Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Hello!!! Just a quick reminder for those who have not posted yet their info for the challenge to do so soon ... will be sharing our weekly results tomorrow morning.

    @kampers2000 was not sure if you were just sharing your progress or you would like to participate in the challenge. If you do, just copy the weigh-in template from any of the previous entries ... don't forget to let us know what your goal is!

    Have a good Thursday! :)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to fess up to or get off your chest?)
    Wondering where the "leather hits the road" has gone to in my committment to improving my health status via weight loss and a more active lifestyle. It seems like I do a pretty good job of maintaining a weight that I do not want and a poor job of following through ... and that I have known and acknowledged this trait about myself since I joined this thread 3 years ago.

    No, I'm not disparing, or disparaging. I'm not asking for advice or tips on what to do or not to do. I'm just fessing up that I apparently must be 'ok' with the status-quo, that it's more comfortable to be where I am than to make the changes that lead to the results I say I seek. Am I being dishonest with myself? Am I saying what I know I 'should be' feeling instead of what I truly do feel?

    That's cause, I suppose that if I really wanted to have that more active and vital life then I would be willing to accept the discomfiture or moving these aching bones and muscles around, and would stop eating when the counter said 'done' instead of just going on as before.

    That's something to think about. Something to untangle in my head.
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Thursday Truth - I have slacked off on tracking, I made a commitment to myself and my nutritionist that I would track faithfully for 6 weeks so that we can review and make needed changes, but I've not been doing it, especially if I don't work that day. And I haven't been making good food choices either (yesterday I was so tired, I couldn't sleep because no electricity so no fan and no CPAP machine, so I ate nonstop all day) including a full pint of Blue Bell coffee flavored ice cream. Gaaah! So now I am going to re-commit, I will make the effort to track when I'm off work even if it's not convenient.

    @cellosmiles - congrats, doesn't that feel great when you can do that? I've got some closet cleaning to do to, and getting rid of those old "favorites" (which really were only favorites because they fit) is the best feeling in the world.

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Trying to post from a hand held device computer is not functional and I may need a new hard drive. If the desktop doesn't restore from a backup and I do need a new drive, it will be a while before I'll be on here again. So, l'll be back again some day but I don't know when!
  • jam5660
    jam5660 Posts: 126 Member
    Monday check in: so this morning I changed my goal from loosing 2lb a week down to 1lb per week. This takes me up from 1200 cal to 1570cal a day. For the past month I have been struggling with the 1200 and have been getting closer to the 1500, but it was because I was falling back into my bad habits again. I think my body needs a refresh, too low for too long maybe? So now hopefully with a higher cal budget I wont feel deprived(mentally I wasn't feeling that but I think my body was saying enough, I need more now that you are more active), and won't blindly eat to fill the void and making bad choices. So back to basics of weighing and logging everything, and making better choices!!!
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hello Everyone!

    Welcome to our discussion. We are a great community - both men and women - and provide excellent support and motivation for your personal weight loss journey.

    This is not a group. This is an ongoing discussion of support and motivation and you can easily participate. There is no "joining" to do. Just post a comment! That's all it takes. Go to the last - most current page (926 and counting) and write a comment - whatever you feel like saying, and click the REPLY button. You will be welcomed by other people posting and hopefully you will return often. We try to send a welcoming message within a week of your first post.

    After posting, you can find your way back by checking your "COMMUNITY" tab, then on the "MY DISCUSSIONS" listing, and all the DISCUSSIONS you have posted to will show up. If you click on the STAR to the right of the DISCUSSIONS, that selects them as your favorites. Then you can click on the Titles of the DISCUSSIONS and doing that will return you to the most current posting on the DISCUSSIONS thread.

    GOALS and IDEAS for daily posts (Not mandatory)

    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)

    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)

    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to fess up to or get off your chest?)

    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?

    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)

    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)

    Welcome to each and every one of you as you start this journey - Robin
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Monday check-in
    Well, was off Friday, started feeling sick and woozy while at hubs' appt. so stayed home from work. Saturday felt much better, went to dinner and the rodeo with family and had a great time. Sunday friends came over and cooked ribs and sausage for us on our grill, it was great to see them. Had another appt. for hubs today, a late one so didn't get home until 6 and didn't get to work until 8pm, will have to take LWOP I think since I don't think I have any leave. Overall not a bad eating weekend, and managed to track at least some of my food each day, tho not all.
    Not much activity on here over the weekend, hope everyone had a great one. I went back and copied Robin's intro to the thread and posted it here, in case any newbies or even old farts like me have forgotten the original format.

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    This piece of information is no longer correct, if it ever was .... "After posting, you can find your way back by checking your "COMMUNITY" tab, then on the "MY DISCUSSIONS" listing, and all the DISCUSSIONS you have posted to will show up."

    The discussions that come up will be the ones that you created.

    The best way to find this thread again is to "bookmark" it. There IS a way to find the threads on which you have made posts... Select the search function and enter your MFP name in the Author field
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Ah ha! I'm temporarily using a borrowed iPhone cause my PC is sick or biting the dust, and just had my post truncated when I posted. Was it the length, the paragraph break, or the smiley faces I added in?

    Wanted to thank @GOINSTD12 for posting info from page 1 of this thread to anyone new.
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member

    This wasn't a bad week; I managed to lose even though I did indulge on my birthday :)

    What I have been trying to do for the last couple of weeks is this diet called Ketogenic ... basically low carbs, high fat and a bit of protein. I don't think every day I hit the macros, but trying to do my best and so far has worked .. I have started loosing weight again.

    I thought it would be harder and contrary to what everyone thinks that Italian food is only carbs, is actually full of veggies, lean meats and healthy fats .... so I am actually enjoying what I am eating and drinking (love wine :p )

    Name: Ana
    Age: 42
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (July 5): 166.3
    Goal Weight (September 15): 150

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 162.6
    2. July 19: 165.0
    3. July 26: 165.0
    4. August 2: 163.8
    5. August 9: 160.0 (happy birthday to me!)
    6. August 16:
    7. August 23:
    8. August 30:
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: - 3.8
    Weight -/+ challenge total: - 6.3
    Weight loss so far: - 69.6

    Additional Weight loss / Fitness goals to achieve:
    1. Drink 8+ glasses of water - Yes!!!
    2. Remain at the calorie level 5+days a week and keep carbohydrates max 20% - Yes!!!
    3. Workout 4+ times a week and 10K step daily - still have not gone to the gym; but Yes!! for 10K steps daily
  • dumdum32
    dumdum32 Posts: 26 Member
    Summer Heat Challenge

    Name: Dumdum
    Age: 36
    Height: 5' 3

    Start Weight (July 5): 196
    Goal Weight (September 15): 184

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 196
    2. July 19: 194
    3. July 26: 194
    4. August 2: 194
    5. August 9: 190
    6. August 16:
    7. August 23:
    8. August 30:
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: - 4 lbs
    Weight -/+ challenge total: - 6.0 lbs
    Weight loss so far: 25 lbs since Jan 2017

    hi all sorry not sure what happened to my post last week (not even sure i posted
  • dumdum32
    dumdum32 Posts: 26 Member
    bottom half of post dissappeared
  • cedar2526
    cedar2526 Posts: 44 Member
    Name: Jackie
    Age: 56
    Height: 5'6"

    Start Weight (July 5): 260
    Goal Weight (September 15): 244

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 258
    2. July 19: 256.5
    3. July 26:254
    4. August 2: 254
    5. August 9: 252.5
    6. August 16:
    7. August 23:
    8. August 30:
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight loss so far -12.5
  • jam5660
    jam5660 Posts: 126 Member
    Summer Heat Challenge

    Name: Jennie
    Age: 30
    Height: 5' 4.5

    Start Weight (July 5): 213.2
    Goal Weight (September 15): 204

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 212.6
    2. July 19: 211.6
    3. July 26: 209.6
    4. August 2: 209.6 (TOM and no goals met)
    5. August 9: 211.4
    6. August 16:
    7. August 23:
    8. August 30:
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: + 1.8
    Weight -/+ challenge total: - 1.8
    Weight loss so far: 43.6

    Additional Weight loss / Fitness goals would like to achieve this summer:
    1. Drink 64oz water 7/7: 0/7
    2. 10,000 steps 6/7:  0/7
    3. Under cal goal 7/7: ?/7 

    Stress is eating me alive, my brain is in survive mode. Which means I eat and dont remember, so I don't log. I'm hoping with school starting in less than 2 weeks and some big, important conversations and decisions about my nephew happening in those 2 weeks will release my mind from this stress, and with a school schedule come a regular routine.....I need that routine!!!!
  • lydiapassthedonuts
    lydiapassthedonuts Posts: 71 Member
    Summer Challenge

    Name: Lydia
    Age: 45
    Height: 5'8"

    Start Weight (July 1): 254
    Goal Weight (September 15): 244

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 253.4
    2. July 19: 251.8
    3. July 26: 249.4
    4. August 2: 248.8
    5. August 9: 246
    6. August 16:
    7. August 23:
    8. August 30:
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: -2.8 lbs
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -8 lbs
    Weight loss so far: -14 lbs

    My fitbit broke and had to get a new one.
    I have continued with my Couch to 5k training, and am currently finishing my week 6.
    Last week, I joined a clean eating challenge. So far, I have failed .... But, it's been a learning experience!
    Been struggling to get in my 10k steps a day.
    Still adjusting to my new job.

    Next goals:
    I hope to start my week 7 of C25k training next week.
    I will work harder to achieve my 10k steps at least 6/7.
    I will continue the clean eating challenge best I can.
    Learn how to use new fitbit. :smiley:
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Summer Heat Challenge

    Name: Birgit
    Age: 62
    Height: 6'0"

    Start Weight (July 5): 185.8
    Goal Weight (September 15): Stay within 182-185lbs, MAINTENANCE

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: Can't weigh - camping/hiking in the woods
    2. July 19: 183.2
    3. July 26: 181.4 Probably means I didn't drink enough water yesterday
    4. August 2: 182.8
    5. August 9: 184.0
    6. August 16: Can't weigh - camping/hiking in the woods
    7. August 23:
    8. August 30:
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: +1.2
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -1.8 (the goal is to MAINTAIN)
    Weight loss so far: 120+ lbs lost since 4/4/16

    Celebrated hubby's birthday a little too enthusiastically this past week (three day's worth of celebratory meals - lol). Still, my goal is to stay between 182 and 185, so today's 184 is not too bad. I do need to be careful, though as this can easily become a very slippery slope.

    Next week we're off for another camping week in the Adirondacks. Typically, when we're camping my food choices tend to be awful, but still I tend to lose a little weight because of all the physical activity. Hopefully that will happen again this next time.

    "See" you all in two weeks. My best wishes to ALL!
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    Summer Heat!! Challenge (90 days)...

    Name: Barney
    Age: 57
    Height: 5' 3"

    Start Weight (July 5): 252.0
    Goal Weight (September 15): 225.0

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 248.4
    2. July 19: 245.2 (on vacation July 13-20, so weighed in July 21st).
    3. July 26: 242.4
    4. August 2: 241.4
    5. August 9: 239.4
    6. August 16:
    7. August 23:
    8. August 30:
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: - 2.0
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -12.6
    Weight loss so far (since 1/1/2017): 77.6

    Additional Weight loss / Fitness goals I would like to achieve this summer:
    1. add walking indoors 3x/week--walked once for 70 minutes outside when the weather was comfortable.
    2. resistance exercise: none this week but joined gym.
    3. monitor weight loss & daily calories and adjust weekly, if necessary, due to additional exercise--no change.