Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    edited August 2017
    joan6630 wrote: »

    I now exercise at least 90 minutes, 5-6 times a week, but I was still trying to eat between 1200-1300 calories a day. I am 5'11'', so for my height and build, plus the exercise, I don't think I am giving myself enough.

    Wow, if I were you, I'd be starving all day! I'm only 5'4", have a sedentary job and walk the dog 5x per week (ave. 16 miles weekly total). My daily calorie goal per MFP is 1200, before any exercise calories. That's for a 1# weekly goal. And if I keep on plan :wink: I lose weight. You should definitely up your calorie limit, especially with all the exercise.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 60 minutes of walking :)
    2. under 100G carbs :)
    3. under 1200 cals :)
    4. 8+ freggies :)
    5. 10+ C water :)

    1. 120 minutes of tomato harvesting (walking + squats + lifting)
    2. process all of the ripe tomatoes
    3. under 100G carbs
    4. under 1200 cals
    5. 8+ freggies
    6. 10+ C water
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »

    I now exercise at least 90 minutes, 5-6 times a week, but I was still trying to eat between 1200-1300 calories a day. I am 5'11'', so for my height and build, plus the exercise, I don't think I am giving myself enough.

    Wow, if I were you, I'd be starving all day! I'm only 5'4", have a sedentary job and walk the dog 5x per week (ave. 16 miles weekly total). My daily calorie goal per MFP is 1200, before any exercise calories. That's for a 1# weekly goal. And if I keep on plan :wink: I lose weight. You should definitely up your calorie limit, especially with all the exercise.

    I do fine at that level of calories/exercise and am about the same height as Joan, BUT I have 5 different metabolic diseases and hence an extraordinarily slow metabolism. For a healthy person, that is just not enough, especially if you diet is low in protein.

    If I am getting two hours a day of exercise (one hour intense exercise, one hour walking) I can go up to 1400 calories, but my carbs still need to be under 75G/day to lose.

    Nothing wrong with playing around with your diet a bit to see if you can see patterns in what works for you.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »

    I now exercise at least 90 minutes, 5-6 times a week, but I was still trying to eat between 1200-1300 calories a day. I am 5'11'', so for my height and build, plus the exercise, I don't think I am giving myself enough.

    Wow, if I were you, I'd be starving all day! I'm only 5'4", have a sedentary job and walk the dog 5x per week (ave. 16 miles weekly total). My daily calorie goal per MFP is 1200, before any exercise calories. That's for a 1# weekly goal. And if I keep on plan :wink: I lose weight. You should definitely up your calorie limit, especially with all the exercise.

    I do fine at that level of calories/exercise and am about the same height as Joan, BUT I have 5 different metabolic diseases and hence an extraordinarily slow metabolism. For a healthy person, that is just not enough, especially if you diet is low in protein.

    If I am getting two hours a day of exercise (one hour intense exercise, one hour walking) I can go up to 1400 calories, but my carbs still need to be under 75G/day to lose.

    Nothing wrong with playing around with your diet a bit to see if you can see patterns in what works for you.

    Excellent points and, truthfully, things I did not consider. The things I learn on this thread! Definitely a good idea to experiment with different eating styles / macros / calories, since life is not one-size-fits-all. :smile: (Can anyone tell, I hate the word diet?)
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited August 2017
    joan6630 wrote: »

    I now exercise at least 90 minutes, 5-6 times a week, but I was still trying to eat between 1200-1300 calories a day. I am 5'11'', so for my height and build, plus the exercise, I don't think I am giving myself enough.

    Wow, if I were you, I'd be starving all day! I'm only 5'4", have a sedentary job and walk the dog 5x per week (ave. 16 miles weekly total). My daily calorie goal per MFP is 1200, before any exercise calories. That's for a 1# weekly goal. And if I keep on plan :wink: I lose weight. You should definitely up your calorie limit, especially with all the exercise.

    I do fine at that level of calories/exercise and am about the same height as Joan, BUT I have 5 different metabolic diseases and hence an extraordinarily slow metabolism. For a healthy person, that is just not enough, especially if you diet is low in protein.

    If I am getting two hours a day of exercise (one hour intense exercise, one hour walking) I can go up to 1400 calories, but my carbs still need to be under 75G/day to lose.

    Nothing wrong with playing around with your diet a bit to see if you can see patterns in what works for you.

    I appreciate so much the input from you guys! I think sometimes, a person can actually "try" and eat too little, and it just backfires! I think if I actually stuck to my calories that I want (like 1300-1400), I should lose weight. But by trying to eat less, I am so hungry -- and that leads to WAY overeating! So I am going to really try and get in more veggies and proteins - and at the same time, watch the carbs.

    BTW -- I did update my profile picture, just so you can put a picture to me. But .... it won't last long ..... ! Another quilt picture will soon be my profile!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »

    I now exercise at least 90 minutes, 5-6 times a week, but I was still trying to eat between 1200-1300 calories a day. I am 5'11'', so for my height and build, plus the exercise, I don't think I am giving myself enough.

    Wow, if I were you, I'd be starving all day! I'm only 5'4", have a sedentary job and walk the dog 5x per week (ave. 16 miles weekly total). My daily calorie goal per MFP is 1200, before any exercise calories. That's for a 1# weekly goal. And if I keep on plan :wink: I lose weight. You should definitely up your calorie limit, especially with all the exercise.

    I'm inspired by this discussion. When I was "cleanse dieting," I was right around 1000 calories then it moved me to 1200 calories. I usually do fine with that but once school started back, I've needed more calories bc I'm not sleeping as much. When I can just focus on caloric in-take and exercise, I tend to do alright. However once things get more complicated, I tend to consume more calories. IDK exactly how it all works but I typically pay attention to my body as I am hypoglycemic and can tell when I'm depleted of something. That is also why I struggle with carbs and sugar :# Currently I'm sticking with ~ 1500 calories and I'll see if that works. I don't want anything to low (~1200) or to high (~2000) bc I don't want the urge to binge or gain respectively.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @joan6630 You are so pretty!!! I had pictured your hair shorter and darker! Love your picture.

    You know, something I've always heard also is that if you eat the same things a lot, your body doesn't burn it off as quickly because it gets comfortable with the cals/carbs, etc. If you switch your menu up, it kind of jump starts your metabolism again. Just a thought...

    @slittlemeister Yea!! I'm proud of you! Both for not eating the cake and for leaving so close to 5:00! You actually did better than I did at leaving work on time. I left 95 minutes later than I had wanted to. :wink:
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    JFT 8/31/17

    1. Log all food :)
    2. Keep in green :/Those darned spinach wraps did me in!
    3. Quiet time :|Read but had a much-needed convo with mom so didn't meditate
    4. Yoga :/
    5. D1W1 C25K :/
    6. MAKE DOC APPOINTMENTS :|Made the most important one...but not the others. Oh well, there's always tomorrow
    7. Make work phone call!!! :/Will also do tomorrow
    8. Yummy dinner :)Leftovers made into wraps and made some turkey bacon to throw in them
    9. Talk with DH :)Had a very good talk
    10. Bed by 11 :)Not even 10 yet

    So in the conversation with my Mom, she asked what month DH lost his daughter and of course, it was August about 16 years ago(a teenage pregnancy). We hadn't even thought about it. But as soon as she asked it, it all clicked into place. He's been in a terrible funk all month, really on edge and angry all the time and now it totally makes sense. We talked about it when he got home from work and he was kind of dumbfounded that he hadn't thought about it. And we had a great evening! I mean great! We hung out. We laughed. We joked. We played. It was just a great night. Something we hadn't had in a few weeks. I'm so glad we figured it out(for the most part), and now that he knows it'll be easier for him to deal with.

    The rest of the day was kind of a bust. I ended up going to talk to Mom this morning and didn't do much of my quiet time(I also went back to sleep for a half an hour lol). Got back in time to hop in the shower and run out the door. Tomorrow I think my goals will be simple and if I accomplish more, then so be it.

    @joan6630 You look beautiful! It's so good to see your face! Thank you for showing us! And you look GREAT for your age! I would never have guessed you were in your 60's!

    JFT 9/1/17

    1. Log all food
    2. Attempt to stay in green
    3. Have a quiet morning with DH
    4. Make work phone call
    5. Dinner with parents
    6. Pick up groceries
    7. Bed by 10:30

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Today was not the best day for me. Yesterday I did SO well - tons of veggies!

    I went to the gym this morning, and got in my 90 minutes of exercise. So ..... hubby wants a Fish sandwich from McDonalds, and wants to split fries for lunch. In a weak moment - I had that fish sandwich and ate about 1/3 of the french fries. I felt so stuffed all day though, as usually my lunch is just yogurt and/or cottage cheese.
    We had errands to do, so we stopped at a favorite place for dinner. I was good ..... I did have a small margarita, but I ordered a delicious salad. Granted, it was topped with bacon, feta cheese, and chicken, but, of all the things I could have ordered, I felt I did OK. Hubby on the other hand ordered a TRIPLE cheeseburger and french fries.

    Then we get the call everyone fears -- his older brother had passed away from a massive heart attack. His brother was 10 years older than my husband - he was 76. He had heart bypass surgery almost 20 years ago, so heart disease runs in my husbands family. Needless to say, we did not enjoy our dinner out. But my husband says this was also a wake up call. He is so reluctant to give up hamburger and french fries, no matter what I cook. But ... we only get one life.

    I want to do everything I can to stay as young as I can .... for as long as I can. I want to feel healthy, not only look healthy. My brother-in-law, for the past 20 years, always ate so healthy. Always fish, tons of veggies. He always walked 3 miles a day, even when he was 73 years old. The past year had been hard for him, as he had sciatic nerve problems.

    We cannot stop time. We cannot keep ourselves from getting older. But boy ..... I plan on doing everything I can to keep myself as healthy as I can. And hug my husband, and my children, as often as I can.

    As @OConnell5483 also experienced this week -- we have no guarantees that we will be here tomorrow. SO make the best of today.

    I have to say, I love all of you guys. You make my day. Online friends can be as true as in person friends. You make this journey easier. I hope I can do the same for you --- that we can all stay as young as we can, for as long as we can, and be as healthy as we can be. That we can ALL reach our goals, and experience the life that we were meant to have.

    And that Bex can have that healthy little baby -- a new life --- and we'll be there to help her also! :)<3
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited September 2017
    @joan6630 I had pictured your hair shorter and darker! Love your picture.

    Ha -- we'll, my natural hair color is very dark (thank goodness for highlighting and coloring!). But I have had very long hair my entire life. I am one that refuses to cut my hair really short just because I am old (Anyways, I never looked good in short hair). But thank you @HGSmith0920
    and @OConnell5483.... you are so kind
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    JFT: August 31
    Practice for organ lesson today. Yes
    Mail birthday cards and thank you note.-no--tomorrow morning
    Shop for birthday gift for three-year old nephew--yes
    Strength exercises for at least 15 minutes--yes
    Buy veggies and fruits at the market.-yes
    Hair appointment---yes
    Buy new drill bits --yes
    So---all but one goal completed.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    @wanderinglight That was a beautiful thing your husband did! I'm so glad he is ok and am so touched by your story. May God bless you both richly. Thanks so much for sharing!

    Thank you! It was a great day :)
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Thanks for the kind words, everyone. My husband made it back from Houston safely. We both wish we could be there on the front lines helping, but donating to local charities feels good as well. I think sometime we get so paralyzed by wanting to do the BEST thing -- or wanting to find the charity that does the MOST good -- that we end up doing nothing at all.

    1. Weigh and log everything. done
    2. Exercise 20 minutes done
    3. Do 45 minutes of housecleaning done

    Didn't write goals for today so tomorrow's will be:
    1. Weigh and log everything.
    2. In bed by 10pm.
    3. Meditate at some point.
    4. Take the dog on a slow walk.
    5. Find some good walking shoes for Italy that I can fit my ankle brace into! Would love suggestions if y'all have any. I can wear pretty much any athletic shoe but I'd love to find something that doesn't scream "tourist sneakers."
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    @joan6630 So sorry about your BIL. My thoughts and prayers for you and your family. God bless.
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Day 8 (Aug 31th) Goals:

    - lose the rest of my bloating from 2 days ago❎
    - stay under cals❎
    - stay under 90 carbs❎
    - enjoy the day!✅
    - try to remain kind and positive at work dispite current atmosphere❎✅

    I'm feeling quite proud of myself overall...
    My Birthday dinner with my family was really lovely. I ate 1 portion (normally I would have ate 2) and didn't finish it. (But still took too much... I was STUFFED). With dinner I drank a dry white wine.

    I'm pretty certain it was the First time in my life I didn't have desert or a sweet drink for my Birthday (I usually completely pig out for my special day). I went for a late night walk with my man afterward to aid digestion and feel less guilty.

    I'm a little disappointed that I didn't make my goals... but am proud of my progress overall. My wonderful mom weighed and measured all ingredients of her homemade recipe so that I could have an accurate reading for calories. I'm so thankful to have her support. But since I didn't know until late in the day... The calorie damage was already done. ex. I underestimated my calories for the evening so I ate a healthy wrap instead of a salad at lunch meaning I was quite a bit over my calories tonight... HOWEVER I ate it in 2 portions: One at noon and the other at 2:30pm. So at least I'm making progress on my portion control!!!

    Tomorrow is the first day of the month. A great day to start fresh! Back in the wagon and back into my calorie goals:

    Day 9 (Sept 1st) Goals:

    - Veggies Veggies Veggies! (Avoid Starches where possible)
    - 8 cups of water
    - Small portions
    - Keep under calorie goal
    - Keep under 90 Carbs
    - Get packed and ready for the long weekend trip!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited September 2017
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    8/31 Thursday JFT:

    ❌4:30am wake up....COFFEE
    ❌5 am Research Lab Safety Training (#2)
    ✔6:15 am Prep school lunches, etc
    ✔7 am take kiddos to school
    ✔8 am Attend Classes
    ✔Meet w/ professor
    ✔@ university but 5 pm
    ✔Son's football game
    ✔Dinner by 8 pm (maybe pick something up)
    ❌Maybe 30 min. On elliptical after dinner
    ✔P. Chem HW!!
    ✔✔✔Additional Research Lab Safety Training (#3,4,5)(complete remaining for a total of 5)
    Bedtime whenever I manage to make it there :D

    Well, I woke up in the middle of the night with really bad allergy issues, so I took a benadryl. Lol!! I did not wake up until 5:45 am :D so my morning started out behind. (I live around farms and the farmers are in their Millow rotation and I am highly allergic to it.) By the time I made it home, I was exhausted and we all ate leftovers. (Yeah for no take-out!!) I didn't make it onto the elliptical today but I did accomplish a lot of research safety training. I'm even managing getting to bed before midnight :D

    Everyone keep up the good work! I wish I could respond to several of you but I just haven't caught completely up yet. I'll try to catch up over the weekend between homework. I'm also slightly behind with homework so I'll see how productive this weekend can be :D
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member

    I'm feeling quite proud of myself overall...
    My Birthday dinner with my family was really lovely. I ate 1 portion (normally I would have ate 2) and didn't finish it. (But still took too much... I was STUFFED). With dinner I drank a dry white wine.

    I'm pretty certain it was the First time in my life I didn't have desert or a sweet drink for my Birthday (I usually completely pig out for my special day). I went for a late night walk with my man afterward to aid digestion and feel less guilty.

    I'm a little disappointed that I didn't make my goals... but am proud of my progress overall. My wonderful mom weighed and measured all ingredients of her homemade recipe so that I could have an accurate reading for calories. I'm so thankful to have her support. But since I didn't know until late in the day... The calorie damage was already done. ex. I underestimated my calories for the evening so I ate a healthy wrap instead of a salad at lunch meaning I was quite a bit over my calories tonight... HOWEVER I ate it in 2 portions: One at noon and the other at 2:30pm. So at least I'm making progress on my portion control!!!

    You should not be disappointed --- you did great!!!!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited September 2017
    Thursday -- ( I kept thinking today was friday! Thats how my week has been)
    1. log all food :)
    2. concentrate on water :)
    3. aim for 10 cups of veggies and fruits thoughout the day :/ Didn't do quite as good today -- but did get a salad when we ate out
    4. concentrate on more protein (thanks @azulvioleta6 ) :/
    5. work in the yard :/
    6. fish fry tomorrow - but only eat one piece. Order green beans with our fish - eat more of those, and less french fries! :/ Fish fry is on friday - today was thrusday
    7. Rewash patio windows! :)

    JFT, Friday
    1. log all food
    2. count my many blessings. Tell my husband every chance I get how much I love him. Life is short - we never know what tomorrow will bring
    3. lay out clothes for trip to BIL's funeral
    4. try and work in the yard a little
    5. laundry
    6. go to the gym.
    7. Lay out clothes for saturday morning
    8. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable, no matter what.
    9. aim for 10 veggies and fruits
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    10 CUPS of veggies is an awful lot! I am just counting servings...and sometimes those are not even as large as USDA servings.

    Joan, you look exactly like I pictured...which makes me wonder if I have seen a picture of you at some point. :)

    Sorry about your BIL...it is always disconcerting when we lose someone who is more-or-less our age. Would your husband be happy with a really good homemade turkey burger and baked fries? There are also air fryers which somehow do not use oil. I've never used one and don't know much about them, but they might be worth checking out.