Finessing Fitness (Closed Group)



  • Ok Chelsea I'll send it a little later...

    Can I get Alli's MFP screen name? I kinda got mixed up with the emails and messages...
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    Let's kick some butt today, guys! I'm already hugging down the water, and just ate a good breakfast. How is everybody else doing today?
  • hether22
    hether22 Posts: 63
    Can I get a copy of that work out routine? I usually do swimming, walking, or ellyptical, but would love some new ideas!

    My day is starting out great, eating right and feeling good. I usually do my exercises in the evenings and will definitly get them done.

    As for cravings - I'm bad with them too, my husband LOVES to keep sweets in the house! (he's one of these thin guys that can eat whatever they want! JEALOUS LOL) Anyway, I might snack on something sweet like fruit, or have a diet root beer. Once in a while I will go ahead and splurge, but only if it fits into my calorie intake for the day. Good luck, and if you have any suggestions, would love to hear them.
  • I had Carnations - Instant Breakfast (Rich Milk Chocolate) With 2% its a good amount of carbs and protein... I did 25 jumping jacks so far and a little bit of dancing... today is my off day so I'm moving at a fast pace! 20oz down in the water count! Wbu laides?
  • Hether22 I will get that to you as well!
  • bxTRINI
    bxTRINI Posts: 5 Member
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    32 ounces down, working on another 8 right now. Water normally isn't my problem, its avoiding all the junk food my father keeps around the house.
  • bxTRINI
    bxTRINI Posts: 5 Member
  • 32 ounces down, working on another 8 right now. Water normally isn't my problem, its avoiding all the junk food my father keeps around the house.

    Same here! My parents seem to only buy Junky food lol
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    32 ounces down, working on another 8 right now. Water normally isn't my problem, its avoiding all the junk food my father keeps around the house.

    Same here! My parents seem to only buy Junky food lol

    And then they say things like "man, I really need to work out. My gut is getting bigger." I'm like, uh, you probably could just stop eating so much junk and you would stop gaining weight...
  • 32 ounces down, working on another 8 right now. Water normally isn't my problem, its avoiding all the junk food my father keeps around the house.

    Same here! My parents seem to only buy Junky food lol

    And then they say things like "man, I really need to work out. My gut is getting bigger." I'm like, uh, you probably could just stop eating so much junk and you would stop gaining weight...

    Haha, my mom is the worst about this.
  • Shout out to abzbargs for being the first on the team to get her point for the day.... Where we at ladies? Keep those calories down and get those ounces up!

    Thanks :)
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm Alli...sorry. I sent you an email from my home address so you'd get the picture. ...
  • lol ok thanks I couldn't figure out who it was thanks for the clarification
  • Could you all post on my wall when you've completed the challenge for the day? I may have said something different earlier but this is all new to me and I'm learning as I go...

    On another note, are you all ready for tomorrow?
    Day 2 Exercise Challenge – Walk, Run or Jog 1 Mile (extra)
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    I've drank 8 cups of water and did my jumping jacks.
    My current profile picture is of my current weight.
  • Good job! You get your point for today as well
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I've already got a walking date with my husband for tomorrow. He's trying to get me to lift, so I'll be getting extra weight training in as well! Logging dinner, then off for a walk!

    Plus, for the first time since July 4th, he cooked dinner! Woot!
  • Posted on your wall, but didn't know if you wanted it here or there :p
    Finished my jumping jacks and working out. Under my calories. Drank 96 oz of water so far.

    Way to go everyone who's completed the challenge!
  • Well done everybody... hope you're ready for tomorrows challenge?! Run, walk, or jog a mile.
