
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Re- you look fantastic! Congratulations on onderland!!! You are doing amazing.

    Penny - beautiful pictures! It is nice to see different areas of the world that I probably would never have otherwise.

    Michele - I agree that as we get older our bodies take longer to heal. But, with us exercising and eating healthy we will do so much better than before.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Joyce – Do you ‘jiggle’ the handle of the toilet when it starts running? Usually it is very loose and all you have to do to make it stop is ‘jiggle’ it so that the flapper will go down and seal the water from flowing in it. Check to make sure the handle and the chain is still connected (and not broken). This is a fairly easy fix. If chain is broken, sometimes all you have to do is reconnect it; maybe using a gem clip to connect the two end.

    Cute kitty!

    Re – Looking good and happy you are in Onederland.

    Leigh - Thank you!

  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    edited June 2017
    Good morning all you wonderful people!!

    I feel 10 times better today. Maybe I over did it on Saturday. DH and I drive out to the Amity Trade Fair about 35 miles south west if Hot Springs. A couple of large barns full of neat stuff! Although by the time we got done walking through I could hardly walk back to the car. Not only I was tired but my back was causing my right leg to really hurt. DH had to run back to the car to get my cane. He's such a sweetheart! Always helps me out!

    I did find a handcrafted tissue box cover made of cedar. Real pretty wood and looks nice in our rustic living room.

    Lenora and KJ We have s lot of snakes. I don't go walking out by the creek for that reason. I saw a baby snake by the block foundation of the house. It was dark greenish and coming from under the deck. I hope there's not a nest under there!! Not too long ago DH and I were out near Collier Springs in the Ouachita Natl Forest and we saw a large adult Timber Rattler. He was not happy we were driving by. I slowed down to take a picture. My DH thought he would jump in the car and was encouraging me to hurry by! I had a good video but I must of deleted it. It's on my Instagram account: the_dalimama

    Retirement Someone was talking about good retirement areas. We worked for the state in Austin, Texas, and we planned on and did retire in Hot Springs, Arkansas. We always vacationed up here and really enjoyed the lakes and rivers.
    We bought our retirement home 3 months before we retired and had some of the flooring replaced and some cleanup done to the yard.

    Hot Springs, Hot Springs Village and Diamond Head are all nice and the latter two are gated and have nice golf courses. We chose to live 10 west of of Hot Springs on the west side of Lake Hamilton.

    The weather is mild; we may experience a little snow and ice and down in the twenties but most winters are pretty nice. Summers can be hot, between 90-100.
    The precipitation is 55" a year and the land is covered in pines and hardwoods.

    There are a lot of retirees in the area from all over.

    Happy Monday!!
    Dana in Arkansas
    The road to our house:

  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Re. Good job! I have seen you on the home page but not on here foras while. You look fantastic! I hope you have did away with all your old clothes!!

    Allie My mother had a boyfriend and he basically lived with her but he kept his house too. He was fairly well off and his adult children were so paranoid that my mom was after his money they took him to an attorney to amend his will.
    They were together for 8 years and loved each other very much. But there come a time when he had incidents out driving his car where he sat at stop lights and couldn't figure out where he was. So as his condition got worse his family had him go live in a memory care home with total lockdown. It was so cruel. He was severely depressed. My mom went to visit and he would perk up but when she left he wanted to go home with her.
    So, (sorry this is so long) his family banned her from seeing him. It got really nasty and a nurse grabbed her arm and bruised her. So my mom contacted the police and filed a complaint against the nurse. Then the faculty wouldn't let her in at all. (You had to be let in with a buzzer).
    That really upset her and her boyfriend started to go down hill. He passed away 2 years later, but they called and let her attend the funeral. Even the pastor mentioned her during the service which made her feel vindicated in some way.

    I'm rattling on... my mom is always on my mind since she moved out. She moved in with my sister and then they moved again. They haven't bothered to let me know or send me an address. Another story!!

    Dana in Arkansas
  • MaryRiley6
    MaryRiley6 Posts: 2 Member
    Haven't had time to read any stories, but I need to get back on track. Last time I was on this site, I was in my forties! Time has flown by and I've lost my way!

    Any tips for a girl age 51? What am I up against?
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    Sad story Dana.

    This morning we received the brochure for our Baltic cruise with all the optional trips on it. Sooooooo difficult to decide and you can end up spending a fortune! We decided that for nearly all city stops we will be able to make our own way around, with maybe a taxi ride to Haarlem in Holland. I don't think August is the best time to be going to Amsterdam, so we won't do that.
    However, St Petersburg is another story, where we will need to take tours because of the Russian visa problem.
    So, we are doing a 3 hour orientation tour by coach, just to see the sights in a morning. Then we will rest in the pm. Then in the evening we have a special music recital in the Hermitage, followed by a glass of wine and then an exclusive tour of the Hermitage state rooms and some of its collection. :D Then we are relaxing on board the following morning and taking a tour of the city's cathedrals in the afternoon. Phew! So, it's all booked now.
    Apart from that the places we are visiting are Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki, Tallinn, a Danish fishing island, Holland and Wismar in Germany.

    I had my teeth polished this afternoon and we visited a garden centre on the way home and bought herbs for the new bed -
    sage, thyme and French tarragon! They didn't have any rosemary. We need new plants because the ones we are taking out are very old and wouldn't transplant. We had a quote for all the garden work from a more professional company and, although they are more expensive, I think they will do a better job. It was a more comprehensive quote.

    Salmon tonight. Fresh spinach with a little half fat creme fraiche stirred in. Then our own gooseberries again with yogurt.

    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Heather That sounds like a wonderful trip.

    Janetr oops! LOL about the 'grandpa-not-daddy'! He has a great smile, anyway! :#:#:#

    Ginger I love this:
    grogers511 wrote: »
    Karen in Virginia love that quote. Reminds me of this quote by Erin Hansen

    --Ginger in Texas

    Margaret That is so interesting about Mary Engelbreit! Thanks for sharing that.

    Mary Minnesota I hope your brain fog lifted and you are back to your sharp-thinking self.

    RE So great to hear from you! Onederland, yay! You look FABULOUS.

    Penny Cute yoga routine the Arctic Hare performed. So obliging of him.

    Low fat diets make me unhappy and give me 'fog-brain', so I eat high fat, adequate protein, low carb. That's what works for me. I notice when I indulge in carbs I have heartburn, feel sluggish, and don't sleep well. I have a colleague who is a vegan. More than 80% of his calories come from carbs. He feels and looks fabulous. Everybody is different.

    Concerning the question about where is the best place to retire, I am also curious. I would like to retire somewhere where cost of living and taxes are low. I would like to be near some water, where it's neither too cold or too hot, pet-friendly, and where I can easily see my children and grandchildren several times a year. I bet I won't find someplace that has all of that, but I can dream!

    Speaking of dreaming, I didn't get even one of the Powerball numbers right, LOL! Oh well...

    Karen in Virginia
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • Michaela_LaGata
    Michaela_LaGata Posts: 135 Member
    hello out there

    im on a mission to lose 30 ish pounds...at least 20 would bring improved health. busy w work and family support giving. need more energy but grateful.

    reading about walking meditation. so grateful to be able to walk unaided.

    just saying hello.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member

    I am starting to think about retirement. Where is the best place in the country/world to retire and why?


    Before anyone can answer that question for you, you have to start with a list of what you need:
    *in a city or how far from one
    *what language(s) do you speak?
    *how important is it to be close to family

    I love where we chose to retire but it might not be perfect for others

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Becca ~ Hugs & Prayers

    My widowed brother-in-law is in the hospital to be observed as he had chest pains. I hope it is nothing too bad. He has been having panic attacks and I wonder if this could be part of the problem. He was married to my DH's sister who passed away in her 30's and he has never remarried. He lives by himself (he is 72 or 73) and has a very set routine. We have mentioned that perhaps he should consider entering a community living facility for older adults where he could get help if needed but he is obstinate. After he had hip replacement last winter, I tried to volunteer to go to the store to get food supplies for him but he wouldn't let me because he wanted certain brands. My DH ended up taking him the next week.

    Sorry if this is too long!

    Carol in GA
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Carol GA- I will be praying for you and your family! I hope everything turns out well.


    Mary from Minnesota