
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member

    Good Day Ladies!

    Yesterday was I acknowledged my 59th birthday! <3 Had a really quiet day – still having a little wheeze going on but expect that to be cleared up by tomorrow. DH and I went to the movies and that was it. Plan to celebrate next Saturday at a favorite restaurant with some friends. Tried to put on some shoes DH bought me a few months ago but could not manage the heels. :(

    Katla: And just as you were saying you could see why I chose to marry my DH the fight started. ;) I am working on staying mad for more than a day. Thanks for the reminder about using a split screen for making notes as we read.

    Gloria: I seem to be on a 10 day course of prednisone at least three times each year. I too was afraid of the side effects but I haven’t noticed any. I have noticed some benefits like a clearer complexion and lack of wheezing.

    Lanette: I love getting all dressed up and wearing dresses. I have varicose veins that make me a little subconscious sometimes but figure what the heck I earned them. Loved your comment regarding the meaning of DH!

    Toni: We eat a lot of soup for the same reason…it is easy to make in the crock pot for work days. The best part for me is that it is usually lower in calories than other meals.

    Allie: Hang in there! <3<3

    Becca: I like your idea of a mental gastric bypass! I donated half my breakfast to Blue because my stomach just could not hold any more.

    Josephine: You might try some food planning ideas. I live by my crock pot because it makes life easier on work days and the house smells so good when I get home. I actively look for recipes that are quick for veggies. On days I have time to really spend in the kitchen I cook double portions. One portion to eat and one portion for the freezer. I don’t know if these ideas will work for you but I’m sure you will come up with some that will help you out. KEEP YOUR CHIN UP!!! We are having an unusually bad time financially too. I will pray for your blessing and you pray for ours. o:)

    Drkatiebug: I love water aerobics. Glad you enjoyed it too!

    Machka: All I can say is WOW that was quite a ride! Thanks for the picture of the wallaby. I’d never seen one and I don’t think it would be one of my favorite animals. :o

    Lisa: Loved your cat picture. Is her name Egg? She is beautiful.

    Heather: Sorry DH isn’t feeling well. Still, it sounds like you are having fun. I doubt you need a whole hour to make yourself beautiful because you are beautiful!

    Kate: Know you mean well but it sounds like your neighbor is a codependent hoarder. It also sounds like she need some mental health care. Your friendship is probably more help than you can imagine. She won’t be able to do anything until she is mentally able.

    Karen In Virginia: Olivia is so very cute!

    Janetr: Mia is a cutie too!

    GINGER! Love the meal planning guide! :D

    Lenora: Loved the Ghandi story.

    Lipina: Congratulations on your Breakthrough!

    Tere in RVA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,085 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Rori, are you in touch with Charleen? I miss her and her stunning quilts.

    Janetr okc
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,595 Member
    Tere! Happy belated Birthday!! <3


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,085 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Did an hour of Pilates Intermediate DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do one segment of a Bob Harper DVD (it's supposed to be abs -- we'll see), hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    Lenora - what a cute story about Ghandi. Reminded me of one time when the kids were little, one of them said to me "ma, who are you talking to". I just answered "the most intelligent person in the room".

    matchka - how can you possibly keep your eyes on the road with such beautiful distractions?

    Filled the bags for the shower favors. Now just want to wait until I get the frige magnets from my friend in Switzerland. She said they should be here by early Sept. At first, I said "why in the world would it take so long", but then I remembered that they're being shipped overseas.

    KJ - Joaquin looks so happy

    NYKaren - my biggest problem with logging is that some days I just barely have time to log. I do like to prelog to see how many calories I can afford. Sometimes there are things that I don't need to have. And I very rarely have time to go on the homepage.

    Chris - good for you getting back to maintenance! Now for the hard stuff!

    Guess I'll go out to the pool. A friend of ours is in the hospital, I'm going to be making some chocolate chip cookies. When I go to see the lady who does my alterations I'll take her some (I always take her something), I need to make some for our bowling (which I won't go to but Vince will need to bring something), and if needed, I may have to make a second batch to take to her in the hosp. As far as I know, she isn't on any kind of restricted diet. Wish I could think of something with shrimp that doesn't involve refrigeration. I have a lot of the small shrimp from when that store was going out of business and everything was 75% off.

    Went in the pool. While I was in there there was a SNAKE!!! I hate, hate, hate snakes. You should have heard me scream. Vince was in the house and came out wondering what had happened. You've never in your entire life seen someone get out of a pool so fast. He took it and said he put it in the middle of the backyard. Wish he'd put it in the yard of the people next to us. Where there's a baby, there's a mother. I went back in the pool (brave me) but you don't think for one iota of a nannosecond that I closed me eyes!

    Chris in MA - I won't say that I don't eat carbs, but I would rather have a sweet potato than a white potato, and I would rather have shirataki noodles than spaghett. Shriataki not because they're lower in calories than regular spaghetti, but because I actually prefer them. when we got out to eat, I have no desire for any bread. Oh, sometimes I may have a bite, but then I don't want any more.

    R- happy birthday to your dh. I wish fall would take its sweet old time. The only good thing is that I can work outside. I need to plant bushes that I want. We're also going to have someone seed and fertilize the backyard. Wish I could talk Vince into getting rid of some trees this year. Maybe in another year

    Lanette - I took a belly danace class a long time ago and one of the things that really impressed me was the fact that there were some BIG (and I do mean BIG) ladies in the class but they were wearing these tight, skimpy outfits and were really OK with their bodies. The other thing that really impressed me was the comraderie between all the girls

    DJ - I'm just using gift bags, the kind you get at the dollar store -- 3 for $1. Works for me. I would rather spend the money on the wine rather than the bag. And let me tell you, the wine was EXPENSIVE. The wine itself wasn't, but the shipping! It was more than 1/2 the price of the wine. Denise invited my girlfriend from Switzerland, but she won't be able to come since this year they suddenly had to buy a new car. They just can't afford a new car and a trip to the States all in the same year. So I asked if she'd like to put something in the shower favor bag. I'm waiting for her to send it. It's a refrig. magnet with places from Switzerland on it. Afterwards, I will take a pic of everything that is in the bag for you to see. I'm just going to put a piece of tissue paper on top.

    Wouldn't it be funny if Allie used some of her alimony money to buy a new laptop????

    I still can't resist raw cookie dough. But...I did find out that I have a large glass of water with some True Lemon in it, and I don't seem to nibble quite as much.

    rori - how nice of you to help your neighbor like that. But then again, that's just you.

    tere - happy belated birthday. What movie did you see?

    Anne - welcome! I LOVE blueberries. Then again, I love just about any fruit (or veggie for that matter)

    Michele in NC
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    Tere Happy Birthday!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2017
    Anne from Rochester, what an inspiring story. You have taken a step that many are never brave enough to take. You certainly have started in the right direction.. Welcome to a great group of supportive ladies. So glad you found us.

    Janetr okc
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    @terewilliams ... the animal in the photo is actually a potaroo, not a wallaby. A wallaby looks like a small kangaroo. Both are, however, marsupials. ☺
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Dana, that is awful to experience. And right at retirement time. The group need to stay together to resolve it. No one better to help you through a tau,attic situation but the ones who went through it with you.

    We have an exotic animal park not far from us and they have walk red, kangaroos, expect is birds and he's some snakes. Very interesting to go through. They have a lot of volunteers just sit with the animals so that the visitors can sit among the animal families, listen to them talk and watch them interact. But you are right there just inches from them. And yes, they are told that kangaroos have so,e pretty powerful legs. But the trainers are on constant watch. I think it is called Kntucky down under.

    I don't know why but on a rare occurrence I am logged in as kigjuv or some,thing like that. So if you ever see that, it will be signed by me.

    The extends family is hang an argue,EMT a pit where to hav Christ,as this year. The place we have had it the last several years is secure. One door in, one door out. But the rate is increased from $75 to $150. They advertise 2 stoves and yes there are two stoves but the oven doesn't work in one. When my sister called to see if they had fixed the appliances, they said we must not have lit the pilot light correctly. Ummmm they are electric. I don't think they have even been in the facility for awhile. So one of the churches my sister went to has a large fellowship hall and we are going to see it tomorrow. We have one person who is blind and liked the other place because he was familiar with it, never needed to ask for help,going to the bathroom. We have another family that has an autistic child and I guess when she gets overwhelmed she runs. So this new place has to have doors that will lock. But the blind guy doesn't like it. My sister likes his church because he cooks there every month for Brother's Keeper and knows the kitchen. It is professional grade. But the church is in a rough part of town and my sister's daughter doesn't like it because it isn't safe and she doesn't want her blind husband going down there.mthe Grandma of the autistic child doesn't like it because she would have to be pushed down a ramp in a wheel chair to get to the fellowship hall. But this one is free. I'm not going to ask about my church, there are no doors on the fellowship hall at all and any child can escape to any part of the building. But the date of the autistic child has left our family message group because the mom of all his kids and she is mom of other kids that my nephew have just given his name to. Anyway, she is in the message group and giving orders. So he left. But he wants videos of this building. The blind guy wants videos so his wife can approve. But this church is out by my house and also right out by all the motels our out of town guests stay. My brother says he will personally pay the whole $150 if it the best place for his grand kids. But it has a lousy kitchen. Now do any of these people help cook?? Well we really haven't asked much of them since they get in the morning of our dinner. They all bring things that can be purchased at home like all thpaper stuff, rolls, green. Ean that we then fix. All those things. I just want a happyChristmas like we did when my parents were alive. They would be ashamed of us. And the family is so big, we can no longer use our house to do gift giving and then just hang out. So they arrive, we Evansville girls fix the meal, have gifts and then everyone leaves. It's al in folding chairs. My sisters daughter is a fantastic southern cook and loves to cook that way and will praise her cooking all the way to the state fair which she gets ribbons. She is always posting her pictures on FB and bragging. My daughter real can't work with her anymore. One year she said she was going to make the mashed potatoes. Well we just use instant and know how to Doctor them up. So Jenny brings in 10 pounds of potatoes about 20 minutes before we are to eat and starts peelimg'!!!!!! I'm people, dimmer is going to be late but everything else is al past done. Plus Sh makes an apple pie which is horrible. It her Dad loves it so she brings it. So of Jenny is in the kitchen Michelle is not and her and one other are the main cooks. They have been cooking this same meal for many years and it is on a. Assembly line

    Ok, sorry for the large whine

    those beautiful pieces of pottery reminded me so much of Syvia. She was another one with a heart of gold. I miss her a bunch

    Still sprinkling may get up to 80 tomorrow. May rain all day tomorrow. Charlie called out yard guy and cancelled him making this last Saturday. I think this week will defientley need it. But my plants are perking up!

    Night, night, Joyce, Indiana
  • withanee67
    withanee67 Posts: 3 Member
    Love reading all your posts.

    Anne - I'm a serial starter too - love that phrase. And like you, I feel like this time I might just do it.

    This is day 3 of doing MFP properly. I've got my head around recording everything in the food diary - it's not as bad as I thought it would be... haven't counted calories since WeighWatchers - scouring through those old tables was grim.
  • withanee67
    withanee67 Posts: 3 Member
    Hmmm... that was a lot longer post but most of it disappeared when I hit Post Reply. Odd.

    Anyway, got to get off to work - first day back after 2 weeks hols. Hi ho hi ho!

    Have a splendid day everyone.

    Annie, Cambridge UK

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Becca - It must feel Awesome that your kids want to treat you. Enjoy!!!

    NYKaren - You must be so enjoying having your DD youth.

    trying to write but I keep nodding. Tommorrow all.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Morning. Ladies
    I am awake,went to sleep yesterday at 4 pm,Tom told me he was expecting a phone call from his lawyer, who knows what there cooking up.But have to be at court at 9 am.took the day off from work, but if we can get things settled I will go in after I get out.
    This is going to be a wonky week Tom and Elena have the deposition on Weds morning, i dont know if I told you i wass in Bristol to drop off my laptop to toms cousin, was about 5 min from Elena's house,so i did a drive buy just to see where TomCat was visiting..
    I wasn't home much yesterday so he was on his own with the boys..
    Will fill you all in when I get back, I wouldn't put it past him to not show up and just send his lawyer..