Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited July 2017
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    7/18 Tuesday JFT:

    ✔Attend class
    ✔Call M.D. and DDS (R/S appts)
    (went to M.D. appt & still waiting for DDS to CB)
    ✔Prep slow cooker meal for dinner
    ✔Mail package
    ✔Tutoring 1-3pm
    ❌Run on elliptical for 30.
    (I forgot I had a meeting btw 3-4pm and this was the time I had planned to run :# whoops; This week has just been too busy. It's not like me to forget about events I have previously scheduled!!)

    ✔Jiu Jitsu class 5:30-7:30pm
    ✔Physics HW and online HW
    ✔Dinner by 8:30pm
    ✔soon-->Bedtime by 11pm

    @cschmitz110515 Thank you for the encouragement!!

    @joan6630 Sometimes I struggle with being an evening snacker too!! It is a challenge! When this happens to me I just ask myself, "Am I really hungry and need the nutrients or am I just bored and wanna "treat or snack?" If the desire gets real challenging then I make some herbal tea. I have a cabinet filled with Yogi brand tea just for this. Two of my favs--> Stress Relief Tea and Twinings Chamomile Tea. My husband likes the Yogi Bedtime tea and he adds a tsp of organic honey and lemon. (He grew up having dessert after every meal so he struggles with sweets after dinner and the tea has really helped curve the cravings.)

    I just thought I'd share some things that help me because I know exactly what you mean!!
  • kaylarenee8910
    kaylarenee8910 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello all! I am so excited to have found this thread, man I need it. I am trying to get 5 workouts in a week, stay in the green 6 days, really watch my carbs, and curb my late night snacking habit. Today I managed a 30 minute swim and a 10 minute mini yoga session, I'm in the green by like 200, and I'm under carb goal by 4%!!! May the trend continue.
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    skymningen wrote: »
    Plan for 7/18:

    1) Log all food, but do not obsess about the way I eat -> Did it. Was even happily munching on the ice-cream a coworker brought because she is leaving for maternity leave
    2) Have half a piece of cake for breakfast and not feel guilty -> I couldn't do it for breakfast, but I had it as an evening snack instead. So, half done?
    3) Try to get to work early, work focused the whole day -> I got there early and I got stuff done. Mostly done.
    4) Go to the gym after work, do 20 min cardio and my full strength training & try something with free weights -> Full win. And I loved it. :D
    5) Treat myself to thai food after gym (eat only half the portion and keep the other for the next days lunch)-> Yes. And I am looking forward to lunch...

    (Late) Plan for 7/19:
    1) Keep away from the temptation of weighting myself
    2) Go to both talks at work, but still get work done
    3) Buy fruit and salad after work
    4) Drink at least 2 litres of water
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    1. Log all food :)
    2. Stay in green :)
    3. Day 6 of Yoga with Adrienne :)
    4. Finish dishes!!!! :)
    5. Put laundry away!! :)
    6. Make yummy dinner and eat proper portions! :/Made a chicken salad wrap and sandwich. Was definitely yummy but all the bread ate up my calories. Lol
    7. Dont be afraid to be hungry :/
    8. Stop eating late at night!! Blew my fast and had a protein bar at about 3:30 am
    9. Wind down by 9 pm :/Got caught up in a book and didn't even look at the clock until it was already 10:30
    10. Bed by 10 pm :/Didn't get to bed until probably 11:30

    Well, it's back to the grind for me! Had three days off and am now four days on. Boo. Gonna be so weird going back to work. Lol. I have a terrible problem of blowing my fasts by eating right before bed or in the middle of the night. I'm usually not even hungry! I'm just falling back into bad habits! @joan6630 I think I am going to try the brushing and flossing my teeth too! That's worked for other things in the past. So let's see if it works this time.

    So here are my goals for today:

    1. Log all food
    2. Stay in green
    3. Keep drawer balanced at work
    4. Ask for help if I need it
    5. Stretch while at work
    6. Spend some time standing at work
    7. Day 7 Yoga with Adrienne
    8. Make yummy healthy dinner
    9. Wind down by 9
    10. Bed by 10

    Have a great day everyone!

  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    edited July 2017
    junodog1 wrote: »
    JFT 07-18-17
    :( Week3 Day 2 C25K - no but I'll tell you why
    :) No refined carbs day 2 of 4
    :) Stay in green including exercise calories
    :) 64 oz water
    :) 5 veggie/fruit - BIG salad; banana; cucumbers; tomatoes
    :* ID old invoices to clear FY AP work continues - but it is progressing
    :* Write up 2003 open check affair work continues - but it is progressing

    Life has not been simple lately. Here's what has been ongoing: no water therefore new well pump; termites - not the subterranean kind for which we have coverage; garage door opener went kapooey in thunderstorm; property next door lost power but we did not find out for almost a day (we own and have HAD meat in the freezer); ramping up job search; trying to get 2013 refund from the IRS because someone filed fraudenly under my husbands SSN.

    ----> In times like this it is good to have something you can control, and I CAN control my calories.

    Garage door opener issue kept us out late last night so goodbye running time, but I did get 30 min of strength torture time

    JFT 07-19-2017
    Take lunch. Close the door or leave the office area
    No refined carbs day 3 of 4
    5 veggie/fruit
    Track Water - keeping this on here because it's important in the heat of summer
    Week3 Day 2 C25K
    ID old invoices to clear FY AP
    Write up 2003 open check affair
    Put one thing from my closet in the donate box
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    7/19 Wednesday JFT:

    Attend classes 8-3pm
    Run on elliptical for 30 min.
    Physics HW and online HW
    Dinner by 7 pm (leftovers night ;) )
    Bedtime by 11pm

    Resist the homemade Banana Nut Bread I cooked for my family!! Remember it's a ridiculous amount of calories ----> serve for dessert to get rid of it, drink tea instead :D
    Simplify today because yesterday was crazy busy!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Operation went well, and I'm not going to need any more - problem is fixed! :)

    Now off work for 4 weeks in order to recover (2.6 weeks left).

    Goals will be somewhat different throughout this time - more focused on what I need to do to recover, and to make the most of the time off (lots of stuff I want to do with all this free time!) I'm not going to be logging food, just eating healthily and keeping an eye on the scale. If it starts creeping up I may start logging but otherwise I'll do without.

    So, goals for today:

    - 40 min walk + 2 short walks round the block
    - Do recovery exercises 3 times
    - Eat 5+ portions of fruit and veg
    - Drink 2 litres water + 2 cups peppermint tea
    - No unhealthy snacks!

    - Cross 2 things off to-do list
    - Do one module of perfectionism online course
    - Spend some time reading
    - Spend some time watching OITNB!
    - Sort through 'social' emails in inbox
    - Meditate

  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    Busy day!
    JFTrs, I've missed you all.

    Track & Pretrack!
    Walk dog 30 mins.
    Get back to drinking more water.
    Focus on what I can change now & not overwhelm or discourage myself.
    Meditate with Calm today...it actually drowns out my kids when they're noisy :wink:
    Garden before it gets too hot.
    Haven't been to the gym in weeks but I know I'll be back.

    Small victories add up!

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited July 2017
    Wow, everyone is going thru so much these days! Here's something that puts "stuff" in perspective from a dog's point of view, and I hope gives you a laugh for today.

    Recap 7/18 T
    1) Walked dog 3.09 miles before work / no coyote sighting, just 1 bunny & happy dog :smiley:
    2) Prelogged part of food today / keep net calories green = Green 27 :smiley: Good thing b/c W is not going to end well calorie-wise
    3) During noon webinar, pace in office = Ate lunch first, then paced 2,262 steps...I'm fortunate I have no office mate for now :smiley:
    4) Practice mindful breathing = Tried Calm app - nice! :smiley:
    5) Unwind 9:30 & bedtime 10:15 w/ no TV = Nope :/

    JFT 7/19 W - Evening challenge will be retirement party with alcohol & dinner at venue participating in Restaurant Week w/ prix fixe menu.
    1) Food prelogged except dinner / have previewed dinner options and narrowed down choices / stay the course
    2) 1 - 2 adult beverages / diet soda would be better
    3) Since no dog walk before work, do > 25 flights of stairs
    4) At home in evening, brew tea for iced tea jug, boil eggs, prep veggies / snacks
    5) Bedtime 10:30 & TV off
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Wow, everyone is going thru so much these days! Here's something that puts "stuff" in perspective from a dog's point of view, and I hope gives you a laugh for today.

    Thanks for the puppy pic!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Just for today, Tuesday:
    1. Log every bite, and at least try to make them healthy bites. :)
    2. Drink 64 oz of water :)
    3. Use calming techniques throughout the day. Deep breaths. It's just a job. :s

    Just for Wednesday:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Drink 64 oz of water
    3. Do knee therapy exercises
    4. Use calming techniques throughout the day.
    5. Update resume
    6. Get a good night rest

  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @OConnell5483 Glad to see you're updating your resume - seems like a very sensible thing to do right now!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,220 Member
    edited July 2017
    5. Update resume
    6. Get a good night rest

    Glad to see you are doing this - it never hurts to have it ready. As I get older (as I am now in my late 60s), I reflect back on all the jobs I had, and all the time I spent at those jobs. Mainly when our children were young. I regret so much giving my life for a job, only to find when the company was sold, that they didn't seem to care - my job was eliminated twice. It didn't matter how loyal I was to the company, or how many hours I worked "unpaid" so I could meet the ridicious schedules they gave us. So for the past 15 years, hubby and I are doing what we love. We are not rich - never will be. But ... life is so short, and at the end of your life, you will realize what really matters - your health, and time with your loved ones. My outlook changed so much after losing so many of my siblings, and seeing them never really get to enjoy their life. It is a shame that so many jobs just expect so much. My son also works in a job like that. I keep praying that someday he will realize how life goes by so quickly, and no job is worth it.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,220 Member
    Wow, everyone is going thru so much these days! Here's something that puts "stuff" in perspective from a dog's point of view, and I hope gives you a laugh for today.

    Thanks for the laugh today!!! Love this
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,220 Member
    edited July 2017
    JFT, Tuesday
    1. log ALL food :):):/
    2. THE KITCHEN IS CLOSED AT 7PM!!!! :):) I actually didn't "close" the kitchen until 9, but I did great! I made myself a large bowl with califlower and carrots, and munched on them. Then .... the kitchen closed for the nite!
    3. drink water. Water helps to lose weight, so concentrate on water :) But ... this actually backfired on me, because I was up all nite using the bathroom :o
    4. lay out gym clothes for tomorrow morning :)
    5. go to zumba tonite!!! :) OMG --- the instructor was SO fast tonite!! I was soaking wet when I got home, but loved every minute!!

    Today is almost over again by the time I am posting, so for the rest of tonite, my goals will be simple
    1. had dinner with a friend - and ate very little as we were talking so much. But had 1/2 piece of chicken and some rice. I feel hungry now, but .... the kitchen is closed!! No more snacking tonite
    2. work on my quilt
    3. try not to worry about my daughter. I can only be there for her when she is ready to talk. Change my attitude instead, and take care of my own health
    4. lay out gym clothes for tomorrow
    5. Brush and floss teeth now, to keep me from eating

    JFT, Wednesday
    1. get to the gym
    2. today is my 66 birthday. Start it out eating healthy, and keep to my goals of no or only planned snacking in the evening
    3. eat smart when we go out to eat
    4. enjoy the day with hubby of 40 years. I have had 44 birthdays with him - and again tonite, while I was out with my friend, came home to a dozen red roses. Yes, I am very blessed!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,220 Member
    Operation went well, and I'm not going to need any more - problem is fixed! :)

    Now off work for 4 weeks in order to recover (2.6 weeks left).


    So glad to see you back, and glad the operation went well! I hope you can somewhat enjoy your recovery time, and find time for yourself!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,220 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    @joan6630 Sometimes I struggle with being an evening snacker too!! It is a challenge! When this happens to me I just ask myself, "Am I really hungry and need the nutrients or am I just bored and wanna "treat or snack?" If the desire gets real challenging then I make some herbal tea. I have a cabinet filled with Yogi brand tea just for this. Two of my favs--> Stress Relief Tea and Twinings Chamomile Tea. My husband likes the Yogi Bedtime tea and he adds a tsp of organic honey and lemon. (He grew up having dessert after every meal so he struggles with sweets after dinner and the tea has really helped curve the cravings.)

    I just thought I'd share some things that help me because I know exactly what you mean!!

    Thank you for that suggestion! I normally don't like tea, but I have been getting used to drinking more black tea. I am going to look for some of the flavored teas! I think something, other than water, to sip on will help me! Thank you! I am determined to break this nightly eating habit I have gotten into! I think if I could do that, the scale will start moving in the direction I want!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,506 Member
    @joan6630 HaPpY BiRtHDaY!
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    skymningen wrote: »
    (Late) Plan for 7/19:
    1) Keep away from the temptation of weighting myself -> Failed. I stood on the scale, but did it with clothes and wet hair, in the evening and did not start the body fat measurement. So I could tell myself, whatever I see is not quite true.
    2) Go to both talks at work, but still get work done -> One did not take place, but I went to the other. So done from my part.
    3) Buy fruit and salad after work -> Nope. But went to the gym instead.
    4) Drink at least 2 litres of water
    -> That worked easily, it was so hot I kept drinking more.

    Oh, wow I was so bad.

    So what for today?
    1) Finally do the grocery shopping.
    2) Drink 2 liters again
    3) Cook myself a healthy dinner (and lunch for tomorrow)
    4) Do. Not. Stand. On. Scale.

  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    7/19 Wednesday JFT:

    ✔Attend classes 8-3pm
    I took a nap instead :( ➡️Run on elliptical for 30 min.
    ✔Physics HW and online HW
    ✔Dinner by 7 pm (leftovers night ;) )
    ✔Bedtime by 11pm

    ✔Resist the homemade Banana Nut Bread I cooked for my family!!

    7/20 Thursday JFT:

    Attend class
    Physics HW and online HW
    Tutoring 1-3pm
    Run on elliptical for 30 min.
    Dinner by 7 pm
    Bedtime by 10 pm

    Don't stress about weight right now!! Stay focus on Physics and the success of this class!!