Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,526 Member
    Recap W 7/26 Hump Day - I think I really need some days off / hubby and I haven't taken vacation in 2 years. Very glad I have M - W off next week for Girls Day Out on T. :smiley: Thanks for the laughs @Bex953172 @junodog1
    1) Walked dog 3.09 miles before work, warm & very muggy (ick!), saw cardinal fly across road (God's reminder to me He's got me) and happy dog :smiley:
    2) Have been slacking on water, so drink 80 oz. = Yes :smiley:
    3) Evening do some items on to-do list = Zero and I don't care. Rain ended so attended city band concert at midtown city park / musical guests were Navy Band Great Lakes, fantastic musicians. The usual hour concert went extra 30 minutes, so not home until nearly 9:30. :|
    4) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15 = More like 11:00 :s

    JFT R 7/27 - Happy Friday Eve!
    1) Woke up before alarm (what?!?) and walked dog 3.6 miles before work. Beautiful blue sky (rare this summer), less muggy, and foggy in low areas. Saw 2 mama turkeys and lots of babies (from a greater distance this time) crossing the road without incident. :pB)
    2) Drink 80 oz. water
    3) Keep net calories green
    4) After work, grocery shop, boil eggs & prep veggies
    5) Unwind 9:30 & bedtime w/ TV off 10:15

    @MLHC1 and @OConnell5483 Try to keep things simple where you can. Like @Bex953172 said, give yourself credit, you're both doing so much! Thinking of you & sending hugs!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited July 2017
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Just do your best!
    Sounds like a lot to do!!
    Give yourself some credit :)

    ☆☆ Thank you very much ☆☆

    ♡I hope all is well with your little baby bump♡
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    1. Log all food :)
    2. Do laundry :)
    3. Dishes :)
    4. Go to Walmart for meds and food :* got meds but not food
    5. Prep salads(chicken, tuna, egg) :Dchicken and tuna, but not egg
    6. Go for walk in Downtown :)
    7. Take out trash :/
    8. Wind down by 11 :)
    9. Bed by 12 :/12:30ish

    Got a bunch of stuff done last night. Finished a book and got some things done for the Hogwarts challenge. Today is gonna be boring. I've been at work for an hour and a half and have had two costumers. And I'm here for another five hours. Woohoo! Well here are my goals for today.

    1. Log all food
    2. Keep hydrated
    3. Keep drawer balanced
    4. Ask for help if I need it
    5. Only eat what I brought
    6. Finish dishes
    7. Make yummy dinner
    8. Make egg salad
    9. Spend time with the DH
    10. Hang out with online friends
    11. Wind down by 11
    12. Bed by 12
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,116 Member
    I"m going to focus on being honest with logging my food, every bite, rather than staying in the green. Once I see my pattern in writing, I will start working on weaning out certain snacks to staying in the green.

    This is exactly what I need to do!
    Can't even remember what I've ate today but gonna log the best I can!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,116 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Just do your best!
    Sounds like a lot to do!!
    Give yourself some credit :)

    ☆☆ Thank you very much ☆☆

    ♡I hope all is well with your little baby bump♡

    I hope so too :lol:
    My first scan is on Monday but I'm cutting it a bit fine for getting the screening tests for downs, Edwards and pataus (sp?) syndrome. I've been really low risk in every pregnancy though.

    Just hope the little bean is healthy!

    Getting a bit nervous though!
    Thankfully the morning sickness is reducing a lot!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    edited July 2017

    :( No chocolate bits - Did great until about 3 pm then I realized everything was not under control. Plus side - only had one dove promise
    :smiley: Stay in the green - had to work for this
    :smiley: 64+ oz H20
    :smiley: C25K Week 4 Day 2 - ran this morning after waking up
    :( Complete Beater routine - just nope
    :( 10,000 steps tried got 9,590
    :( Bedtime 11:00 - bedtime 1:50 to 5:58 not even four hours sleep
    :( Kitchen Floor ha ha ha ha ha
    :grey_question: Research ACA hours doubling issue - got no clue what 'they' are doing to cause this. Log ticket with vendor

    07-26-2017 Just For Today
    • Survive the day
    • Drink Water
    • Try to log going away pot luck brunch ( I brought orange Cranberry bars, bacon, egg and cheese bake, and made fresh crepes )
    • Sleep

    Yesterday I had to work late, then realized I had to make major trip to Walmart (a.k.a Hell) to get ready for the brunch. If I have to go to Hell then I may as well make it a stock up trip for other needs around the house. It was sooooooo bloody hot that I slouched around the house and garage checking stock. I got going late, had to go by a Walgrens to order prints for work, had to go to Publix because Hell did not have everything I needed. Got home and had to bake, and had to prep food for morning casserole. We finally got out to walk the dog. I was trying to make my 10K steps, but midnight came too soon. Couldn't run my C25K day until this morning. Again, temperature. The temp felt like 90 at 11:00 last night. (Actual temp was 85) Sorry this is kind of stream of consciousness today.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,116 Member
    I'm doing my own Hogwarts challenge, they've been showing every film on Saturdays for the last few weeks!
    Order of Phoenix this week! :lol:

    My partner hates it too.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,116 Member
    @junodog1 "Hell did not have everything I needed"

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    *trying to find my place in MFP that works and meets my needs
    *did MFP for months a few years ago and had great support, wishing I could connect with those friends, need new buddies , please add me if looking too!
    *today want to bike my 3 miles before the rain ( going soon). This is second week of biking this summer, it's been too hot to walk, enjoying 3 miles each day
    *staying happy and positive, turning the lemons into lemonade
    *Stay with my calorie goals and log

    Welcome! I think you will find the most supportive friends on this thread! So much inspiration, keeps me going every day, one day at a time!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    JFt, Wednesday
    1. log all food :) Even the pizza hut pizza!
    2. get to the gym :/ Skipped yesterday because we were so busy! Then ... while at the post office, the car would not start! Luckily I had my cell phone, and hubby could come. We thought it was the battery - turned out the be the starter! But we got it started, and were able to drive it to the station. $400.00 later though!
    3. lay out clothes for thursday morning :):)
    4. go to quilt meeting - so no eating when I get home :) Well .... I had my bowl of popcorn, but stopped at one bowl! Even with the pizza, I still did OK with my calories.
    5. try and eat lighter to make up for 600+ calories eaten wednesday nite :/ This didn't happen, but I was still OK. At least I didn't go overboard!
    6. close the kitchen :)
    7. BRUSH AND FLOSS TEETH - so no eating in the evening, other than a small, planned snack. Stop eating then :)
    8. sip on water :)
    9. work on quilt :/ No sewing tonite - by the time I got home, just too tired.
    10. work on organizing file cabinets :/ Busy day --- hoping to start this today!

    JFT, THursday
    1. go to the gym :) Already did this. It is not taking me almost 90 minutes to do all the weight lifting, so trying to get there earlier to get it all done. But I am finding I really enjoy the gym time -- meeting so many new people, and it starts my day out in a positive way!
    2. drink water
    3. log all food
    4. eat only planned snacks. The rest of the time, the kitchen is closed
    5. floss and brush teeth early so I don't eat while sewing
    6. work on finishing up quilt
    7. work on starting to organize file cabinets
    8. laundry
    9. lay out gym clothes for tomorrow morning

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    7/27 Thursday JFT:

    Attend class
    Physics HW and Online HW
    Physics Lab HW
    Maybe run on elliptical or go to Jiu Jitsu class
    Dinner by 8 pm
    Bedtime by midnight

    Feeling a little discouraged this morning :(

    You have a lot of stuff going on. Like Bex said, just do your best!
  • cpad81
    cpad81 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I would like to join in. I started the year around 229 lbs. and am currently at 204 lbs. Two months ago, I started doing trail walks at least four times a week (for a total of at least 10 miles a week) and started eating healthier (less processed) foods. I lost 5 lbs from January through Mid-May and then lost an additional 20 lbs from Mid-May to the present day thanks to those couple of changes.

    JFT - Thursday, July 27, 2017
    1. Log all of my food on MFP ( day 31 streak)
    2. Walk 3 miles
    3. Drink 8 cups of water
    4. Update my exercise calendar for July (I have slacked on this all month)
  • cpad81
    cpad81 Posts: 9 Member
    cpad81 wrote: »
    Hi, I would like to join in. I started the year around 229 lbs. and am currently at 204 lbs. Two months ago, I started doing trail walks at least four times a week (for a total of at least 10 miles a week) and started eating healthier (less processed) foods. I lost 5 lbs from January through Mid-May and then lost an additional 20 lbs from Mid-May to the present day thanks to those couple of changes.

    JFT - Thursday, July 27, 2017
    1. Log all of my food on MFP ( day 31 streak)
    2. Walk 3 miles
    3. Drink 8 cups of water
    4. Update my exercise calendar for July (I have slacked on this all month)

    1. Done - completed my food diary for today and was under my calorie goal
    2. Walked 2.25 miles (not the 3 I hoped for) but still glad I got out & moved
    3. Done - drank 64 oz of water
    4. Done - filled in all of my workouts from July into my exercise calendar

    Today was a good day. Looking forward to tomorrow :)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,116 Member
    edited July 2017
    cpad81 wrote: »
    cpad81 wrote: »
    Hi, I would like to join in. I started the year around 229 lbs. and am currently at 204 lbs. Two months ago, I started doing trail walks at least four times a week (for a total of at least 10 miles a week) and started eating healthier (less processed) foods. I lost 5 lbs from January through Mid-May and then lost an additional 20 lbs from Mid-May to the present day thanks to those couple of changes.

    JFT - Thursday, July 27, 2017
    1. Log all of my food on MFP ( day 31 streak)
    2. Walk 3 miles
    3. Drink 8 cups of water
    4. Update my exercise calendar for July (I have slacked on this all month)

    1. Done - completed my food diary for today and was under my calorie goal
    2. Walked 2.25 miles (not the 3 I hoped for) but still glad I got out & moved
    3. Done - drank 64 oz of water
    4. Done - filled in all of my workouts from July into my exercise calendar

    Today was a good day. Looking forward to tomorrow :)

    Great start!!
    And 20lbs from May to now! Wow that's amazing!!
    Keep up the hard work!
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    Just for today:
    Record everything I eat
    Drink water--at least 24 ounces
    Practice for organ lesson
    Get groceries
    Plan meals
    I've been reading everyone's posts, but haven't done written any for several weeks. Been battling intestinal flu/ food poisoning off and on for three weeks--yuk! I have lost about 5 or 6 pounds--in the 50's for the first time in years--so I guess that's a good thing, but I wouldn't recommend it for weight loss (LOL). That illness weakens you so much--I was only able to complete five minutes of my exercise video! Fortunately now, my strength is coming back.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's goals -

    - 1 hour walking :'( Put it off till the end of the day and then it was raining. Need to do better today!
    - 3 x 5 stair climbs :)
    - Do recovery exercises 3 times :)
    - Eat 5+ portions of fruit and veg :)
    - Drink 2 litres water + 2 cups peppermint tea :) Only one cup of the tea - because I went to the doctor and she said it probably wasn't that helpful for my symptoms and that coffee is better!!!!! So thankfully I can cut down... it tastes disgusting....
    - Read 1+ chapter of BE book :)
    - Ring pension company :)
    - Register for tax return (doh) :D Even better, I rang the tax company and they did it all on the phone so I don't need to do one - woo hoo!
    - Finish emails :)
    - Start new fiction book :D And have already finished it - it was quite a page turner!
    - Watch film :)
    - Ring boyfriend! :)

    Today's goals -

    - 1 hour walking
    - 3 x 5 stair climbs
    - Do recovery exercises 3 times
    - Eat 5+ portions of fruit and veg
    - Drink 2 litres water
    - Drink 1 cup peppermint tea

    - Read 2 chapters of BE book
    - Cross 1+ things off to-do list
    - Ring boyfriend!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    7/27 Friday JFT:

    Attend class
    Physics HW and Online HW
    RUN ON ELLIPTICAL (it doesn't have to be "hard-core, just get onto the machine!!!)
    Prep Grocery List
    Dinner by 7:30 pm
    Bedtime by midnight

    @cschmitz110515 , @joan6630 , @Bex953172 , :):) Thank you for all the support. :):)

    I'm moving forward regardless of a few "down" days. I'm going to keep it simple and focus on just getting onto my elliptical for at least 15 - 20 min. today. I always feel better afterwards, I just have to do it. :D
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member

    :) Survive the day - MADE IT.
    :/ Drink Water - still not enough
    :) Try to log going away pot luck brunch stayed under calories
    :) Sleep - in the afternoon

    So I ended up leaving work early yesterday. About 1:30 I found my self just staring at the computer, not really able to think about anything, totally wasting the company's time. I think I had a combination of exhaustion and lite dehydration that totally caught up with me after several day of not enough sleep, the heat, running my C25K day at dawn, then indulging in what was for me a carb-laden morning. I went home stripped my clothes off and slipped under the covers. After a few hours rest I had a great evening. Vacuumed the whole house, two loads of laundry, freshened the guest room for a visit from my mom today, cleaned all three bathrooms. Woo hoo.

    07-26-2017 Just For Today
    I think we'll keep it simple today
    Stay in the green on food
    C25K W4D3 tonight or tomorrow morning (depends on temp)
    Put away laundry that was drying
    Cook dinner for Mom, etc
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    edited July 2017
    Had to cancel trip to Canada b/c son is very sick w/pneumonia & ear infection. Amazes me how quickly they can go downhill. Learning how to use a nebulizer, etc. Haven't slept well for a few days. We'll head up to Canada in mid-August. I did buy an affordable bike rack so we'll break it in at home. The bike shop guy was the best! So helpful. Didn't binge over change of plans or b/c I'm upset I'm going to miss seeing our extended family.

    Pretracked most of the day.
    Make healthy food choices.
    Drink 9 C water
    Walk dog 30 mins am & pm. Started walking in evening with husband. We used to do this before the kids came along :smile:
    Meditate with Calm app after lunch. Finished a 7 day challenge, now I feel like it's part of my day.
    House cleaning!
    Mow lawn.
    Self care.
    Try to get in a neighborhood bike ride.
    Read for inspiration & stop comparing myself to others :neutral:
    Early to bed. 9:30. (Struggling with this, feel the need to stay up but I'm so unproductive). The extra sleep would serve me better.

    Remind yourself of your "Why".
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,526 Member
    Recap R 7/27 - Happy Friday Eve!
    1) Woke up before alarm (what?!?) and walked dog 3.6 miles before work. Beautiful blue sky (rare this summer), less muggy, and foggy in low areas. Saw 2 mama turkeys and lots of babies (from a greater distance this time) crossing the road without incident. :pB)
    2) Drink 80 oz. water = done, back in the habit :smiley:
    3) Keep net calories green = done! :smiley:
    4) After work, grocery shop, boil eggs & prep veggies = 3x done / could've prepped more veggies, at least I cleaned out crisper drawer :smiley:
    5) Unwind 9:30 & bedtime w/ TV off 10:15 = fail / think I'm just looking forward to my upcoming days off :|

    JFT F 7/28 - It's finally Friday!
    1) Day of rest from dog walk, nice to sleep in a little = sad dog, although she sleeps in w/ us too. Move hourly - just found the new Hourly Activity tracker on Fitbit, really shows me how sedentary I can get during the work day if I don't make an effort.
    2) Stick w/ prelogged food & plan dinner to keep calories green
    3) Evening, deadhead roses and weed some of berm. Loving that we have several consecutive days w/ no rain! According to last night's weatherman, the first week of May was the last time we had 4 days w/o rain. No wonder I've been so sick of dreary summer weather!
    4) Bedtime by 11:00 / farmers market no later than 7:30 a.m.