

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,048 Member
    Sunday -- out for another gear test ride. We were checking some new clothing we purchased yesterday, as well as a jacket I'm borrowing from my husband... and wrist bands which will hopefully keep hands warm.

    Temperature: 10C
    Distance: 38.0 km
    Elevation: 322 m
    Moving Time: 1:56:12
    Elapsed Time: 2:03:34

    Speed: Avg: 19.7 km/h | Max: 37.8 km/h
    Heart Rate: Avg: 126 bpm | Max: 150 bpm
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    GLORIA- so sorry to read about your bed bug problem, couple of years ago we thought we might have a problem and was horrified when I looked online at how difficult they are to get rid of. Thank the Lord we didn't have them
    I remember as a child we lived in very old property and the old man next door had dementia and used to pile the house up with junk and wouldn't let anyone in to clean. We had bed bugs and Mum blamed him, she was pregnant at the time and we slept on iron bedsteads with the mattress on top. Mum used to strip the beds down and coat the bedsteads with creosote, smelled awful but did help. Once the neighbour died and house fumigated they disappeared
    Hope you get it sorted

    Kate UK <3
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    pitegny wrote: »
    Paperless: The use of direct debit and cards is definitely on the rise here in France. You can use cards for extremely small amounts. All of my taxes and utilities are set up for direct debit.

    Do you have tap (paywave) there?

    It's really popular in various parts of Asia and is quite common here now.

    Yes, many banks offer this now.
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    NYKaren: Can totally relate to the lack of easy conversation. One of our sons is very quiet. Sometimes he opens up, but most of the time, conversation is a little trying. It is night and day with our other son, who is definitely more outgoing.

    Barbiecat: Wow! The difference between the before and after pants are really inspirational!

    Dana: The mountain view is stunning!

    Sharon: Sorry to hear about the back pain. Hope the pain clinic helps!

    Felicia: Have a lovely trip!

    Meat pies: All of them sound and look really tasty!

    Lanette and Sharon: Feel for you in the hot, hot weather!

    Seven days with my niece and her husband really tried my patience. She is a philosopher (literally), brilliant, bipolar, and talks non stop. If someone says something is black, she states it is white and then proceeds to explain in infinite detail why her opinion is correct. The last evening we went to dinner and she started in on how her sister's "obsession" with calories is providing a negative role model for her daughter. Perhaps not the most tactful thing to say to someone she knows is losing weight! I let her rant and then explained why I shared some, but not all of her views on the matter. She then tried four times to re-explain her position, saying I didn't understand what she was saying or she had not explained clearly enough. I finally shut her up by quietly saying that I had clearly understood what she was saying and summarized her views in one short sentence. I finished by saying it was my right not to agree. She stewed the rest of the evening, but that was fine, because she was blissfully quiet! I love her, was glad to see her arrive, but was oh so happy when they left!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Kelly there is a regional Jamaican franchise called Golden Crust or Island... I forget, that sells frozen Jamaican Patties in the freezer section of grocery stores. They are spicy though.

    Gonna spend one more day with godson in the city today--DH is a little less patient with this quiet young man, but I am not gonna worry about the silence! Gonna be a beautiful summer day, nothing wrong with that as long as I get in my steps.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Carol – At the age of 8 – I had NO idea what I was doing when I ‘joined the church’. Never understood anything about religion or Jesus or God (even though I have almost died several time in my life); but 2 days before my 60th birthday, I met Jesus – he was a real as if it had been my husband standing in the den of my house. I had gotten down about as low as I could have possibly know. It is with HIS help that I did something that I know needed to be done and he was right there along side of me the entire time. So, ‘as for me and my household, we will worship the Lord’. For the first time in my life, I stopped being ‘afraid’ to follow where my heart took me. I’m no longer ‘afraid of death’ … I am ‘prepared’; I’m just not ‘ready’.

    Heather – So much attention has been given to Bea; I hope you saying she ‘screeched and threw her weight about the whole time’ is not early ‘terrible twos’ and she isn’t becoming bratty because she is now being introduced to life including other children. Don’t get me wrong, she is a beauty – but sometimes they tend to ‘play that to the hilt’. Even fur babies do that.

    Re – Holding a plank is a “LOT HARDER” than I thought – ‘oh, this is a piece of cake’. Thirty seconds is a lot longer than you think.

    Dana – What other churches do baptisms by ‘dunking’. Well, for sure I have been ‘baptized’ – I thought the preacher was surely going to drown me, the baptism fond or pool was way over my head and he finally had to come pull me over to him. Next to last step from bottom and it was so full I had to lean my head back to keep my nose out of the water. I think I went ‘under’ 2 or 3 times before he actually dunked me. I also think a few people in the congregation were laughing. I screamed the entire time. But, at least the water was heated.

    Barbie – After nearly 45 years, I can relate to “Divorce, never; but murder, frequently.”

    Michele – There is this little coffee shop in Albany and the owners make a couple of pans of Baklava. Very, very rich; and, very, very good! Good cookies, too (that ‘come with the meal’); but, I will gladly pay the price of a piece of it; but, you have to get there early.

    I bought 3 pair of shorts from the 2nd-hand store for the price I would have paid for one at Belk’s.
    The woman that worked for us said that when fried chicken breasts were done was when they rose to the top of the grease. I’d love to have a cold fried chicken breast and pimento cheese sandwich (but a hot one would be better). I’ve NEVER been able to ‘fry’ chicken. Mother could fry good chicken; but, her ‘home-made’ biscuits could have been painted ‘black’ and used as ‘hockey pucks’. Nannie-L said it was because she ‘handled’ the dough too much. Daddy would get her to double her pan of biscuits so we could have toast biscuits halves on Sunday. That’s the best thing about ‘left over biscuits’.

    The bee is ‘so’ cute!!!

    Leigh – My DDnL#1 is a ‘talker’, is ‘always right’, and has the ‘kick @$$, take names later’ attitude on ‘how to deal with others who have made her mad’. Including family members.

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,389 Member
    Gloria – great hearing from you! Sorry about those bedbugs. Might be something “natural” a person could use to spray around the baseboards or wherever they are getting in? My squash are not doing diddly – no “female” flowers to even pollinate yet, except for pumpkin. I think I have ten on that vine. Hope the PT helps your knees!!

    Leigh – you are a saint for putting up with your niece for a week! We try to keep the “3 day” rule here – no one stays for more than three days. ONE night is preferable, if even that, lol. B) Last time a relative mentioned coming out to visit, I said "that's great, there are some really nice motels close by where you can stay!" very cheerily and explained DH doesn't do well with commotion....tho really, it's ME who doesn't do well with it.

    Kate and RE – I am getting inspired to do planks! Will wait until I see the Physical Therapist and see if that’s something I can add. Did my leg exercises this morning – will do some stretches and get after the dumbbells later today.

    Kelly and Barbie – I hear you on the “didn’t consider divorce, did consider murder” thing, lol. Kelly – is your DH’s RA in remission? Mine doesn’t have a lot of joint damage that person can see, but does have a lot of hip pain. In preparation for his Rheumatologist visit last week, he cut and stacked firewood and spread all that beauty bark and then, I’m sure told the doc that “I’m doing great, just did all this work!”. Not sure if the doc believes him… I’m the one who then sees that he can hardly move for several days from the pain and exhaustion. At least he doesn’t complain about it very much because he knows I’ll scold him. But he is too quiet/grumpy/irritable. That’s when I think about pillows and the cast iron skillet. >:) I must say tho, he has gotten better.

    We are preparing for the “heat up” this week… getting everything watered as much as possible and moving potted plants under the shade trees.

    Will move the A/C thermostat from 72 up to… 78? Last time we had extended temps over 100 a couple years ago, the thing conked out! And it took them a couple weeks to get the part. My only concern is moving DH’s prescriptions -he just got a year’s worth- to a cooler place where it stays under 77 – his shop is well insulated with a cement floor and really stays nice. So some things might end up out there. Getting fans set up too.

    Guess who won a year’s supply of dog food! Our little local pet store had a drawing and I’m the lucky winner. It’s dog food my guys don’t currently eat – if they don’t like it I’ll donate it to the animal shelter and I might anyhow. Owner said the manufacturer will ship us a bag a month, not sure how big the bag is.

    I had a sugar binge on Friday night, not too bad. One little Debbie and one Reese cup. Back on track OK yesterday. Am making chili today…. Hate the idea of cooking this coming week or even leaving the house when it’s hot to go grab something, so will do a grocery run tomorrow and eat chili for several days. I have some other ideas for quick meals that don't take much warm-up on the stove. DH has his hot dog supply.

    That’s the quick and dirty. Need to water the garden. Hugs to everyone – keep cool, stay well like Rori says!

    SW WA State where it’s overcast and kind of misty right now! <3
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I envy your ability to see your grandchildren without having to fly & put up with the hideous airlines, or drive two thousand miles to get there. Mine live that far away. :sad:

    Pip: My husband has MS. If you would like to send it our way, we'll sign it and send it back. I'll message the address to you. If there isn't time for that, consider your handkerchief signed by me and by him. Thank you for what you do for MS research year after year. :heart:

    Dana: It is wonderful that you are so pleased with your new church. :star:

    Michele: You and I have something in common with our heart rates. My BP has always been low and my heart rate on the slow side. I get a little dizzy if I stand up too fast. :grumble:

    Oregon Mother & Machka: I am willing to walk at a good clip on a treadmill & can burn a lot of calories that way although I prefer a recumbent trainer. I don't run or jog due to knee issues unless I'm running away from a fire or chasing a grandchild who is going into danger. They live so far away that doesn't come up very often. :ohwell:

    Gloria: Good luck with the knee replacements. Will you do one at a time or both at once? Strengthening your quads is a very good idea. We have a neighbor who has had knee and hip replacements on one side. Not sure about the other side. I think that knee was done but not the hip yet. He played football at Oregon State back in the day, and is now quite overweight. He had to lose weight prior to his last surgery in order to get the doctor to operate. Since then he regained all that he'd lost, plus a bit more. :ohwell:

    Sharon in Lethbridge: Medical MJ has been legal in Oregon for decades. It does wonders at controlling pain and does not result in a "high" of any kind. DH needs it for MS & arthritis from time to time. Recreational MJ is now legal for adults. I've seen very positive reviews of CBD oil. I hope your DH is able to get relief from pain. The illegal drug that plagues our state & is a source of crime is Methamphetamine. I think tranquilizers are over-prescribed, too. I really don't have evidence for that, though. :sad:

    Michelle: Adorable little guy!!! :bigsmile:

    Yesterday's ride turned out very different than I expected. Arrow's hooves were cracked and looked very painful. I rode him at a walk for a little while, and then realized he shouldn't even be ridden that slowly. His owner didn't do her own ride ahead of me so she didn't know about his feet until I showed her. When I showed her what worried me she said she'd have her farrier out. I took DH along and he played on his new mobility scooter while I worked with Arrow. It was good on many levels. DH was able to see for himself that Arrow puts up with my gentle bullying & is not the dangerous beast he was last summer and fall. My teacher retrained him over the winter. We both know that any horse can be unpredictable if frightened or hurt. Arrow is doing so much better than he was a year ago, other than the hoof problem. I hope it is solved quickly. :flowerforyou:

    DH is currently zonked out in the living room at 9am. I'm not sure what we will do for fun today. Yesterday I blanched a batch of beans from my tiny garden, laid them out on a cookie tray & froze them. This morning I put them in a zip lock bag in the freezer to eat later on. Fall is a likely time. :star:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,633 Member
    Here's a pic of handkerchief this yr. glad they changed it up
    I got my first mfp person to mail it to!!! Anyone else? Make sure when u sign to put your profile name so I know who u r !!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,633 Member
    I am crying as I write, thank u so much katla!!!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,758 Member
    looks like a tiger lily tome Pip~ I could be wrong though..
    well I must have needed to catch up on sleep because after I fed my FIL ,I came home and napped for 2 1/2 hrs.. and I slept 10 hrs last night..just got back in from mowing the lawn....i did the riding mower, but for the life of me can't pull hard enough to start the push mower, that shoulder has been sore for a week and I just dont have the umph to get it going, will try on Thursday.. have a appliance repair man coming to fix fridge on thursday between 1-4 ,so my next project is to clean out the fridge and freezer.. and maybe pack a few more things...also starting a list on what I want to take with me...
    Tom asked if my lawyer asked anything about him selling the Camero? I said no why that is in your name only.. but he said he can not buy or sell anything without getting my permission first, said he is selling camero and paying off his car and the credit card bill, which would be the one I used for lawyer.. I have no issue with that..
    he told also that he might go see Mary Chapin Carpenter in Maine, well I played dumb, I know he has the tickets ,said it all depends on Aunt Margaret, which is true...
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,767 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Hi, I am 57 and only had a tumor took off my spine, left me numb and a foot drop, (foot don't move) on my left side. I am on crutches and can walk a ways, but get tired after awhile. I am raising 2 grand-kids, (another story) ages 14 and 11. Which their old enough to help me. But the problem for me is I am very very limit to exercise. I try and it ends up at night my left leg going into cramps.
    So my weight has to come off by food and food alone. Anyone have suggestions for me would be awesome. Recipes, foods, etc. Thanks all, and keep up bettering yourself!

    Can you swim? Just wondering if that's something that wouldn't require pressure.

    Also, has the Dr said anything about the cramps? Your case may be different, but sometimes cramping can be caused by dehydration and lack of calcium and magnesium. You might want to enquire.

    Something else to try for leg cramps (although Machka's advice is great) ... I know many who swear by it and I've done this when my husband wasn't aware and it helped his cramps ... a bar of soap between your mattress and fitted sheet ... down at the foot of the bed. Don't know why it helps ... maybe it's mind over matter ... but it does help!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,633 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did an hour of a warrior DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do one section of the Crunch DVD, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    After exercise since it was fairly cool outside, I put down the weed killer.

    Joyce - how does a nurse put a pillowcase one? What my grandmother showed me and I've always done is I washed the pillowcases inside out, then when I go to put the pillowcase on the pillow I put my arms inside the case, grab the very ends, then turn the pillowcase right side out while putting it over the pillow.

    Lenora - with the KFC chicken, it's cooked in a pressure cooker so you can't see when it rises to the top. Glad you liked the bee

    Went in the pool today, going to be leaving shortly to meet Ming and her husband (and possibly one of her daughters) for dinner.

    Lanette - congrats on your win. Even if you do donate the food, I know the Humane Society or wherever will appreciate it.

    Sharon - I'm so sorry your hubby is in such pain.

    Alison - Tom can't sell anything of his without your permission? Wonder what his angle is......

    Michele in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,076 Member
    Beth I like to use Epson salts either in a bath or as a scrub to help with leg cramps. (Magnesium)