JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 10



  • niccibf
    niccibf Posts: 36 Member
    Round 10 SW- 147
    Round 10 GW- 143
    Ultimate GW 130

    7/12- 147
    7/13- 145.8
    7/17- 142.4- boo. Didn't work out yesterday but ate clean. Just need to stay on track and good things will happen eventually!
  • vdecosta86
    vdecosta86 Posts: 132 Member
    edited July 2017
    SW 190.5
    Goal W 165

    R10 SW 178.7
    R10 GW 176

    Day / Weight / Comments
    7/12 - 178.7 - Off to a good start, but I can already feel the cravings kicking in and it's 6:30 am.
    7/13 - 178.7 - No change, but I stayed within my calorie goal so I am happy with that.
    7/14 - 178.6 - Better than nothing. I stayed within my calorie goal again, but I have been lazier than usual the last couple of days. I did some strength training yesterday, but no cardio. It has been crazy humid( yeah, that's my excuse ;) ). I'm going to try to run today.
    7/15 - 178.8 - Not really sure how that happened. My apple watch says I walked a total of 16,384 steps yesterday, including a 3-mile run. I stayed in my calorie limit every day this week, eating mostly clean and healthy choices. It is a little discouraging because I'm working so hard not to cheat. 178 is my body's "happy weight" when I eat a kind of healthy, but still drink alcohol and eat some junk. Ok, I'm done whining. I'll keep working, eating within my calories and upping the calorie burn through exercise.
    7/16 - 177.4 - Yay! The scale moved! I was expecting a move but not that much! I went to the gym yesterday morning and ate below my calories. Just keep swimming!
    7/17 - 178.7 - Big jump back up, but I was expecting it because we celebrated our anniversary yesterday. We ate delicious food and drank wine. Worth it. My goal was to not be above my R10 start weight for today's weigh-in, so I'm happy.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Ready for Round 10 (round 3 for me). Thank you for setting this up, Cyranda!

    Weight bounces around so I need a way to see the trends on successive 10-day challenges, so am choosing to look at the mid-point between the high and low of the challenge.
    Round 8/1: HW 274 LW 269.8 MidW = 271.9
    Round 9/2: HW 269.4 LW 266.8 MidW=268.1
    I sense two major challenges for this 10-day period. One is maintaining discipline over logging and calories. Cheating the diary just prolongs the process! The other is changing my cooking habits so I am making not just lower calorie supper but less of it. I am still cooking as if I am eating for two.
    7/12 266.6 -- This is the lowest weight by .2 pounds. Let's see what I can do to have this be the highest for these 10 days!
    7/13 267.6 -- Ah, the days I wake up thirsty because I didn't drink as much as I ought are the days the scale gives me a swat upside the head saying, "You thought you'd be down today because you stayed within your calories! Well, I'll show you!"
    7/14 267.6 -- I think the scale likes that number. Calories just within limits so downward path will resume.
    7/15 268.0 -- A couple of sodium bombs yesterday. Who knew an English muffin had over 500 grams of sodium? And then for supper a yummy stuffed portobello. The stuffing? Feta. No wonder my eyes are puffy. Gotta drink more today -- throw in an extra glass of still water.
    7/16 268.4 -- Starting out 471 calories in the red today because I went 471 calories over yesterday -- ON LATE NIGHT SNACKING!! I also staid up late. This is a well-established old habit that needs breaking! It's the first time I've fallen back into it for awhile. STOP mistaking sleepiness for hunger!! Especially tonight because that 471 calories is taken from today's allotment!

    7/17 269 -- Still up. I managed to cancel out about 1/2 of the overage calories yesterday and should get the rest of them today. Sodium consumption has been a bit up lately but I really am staying disciplined about keeping my eating in check and recording everything in the diary.

  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,286 Member
    edited July 2017
    SW, 212 (highest recorded weight) I've no idea what my highest weight was!
    R09, SW 203.4
    R10, SW 200.4
    goal for R10 (to be under 200lbs and never see a 2 in front of my weight again) it was also my R9 goal *sigh*
    UGW 140

    7/11 - 200.4 heavy cal day (not over calories but on the high side) also some crunches and biking

    7/12 - 201.2 lower cals today, lots more exercise, crunches, leg ups, squats. planks, speed walking and biking
    7/13 - 201.2 I have burning muscles today from yesterdays exercise. but once the water weight is gone .. she says hopefully!
    7/14 - 200.4 water weight going / gone ?? burned 1250 calories today, in a group challenge. 90 mins exercise abs, bike jog
    7/15 - 200.2 arrrg! .. I'm being teased now .. 0.3lbs to go C'MON!!!! 30 mins biking today
    7/16 - 200.2 5 days to get through!!!! sore muscles today from the 14th
    7/17 - 202.6 Really sore muscles today (especially abs) from the 14th, and my 1250 cal burn, (water weight still?) !!
  • LauraInTheWater
    LauraInTheWater Posts: 477 Member
    End of Round 9: 133
    Goal for Round 10: 132

    Day / Weight / Comments
    7/12: 133
    Well at least I didn't go up. I had my niece stay over last night and she is used to eating super unhealthy. So yesterday and today has been one of those days where we've been eating healthy for her but unhealthy for us. Just relieved that we have been really active. Because 11 year olds. I love her but I will be glad to not be awakened at 6 on my day off by someone staring at me and asking for food.
    7/13: 132.2
    I walked over 10,000 steps with my niece yesterday doing various chores and running errands. I guess that plus Aqua Zumba and a short walk with the dog balanced out the slight calorie overage. Let's just keep this off for the next 8 days so I can make my goal!!
    7/14: 133
    7/15: 133
    No kids in the house. Less eating on the go. Less stress. Looking forward to a good workout and a good date night.
    7/16: 132.6
    Went out last night and watched A Midsummer Night's Dream plus ate super unhealthy. Honestly I'm surprised I lost weight. I think it might just be water because I drank a lot of it yesterday. I also did some HIIT this morning so I feel like I'm getting back on track with exercise now that everything in the house is settling down.
    7/17: 134.2
    Must be the totally not worth it LNS from last night. Soggy leftover burrito. Blegh.
  • JennJ323
    JennJ323 Posts: 646 Member
    Round 10 (R2 for me)

    Original start weight 155
    Current weight 138.6
    Goal weight for for R10 136.6
    Ultimate goal weight 128

    7/12 138.8 Boo, even a little gain is annoying. I didn’t get much exercise in yesterday, perhaps that’s the culprit. Under on calories, lots of protein yesterday!

    7/13 138.0 Heck yeah!! I was so happy to see that, I was due for a loss.. I’ve had a good week with small gains each day, I knew the loss was coming eventually! Had a good day eating yesterday and got 2 nice walks in. On a side note, I’ve officially been weighing myself daily for a month now and am down 7.8lb! 10lb more to go til my ultimate goal!

    7/14 137.4 I feel like it’s too good to be true! Ate decently yesterday (even had a chocolate chip cookie and vodka tonic!) got in a really good walk last night after dinner! Hoping I can keep things under control this weekend.

    7/15 136.8 Wow! I can't believe how I'm losing this round, I've gotta keep it up! I had a great week staying under my calories and exercising. Only .2 from my goal for this round!

    7/16 no weigh in

    7/17 138.0 Ugh. I guess it was too good to be true. Pool party + fair food + TOM + not enough water = a sad Monday morning. I know it’s just water and grossness, so it’ll dissipate this week.

  • krishnahari84
    krishnahari84 Posts: 61 Member
    R10 SW 211
    R10 GW 209

    Day / Weight / Comments
    7/12 210.2
    7/13 212.0
    7/14 211.6
    7/15 212.0
    7/16 212.0
    7/17 212.5
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    edited July 2017
    End of Round 9: 166.0
    Goal for Round 10: 164.0

    7/12: 165.4 - a nice drop. I just want to stay under 166.
    7/13: 164.4 - I've been drinking plenty of water and getting a good night's rest.
    7/14: 165.0 - was expecting this uptick. Had a slight cosmetic procedure yesterday so I expect I'm a little swollen and no exercise for me until Monday.
    7/15: 163.6 - looks like I dropped some water weight. we'll see if it sticks.
    7/16: 164.6 - totally expected. Way too much sodium yesterday and way over my calories. Gotta tighten up these next few days to make up for it.

    7/17: 165.6 - way over my calories and sodium again yesterday. Spent the weekend with my SO and I find it hard to stick to my calories around him unless I prepare all our meals (which I didn't). Going to try to get back to 163.6 to end the 10 days at my lowest weight so far.

  • eyer0ll
    eyer0ll Posts: 313 Member
    edited July 2017
    End R7:215
    End R8: 213.6
    End R9: 213.8

    Goal R10: Lose 1.2 lbs.

    7/12: 213 -- under calories, got in a v late workout yesterday.
    7/13: 211 -- a few hundred calories over due to last minute work restaurant dinner but quite happy about how I handled myself at the restaurant. Worked out yesterday.
    7/14: 211 -- this just might stick. Well under calories and worked out yesterday.
    7/15: 212.6 -- under calories and did a nice, relaxing stretching workout yesterday. Spouse's bday party today. 7/16: 211.6 -- dehydrated. Way over calories yesterday and did a short workout.
    7/17: 212.4 -- under calories and worked out yesterday