed and pre-packaged my food for the week. I am determined to take this in "bites"; focus on making the right choices a week at a time; with the knowledge that this first week I may not see big losses, but the second week into the meal plan is usually a big one (usually between 3 and 5 pound loss). Week by week. This will work. Second: Spent mother's day at my MIL's place. I brought dinner and prepared it there. This, with a potted plant, was DH and my gift to her and to her husband (who is the primary caregiver, cook, and bottlewasher). So it felt really nice to be able to give him a day of not "doing" as much. We had dinner and then sat on the patio, I got their windchimes hung, and the bird feeders up and filled. DD called my cell phone while we were visiting and we switched to Viber so that Grandma and Grandpa could see her and the baby. Boy, did the folks love that! DD then talked her grandpa through downloading the Viber app so that they can do it again. So, really a good day!

    That said... :/Joyce- I am/was right there in the self pity zone with you! I prefer to call it the "feeling unappreciated" zone. Believe it or not, my kids (even DD who called) forgot to wish me happy mother's day. No card, no flowers, no words of acknowledgement. Nothing from DH (but that has been the norm since the kids became old enough to show their appreciation without prompting). But, my DH, has become the man who doesn't celebrate or acknowledge anything of mine. Perhaps it is because he sees every birthday and anniversary to be a "tally" of years passed? He is a pessimist so he feels death looming around every birthday of his own. My 50th went by with no card, present, party, or happy birthday from him. Mother's day, this year, was hard for me. There is always a twinge of sadness to it, as many of us are thinking of our own mother's who have passed and doing for other mothers. Some days, because of my job, I feel like The Mother Of All Mother's! I feel like I have spent my whole life mothering, and yesterday, I REALLY had to plaster that smile on and just do what needed doing. I am glad I did. It may not have been my idea of a perfect mother's day; but it did make not only my MIL's day, but also my FIL, as he got a little break and had company to talk to. So...perhaps, next year, I will take a page from Lanette's book and go out and celebrate "me".

    Penny- So good to see you! I am loving the pictures and I am hoping time, healing, and the weather will get you feeling better! Sending love and warm thoughts (or do you prefer cold thoughts there in the north?) <3

    Heather- Your party looks like a hit! The kids are adorable (even the meatball loving hyper cousin). Glad to hear your arm is getting some exercise! Remember what the rhyme says, though: Row, row, row your boat...GENTLY... :p

    Carol- I think you were the one who asked if I have kids during the summer? I do. But, not all of them. I lose most of them, as their parents are teachers, but I gain a couple of older school aged kids. So...it is a good change, because it gives me a different age group to work with for a couple of months! Eventually, my goal is to work "teacher's hours" and have summers off.

    Well, kids are here and needing supervision! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)