c25k - newbie runners



  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Steve25k wrote: »

    I used to watch sports and endurance stuff on my tablet (held onto the treadmill with an elastic band) like "the man who cycled the world".

    Maybe I should try that! They do have TVs at the gym that I'll glance at, but I never plug my headphones in for the audio because I want to hear the cues from the app to tell me when to run/stop. But once I get to the point where it's just a straight run I'll give that a try.

    Lol maybe I'll have to give counting a try until then.

  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    Steve25k wrote: »

    I used to watch sports and endurance stuff on my tablet (held onto the treadmill with an elastic band) like "the man who cycled the world".

    Maybe I should try that! They do have TVs at the gym that I'll glance at, but I never plug my headphones in for the audio because I want to hear the cues from the app to tell me when to run/stop. But once I get to the point where it's just a straight run I'll give that a try.

    Lol maybe I'll have to give counting a try until then.

    I run with the phone in my hand, and get my music from a different source, so the vibration is my only cue.

  • Steve25k
    Steve25k Posts: 125 Member
    I am wondering though: When the app says: Run 3/4 mile or 8 mins, do you still get the voice telling you when to start/stop?

    I'm pretty sure you do on the zen labs one I'm using - I'll find out tomorrow morning.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Me too!
  • Steve25k
    Steve25k Posts: 125 Member
    So I guess you also found out that it does talk to you during the longer sessions - and the lady saying "you have 1 minute left" was a very welcome sound.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Steve25k wrote: »
    So I guess you also found out that it does talk to you during the longer sessions - and the lady saying "you have 1 minute left" was a very welcome sound.

    Yes, that was a very welcome sound!

    I have to say, it was tough, but not as tough as I thought.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    Successfully finished Week 5 Day 3 on Tuesday. version 3.0... Started Week 5 on May 14th

    Week 6 day one tonight.
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Finished W5D1 yesterday! It wasn't bad at all, the worst is the first few minutes and the last few minutes. I tried to avoid looking at the clock but they literally have them everywhere, including on the tvs. I just tried looking down when the running segments started so at least I wouldn't know exactly what time the segment started. Staring at the calorie display on the treadmill seemed to work a bit by just saying oh let's get to 100 calories burned, and then kinda doing a mental check like you're not tired...let's get to 101 calories. Tedious I know lol, but gave me something else to focus on.

    I think I'm gonna try downloading an app that will allow me to create a mix, because I find that I even try to keep time by saying oh this song is probably 3 minutes so I have about half of a song to go. But if I had a mix then I wouldn't necessarily know how long each song is playing for. Gonna look into this!
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    I tried to avoid looking at the clock but they literally have them everywhere, including on the tvs.

    This is why I don't think I could hack doing this on the treadmill. Give me the outdoors any day. I see people walking dogs, I listen to birds singing, I watch squirrels trying to hide from me behind trees, I counted the fluffy baby geese at my local lake recently (20!).

    Am not sure how I will cope in the winter though...

  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Yea I never thought it would be this hard to keep my mind occupied while on the treadmill. It's never been a problem before, but then again I was never actually running! I'm gonna try stick with it though, and think I will transition to running outside once it's cooler.

    Who knows...maybe by then I'll be ready to try the c210k program!
  • Steve25k
    Steve25k Posts: 125 Member
    oh let's get to 100 calories burned, and then kinda doing a mental check like you're not tired...let's get to 101 calories. Tedious I know lol, but gave me something else to focus on.
    When I'm on the treadmill I do this - lets just get to 5 minutes, well I'm nearly at 1k, now get to 10 minutes, well I can probably get to a mile now etc.

    I also downloaded tunes from podrunner (not sure it's still available) - you're able to pick music that has a certain beats per minute (bpm) so you can match your stride to it.

    Well done on Week 5 Day 1.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,070 Member
    Steve25k wrote: »
    oh let's get to 100 calories burned, and then kinda doing a mental check like you're not tired...let's get to 101 calories. Tedious I know lol, but gave me something else to focus on.
    When I'm on the treadmill I do this - lets just get to 5 minutes, well I'm nearly at 1k, now get to 10 minutes, well I can probably get to a mile now etc.

    I also downloaded tunes from podrunner (not sure it's still available) - you're able to pick music that has a certain beats per minute (bpm) so you can match your stride to it.

    Well done on Week 5 Day 1.

    Oooh is that available on android? I am always trying to find the right BPM music on spotify and in all honesty it's a bit of a faff to find something I like.
  • Steve25k
    Steve25k Posts: 125 Member
    edited June 2017
    It was just a website that had a bunch of MP3s to download - they were a bit drum and bass type songs but they were free. However if you have spotify you can search for "running 180bpm" and there are playlists there. I put 180bpm because I've got short fat legs and take lots of little strides, you might want a lower bpm if you're more gazelle like.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,070 Member
    Steve25k wrote: »
    It was just a website that had a bunch of MP3s to download - they were a bit drum and bass type songs but they were free. However if you have spotify you can search for "running 180bpm" and there are playlists there. I put 180bpm because I've got short fat legs and take lots of little strides, you might want a lower bpm if you're more gazelle like.

    I can find BPM playlists on spotify but most of them are rubbish lol
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Ugh my 20 minute run is getting closer, @beerfoamy that sounds like exactly the conversation I'll probably be having in a few days!

    But first I have to get past the two 8 minute runs that I have today.
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    @motivatedsister - have fun with the 8mins!! it is definitely doable! so far I have found the transition to 3mins run to be hardest (up to 20 obvs!). 5's and 8's weren't too bad.
    8 does let you get into more of a stride and feel awesome when done! :D
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Yes, I agree re the stride. With the 3 and 5 i struggled a bit with technique, but with 8 I suddenly seem 'steadier', for want of a better word. Good luck with the 8 min runs @motivatedsister!
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    I did it! I really made a conscious effort to avoid eye contact with any clock, and it definitely helped the time go by quicker. Friday is the only day where I don't do any other workout prior to running so I feel like it always take a little more time for my legs to loosen up...no matter how long I walk or stretch before starting. My feet also hurt a little at the end of the last run. I'd actually like to get new running shoes but I tried running in another pair I had during a previous workout and my feet didn't like it. So I'm nervous to switch now mid plan lol...even if I get fitted professionally.

  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    20 minute run done!!! Seriously I think it was easier than the two 8 minute runs from W5D2, which is crazy. The first 10 minutes flew by, and before I knew it the little voice was telling me I have one minute left. I got some new cheap headphones b/c my last pair I lost the earbud (I hate getting my nice headphones all sweaty and yucky lol), and these had to be the worst headphones ever. The sound was terrible and I spent a good bulk of time just trying to keep them in my ears! Lol but I guess it was a distraction.

    Can't believe I did it...I really think I'll be able to successfully finish the program!