Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • KayTay612
    KayTay612 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm looking forward to the next challenge and getting more involved! I think a 9 week challenge would be great :)
  • cedar2526
    cedar2526 Posts: 44 Member
    Name: Jackie
    Age: 56
    Height: 5'6"

    Start Weight (July 5): 260
    Goal Weight (September 15): 244

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 258
    2. July 19: 256.5
    3. July 26:254
    4. August 2: 254
    5. August 9: 252.5
    6. August 16: 252
    7. August 23: 251.5
    8. August 30: -
    9. September 6: 251
    10. September 13: 250
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight loss so far -15
  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member
    I am always worried about guilt and attitude (for myself) so my vote is 9 week challenge ending before Thanksgiving (even though we dont have that here: ) because the holidays in General will be challenging.... Perhaps a good 9 week run that will move us strongly forward (hopefully) and then some sort of challenge to get us through the holidays maybe by maintaining or making a smaller goal?
  • I'm late posting! Sorry!

    Summer Challenge

    Name: Lydia
    Age: 45
    Height: 5'8"

    Start Weight (July 1): 254
    Goal Weight (September 15): 244

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 253.4
    2. July 19: 251.8
    3. July 26: 249.4
    4. August 2: 248.8
    5. August 9: 246
    6. August 16: 245.8
    7. August 23: 245.2
    8. August 30: 240.8
    9. September 6: 240.6
    10. September 13: 240.2
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: -0.4 lbs
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -13.8 lbs
    Weight loss so far: -19.8 lbs

    I went to the doctor about my back last week. I am feeling a bit better since then. I haven't had a day off of work to get any rest or any activity. But, I'm still making a bit of progress.

    My goals for this week is to get back to the gym and DRINK WATER!
  • I'll join the next challenge no matter what is decided. I'm up for anything!

    Welcome to all the new people. Hope to see you all in the next challenge.
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Summer Heat Challenge

    Name: Birgit
    Age: 62
    Height: 6'0"

    Start Weight (July 5): 185.8
    Goal Weight (September 15): Stay within 182-185lbs, MAINTENANCE

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: Can't weigh - camping/hiking in the woods
    2. July 19: 183.2
    3. July 26: 181.4 Probably means I didn't drink enough water yesterday
    4. August 2: 182.8
    5. August 9: 184.0
    6. August 16: Can't weigh - camping/hiking in the woods
    7. August 23: 183.6
    8. August 30: 179.6
    9. September 6: 180.8
    10. September 13: 183.8
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: +3.0
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -2.0 (the goal is to MAINTAIN)
    Weight loss so far: 120+ lbs lost since 4/4/16

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @bapcarrier, I like the idea of a 9-week challenge to end before Thanksgiving. That will leave 6 weeks until the last Saturday of 2017 ... and my suggestion for those last weeks would be to focus on something that contributes to either weight loss or weight maintenance because it is so hard to not gain weight during the holiday season. It could be something informal and "on-your-honor" for reporting. I also like your suggestion to pick up a weight-loss challenge again with the new year ... we will need a leader for that so folks can start thinking about it.

    Thursday Truth ... today I had an appointment for blood work and was really worried about going out in public what with having Shingles. I called my doctor and spoke with the PA and was assured that I could go with no concern for spreading the chickenpox virus because the blisters had started to scab over by the day I called. Then I was talking to a friend who suggested I just ask if the technician was pregnant because I was still being a worry-wort over exposing someone. .... Well, I did ask, and the technician said "no, but you shouldn't be here anyway because I have small kids at home". Then I was sorry I brought it up because I gave her a stress that didn't really exist any longer. So today's truthful lesson is that sometimes I over-think things. Including why the scale would not budge yesterday morning but dropped nearly a pound today!
  • jam5660
    jam5660 Posts: 126 Member
    I too like the idea of a 9 week challenge ending before thankgiving and break until new years.
    And thank you @bapcarrier for being willing to track this next challenge.
  • jam5660
    jam5660 Posts: 126 Member
    Truth thursday: I can't stand to see food go to waste, so I have a very hard time not finishing the food my kids decided they are no longer hungry for. I have no problems saving it for them for later if at all possible, but anyone with kids knows a left over pb&j kept on the fridge will not be consumed by them the next day!! And if I do eat it I almost never remember to log it!!
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member
    @jam5660 you need a dog in the house. I never have food leftovers. Nor does my sister if i visit during a mealtime. My two dogs graciously accept all leftovers. And much better for them...then me.

    But i know how you feel because sometimes...i do gravitate to my nephews leftovers when dinner was exceptionally yum! Its just hard to resist sometimes.

    If you just must eat it...have some sort of quick meal calorie add button on your meal logging...that logs like 100 or 200 calories etc. Then you dont have to remember everything you grazed on.
  • jam5660
    jam5660 Posts: 126 Member
    @cellosmiles I do have a dog, but he is a beloved outside dog. ( he has a very deluxe cusome built, heated dog house, just so I dont have to deal with the hair and smells) and other than random meat scraps and bones he doesn't get many scraps because I worked in an animal shelter for 2 years and was "brain washed" into not feeding dogs table scraps and I am so scared of feeding them something that might be poison to them like chocolate. But that is a great idea about the "100 calorie quick meal" I did that for "tastes" when I'm cooking but only at 25 cal. I am also working on kid portion sizes as well, learning that once they get to about 2, they can tell if they want more and are willing to wait for seconds, " the other half of their serving".
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Summer Heat Challenge:

    Name: TRACY
    Age: 57
    Height: 5-2 1/2"
    Start Challenge weight: (7/5) 188
    Goal for this Challenge: 175

    Weigh in Week of: (Weeks are listed by

    July 12: 186.3
    July 19: 182.3
    July 26: 186.6
    Aug 2: 186
    Aug 9: 185.5
    Aug 16: Hospital
    Aug 23: Hospital recovery
    Aug 30: 178
    Sept 6: 175.5
    Sept 13:176.2
    Final weigh Sat., Sept 16th:

    Weight +/- this week: +.7
    Weight loss since 07/12: -10.1
    Total for challenge: -11.8

    Additional Weight loss / Fitness goals would

    like to achieve this summer:
    1. Minutes exercised/day: 60 (d/wk) FAIL 7/7
    2. No late-nite snacking not prev. Allowed

    (d/wk) PASS 5/7
    3. Sodium below 2000mg (d/wk) Meh, 4/7

  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member

    Name: Ana
    Age: 42
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (July 5): 166.3
    Goal Weight (September 15): 150

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 162.6
    2. July 19: 165.0
    3. July 26: 165.0
    4. August 2: 163.8
    5. August 9: 160.0 (happy birthday to me!)
    6. August 16: 162.0
    7. August 23: 160.1
    8. August 30: 158.9
    9. September 6: 159.1
    10. September 13: 157.2
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: - 1.3
    Weight -/+ challenge total: - 9.1
    Weight loss so far: - 72.4

    Additional Weight loss / Fitness goals to achieve:
    1. Drink 8+ glasses of water - sort of ....
    2. Remain at the calorie level 5+days a week and keep carbohydrates max 20% - sort of ....
    3. Workout 4+ times a week and 10K step daily - sort of ....
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    It's too early! My math is terrible and I am sleepy ;)

    It's -1.9; not -1.3 ....

    Looking forward to our final results this Saturday!!!
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member
    Friday fitness
    I have really made an effort this week to bring back dog walks. Now that the weather is cooler.
    Me and the dogs are both loving it!

    And tonight is our annual Mennonite relief sale. And i am a volunteer at collecting money from the booths. So lots of walking planned all evening!
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi everyone,
    No Friday Fitness to report, except normal walking/moving around at home and work. Tomorrow, I will try to take my dog for a walk. I say try because he's a big boy and since I've lost so much strength and stamina, I don't know if I can take him pulling at me whenever we pass other dogs. He's normally fairly well behaved but not so much when other dogs challenge him. But I have to start somewhere and poor Colonel is getting flabby too, so we both need it.
    I'm in for the 9 week challenge ending just before Thanksgiving.
    May I suggest a challenge for over the holidays? I know everyone is busy, and I'm not talking about a weight loss challenge but more of an accountability challenge. It would help me, and I'm sure others, if we make a challenge to ourselves to log at least once per day, and check in on this thread as often as possible. This wouldn't be something anyone could keep track of like with the other challenges, but maybe individually, we could post our results for the week (i.e.: Tracy, logged 6 of 7 days, check in 5 of 7) or something like that. It will help us keep in touch, and might curb our excesses a bit. I know if someone is expecting to hear from me, I'm more likely to show up. And God knows I need every bit of help I can get to curb the excess, especially at work. My Lord, this place is the most fattening place I have EVER worked, a party somewhere every week it seems. Lots of food around. And sedentary as well......
    NSV: I can no longer wear my size 18 pants, unless I'm willing to walk around tugging up the waistband all day. I am trying to clear my closet (small, need room) so I have removed any pants above size 16. Also, I purchased 2 skirts online last year size 18, but when I got them they were way, way too small. Well, I tried one of them on the other day and it fits very nicely, so I will be adding it to my wardrobe this fall. Now, if I can just make myself weed out the old favorite blouses and tees, I might have some room in the closet. Oh, and I have a vacuum packed storage bag full of clothes I haven't worn in at least 2 years, so probably all of that will be going to charity.
    @susan2396 - I don't know if you are still around, but I saw your facebook post today. I'm so proud of you, and we miss you on here.
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member
    @GOINSTD12 one of my dogs pulls really hard when i walk too amd i have a tough time hanging on. Otherwise she is just the gentlest thing. So i bought her something called a halty (sorry if its the wrong spelling). But its the most wonderfulest type of dog collar that allows me to walk my dog with so much ease now. Good luck with your walk!
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Summer Heat Challenge (FINAL)

    Name: Birgit
    Age: 62
    Height: 6'0"

    Start Weight (July 5): 185.8
    Goal Weight (September 15): Stay within 182-185lbs, MAINTENANCE

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: Can't weigh - camping/hiking in the woods
    2. July 19: 183.2
    3. July 26: 181.4 Probably means I didn't drink enough water yesterday
    4. August 2: 182.8
    5. August 9: 184.0
    6. August 16: Can't weigh - camping/hiking in the woods
    7. August 23: 183.6
    8. August 30: 179.6
    9. September 6: 180.8
    10. September 13: 183.8
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16: 182.4

    Weight -/+ this week: -1.6
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -3.4 (the goal is to MAINTAIN)
    Weight loss so far: 120+ lbs lost since 4/4/16

    I'm happy - goal met!

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Summer Heat Challenge

    Name : Niki
    Age: 72
    Height: 62.5 inches

    Start Weight (July 5):236
    Goal Weight (September 15):231

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 236.0
    2. July 19: 239.0
    3. July 26: 238.8
    4.. August 2: 239.5
    5. August 9: 239.0
    6. August 16: 240.0
    7. August 23: 240.2
    8. August 30: 237.5
    9. September 6: 237.0
    10. September 13: 236.2
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16: 234.4

    Weight -/+ this week: -1.8
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -1.6

    Yay :) at least I had a 'net loss' for this challenge ... meaning I came in under what I started!
    Looking forward to the next go-round.
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    Summer Heat!! Challenge (90 days)...

    Name: Barney
    Age: 57
    Height: 5' 3"

    Start Weight (July 5): 252.0
    Goal Weight (September 15): 225.0

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 248.4
    2. July 19: 245.2 (on vacation July 13-20, so weighed in July 21st).
    3. July 26: 242.4
    4. August 2: 241.4
    5. August 9: 239.4
    6. August 16: 237.0
    7. August 23: 233.8
    8. August 30: 232.0
    9. September 6: 229.4
    10. September 13: 227.8
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16: 227.8

    Weight -/+ this week: 0
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -24.2
    Weight loss so far (since 1/1/2017): 89.2

    Additional Weight loss / Fitness goals I would like to achieve this summer:
    1. add walking indoors 3x/week--walked once for about an hour outside.
    2. resistance exercise: none this week--just too busy at work to get to the gym.
    3. monitor weight loss & daily calories and adjust--still at "about" 2200 cals/day.
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member
    Summer Heat Challenge:

    Name: cellosmiles
    Age: 37
    Height: 5'3"
    Start Challenge weight: 239.5
    Goal for this Challenge: 228

    Weigh in Week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    July 12: 240
    July 19: 238
    July 26: 235.5
    Aug 2: 234
    Aug 9: 233
    Aug 16: 233.5
    Aug 23: 234
    Aug 30: 231.5
    Sept 6: 231
    Sept 13: 230
    Final weigh in Sept 16th: 230

    Weight -/+ this week: no change
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -9.5
    Weight loss since Jan 1/17 at 250: -20
    Weightloss from highest ever recorded at 257: -27

    Was our annual Mennonite Relief sale last many yummy goodies that only come once a year. so no extra weightloss for me. LOL at least i approximated that i stayed within calories? And i managed to say no to the vereneki, portzelky and rollkuchen booths! Whew!!!
  • anneshields001
    anneshields001 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Saturday Successes

  • anneshields001
    anneshields001 Posts: 1,092 Member
    GOINSTD12. - I like the idea of the holiday accountability challenge. I know that when I track I am much more aware and thoughtful about choices
  • cedar2526
    cedar2526 Posts: 44 Member
    Name: Jackie
    Age: 56
    Height: 5'6"

    Start Weight (July 5): 260
    Goal Weight (September 15): 244

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 258
    2. July 19: 256.5
    3. July 26:254
    4. August 2: 254
    5. August 9: 252.5
    6. August 16: 252
    7. August 23: 251.5
    8. August 30: -
    9. September 6: 251
    10. September 13: 250
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16: 250

    Weight loss so far -15
  • jam5660
    jam5660 Posts: 126 Member
    Summer Heat Challenge

    Name: Jennie
    Age: 30
    Height: 5' 4.5

    Start Weight (July 5): 213.2
    Goal Weight (September 15): 204

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 212.6
    2. July 19: 211.6
    3. July 26: 209.6
    4. August 2: 209.6
    5. August 9: 211.4
    6. August 16: 213.2
    7. August 23: 209.8
    8. August 30: 211.4
    9. September 6: 208.8
    10. September 13: 210.8
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16: 209.8

    Weight -/+ this week: -1
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -.3.4
    Weight loss so far: - 45.2

    Yoyo-ed a lot these last 3 months and didn't make goal but I now have a idea of what maintenance will be like. And in the long run my weight is lower than it was when I started so I am happy!
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member

    Name: Barb
    Age: 69
    Height: 5” 3”

    Start Weight (July 5): 215.6
    Goal Weight (September 15): 199.6

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 212.6
    2. July 19: 211.2
    3. July 26: 211
    4. August 2: 208.8
    5. August 9: 210
    6. August 16: 211
    7. August 23: 209.4
    8. August 30: 206.8
    9. September 6: 208 Sorry everyone...Hurricane Stress Eating!!!
    10. September 13: evacuation-no scales
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16: 209.6 not good but it could have been worse!

    Weight -/+ this week: +1.6
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -7
    Weight loss so far: 48.4 since Jan 17th
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @bapcarrier ... just wondering what guidelines and name of the next challenge will be ... I am assuming you have settled on it running until the Saturday before Thanksgiving, as that was one of your suggestions and several people liked that approach. Also, are you keeping it that Wednesday is our reporting day ... I know not everyone posts on that day ... just wondering ... as I am in for it and want to set up my calendar.