Serial Starters



  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I don't have my car at work, so I decided to walk across the street on lunch... one of the girls stopped me and insisted on giving me a ride...I told her, I was ok... but, she just wouldn't have it...I did have to walk back, so I did get a few extra steps in... so nice of someone to care... but, I need all the steps I can get...too much food over the weekend...

    Hope everyone has a great day...
    Check in later...
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    This summer is becoming the worst ever. Lost a great friend last night in a motorcycle accident. He was a good man and father of my best friend.
    I am so very worried about her. She has been nursing her son back to health from when he fell ill during a family vacation to the Grand Canyon and spent over a week in ICU out there before being well enough to transfer back home. He just had surgery last week.
    On top of that, she is 5 months pregnant. It is a "geriatric" pregnancy as well.
    She is the type of person who will never ask for help. Usually, I can tell when she needs help and will steamroll my way into her house to do what needs done. I dont think the steamroll technique would be very appropriate right now. I feel helpless.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    edited August 2017
    Good evening,

    Kathryn, show up at her house with food she can freeze for later if need be - and and open your arms, you dont need to do anything more.

    Leftover pizza for dinner, life is rough sometimes. In green #s today even with hot cocoa. Dinner update - overcooked pizza - that is what I get for being so carefree in the kitchen. Will eat and try to remember that 20 is too long.....

    Saltine love your dog pictures....

    Hope to stop by before zzz time.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Monday evening

    Congrats to Sara on her great WI!

    My long weekend went by way too quickly. I actually tracked and stayed on plan one day of the weekend. Baby steps.

    Back to tracking today. Going to emulate my sister and concentrate on staying within calorie limit (1288 per day) and hitting my protein (which I have set at 35% or 113 grams per day). Not worrying as much about carbs, sugar, sodium but still trying to eat cleaner and not eat a lot of bread, sugary treats, etc. Sister has lost 6 lbs (and some inches) in the past month doing this along with some pretty significant weight training. I can't do that with my sketchy back but try to walk and continue to work on core strength with planks, bridges, and TRX system.

    Has anyone here ever tried Plexus products? Considering them as a friend of mine swears by them for reducing inflammation and pain in her body (she has fibromyalgia among other things.)

    DH made a turkey dinner tonight. Yum! I measured and tracked. I am now making turkey carcass soup to have one of the next couple of nights for supper.

    Looked at a house today. It had so much potential but for that price, I don't want to have to do that much work. They had put in hardwood floors throughout the ENTIRE house - but they are extremely ugly hardwood floors. I couldn't live with it for long! And the basement would have to be rearranged (walls, etc.) to build a bedroom for oldest son. So, will keep looking.

    Saltine - your dogs are cute!

    Kathryn - just be there for your friend however you can be.

    Tess - have a great trip!

    Time to check the soup. :)


  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Kathryn - so so sorry.... just be there for your friend... bulldoze gently...
  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member

    Good morning,

    Weather is pleasant and easier to sleep.

    Will eat mostly salads at Cafe this week. Not in the mood to go shopping again after work.....

    Oatmeal is on, brain needs a little more sleep.

    Wave to all who follow. Will lurk from work.
  • kdbulger
    kdbulger Posts: 396 Member
    Good morning, I'm new here. Is it okay if I join in, I know you're an established group. I did WW a long time ago with success. Had a few babies since then, and can't afford to pay for it now.

    I am a definition of a serial starter and I like the idea of having somewhere to come that I *want* to check in every day which will in turn help keep me engaged in my journey.

    This is day 3. I'm logging all my food, drinking lots of water. I took the stairs at work. Basically I'm moving my body where I otherwise might not have.
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Tuesday....quick waves to all....still on the work trip; headed home later today. Thanks to all for the words of encouragement and advice. Did pretty well on the eating - stayed under calorie goal. Tricky part of the logging food when you're attending receptions, but I think I covered most everything.

    Welcome to kdbulger! Always good to welcome new people to the group - it helps us all stay on track!

    Saltine, your pups are adorable! Thanks for sharing the pics - their sweet faces gave me a smile. We have cats so the grooming challenges are far less. With them, it's the dreaded nail clipper but we finally figured out a system for getting the job done!

    Kathryn, so very sorry to hear about your friend. You are going through a lot of emotional challenges and heartache right now. You are so wonderful to want to help those you care so much about and you've already received great advice from others here. I'll add just one more - please be sure to take care of yourself. This all has to be taking a toll of your own emotional health; please be sure to give that some attention.

    Dashing off to get ready for a meeting. Hi to Samuels, Sara, Lana, Dawn, Annie, Missy and everyone else.


  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    edited August 2017
    very short dog walk- there go my dog walking calories!!.... kdbulger, you are welcome to stop by and post anytime.


    still on my cat fix......
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    Hello to All~~

    Warm welcome to KD. Check in every day with us. Some in this group are very new, we all just blend together nicely.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member
    hickchic67 wrote: »
    This summer is becoming the worst ever. Lost a great friend last night in a motorcycle accident. He was a good man and father of my best friend.
    I am so very worried about her. She has been nursing her son back to health from when he fell ill during a family vacation to the Grand Canyon and spent over a week in ICU out there before being well enough to transfer back home. He just had surgery last week.
    On top of that, she is 5 months pregnant. It is a "geriatric" pregnancy as well.
    She is the type of person who will never ask for help. Usually, I can tell when she needs help and will steamroll my way into her house to do what needs done. I dont think the steamroll technique would be very appropriate right now. I feel helpless.

    Kathryn - Courage! There is plenty you can do.

    Will it fall to your best friend to have to make all of the funeral arrangements for her father? This will pull most of her focus, time, and energy.

    Maybe you can pick up on doing things for her son for a week or two, so he is taken care of while she deals with the funeral arrangements and the general shock of her father's sudden death.

    You could come by and simply clean her bathroom and kitchen.
    Grocery shopping?

    And of course, there's being there on the sofa with her while she has a good cry. Often.

    People in crisis may say they don't need anything. Don't believe it for a second. They are too shocked and scattered to know what they need, so it is easiest for them to just say they don't need anything.

  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member
    I nailed a move in dance tonight that I've been struggling with for years... And it felt soooo good. Bed time. We have a Studio showcase on Saturday and a lot of the class work involves throwing your bodyweight around or keeping your body intact so everything moves together.
    Nailing it felt good.

    I need to take a minute to actually read everyone's posts...

    Welcome KD? And any other new people.

    That cat is too cute...

    Wave to all...
  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    This is why I love coming here... you all know wonderful things to say and advice to give. Many times, I just read posts, because you all say all my thoughts and more...I don't even post on FB.... it doesn't help....I feel better when I post here... thank you all...

    This is my FB...

    Today I read through the success stories thread on the forum for motivation... So many amazing stories of hard work and hope and just not giving up.
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    I nailed a move in dance tonight that I've been struggling with for years... And it felt soooo good. Bed time. We have a Studio showcase on Saturday and a lot of the class work involves throwing your bodyweight around or keeping your body intact so everything moves together.
    Nailing it felt good.

    Congratulations Samuels! What a fantastic feeling that must have been. Talk about an NSV (Non-Scale Victory)!

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Thank you everyone for the great advice and kind words. I have not been able to do much for my friend since I have to work full time. I am helping fly in another close friend from the west coast who can stay with her a while and help. I have been cooking double batches and packing some up in freezer containers for her family.
    The funeral arrangements have been made. I will be taking a day off for the funeral and be with her the remainder of the weekend. Part of the family is close but there are those estranged relatives I am afraid will be making trouble. Wish I could hire a couple of Cboys to double as bouncers so they could toss some of those people out on their ear.

    I do appreciate you all. <3 I feel like I have been nothing but a Debby Downer this summer with all the craziness that has happened in my family. Never has there been a summer like this with just one thing right after the other. :(
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    Kathryn - Things happen. Sometimes a lot of things happen. That's the way it goes.
    It's more important to have someplace to post and vent and whatever.
    Remember to take good care of yourself!

    Unfortunately, the Cabana Boys are mostly magic and fairy dust......


  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    hickchic67 wrote: »
    I do appreciate you all. <3 I feel like I have been nothing but a Debby Downer this summer with all the craziness that has happened in my family. Never has there been a summer like this with just one thing right after the other. :(

    I think it's safe to say we all feel bad that you're going through so much this summer, Kathryn. Personally, I admire you for sharing your challenges with us, and letting us do what we can to try to help you through this hard time. We're all in this together!

    Love the cartoon!
