JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 9



  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    I weigh daily... naked .... and afraid.

    SW 07-01 197.8

    07-02 198.2
    07-03 200.0
    07-04 199.7
    07-05 199.7
    07-06 200.6 Ugh. Who puts fried food on a salad? Gators Dockside that's who.
    07-07 199.7. Late to check in
    07-08 198.3 Flushing out water, yay.
    07-09 196.8
    07-10 198.2

  • NasiiM4
    NasiiM4 Posts: 76 Member
    SW 259lbs
    GW 135lbs
    Next target 170lbs
    10 day goal 169lbs

    Round 9
    SW 171.2 lbs

    Day Weight Comments

    7/2- out of town, no scale available.
    7/3- 171.0 lbs
    7/4- 172.4 lbs
    7/5- 172.2 lbs
    7/6- 171.6 lbs
    7/7- 169.8 lbs
    7/8- 168.6 lbs
    7/9- 169.0 lbs
    7/10- 170.0 lbs
  • MattDelR
    MattDelR Posts: 18 Member
    7/2 - 194.0
    7/3 - 192.6 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY FITZOE77
    7/4 - 193.4 - (normal gain after heavy weight training/super high calorie day) HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!
    7/5 - 192.8
    7/6 - 192.2 - My birthday! B) We'll see where the scale goes tomorrow. lol
    7/7 - 194.8 - Had a great birthday seeing family! Love to see my young niece and nephew so much, always a blast. Finally had time to enter in everything I ate yesterday...3,311 calories...not as bad as I actually thought. One big poop and back on track today will take care of that.
    7/8 - 193.0
    7/9 - 192.2
    7/10 - 191.8 - today is heavy weight training/super high calorie re-feed day, so tomorrow is almost guaranteed to be higher on the scale. Gonna try adding a ton of cardio though to even it out.
    7/11 -
  • clynnwoodard
    clynnwoodard Posts: 319 Member
    R7 SW - 172
    R8 SW - 170
    R9 SW - 169.4

    GW for R9 - 167.4
    Final GW - 140

    7/2 - 169.6 -
    7/3 - 169.8 -
    7/4 - 169.8 - welp...at least it wasn't another gain.
    7/5 - 170 - nothing to see here...just gaining and losing the same 4-6 ounces for the last 2 weeks.
    7/6 - 168.8 - Finally! some movement in the right direction! let's see if I can keep the momentum.
    7/7 - 169.2 - 11 hour work day mostly sitting on my bum, so no workout, went over calories just a bit and dinner was high in fat and sodium, so not an awful gain considering. Back on track with exercise and diet today
    7/8 - 168.6 - very sedentary but also didn't eat much, so not bad
    7/9 - 169.2 - Good workout but pretty sedentary the rest of the day. Nice juicy ribeye for dinner last night...worth it.
    7/10 - 169.4 - Annnnnd...I'm right where I started this round.
  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,286 Member
    Muscles hold water when they've been worked hard.

    @HeidiCooksSupper TY :) seems you were right, I've dropped again today.

  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,286 Member
    edited July 2017
    SW ROUND 9 1st July 203.4lbs

    07/02 - 201.6 (TOM .. my weight seems to drop like that for some reason)
    07/03 - 202.8 and it does that also (back up most of the way ugg)
    07/04 - 202.8 I had a very low calorie day today as I felt bloated and ill
    07/05 - 202.8 another low calorie day today, still feeling bloated. happy to be staying the same weight thou
    07/06 - 200.4 and I took a loooooooooooooooong (well 2.86 miles) celebratory walk in the hopes it stays there tomorrow
    07/07 - 200.4 a few drinks tonight, we shall see what happens in the morning .. onederland within touching distance
    07/08 - 200.4 stayed the same, been busy all day bike maintenance club and re-felting the shed roof, super tired now
    07/09 - 201.6 *sigh* I have no idea, I drank all of the recommended water, other than that no real change yesterday in diet or exercise .. I done 7.8 miles on my spin bike tonight.
    07/10 - 200.4 YAY!! (official weigh in today and onderland within touching distance)
    07/11 -
  • wannabesmaller2017
    wannabesmaller2017 Posts: 433 Member
    SW: 185.5

    Round 8 SW: 185.5
    Round 9 SW: 182.5

    Goal weight: 180.5
    Ultimate goal weight: 128

    7/02 182.5
    7/03 182.5
    7/04 182.5 At least I'm consistent! But I always pig out on the 4th so it'll be way up tomorrow.
    7/05 184.5
    7/06 185.0
    7/07 183.5
    7/08 184.0 :-(
    7/09 182.5 Finally back to where I started!
    7/10 182.0
  • okohjacinda
    okohjacinda Posts: 329 Member
    07/02: 258.2 (please go down from here...i have been going from 258-261 for the last week and a half. Hopefully it's bye bye 260s for good!)
    07/03: 257.2
    07/04: 256.8 (so far so good)
    07/05: 256.2 (18lbs lost in 6 weeks! That's 3lbs a week on average! Whoa mama!)
    07/06: 256.2
    07/07: 256.6 (had soup with a lot of sodium in it yesterday so makes sense)
    07/08: 255.4 (almost at the 20lb mark!!!)
    07/09: 255 (yesterday was a bad day for me. My ankle was sore so I couldn't workout and I ate pretty badly so I am shocked to see the scale move down but from past experience I am not betting if I go down tomorrow but we shall see.)
    07/10: 255.8 (yep I knew it. Hopefully tomorrow will be better)
  • tishawj
    tishawj Posts: 542 Member
    Back again!! I enjoy my daily check ins here. Keeps me on track and motivated to move beyond daily fluctuations.

    SW in March 182.4
    GW - 150 and then reassess how I feel
    07/01 - coming in from Round 8 - 157.3lbs

    07/02 - 159.4lbs - again on my Mom's scale. Celebrated Canada Day with too much good craft beer and some very salty ribs I'm going to pay for over the next few days. But no regrets!!
    07/03 - 160.8 - I'm not sure what happened to my post from yesterday...I probably forgot to hit post reply...d'oh!
    07/04 - 158.2lbs - getting back on track after a long weekend of indulging
    07/05 -159.4lbs - here goes my bouncing ball...rings are tight this morning, so I'm retaining something. I ate fantastic yesterday and was very active at work and went for a trail run when I got home.
    07/06 - 159.4lbs - bloated and constipated...ugh...feel yuck even though I've been eating the way I should and being active....
    07/07 - 159.0lbs - taking longer to get past one long weekend than it did my cruise vacation. I'm going to stay on track this weekend so I can head back down to where I was last week before it all fell apart....no beer for me!!
    07/08 - 158.0lbs - TOM snuck on me yesterday (thanks Peri-menopause!!) So some of the yuck I've been feelin must be hormonal. At least there was a drop on the sccale this morning...
    07/09 - 158.4lbs - here I go bouncing around the same pound and a half....

    07/10 - 158.0lbs - Yesterday I walked 9 holes with my clubs, did a new kettlebell work out I'm feeling today and ate super well. I feel great this morning even though this is the first give me 10 that I will probably not show a loss from the end of the previous round.
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    My Round 2/Your Round 9
    R1 SW: 195
    R2 SW: 190
    GW: 189: I know it isn't much, but if I can just push through the 190's and go under, I will be thrilled.
    Day Weight Comments
    07/02: 190 lbs: I must admit I did eat more carbs this weekend. I had pizza and McDonald's even though I stayed under my calorie intake for the day, and I exercised. Must be all the salt and less water intake.
    07/03 191: I drank more water today, but since it was a day off from work, I met my husband for lunch, and had an Arroz Con Pollo. I am going to pay for this. I could taste the sodium. It was almost as though I could feel my blood pressure go up.
    07/04 190: The food must have not hit me yet, but I was under my calorie intake and I did exercise. I ate healthy also.
    07/05 191.5, and here we go! I need to get back to a more restrictive diet but not starve myself. I have to remember there is more to me than just a number.
    07/06 191.5 I stuck to low carb diet today and biked 6 miles. So, hopefully I will see myself losing something tomorrow.
    07/07 192: I don't get it at all. I exercised yesterday, ate beneath my calorie intake, and drank 48 oz. of water. I'm feeling bummed.
    07/08 191: Spent the day at the lake with my family for plenty of swimming and stayed on my diet and within my calories. I'm almost back to where I started this week.
    07/09 191: I biked 6.5 miles, walked for over an hour, ate under my daily calorie intake, avoided the temptation of pizza and ice cream, and it wouldn't even give me a single ounce of loss? Lol That's alright! I'll take it. I didn't gain any.
    07/10: 190 I AM BACK...to my start weight this round. Lol I had a good feeling about today because the last two days, I've seemed to be flushing out a lot of water. I biked 6 miles and ate really well. I am also super proud of my husband who joined MFP, and is going to give losing weight a try with me. It took him a month to do this with me but better late than never, right?
  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    Round 9!
    Starting weight beginning of March =162.6 My weight yesterday - Saturday - morning was up from earlier in week: 149.8
    Here's to success for all of us on our journey.

    Day Weight Comments

    07/02 149.0 Down from yesterday: could it be the haircut? :) Here's to a fresh start and healthy eating. My goal is to lose at least 2 lbs this go round so I'd like to see the scale at 147 or below. Good losing everyone.
    07/03 148 Hmmm, a big drop 2 days in a row.Water? Did 75 min on elliptical yesterday. Off to gym today. Salads. My life needs more salads.
    07/04 147.2 Almost back to where I was 2 weeks ago. This should stick. It seems to be my pattern: down, up, down up, down, stick. Another 75 on elliptical and more cleaning spare bedroom. Stayed low on cals and within on carbs despite a couple glasses of prosecco. I do love me some prosecco. Feeling light and good. Happy Fourth, ya'all.
    07/05 147.4 Did a little holiday eating and another 75 on ellip. NSV while my sons ate shrimp po' boys I ate shrimp on a salad. Yhea me!
    07/06 145.6 Oh, boy. Please stick. I'm due for a drop. Laid awake for hours last night and then slept in late so long time no eat or drink so water weight is down. Went to gym yesterday and ate way below cal and carbs. Just wasn't hungry. Got extra exercise playing chase with a 2 year old. Fun exercise.
    07/07 146.6 C'est le vie. Ate way below, carbs below, 1 hr ellip and walk around the park. Still down 2 1/2 lbs since start of this round. Hoping for a little more. gym today and maybe aqua arthritis.
    07/08 146 (Sing along in a Liverpool accent: It's looking betta all the time) Skipped gym but got n Aqua Arthritis and 45 on ellip. Will get to gym today. Chicken, salad and pickles are my friends. Then I drink lemon water to counteract the sodium in the pickles. My diet has become a chemistry set. I'm headed to 145 again and excited. Patience is the key boys and girls. It has been slow going but then I remind myself that I started at 162.
    07/09 145 Hallelujah! I like this number. Went to gym yesterday but ate more than usual. Actually ate my 1200 cals. Down 4.8 since last Saturday. I think I'm experiencing a 'whoosh'.

    07/10 145 two days in a row! Be still, my galloping heart. Did 45 elliptical yesterday and stayed under cals and carbs. Despite the ups and downs this round has been good to me.To gym today and to store for salad goodies. Gonna bake a chicken breast so I have protein for my salads. One more day folks, finish strong!
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    SW: 256
    Round 7: 240.4 [-2.4 lbs]
    Round 8: 237.4 [-3.0 lbs]

    7/2 - 237.2
    7/3 - 237.2 - not much sleep so I'll count that as a win
    7/4 - 238.8
    7/5 - 238.6
    7/6 - 237.4
    7/7 - 237.6
    7/8 - 238.4
    7/9 - 236.8
    7/10 - 236.2
  • sheilajean58
    sheilajean58 Posts: 263 Member
    Round 9: (Round 1 for me)
    SW: 108.4
    goal Weight: 107.9

    7/3 108.4
    7/4 108.2 (~1400 kcals)
    7/5 108 Hmmm very interesting to see weight going down so evenly by .2
    7/6 108 (1600 kcals)
    7/7 108.8 (1800 kcals)
    7/8 108.6 (1600 kcals)
    7/9 108.6 (1700 kcals) - Need to consume 1500 kcals but can't seem to keep it down.
    7/10 108.7 - Oh no only 2days to go!!! 10 days passes so fast. Guess I will go for "maintenance"
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,043 Member
    This is my 3rd round.

    1st Round (R7) Start Weight: 156.4 lbs. End Weight 159.6 lbs.
    2nd Round (R8): Begin Weight: 160.2 2nd Round (R8) End Weight: 156.0
    3rd Round (R9): Begin Weight: 157.8 3rd Round (R9) Goal Weight: 156.0

    Final Goal weight: maybe 98 lbs -- not really sure (sm. boned & petite)
    4'11", female, 55 years old

    7/2 - No access to scale.
    7/3 - No access to scale.
    7/4 - No access to scale
    7/5 - No access to scale.
    7/6 - 157.8 I am so happy with this! I thought that I was above where I started that last round...after being on vacation.
    7/7 - 157.8 Wow. Exactly the same as yesterday. I am happy with this, too, as yesterday was very stressful & I blew it big time, last night!
    7/8 - 156.2 Yay! I ate just under 2,000 calories, yesterday, so was not expecting a loss! i must have been eating waay more than that while out of town and the last couple days. I hope that I can stick with this weight & maybe drop down a tad more to reach my goal of 156.0 for this round...
    7/9 - 157.0 Aarrgghh! And, I had a pretty good day as far as calories went... Only a couple days to meet my goal for this round.... I dunno.... today there's a brunch scheduled. Help!
    7/10 - 157.6 Maybe the extra food from when I was out of town is catching up & from Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I did pretty good yesterday & the day before with dieting...
    7/11 -

    Best wishes to all!
    Linda (Elbee1)
  • SaleenGirl305
    SaleenGirl305 Posts: 137 Member
    Round 3 - 140.6
    Round 4 - 142.6
    Round 5 - 141.4
    Round 6 - 143.6
    Round 7 - 140.6
    Round 8 - 139.4

    07/02 140.2
    07/03 141.2 This 10 days will be filled with a lot of eating & drinking: 2 days of lake parties & 4 days of camping. I'm ok with going up a few lbs so I can enjoy myself!
    07/04 142.0 Another night out on the town
    07/05 143.0
    07/06 142.0
    07/07 Vacation, no scale
    07/08 Vacation, no scale
    07/09 Vacation, no scale
    07/10 142.4
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    Round 8 ending weight: 166.8
    Goal for this round: 165.8

    07/02: 166.6 - right direction, but yesterday I went over my calories and I'll be off work for the next couple of days which always disrupts my schedule.
    07/03: 165.6 - I'm guessing I'm losing some water weight. Let's see if I can't try to maintain this or get below it.
    07/04: 165.2 - over 20k steps yesterday and under calories.
    07/05: 166.0 - didn't get much sleep last night and I was slightly over calories yesterday. back to the grind.
    07/06: 166.8 - I've been doing this since October and it's still hard to see an uptake on the scale when I know I've been doing everything right even though I know it's water weight.
    07/07: 167.2 - up two pounds from Tuesday now. let's hope this starts falling off soon.
    07/08: 167.4 - had a bit of a mental break over this.
    07/09: 166.6 - starting to finally drop down.
    07/10: 166.0 - I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings. My weight has been up and down a lot this challenge.

  • eyer0ll
    eyer0ll Posts: 313 Member
    End R7:215
    End R8: 213.6
    Goal: to maintain. I have a beer festival on 7/8. An annual tradition: Two days of drinking and eating I'm not willing to compromise on.

    07/02: 213.6 -- under calories, worked out. Very sore today.
    07/03: 211.8 -- shocking. Slightly over calories yesterday, did a light workout. Still sore.
    07/04: 213.8 -- Knew it was too good to be true. Starving all day yesterday, overate but exercised and had only one beer.
    07/05: 213.8 -- Over calories yesterday but only by about 50, exercised.
    07/06: 213.2 -- under calories yesterday, worked out. Tomorrow begins the beer fest weekend. I have workouts planned to take with me that I can do in B&B room.
    07/07: 213.2 -- I was hoping to be down more as a buffer for this weekend. Sigh.
    07/08 -- out of town, no scale.
    07/09 -- out of town, no scale
    07/10: 217 -- predictable, but oooooof.

  • KissPig
    KissPig Posts: 32 Member
    07/02 - 155.4 - Lowest I've been for months.
    07/03 - 155.4
    07/04 - 157.2 - Guess that's what happens when you eat a whole packet of those banana marshmallows. So good but so bad.
    07/05 - 157.2 - Wasn't great yesterday but considering how tired I was I wasn't that bad either. No exercise though. grrr. Set the alarm to get up before work this morning but had managed to set it a day late. Sigh. Means I'll have to run in the heat this afternoon as punishment for my silliness.
    07/06 - 157.2
    07/07 - 156 - Went for a run last night so that's probably the difference. Haven't been tracking cals accurately. Hope to do well over the weekend. I think my goal of 154 by the end of this is out the window though
    07/08 - 156.6 *Sigh*
    07/09 - 155.2
    07/10 - 156.4 I'm really hoping this is because of TOM. I only ran once in this challenge. Feeling :( all week so will have to get it together this week... even though I'm off on holidays Wednesday. Hoping to be back under 156 tomorrow morning.
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    Started R6 @ 177.1
    First Goal: 170 ✔️
    Next Goal: 159 ... At a slow rate
    End of R8: 169.8

    07/02 - 168.1 > Lots of walking today
    07/03 - 169 - Pedicure and a haircut pretty much a rest day, didn't even hit my step mark. I'm ok with that but a little dissapointed I didn't hit my daily goal.
    07/04 - 168.4 Got my steps in... Happy 4th to all my America friends!!
    07/05 - 168.7 SO is home for a week or so, let's see if I can hold steady!!
    07/06 - 168.4 Got my steps in no evening walk but was very busy running aroung at home.

    07/07 - 169
    07/08 - 171
    07/09 - 169.3
    07/10 - 172.0 .... Well been out of town and enjoying some nice meals with little excercise, I know that this should be water/ sodium related so if I get back to my calorie counting and 15,000 steps I should be ok. But EEEEEKKKKK!!!
