What terms/phrases wind you up about losing weight?



  • DamieBird
    DamieBird Posts: 651 Member
    cqbkaju wrote: »
    DamieBird wrote: »
    Are any of them wearing a parachute?

    Have you ever seen how hard it is for a banana to put on a parachute?!
    Geez! Think of the children!

    Ha! I was specifically wondering if a two story drop would make any difference in the wind resistance of the banana's shape as compared to the relatively more streamlined shape of a ball, thus effecting when it reaches terminal velocity, lol. Also - I took 1 physics class 20 years ago, and I think I got a 'C' on that test, sooooo - I may have no idea what I'm talking about ;)

    I would, however, wager that it's easier for the banana to put on a parachute that it is for the bowling ball :D
  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    edited June 2017
    DamieBird wrote: »
    Ha! I was specifically wondering if a two story drop would make any difference in the wind resistance of the banana's shape as compared to the relatively more streamlined shape of a ball, thus effecting when it reaches terminal velocity, lol. Also - I took 1 physics class 20 years ago, and I think I got a 'C' on that test, sooooo - I may have no idea what I'm talking about ;)

    I would, however, wager that it's easier for the banana to put on a parachute that it is for the bowling ball :D
    Wind resistance is negligible, even approaching terminal velocity unless the overall MASS (wind resistance might generate *some* heat/friction) or SHAPE (could modify direction/speed) somehow catches or deflects the wind (i.e. a leaf falling, parachute, Bernoulli principle, etc.).

    You are dropping them towards the larger gravity mass of the Earth itself so barring wind deflection -I deliberately did not include any sort of flat object that might do so- the answer is counter-intuitive and goes against "common sense".

    Since I have never tried to put a parachute on a bowling ball, feel free to perform a simple physics / science experiment:
    Pick two items, guess which will hit the ground first and then drop one item from each hand at the same time off your deck or stairs.
    You may need a few tries and/or to take a video with your phone (watch in slow-motion) to see it clearly.

    * Aerodynamics are not my specialty (I'm an Electrical Engineer) so I could have some of the details wrong also.
  • DamieBird
    DamieBird Posts: 651 Member
    cqbkaju wrote: »
    DamieBird wrote: »
    Ha! I was specifically wondering if a two story drop would make any difference in the wind resistance of the banana's shape as compared to the relatively more streamlined shape of a ball, thus effecting when it reaches terminal velocity, lol. Also - I took 1 physics class 20 years ago, and I think I got a 'C' on that test, sooooo - I may have no idea what I'm talking about ;)

    I would, however, wager that it's easier for the banana to put on a parachute that it is for the bowling ball :D
    Wind resistance is negligible, even approaching terminal velocity unless the overall MASS or SHAPE somehow catches or deflects the wind (i.e. a leaf falling, Bernoulli principle, etc.).

    You are dropping them towards the larger gravity mass of the Earth itself so barring wind deflection -I deliberately did not include any sort of flat object that might do so- the answer is counter-intuitive and goes against "common sense".

    Feel free to Google the answer, since I have never tried to put a parachute on a bowling ball. ;)

    It would definitely need some type of harness or Gorilla Glue. Ooooh - did I just come up with a new commercial?!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited June 2017
    For me? (unpopular?) it's "IFFYM" and "in moderation". Without context both seem meaningless..
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    Morgaen73 wrote: »
    sjaplo wrote: »
    Morgaen73 wrote: »
    dale050467 wrote: »
    using loose instead of lose

    English speaking grammer Nazis who seem to assume that everyone who communicates in English speaks English as a first language and must therefore be perfect at it.

    I corrected my mistake Herr Generaloberst.

    Huh. Loose and lose. See the thing is they are two different words with two different meanings. It's nothing to do with grammar Nazism - because it isn't grammar. The opposite of loose is tight, the opposite of lose is gain. You might as well say " I want to apricot weight" because it makes as much sense.

    I bolded your statement because I fail to understand why you took offence to learning something new - if English is indeed a second language for you then you now know the difference and can use either word correctly in the future. "Ich bien ein berliner" if you see what I mean?

    I took offense to the need of someone to sarcastically point out something that is obviousely a simple spelling mistake. There was absolutely no lesson in that post. Also, I said English was my second language and implied that I may therefore make more mistakes than people who speak English as a first language. I did not say I was an idiot.

    Once again thanks for the arrogance.

    You're taking this awfully personally. Maybe you don't spend a lot of time on the MFP forums, but lose/loose is a very common mistake on MFP (including by people who clearly speak English as their first language). It seems unlikely that whoever posted this was aiming their post specifically at you.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    cqbkaju wrote: »
    sjaplo wrote: »
    Starship Troopers was an awesome book!!!! I've read it half a dozen times. Moon is a harsh mistress is great also.
    True story!
    The awesome part, not necessarily either of the books..

    You're missing an A.


  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    cqbkaju wrote: »
    sjaplo wrote: »
    Starship Troopers was an awesome book!!!! I've read it half a dozen times. Moon is a harsh mistress is great also.
    True story!
    The awesome part, not necessarily either of the books..

    You're missing an A.


    Yep, good catch.
  • Sassafras106
    Sassafras106 Posts: 73 Member
    I don't like the posts that say " help! I have an event of some sort ( that I had to have known about for months) coming up in 3 weeks, I need to lose 50 lbs instantly!" Or what have you...
  • fidangul
    fidangul Posts: 673 Member
    edited June 2017
    I don't get why people get so butthurt when someone corrects loose to lose. Are we so delicate as a society that is better to be allowed to be wrong than be corrected and learn? I'd rather learn of a misspelling on MFP than after i put the wrong word in a presentation at work....

    You should always use a capital "I" then. Glad I can help you. You wouldn't want to make the same mistake at work.

    I'm not too bothered about grammar and spelling on MFP forums.

    I'm okay with the use of the word "journey" too.

    One thing that annoys me is when people, especially the OP, start their statement/question/thread with "so".
    -so I'm going to a restaurant...
    -so I've been trying/doing...
    -so my friend said...
  • kavahni
    kavahni Posts: 313 Member
    God! Would you two get a room?
  • suhashmi
    suhashmi Posts: 22 Member
    Low carb
  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member
    LadyLilion wrote: »
    KeshNZ wrote: »
    "It's not a diet it's a lifestyle change" :| I wonder if in a few years people will be saying "no dessert for me, I'm lifestyling"

    But it IS a lifestyle change. Going from sitting in front of the TV and eating Dairy Queen 3x a week to taking evening walks and cooking healthy food and actually paying attention to your diet (noun, not verb) while avoiding 1300 calorie desserts you freaking LOVE - takes a considerable change in your actual lifestyle - believe me. And if you go back to your former lifestyle, you gain it back.

  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    proshanto wrote: »
    When the Doc says "Good luck with the diet!". Makes me wanna throttle him.

    I can't even baby-feline imagine how much doctors get tiny-kitty tired of giving weight-loss info to people who swear to lose, and instead come back in 6 months just as fat or fatter, with a boatload of lame rationalizations/excuses. How docs can even remotely remain polite and professional - this escapes me.

    This is one reason my A&P professor quit practicing on live people and became a forensic pathologist. LOL