Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    @Rakel17 I know how you feel, it is so hard to change your lifestyle anyway, but when your head isn't cooperating with what you know needs to be done it becomes a real challenge! Are you logging your food faithfully? I think that is one of the first steps to getting back on track, that accountability is important. Even if you go over your goals, log it anyway! This is a great place for support, ideas and just connecting with others in the same place you are. Let us be your support system for a while! Sounds like your were pretty active - training for a half marathon- maybe just try a modified training plan right now until you're back on track more...a daily 20/30 minute walk, etc. Good luck and hope to continue to see you here!
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited August 2017
    Sunday Share ... this is the "old" niki user posting cause @Nikion901 is still having computer issues ... The new hard drive got installed on the computer and I've spent the last 3 days installing applications, correcting settings, and restoring the most needed data. Some apps work, others don't. One that doesn't is my time machine backup ... that got messed up during the frequent crashes and reinstalls before the hard drive finally bit the bullet.

    Oh, I've been getting on here as Nikion901 occasionally, from the borrowed iPhone that has no phone service but acts as a mini tablet to access specific apps. I was able to get MFP working on it and have slowly learned how to use that tiny touch keypad and even figured out how to copy and paste. Boy, was I glad when I got the nice big screened computer back up and connected to the internet so I could use my desktop to get into this app for the ease of vision and typing ... only problem is the network MFP version doesn't want to let me sign in.

    I know that the userid and password I used on the smartphone are the same as what I've been using all along so I don't know what this issue is. I logged on this afternoon as my old user so I could access the help menu ... it works poorly on the smartphone. Cannot find an answer beyond making certain that the user name and password are identical. I'm starting to think that I may have to log out of MFP on the phone ... if I can figure out how to do that. And then try logging in on the desktop and if that still doesn't work then to get a new password.

    In the meantime, I've come to love the convenience of taking that smartphone into the kitchen with me and logging the foods and weights as I prepare my meal. It only took a week of doing that for it to become 'they way to go' with recording my food. With the desktop, I had to either remember or write it down, then come into the office, log on, and enter the data on the desktop. The smartphone is much easier to use. However, I don't like posting on the community pages with the smartphone .... matter of fact, I don't like posting messages with it either.

    Yeah --- I know --- this message is turning into a blog, and not one about food or weight loss at that ... :)

    Still ... i wanted to share this news as it may be that i will stop using the community pages altogether if I cannot resolve my dilemma ... and I wanted the regular posters to know why I disappeared.

    Hopefully I'll get it figured out before the weight reporting for our "Summer Heat Challenge" on Wednesday.
    So Long ... and I hope just for now!
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member

    Name: Barb
    Age: 69
    Height: 5” 3”

    Start Weight (July 5): 215.6
    Goal Weight (September 15): 199.6

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 212.6
    2. July 19: 211.2
    3. July 26: 211
    4. August 2: 208.8
    5. August 9: 210
    6. August 16: 211
    7. August 23: 209.4
    8. August 30: 206.8
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: -2.6
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -8.8
    Weight loss so far: 51.8 since Jan 17th

    Haven't been good with my water or exercise this week, but at least I'm back on track with my weight loss! :) I see the thread has been quiet these past few days, I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and will rejoin us soon!
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member

    Name: Robin
    Age: 51
    Height: 5'3”

    Start Weight (July 5): 250.8
    Goal Weight (September 16): 239.9

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: --- 249.6 -- steps 1/7; -- active 1/7
    2. July 19: --- 250.8 -- steps 5/7; -- active 4/7
    3. July 26**: --- ?? --- steps 5/7; -- active 4/7
    4. August 2**: - ?? --- steps 3/7; -- active 3/7
    5. August 9: - 253.4 -- steps 3/7; -- active 3/7
    6. August 16: 252.4 -- steps 6/7; -- active 6/7
    7. August 23: 250.4 -- steps 6/7; -- active 6/7
    8. August 30: 247.8 -- steps 3/7; -- active 3/7
    9. September 6: -- steps x/7; -- active x/7
    10. September 13: -- steps x/7; -- active x/7
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16: -- steps x/7; -- active x/7

    Weight -/+ this week: -2.6
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -3.0
    Weight loss so far: -38.0
    ** vacation weeks

    Additional Weight loss / Fitness goals would like to achieve this summer:
    1. Meet step goal 6/7 days
    2. Meet activity goal 6/7 days

    Amazing what I can accomplish when I behave on the weekends! I will be hard pressed to meet my goal this challenge. I haven't met a challenge yet but as long as I keep coming close then I am still moving in the right direction, right? I am about a third of the way to what I think will be my goal weight. So there is always that! :)

    @Nikion901 @NK1112 - I hope your computer woes are soon over!

    "Hi" to @lturnbull5 @nsowah @MrsKeith94 @boredloser and @Rakel17 Welcome to the thread.

    Until next time; wishing everyone Peace B) , Love <3 and Weight Loss :smiley: !!

  • jam5660
    jam5660 Posts: 126 Member
    Summer Heat Challenge

    Name: Jennie
    Age: 30
    Height: 5' 4.5

    Start Weight (July 5): 213.2
    Goal Weight (September 15): 204

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 212.6
    2. July 19: 211.6
    3. July 26: 209.6
    4. August 2: 209.6
    5. August 9: 211.4
    6. August 16: 213.2
    7. August 23: 209.8
    8. August 30: 211.4
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: +1.6??
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -1.8
    Weight loss so far: 43.6

    Additional Weight loss / Fitness goals would like to achieve this summer:
    1. Drink 64oz water 7/7: 5/7
    2. 10,000 steps 6/7:  5?/7
    3. Under cal goal 7/7: 4/7 

    So I messed up and didn't remember it's wednesday, and I ate breakfast and drank a large glass of water before I weighed in. So these numbers aren't right, but I had to put something. If you don't use them in the total, that's ok with me.
  • lydiapassthedonuts
    lydiapassthedonuts Posts: 71 Member
    Summer Challenge

    Name: Lydia
    Age: 45
    Height: 5'8"

    Start Weight (July 1): 254
    Goal Weight (September 15): 244

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 253.4
    2. July 19: 251.8
    3. July 26: 249.4
    4. August 2: 248.8
    5. August 9: 246
    6. August 16: 245.8
    7. August 23: 245.2
    8. August 30: 240.8
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: -4.4 lbs
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -13.2 lbs
    Weight loss so far: -19.2 lbs

    Well, I don't know where that loss came from but I'll take it!
    I'm wondering if my body just needed a rest from all my activity before I injured my back, which is still not feeling all that great. I have not been able to take care of it yet. Waiting on this hurricane/flooding crap to slow down so I can actually get to the doctor. As of now, I cannot leave my neighborhood.

    I think I did a bit better with staying hydrated this past week. I'm still not doing enough though.
    My activity was nothing except when I had to work last Saturday.

    I went over my daily calories only 1 day. Being shut in the house I am horribly tempted to just give in and eat all crap. I had a few weak moments but my brain slapped the food out of my mouth before it did too much damage. :smiley:

  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited August 2017
    Name : Niki
    Age: 72
    Height: 62.5 inches

    Start Weight (July 5):236
    Goal Weight (September 15):231

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 236.0
    2. July 19: 239.0
    3. July 26: 239.8
    4. August 2: 239.5
    5. August 9: 239.0
    6. August 16: 240
    7. August 23: 240.2
    8. August 30: 237.5
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: -2.7
    Weight -/+ challenge total: +1.5
    Weight loss so far: -40.5

    This is NK1112 posting for @Nikion901

    Have had a flare-up of arthritic spinal stenosis flare up after doing a lot of stooped-over hand weeding last week and hobbling about with a walker again this week. Felt a little better this morning ... was able to stretch well before getting up and was able to get around the house hanging on to the walls and furniture instead of the walker. Grass needs to be cut again soon, and there is a lot of housework waiting for me now.

    Thanks @RobinB0812 , I'm working on it ... slowly!

    Ticker shows I still have a long way to go ... but I will never give up striving as it's the only way I know to keep my health markers stable and improving.

  • lksmeeton
    lksmeeton Posts: 45 Member
    Name: LaDana
    Age: 42
    Height: 5'2"

    Start Weight (July 1): 273
    Goal Weight (September 15): 260

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: ?
    2. July 19: vacation
    3. July 26: 273
    4. August 2: 275
    5. August 9: 273
    6. August 16: 277
    7. August 23: 273
    8. August 30: 271
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: -2
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -2
    Weight loss so far: 32
  • Chanchka
    Chanchka Posts: 359 Member
    Hi everyone. Just discovered this thread and was wondering if you'll be starting another round of weigh-ins after the Summer Heat Challenge ends.
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member
    @jam5660 LOL you can always weigh in tomorrow morning instead ;) mistakes happen! Sometimes i just totally forget to weigh myself before leaving the house. Its life! B)
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    Summer Heat!! Challenge (90 days)...

    Name: Barney
    Age: 57
    Height: 5' 3"

    Start Weight (July 5): 252.0
    Goal Weight (September 15): 225.0

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 248.4
    2. July 19: 245.2 (on vacation July 13-20, so weighed in July 21st).
    3. July 26: 242.4
    4. August 2: 241.4
    5. August 9: 239.4
    6. August 16: 237.0
    7. August 23: 233.8
    8. August 30: 232.0
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: - 1.8
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -20.0
    Weight loss so far (since 1/1/2017): 85.0

    Additional Weight loss / Fitness goals I would like to achieve this summer:
    1. add walking indoors 3x/week--once--just too hot outside or raining (that's my excuses).
    2. resistance exercise: none this week--just too busy at work to get to the gym.
    3. monitor weight loss & daily calories and adjust--still at 2200 cals/day.
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member

    Name: Ana
    Age: 42
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (July 5): 166.3
    Goal Weight (September 15): 150

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 162.6
    2. July 19: 165.0
    3. July 26: 165.0
    4. August 2: 163.8
    5. August 9: 160.0 (happy birthday to me!)
    6. August 16: 162.0
    7. August 23: 160.1
    8. August 30: 158.9
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: - 1.2
    Weight -/+ challenge total: - 7.4
    Weight loss so far: - 70.7

    Additional Weight loss / Fitness goals to achieve:
    1. Drink 8+ glasses of water - sort of ....
    2. Remain at the calorie level 5+days a week and keep carbohydrates max 20% - sort of ....
    3. Workout 4+ times a week and 10K step daily - I have been walking my 10K most of the days and yesterday did spinning for 30 minutes … so getting on the exercise path again :)
  • cedar2526
    cedar2526 Posts: 44 Member
    Name: Jackie
    Age: 56
    Height: 5'6"

    Start Weight (July 5): 260
    Goal Weight (September 15): 244

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 258
    2. July 19: 256.5
    3. July 26:254
    4. August 2: 254
    5. August 9: 252.5
    6. August 16: 252
    7. August 23: 251.5
    8. August 30:
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight loss so far -13.5