Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Birdygirl15
    Birdygirl15 Posts: 88 Member
    Ready for Summer 10 week challenge

    Name: Linda
    Age: 60
    Height: 5 ft 2

    Weight on Feb 19th - 322lbs or 23 stone in the language of my people

    Start Weight (week of April 19): 303.5lbs
    Goal Weight (Saturday, July 1st): 288.5lbs

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. April 26: 303.5lbs
    2. May 3: 304.5lbs
    3. May 10: 301.75 lbs
    4. May 17: 305lbs
    5. May 24: 303lbs
    6. May 31:
    7. June 7:
    8. June 14:
    9. June 21:
    10. June 28:
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1:

    Weight -/+ this week: -2lbs
    Weight -/+ total: -0.5lbs (go me!! :D:D )

    At last! I enjoyed my birthday celebrations back on the 11th, but blimey (UK expression :) ), two weeks to shift the 4lbs excess gained is ridiculous! Still, got there, not quite to the low I had the day before my birthday though. I fear my target for this challenge is too ambitious now.

    Newly prescribed hypertension pills seem to be messing with my head, had a week of feeling spaced out, swollen throat glands, no energy at all, poor sleep - horribly familiar feelings back to when I had years of viral fatigue/ME/CFS, the medics never did narrow it down. It might be coincidence to starting the BP pills, never had them before, maybe I am having a reccurrence of the fatigue thing, so will discuss with GP in 2 weeks time. For me, the big achievement is that despite feeling pretty grotty, I am still perservering with the food logging. No exercise though, that's the next challenge.

    On the bright side, literally, the UK is basking in 25+C temperatures, I am spending most of the day on my sunlounger or somewhere shady in the garden, complete with carefully logged salads, mojitos, frozen treats and loads of water. Bliss!! Clear blue skies, the garden is blooming, life is good. B)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?

    Well ... I had my annual physical yesterday and was a very elated and happy women when I walked out of the clinic. I was so depressed because my weight was up so much when I reported it on Wednesday ... actually, it had been holding at about that weight for the previous 3-4 days and finally started to drop again on Thursday. My doctor was pretty pleased with my weigh-in because my weight was actually lower this time than the last visit by a couple of pounds. He was also pleased that my A1c was down to 5.7. I explained to him that I don't crave food until after I had eaten a meal, and then the cravings for more food would hit every 90 to 120 minutes, especially if I'd had an apple with my meal. He'd like me to consider and try a low carbohydrate meal plan where I consume my carbohydrates mainly from vegetable sources. I'm not going to do something like the very low carb diets that are popular with many dieters. He thought if I could keep my carbohydrates at under 40% and limit the grains and fruits that I might see a decline in the cravings.

    So ... on my way home from I stopped at the grocery and brought home a whole chicken and enough vegetables to fill me up over the next several days. We'll see how I do. Today has to be to turn most of those vegetables into dishes that are prepped and ready ro eat or cook, and to make a roasted vegetable platter out of that eggplant, summer squashes, mushrooms and peppers.
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Fitness Friday. Walked 4 miles Saturday through Tuesday and a mile Wed and Thursday. Looked up some core exercises. Haven't tried yet. Wife still suffering from the ravages of bronchitis, nasty. Getting ready for graduation on Thursday. My oldest went to high school for the last time today. A lot going on right now. Stalled for 11+ days, waiting for it to end.
  • kizanne1
    kizanne1 Posts: 51 Member
    Nikion901 - I can attest to higher protein lower carb helping with blood sugar levels and helping with lower cravings. When I was in college I was hyperglycemic until I discovered protein. You don't have to do anything crazy to see good results. I know the less refined carbs I eat the less cravings I have. I eat plenty of veggies and some fruit. Hope it helps you.

    Fitness - I am trying to get 10,000 steps a day in. Most days I'm hitting that by walking a mile or so at home. I've been fortunate on days that I'm not feeling it, my husband has said come on let's go for a walk. As soon as school ends, I hope to add it some HIIT. Right now I'm just working on getting my calf muscle stronger and my lungs more in shape.
  • avygyaru
    avygyaru Posts: 51 Member
    Friday Fitness: So I've fallen out in love with the aquarium hobby and since there are only so many hours in the evening, I have been missing workouts. To remedy this, I've put a sign up telling myself to do a FitStar workout before I'm "allowed" to get into my fishy stuff. This weekend I'm going hiking so at least the Fitbit step goal will be met and exceeded. I've hit a plateau since getting into fish so I'm hoping this weekend is the kickstart to another 25-30 pounds down.
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member

    That is what i did. The 1st two weeks i jut had lots of veggies and proteins. Bought cottage cheese, cheese sticks and yogurts for snacks.

    I stayed at my 1200 calorie goal easy and had no food cravings.

    Now when ive been reintroducing things. Like some rice (or yesterday it was hot i had ice cream). Oh my the cravings just dont stop. I want to gobble the kitchen down. So i took the dogs and walked 6km instead to burn off that treat LOL.

    Just make sure the veggies and meat are very flavorful and satisfy you food wise. I dont leave off the sauces LOL.

    BBQ pulled pork. Grilled onions. Coleslaw.

    Chicken breast with mushrooms onions in mushroom soup gravy. Could add celery too. Veggie sticks on side if you need more.

    Crustless quiche was my dinner yesterday. (I get free eggs and eat them all the time). I have leftovers for lunch today. And i have chopped salad to go with.

    Thai coconut curry chicken. With bamboo shoots, fresh basil and onions. Hmm. I ate without rice.

    Sauerkraut and sausage. With fried onions. Fresh tomato slices.

    LOL those are some of my meals logged.

    I still plan to do a moussaka, souvlaki and greek salad, cabbage rolls. Stirfries are really good too, but they give me cravings still. Perhaps its the sodium?

    Good luck!

  • jenniferinfl
    jenniferinfl Posts: 456 Member
    edited May 2017
    Friday Fitness: just jogging around the house when I feel like it, 5.09 miles so far today. I get 2500 steps just during a phone call with my mom. :)

    As far as weekend food prep goes, this should be a very active weekend for me, I'm going to Disney World, Animal Kingdom for 2 days in a row for the Avatar grand opening. I'll probably get around 3000 steps before I leave the house at 6 am and will likely hit 25,000+ steps both days. I'll get a couple hardboiled eggs at Starbucks around breakfast time, probably have a gyro for lunch with green papaya slaw and black-eyed pea salad instead of fries. Dinner will probably be more hardboiled eggs if the Starbucks in the park isn't sold out of them, or a breakfast sandwich if they are.

    It will be ridiculously hot which always kills my appetite and a ton of walking, so, this weekend should be pretty easy for me. Hopefully! :)

    Last time I was there I drank something like 18 cups of water. My clothes could have stood up on their own from the sweat in them.. Yuck! lol
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,951 Member
    @jenniferinfl I am jealous you are going to Avatar! I live near Tampa but cant afford Disney right now. :( I am a Disney nut! I guess you are too. Have FUN!
  • Birdygirl15
    Birdygirl15 Posts: 88 Member
    Aargh!! Having logged my progress for the challenge yesterday (a day later than normal for me to try and show more of a loss), I'm another 2lbs down this morning!! Good news for me, but in the interests of the "team" should I log again before Sunday cut off to show a better loss, or just keep it until next week - and just hope I keep that weight off?

    If our recorder of stats could let me know?...thanks very much.

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)

    Yesterday I roasted a lot of those vegetables I brought home. My combination included celery, mushrooms, eggplant, yellow summer squash, zucchini, Hungarian mild pepper, Banana hot pepper, Green bell pepper, white onion. The final cooked down weight was 22 ounces (veggies cook down to barely anything cause the raw starting weight of all that produce was over 70 ounces!) .. I ate 4 of those finished ounces yesterday, at 24 calories and 4 grams carb per ounce ... Now, for me, the accomplishment is that I did prepare the tray of veggies instead of leaving them in the fridge to use them up individually!

    Today I need to decide how I'll prepare the chicken. My original idea had been to dissect it into pieces and use the back bone ridge and wing tips to make chicken stock, poach one of the breasts and broil the second breast, and use the legs and wings in a roasted chicken recipe. However by this morning I am undecided and might just roast the whole bird. Decisions, decisions!

    Now for some 'talk' ....
    @birgitkwood ... You asked about poached "spiegel carp" ... my mom cooked carp often but not in that particular recipe. It's not a fish you can find at the stores any longer so it can only be had if you fish for it yourself. My favorite version of eating carp is to poach it in a sauce of shredded carrots, onions, and tomatoes. It's also good when lightly dusted with flour and fried in a little oil, or when it is used to make a fish based clear soup. We called the soup Ukha (pronouned oo-ha), which sounds like the it could be a similar dish to your spiegel carp. We frequently ate the cucumber salad and plum cake you mentioned. Plums ... especially the German type fresh prune , were our favorite fruit both out of hand, preserved, or used in baked goods.

    My mom grew up in a small village in the the north eastern part of Ukraine, near the Russia border. There are a lot of common dishes throughout all of Eastern Europe, but my mom learned a lot of local recipes when she lived in Munich, Germany ... where I was born; and prepared many of them throughout the rest of her life, along with the cusine of her homeland.

    @320sycamore ... You know what ... you 'made my day' back on the 23rd when you asked if I ever published anything. No, I have not. That day, the 23rd, happened to be the 53rd anniversary of the day I got married and I really appreciated the serendipity of your post to me. No one in my circle ever comments on the anniversary date, as if it never happened. Why? Just because that marriage ended in divorce some 16 years later doesn't mean that I won't recall one of the happiest days of my life when the date rolls around. Perhaps had I remarried I wouldn't feel this way about that date ... but I doubt it. That's like saying I wouldn't celebrate the anniversary date of my first child's birth after my second child was born ... at least to my way of thinking.

    @kizanne1 ... Sounds like you have followed higher protein/lower carb eating ... I'm not a big protein eater cause, in my own body, too much protein leads to the same effect as too much carb: higher sugars. However, I do really well when the carbs I consume are very light on grains and nearly void of any baked dry goods and dried fruit (dried fruit bein my preferred sweet).

    @cellosmiles ... thanks, and thanks for your menu suggestions. Your post reminds me that I want to make cabbage rolls. I used up all the mushrooms I had making my roast veggie platter, but that chicken breast with mushrooms onions in mushroom soup gravy sounds so very delish. How do you make your crustless quiche?

    @Birdygirl15 ... oh, the dilemma ... I find it very difficult to stay with my Wednesday weigh-in, because of this week as an example ... I weighed 4.6 pounds more on Wednesday than I do this morning. Who knows what I will weigh by Sunday ... could be up, could be down. So much of it depends not on only what I have eaten, but also on how my metabolism and digestion is responding. Thusly, I just go ahead and weigh in on the same day if possible cause I figure: "what will I do the next week?"

    Have a great rest of the weekend everyone. If you are celebrating the American Memorial Day ... please do remember all the fallen military in a moment of silent respect before diving into those hot dogs and hamburgers, mac and potato salads and cupcakes!
  • aamerine08
    aamerine08 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi I'm late to the weekly weigh in but I'd still like to share:

    Name: Adrienne
    Age: 24
    Height: 5' 6"

    Start Weight (week of April 19): 264.2 lbs
    Goal Weight (week of June 28): 250 lbs (15 lbs)

    Weigh in week of:
    1. April 26 - 264.4
    2. May 3 - 262.2
    3. May 10 - 260.4
    4. May 17 - 259.8
    5. May 24 - 257.6
    6. May 31 -
    7. June 7 -
    8. June 14 -
    9. June 21 -
    10. June 28 -
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -

    Weight -/+ this week: -2.2
    Weight -/+ total: -14.4
  • jam5660
    jam5660 Posts: 126 Member
    Ready for Summer 10 week challenge

    Name: Jennie
    Age: 30
    Height: 5' 3

    Start Weight (week of April 19): 224
    Goal Weight (week of June 28): 214

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. April 26 - 223.2
    2. May 3 - 219.2
    3. May 10 - 219.2
    4. May 17 - 218.4
    5. May 24 -219.4
    6. May 31 -
    7. June 7 -
    8. June 14 -
    9. June 21 -
    10. June 28 -
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -

    Weight -/+ this week: + 1
    Weight -/+ total: -4.6
    Total weight loss: 35.6

    Welp, I put it off as long as I could but still a gain. hubby suprised me last night with a date to celebrate 10 years since we went on our first date. He took me to the new pirates movie(we saw the second one on our first date) and because it was a surprise I didn't save my calories for the popcorn and restaurant, so I went over(but only by 400, so still in deficit) and the salt has me feeling puffy this morning. But it was so much fun and worth it. Gonna get out and mow the lawn this morning to burn up a few of those extra cals. Push mower here I come!!!!
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member
    edited May 2017

    Crustless quiche. I simply pan fry some veggies cause raw ones dont really cook good in the oven. This time i used mushrooms onions celery green peppers. I cooked up some.bacon too. Just scramble some eggs in a bowl. Add a bit of milk if you like and some pepper. I didnt add salt this time cause of my bacon and cheese choices. put everything into a nonstick pie plate with some cheese and bake in the oven. I did not follow a recipe. Did not know how long to bake or what temp. LOL i just winged it. I am sure you can find recipes online though. My friends talk about this alot. You can use nonstick muffin tins too. But mine doesnt fit in my counter oven LOL. I ate leftovers cold yesterday and liked it that way too. Was a grab and go cool breakfast in the hot summer heat.

    The mushroom soup one i really like. We normally use ground beef and call it stroganoff. And have with rice, mashed potatoes or broad noodles. But i thought some nice big strips of chicken would feel more filling to me. So pick your meat and dice slice or leave whole. Your choice as to how you want to eat your meat.
    Pan fry your meat choice. I do use a little oil if its chicken. Set aside.
    Pan fry your veggies so they soften up. Onion, celery, mushrooms, garlic, peppers. Whatever you like or have on hand.
    Add your meat back. Dump a can of cream of mushroom soup.
    I like to add a little pepper, garlic powder and onion powder.
    If its too thick add some milk or water. Add another soup can if you are making a lot of meat/veggies.
    Toss on rice, mashed potatoes or noodles if you want carbs.
    I dont have a scale to tell you weights and nutritional info though. Sorry.

    Last night went to the indian meat shop. And got marinated chicken pieces. 1 in tandoori. 1 in lemon herb. 1 in karishmi. Since i didnt want to BBQ i just baked in the oven. Yum! Ate with some veggie sticks and dip.

    One of the veggies i tried was a new 1 for me. Jicama. I have enjoyed eating it this last week in a costco prepared salad. And yesterday found the root veggie at my local produce store. I sliced a bit of it and ate raw as 1 of my veggie sticks. That was yum too. High in fibre.
  • RunningOnWontons
    RunningOnWontons Posts: 138 Member
    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)

    I finally caught up with some relatives I haven't seen in YEARS yesterday. You know how it is, perhaps, when you fail to get in touch with someone, the weeks turn into months, then years, and you feel almost too guilty to reconnect with them? (I hope it's not just me). Anyway, I'm so happy to finally have worked up the courage to apologize and indeed to get over to their house to see them. It was a lovely afternoon, and one well spent! I'm considering it a non-scale victory in the personal growth category. :)

    In other news, I have determined that the biggest obstacle to my aspirations of routine early morning exercise is my tendency to obsess over certain tv shows. Despite my best intentions, I didn't get up for a jog/walk once this entire past week...because I have been watching the spy-drama The Americans until LATE every night. I have no time to watch tv during the day, and anyway this isn't a show for the kiddos, so it is what it is. Said in the voice of the Most Interesting Man in the World, "I don't always watch tv, but when I do, I binge-watch 'til 3 a.m." :blush:

    I will allow myself ONE episode per night this week, which will be sufficient to get caught up with the current season. And I WILL be getting up for a jog at least 3 mornings this coming week. Self discipline and all that, LOL.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    Wow, it's been awhile since I've been here on the message boards. I had to take an MFP break, but I'm glad to see a lot of familiar faces. Sorry, I'm not even going to try to backtrack and read all the posts I missed; I'll just jump back in here and figure out what I missed as we go forward.

    For those who don't know me, I'm Karen from Chicago. I've been on MFP since March of 2011 and a member of this thread since July of 2011 (prior to this version). I originally lost about 65 lbs, getting to a low of 182, but I really settled in at about 185-ish which I maintained for about 2 years. Then I had a serious shoulder injury, followed by a horrible bout of bronchitis, followed by a knee/ankle injury--it seems like every time I get back to a point of being able to exercise something else sidelines my workouts. Through those 3 years of health issues, I've managed to gain about 15 lbs--currently hovering at just under 200.

    For those who do know me, sorry I fell of the face of the earth. Life got really stressful for awhile there. My student teacher was just awful, so I had to focus a lot of my time mentoring her, with little result. In addition, I had to basically re-do every lesson she planned, re-grade most of the homework she graded, etc. so that I was doing twice the work for a job that already has a heavy workload. Something had to give, so I just took a break from posting or logging anything.

    Now, I'm finally caught up, my senior AP Lit students are done (other than finals), and my juniors only have another week of class and then finals. This is the first weekend in forever that I haven't spent at starbucks grading, so I thought it would be a good time to jump back into logging and posting.

    I see you guys are in the midst of a challenge, so I will just start from this week. Going for a little more than a pound a week b/c I hope a couple of pounds will come off quickly as water retention. My long-term goal is to get back to 185 by the time school starts in August. Ugh--I can't believe I'm already thinking about the start of the next school year when this one's not even finished.

    Name: Karen
    Age: 47
    Height: 5' 7"

    Start Weight (week of May 24): 199.8
    Goal Weight (week of June 28): 193

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    5. May 24 -199.8
    6. May 31 -
    7. June 7 -
    8. June 14 -
    9. June 21 -
    10. June 28 -
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -

    Weight -/+ this week:
    Weight -/+ total:
    Total weight loss:
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Sunday Share ... I'm very happy to see your posting Karen.

    @cellosmiles ... thanks for the recipe. Actually, now that I see it, it reminds me a lot of a breakfast I make often for myself. I know I will not be able to make the one with the mushroom soup in it though as that's the type of dish that I would overeat on!

    @RunningOnWontons ... TV binging is something I do far too much of also, especially on the nights when insomnia hits. I don't have cable TV, so my viewing is done on my computer which has a 27" screen. I had gotten a gift of 3 months of Netflix a couple of winters ago and spent days watching all the shows for Nurse Jackie, followed by all the shows for Mad Men. Right now I'm holding off getting any subscriptions to streaming channels ... cause it's on my list of rewards for hitting goals. The way I'm been going, it'll be a good long while before I earn it! :#

    AFM ... I was able to cut a little bit of grass out front yesterday, about 30 minutes of walking back and forth with my push mower. The grass was too wet in the back, and it was actually to wet to finish up the front. Thankfully we had a dry night and when I heard mowers going in the neighborhood this morning I headed outdoors to finish up. That led me to spending 2 whole hours doing grass cutting, weeding, and a little bit of pruning. I came in feeling very exhausted, hot, and tired, but perked up pretty good after resting for a while. Only thing, I had a couple of mishaps doing the grass. There are badly uneven spots along the sidewalk that the town put in a the year before last. They did an awful job of bringing the soil to the curb sides. I filled in were I could, but there are still unexpected drops ... and today, even being cautious because I know about them, I lost my footing on one while turning my lawn mower and took a tumble. I scraped my my right wrist, elbow and my right knee and they hurt like heck right now. It was probably a funny sight ... this old old fat woman hanging on to the lawn mower with her left hand while she tries to use the lawnmower to get herselp up off the ground. Then, later, when I was stooped over doing some weeding, I lost my balance and took another tumble. This time there was nothing to grap hold of to help lift myself up so I just got myself into a sitting postion and weeded everything I could reach. Later, I shimmied over to a tree and used it's trunk to help get myself back up on my feet. Hilarious!

  • jande159
    jande159 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey y'all! My name is Jessica and I am new to the MFP community. I am excited to start this journey and am certainly looking for friends if you are interested.
    Some basic info about me: I am a junior in college studying sociology and criminal justice. I'm 19 and am at my peak weight. After battling with a slight eating disorder, I gained all the weight back x2 and am now trying to do things the healthy way! I am totally looking for helpful tips if anyone has any to share!
    I will start the challenge from this week, since it is my first time!
    Name: Jessica
    Age: 19
    Height: 6' 1"

    Start Weight (week of May 24): 270
    Goal Weight (week of June 28): 265

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. May 31 -
    2. June 7 -
    3. June 14 -
    4. June 21 -
    5. June 28 -
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -

    Weight -/+ this week: +
    Weight -/+ total:
    Total weight loss:
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member
    edited May 2017
    @Nikion901 LOL yes being by myself at home has taken all my willpower to not overeat when i make extra portions of food. Sometimes i cave....sometimes i have the strength. I missed posting on truth thursday cause i was too embarassed over eating half a pack of bacon before i even made the quiche :(
    But when i made the mushroom soup dish days earlier somehow i was fine. It had made 3 servings for which i ate just 1. Luckily even if you eat a bit extra of it....its not too high on the bacon :(

    And yes quiche is just another form of an omlette LOL. in fact i ran out of space in my pie pan so just scrambled up the rest in a frying pan for lunch that day. But the quiche sets real nice so you can slice, portion and save for later that week. An omlette...well i just devour. :D

    Tonights dinner was baked white fish with lemon pepper and dill. Cucumbers and dip.

    Will need something extra later. This was a farm day and i am still ravenous.