June 2017 Running Challenge



  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    Amazon also sells a tube cleaning kit which may be helpful. Something tells me that every once in while your going to want to do a very good job cleaning your pack.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    VydorScope wrote: »
    @KatieJane83: I have a camel pack, but ugh. The problem is they cover your back and do not all any venting of heat back there. My UA Heat Gear is vented in the back for a reason. :) I am probably going to buy an Amphipod RunLite Xtech 4 Plus Hydration Belt (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01A7PTISC) because water bottles in my pockets is getting old. :smiley:

    Hmmm, that hydration belt looks pretty good, but it's not available :'(

    I'm contemplating trying this pack, since it has a lot of good reviews, AND most importantly, it won't break the bank. On Sunday I was brave enough to run in just my running sports bra (had a split second of being worried about being self-conscious until my common sense took over and was like, nobody cares, it's full coverage, and it's freaking HOT out! lol), so if I do that with the pack I might just be ok. We shall see!


    @KatieJane83: Sorry, it said one left and I ordered it! :blush: It comes into stock pretty regularly and if you are an REI member they have it for a little cheaper and in stock.

    The other thing I worry about those packs is rubbing on the shoulders and back while you run. The belt wiggles some, but my shirt/shorts shield my skin at least. If you are wearing only a sports bra, I assume your shoulders would be exposed to the straps? I wear a sleeveless top (as a male, no bra needed LOL) so I suspect that would be a problem for me too.

    Might work for you though, and at that price is not much of a gamble really :)
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    cburke8909 wrote: »
    I've been considering this item also found on amazon TETON Sports Trailrunner 2 Liter Hydration Backpack; with a New Limited Edition Color. It holds 2 liters of water and you wear it like a vest. Also it seems to have a very good system for access.

    That's actually the other one I was looking at. I went with the one in the link I posted above (by Mubasel Gear) since it has an extra half star, it looks like it has better additional storage pockets/pouches, and I like that it seems the entire top of the bladder opens, meaning even easier to clean. I actually just placed my order, so I'll post back here once I've tried it out.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    VydorScope wrote: »
    VydorScope wrote: »
    @KatieJane83: I have a camel pack, but ugh. The problem is they cover your back and do not all any venting of heat back there. My UA Heat Gear is vented in the back for a reason. :) I am probably going to buy an Amphipod RunLite Xtech 4 Plus Hydration Belt (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01A7PTISC) because water bottles in my pockets is getting old. :smiley:

    Hmmm, that hydration belt looks pretty good, but it's not available :'(

    I'm contemplating trying this pack, since it has a lot of good reviews, AND most importantly, it won't break the bank. On Sunday I was brave enough to run in just my running sports bra (had a split second of being worried about being self-conscious until my common sense took over and was like, nobody cares, it's full coverage, and it's freaking HOT out! lol), so if I do that with the pack I might just be ok. We shall see!


    @KatieJane83: Sorry, it said one left and I ordered it! :blush: It comes into stock pretty regularly and if you are an REI member they have it for a little cheaper and in stock.

    The other thing I worry about those packs is rubbing on the shoulders and back while you run. The belt wiggles some, but my shirt/shorts shield my skin at least. If you are wearing only a sports bra, I assume your shoulders would be exposed to the straps? I wear a sleeveless top (as a male, no bra needed LOL) so I suspect that would be a problem for me too.

    Might work for you though, and at that price is not much of a gamble really :)

    haha, no worries! I went with trying the pack. Like you said, for the price it's not much of a gamble. And if it doesn't work out, I'll hit up my dad for his REI membership and try out that belt, lol.

    As far as the rubbing/chafing goes, I'll have to see how that works out. The sports bra has decently wide, slightly padded straps (it's actually made by Brooks, just like my shoes, lol, so they keep runners in mind), but I'm not sure how it'll fare on my back. Only one way to find out!
  • MrsKGrady
    MrsKGrady Posts: 276 Member
    June 1 - 2.25 miles
    June 2 - Rest
    June 3 - XT (Cardio, Strength, and Stretch classes at gym)
    June 4 - 2.45 miles
    June 5 - Rest
    June 6 - 2.3 miles
    June 7 - XT/Strength
    June 8 - Rest
    June 9 - Rest
    June 10 - 2.3 miles
    June 11 - 2.35 miles
    June 12 - Rest
    June 13 - 2.6 miles



  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    lporter229 wrote: »
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    I remember last year at an event down in the States an un-scheduled train crossed the course and destroyed the BQ hopes for a large group of Runners. I just copied this from the Web-Site for the Banff Marathon this weekend.

    Our scenic running course takes you through some of the most scenic land in the world…and also across some active railway tracks. We will know when trains are approaching and we will have race marshals on both sides of the track to halt the race accordingly. In order to ensure your timing does not get disrupted by train activity, we will place timing matts on either side of the tracks. The time needed to close the course at railway crossings will be deleted off of the final time of any patiently waiting athletes.
    Now that deserves some Kudo's for the Race Director and Committee.
    girlinahat wrote: »
    @MNLittleFinn - you're going as a watermelon?????
    Looks like he could Mascot for the Saskatchewan RoughRiders in the CFL, all he would have to add is a Watermelon Helmet. Okay Me Bad.

    Ok, I am probably going to sound like a petty little *kitten* here, but I am surprised that the BAA would accept this as a qualifier course. Even though this is probably the fairest solution to the problem, it does allow the runners an untimed rest and recovery stop as they wait for the train to pass. As nit picky as the BAA can be sometimes...

    The untimed recovery issue bothers me from a fairness perspective; but the things I've read about races with stuff like a train crossing all ended up with BAA punting the decision back to the qualifying marathon race organizer for the finishing time. BAA won't even say whether a marathon is a qualifying event; they punt that question back to the qualifying race organizers even though the rules are clear that the course has to be certified by USATF or AIMS.

    So I wouldn't be shocked if BAA accepted adjusted times by whatever method the qualifying race organizer deems fair. Even though, from a fairness perspective, I think a 10 minute enforced rest at mile 11 (or wherever) makes the race effectively "not a marathon" for comparison purposes.

    That having been said, deleting the enforced wait time is likely the least unfair thing the race organizer can do for ranking results within that not-really-a-marathon race. Though I think it would suck to run continually and finish second in my age group by a couple minutes net time behind someone who had 20 minutes of rest deleted from his time. There really isn't anything that can be done that is fair to everyone.

    I am probably bothered by this more than I should be, but you raise another good point. So, if you were to race this marathon and PR, but say you had a 5 minute break while waiting for the train, would you still consider it to be your PR?

    Then there is also the issue of the placement of the mats. Obviously, they are going to be on either side of the tracks, but where exactly? Does the distance between the mats get added to the end of the course? If so, then you are asking runners to run extra distance. If not, then the course is short. Also, the mats will have to be far enough from the tracks that runners can cross the mat to stop their time while waiting for the train to pass, but won't there be a pile up there of runners? How can you ensure that you are able to get to the mat without any delay? And couldn't runners take advantage of the situation and "lounge around" before heading over the next mat?

    I appreciate what is being done by the race directors to accommodate the situation, but in their attempts to make the situation fair, are they making it more unfair? The whole thing just seems a bit crazy to me.
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    6/1 5miles 46:33min
    6/2 3miles 27:09min
    6/3 7miles 65:53min
    6/4 rest
    6/5 3miles 27:52min
    6/6 4miles 36:43min
    6/7 3miles 27:55min
    6/8 13.1miles!!! 2:06:49min
    6/9 rest
    6/10 3.55miles 35:30min
    6/11 rest
    6/12 4mi intervals 38:32min
    6/13 5miles 50:34min

    A very hot 5 miles today. I had PT this morning so I had to push my run out to 11am-noon. Yikes! About 90 degrees. I took water, ran slow, and switched to a run/walk the last 1.5 miles.

    First day of PT for my hip. Spent most of the time answering questions. He showed me a few stretches to try. I really hope this works.
  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    Planned 5k easy but ended up a little bit faster than easy. After 6 weeks after being quite lazy felt good to get a proper sweat on - even if it is mostly humidity related!


    11-June: 6.50km easy
    13-June: 5.18km steady

    Upcoming Races:
    9-July: Southend HM
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    VydorScope wrote: »
    My long run on Sunday took me 2:23, and I went through 36oz of water, and 4 Clif Shot Bloks w/added salt. It was upper 80s when i started, and 90 w/a realfeel of 92 when I finished, on a partly shady route, but full sun where there was no shade. I definitely need to figure out a better water transportation system, I was running with a 24oz bottle in my hand (which I obviously refilled), and my hydration belt only holds 2 small (8 or 10 oz, I can't remember) bottles. I'm contemplating looking at hydration vests/back packs, since I'll be starting marathon training soon, and my long runs will be getting even longer over the heat of the summer.

    @KatieJane83: I have a camel pack, but ugh. The problem is they cover your back and do not all any venting of heat back there. My UA Heat Gear is vented in the back for a reason. :) I am probably going to buy an Amphipod RunLite Xtech 4 Plus Hydration Belt (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01A7PTISC) because water bottles in my pockets is getting old. :smiley:

    @VydorScope - I have that belt. I bought it when the bottles for my Nathan belt were wearing out, and the belt was also close to end of useful life.

    The good: 4 bottles of 10 ounces each. Great for long runs in warm weather. Enough to get me through a marathon in reasonable weather. The clips slide around, allowing me to position the bottles where I want them. The pouch is big enough to hold my iPhone 5 in its Otterbox, eliminating the need to clip the phone onto the belt. (At Boston, I wanted to totally fill the pouch with gels and a pillbox of S-Caps; so the phone went into a separate SPIbelt. Positioned the SPIbelt pouch at the small of my back, and that worked fine.) I typically run with the pouch in front. This makes it easy to get stuff (i.e., gels or S-caps) stored in the pouch.

    The bad: The bottles clip on. It took some time to learn to clip the bottles back in by feel, and in the process I dropped bottles a few times. That resulted in a broken cap, and I ended up having to buy replacement bottles because I didn't find replacement caps. Also, the bottles are less flexible in colder weather. So I use a Nathan belt with a slide in system when the temperature is low enough that this is an issue. At that temperature, being limited to the 2 bottle capacity of the Nathan belt isn't a problem. The loops for gels on the pouch aren't really secure. I quit putting gels in them after having a couple fall out in mid-run. The loops might be secure enough for Shot Blox; I carried one of those around Athletes Village before using it as my "15 minutes before." Later, I thought I could have grabbed more Shot Blox in Athletes' Village and put them in the loops before heading off to the corral.

    The belt ships with bottles that have race caps. When I fill the bottles full, they tend to squirt. Replacement bottles with push-pull caps fixes that, for 2 of my bottles. The belt also tends to loosen over time. I've learned to tighten it before every long run and particularly before every race I wear it in.

    The strange: With the adjustment issues, this belt does not feel as snug as my Nathan belt. This is not necessarily bad, just different. I find that water bottles ride better on my side or the back of my hip than in front. So I've done a lot of training runs with only 3 bottles, to avoid having 2 bottles in front. I can get used to the bottles in front, but I need to do training runs with them there for it to be natural on race day.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    This might be a silly question, but is there a particular hill length and/or grade range to aim for when doing hill repeats? Or is it whatever you can handle/feel like/mimics race course conditions you're training for?
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @MobyCarp : I have a single bottle Nathan that holds it on an angle. Could not find a picture of it online, but kind of like this one:


    I have had it for years not sure where I bought it. When I need less water I can swap back to that easy enough. This is only for the hot days of summer where I am currently using that Nathan AND stuffing bottles in my pockets. I have heard complaints with that belt about getting the bottles on and off during a run, and that is why I have been hesitant to buy one. I did order it though so I guess I will find out.

    When you say the water squirts out, what do you mean? How much were the replacement bottles?

    My Nathan lossens during a long run. I had to stop in my last Marathon and adjust it. Was not happy about that :)

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    VydorScope wrote: »
    @MobyCarp : I have a single bottle Nathan that holds it on an angle. Could not find a picture of it online, but kind of like this one:


    I have had it for years not sure where I bought it. When I need less water I can swap back to that easy enough. This is only for the hot days of summer where I am currently using that Nathan AND stuffing bottles in my pockets. I have heard complaints with that belt about getting the bottles on and off during a run, and that is why I have been hesitant to buy one. I did order it though so I guess I will find out.

    When you say the water squirts out, what do you mean? How much were the replacement bottles?

    My Nathan lossens during a long run. I had to stop in my last Marathon and adjust it. Was not happy about that :)

    As I start a run, the bottles jiggle up and down. Some aspect of the motion applies just enough pressure that they can act like a squirt gun. This is more of an early run nuisance than a substantive loss of water.

    I don't remember the cost of the replacement bottles; I'm thinking between $10 and $20 for a 2-pack at the local running store. I bought the push-pull cap version because a) it was a little cheaper than replacements with race caps, and b) I wanted something tactile and visual to distinguish which bottles had Nuun vs. water.

    Any yes, this belt can loosen during a very long run. (Oddly enough, I don't have that problem with the Nathan belt.) I've learned to adjust on the run. I haven't been sure enough of how tight I want it to go as far as using diaper pins to stop the slip. Among other things, I'm not sure how much of the difference is belt loosening and how much is waistline contraction.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Random carb load question. With my race coming up in 4 days, I'm still kind of stumped on WHEN to start my carb load.... When articles say to start 2-3 days before race day, it kind of annoys me, and my daddy caycare/summer school/tapering brain can't handle that.

    So, the question is, do I go into carb loading Tomorrow (3 days before) or wait until Thursday (2 days before)? I have the carbs ready to go, it's just a matter of making sure I take them to work and such.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,012 Member
    June goal: 50 miles

    6/1/17: 3.5 miles
    6/2/17: 1 mile
    6/4/17: 4.3 miles
    6/5/17: 2 miles
    6/6/17: 3.4 miles
    6/7/17: 2.4 miles
    6/8/17: 2.7 miles
    6/11/17: 4.4 miles
    6/12/17: 2.8 miles
    6/13/17: 2.5 miles

    29/50 miles


  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member

    It just keeps getting worse here :disappointed:

    @MNLittleFinn : I would GUESS two days is fine, but I doubt there would be any negative to three so unless someone that knows more replies, I would personally go with three.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    VydorScope wrote: »

    It just keeps getting worse here :disappointed:

    @MNLittleFinn : I would GUESS two days is fine, but I doubt there would be any negative to three so unless someone that knows more replies, I would personally go with three.

    Thanks... Is it bad that I might have been looking for an excuse to gorge myself on carbs for the next few days...LOL.. I was thinking 3 would be better, but didn't know if there was such thing as starting too early...

    Oh, and your weather looks nasty. That's like 20 degrees above my current worst case high for race day.
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    Enjoying my 5am morning runs, but also counting down the days until the weather and pollen levels go down enough that I can go back to sleeping later and running in the evenings :sweat_smile: Seriously, do not like summer running, and it's only just begun! Ugh.

    June Running Challenge

    1st - 3.18 miles
    3rd - 4.97 miles
    5th - 3.16 miles
    7th - 3.28 miles
    9th - 3.18 miles
    11th - 3.02 miles
    13th - 3.26 miles

    MTD - 24.05/80 miles

    Upcoming Races
    25th June - Greenwich Park 10km
    22nd July - Richmond Riverside 10km
    17th September - Run Reigate HM
    23th-24th September - Ragnar Relay
    15th October - Manchester HM
    26th November - Brett Owler HM
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    VydorScope wrote: »

    It just keeps getting worse here :disappointed:

    @MNLittleFinn : I would GUESS two days is fine, but I doubt there would be any negative to three so unless someone that knows more replies, I would personally go with three.

    Oooh, you've got me beat.....just! Lol
