Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Lana - congratulations on getting the paperwork done - phew!! Good for you.

    Crawling back under rock at work. bbl
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Friend is in L.A.! Made it there at 6:54am... still has another 1 1/2 hrs for next flight to Dallas... then, another flight to Mo... she is going to be exhausted! I wish I was picking her up...I'm so excited to see her... it's been about 6 years!

    Running thru back to work...
    Have a great day all
  • explodingmango
    explodingmango Posts: 171 Member
    edited September 2017
    Congratulations on getting the paperwork finished, Lana - and good luck from here!

    Thanks for the suggestion, everyone; unfortunately I've already talked to doctors about this and really the only thing I can do is try to learn to analyze the things I feel in comparison to objective data and try to figure out a pattern - my sense of hunger is a little messed up because of the disorder, and I'm naturally really bad at reading my own senses sometimes anyway just because I'm autistic. So I basically have to treat myself like a science experiment - see if I can isolate any sensory cues that differentiate "hoarding" hunger from actual need for nutrients. If I can't find any, I'll just have to accommodate that weirdness by basing my response to the feeling on the objective data permanently - there are worse fates than that.

    ...I'm one of those people with about a dozen diagnoses, and most people would have no idea, but sometimes they have a pretty big impact on me in ways that can't be seen. Luckily I'm pretty good at keeping that impact from being severely negative most of the time.

    It's a scary situation in this case, though, because...usually the goal for recovering from an eating disorder is to learn to eat healthy as a natural habit. I "should" be working toward not needing to think about food so much. My end goal "should" be to not need to count calories or weigh myself so often anymore. It "should" be to worry about mental health first and build habits that let physical health follow. But between my hobbies, my career goals, and especially my other disabilities, that may not be possible - it's a little bit like trying to beat alcoholism without losing one's job as a bartender or a food and drink critic. I'm doing good on it right now; between the upcoming wedding, my races as mini-goals, and just checking in with other people here on MFP, I am VERY motivated and even recovering a million times better from setbacks than usual...but motivation is a fickle beast.

    And, speaking of the impact of my disabilities, the test today went okay, but not as well as I'd hoped - I ran out of time with two questions blank (which would come out to a B, assuming I got ~90%+ on the questions I could answer) - I would certainly have aced it if I'd had more time. Which is fine; I'm eligible for extra test-taking time through disabled student services, but I prefer to try taking the first test, in any class where one low score won't ruin me, with everyone else - I prefer to be able to rely on myself for accommodations, because if someone doesn't want to offer a reasonable accommodation, I get a smug sense of satisfaction from doing better than they want to let me do, and if they're nice enough to actually WANT to help, I don't want to give them trouble; where I can do something on my own, just knowing that they WOULD so willingly help is good enough for me. But...this time, it looks like I'll need to ask for that extra time after all. Oh well, such is life - it's not like my future boss will test me on how fast I can solve systems of linear equations without a calculator.

    Back to fitness updates...I have to confess, I've been bad to myself; I said I needed to stay off the scale and I really should stick to that, but I went and stepped on it again this morning because I do kind of have a complex about it (thanks disorder!), and it was up an entire 2.5 pounds from yesterday AGAIN - tentative conclusion: cake, even in reasonable amounts, makes me retain water like nobody's business. I'll try going the rest of the week without any more and see what happens. Contrary to the scale's projection, though, I put on my loosest "fitting" jeans today and...they're no longer really my loosest fitting pair; they're almost falling off! I'll be wearing 32s before long, at this rate!

    ...well, that was a long, rambly, expository update - fitting for what's been a long (but rather pleasant) day that doesn't show any signs of slowing down. Hope you all are doing well; as for me, I'll be heading into physics class in about 5 minutes.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Good evening,

    Seems I am not going to Las Vegas or meeting the CEO (all happening in Vegas). Not too surprised and not unhappy about it either.

    Looks like it could almost rain today - little bit of a surprise.

    Exploding, sometimes the extra time is important. Hope it helped.

    Climbing into hammock under Lana's Palm Tree.


    That's for Lana - seems I cannot attach images through my computer at work to this website.

    Have a good night.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning,

    Tweeked a muscle in bottom of foot last night. I went one direction and foot didnt completely. Will walk today carefully, much better this morning but just being cautious.

    Food choices are okay. Just plodding along.

    Wave to all who follow.
  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member
    edited September 2017

    You guys have been busy. :smiley:

    Congrats on the nomination Sara.

    Welcome to all the new people.

    It's cloudy but warm today and I'm super excited that I'm I've lost over 6 pounds over the last month.

    I'm learning to mime.

    Happy Thursday.

    Waves to all
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Yesterday was another good day. Made it to the gym last night and walked 2 miles in 32 minutes and then did a few arm weights (on machines). Hip and back are a little sore today but will continue to stretch as needed.

    Checked the scale. Gah! I've lost 2 of the 3.6 lbs I gained last weekend. But that means I'm still up 1.6. Grrr! I'm disappointed since I really have been eating pretty darn well for the last couple of weeks. But I have no choice but to continue on with making good food choices as gaining more weight is not an option.

    I think I'm struggling right now with the idea that my sister has managed to lose about 10 lbs since the middle of July and I have lost almost nothing. It always feels like a competition with her.

    Will check back later.


    Today's weight: 161.6 (why does my body like this particular number lately?)
    All-time high: 177.8
    Goal: 145.0
  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member
    Great loss Annie.

    I get that frustration too. But you're doing great. Slow and steady
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member

    Hello All~~

    Sara - Thank you for the little pink cutie! Sorry about the no meeting the CEO. :/

    Kathryn - Hope all goes well with wedding and that your hair looks great, even though it might be a different style than you had intended!

    Dawn - So glad the girl from Australia is making her way to MO without any trouble. :)

    Samuels - Big congratulations on your 6 pounds in a month loss! That is terrific!

    Annie - hang in there dear. Just focus on you and your DH and the health of you two.

    Mango - I am a daily weigher, and for me it's a good thing because then I have a lot of data points vis-a-vis what I had chosen to eat, which of course I also do daily. *wink*
    Sugar and refined carbs will always cause my body to retain water big time.
    Thank you for writing the term "hoarding hunger". It perfectly explains what I experience often, but I was never aware of this. Putting that label on it is a big help. Thank you!

    Waves to Tess and Saltine and Ali (I miss Ali!-where are you?) and Missy (who is still here in other corners of MFP) and Vanessa......and everyone else.

    Waves to any new peeps and any lurkers in the bushes along the beach......

    See you all at Cabana Boy Happy Hour -



    243.8 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    edited September 2017
    Friend has made it to Mo! Woo hoo! I haven't seen her, yet... just glad she's safe..

    Stress... is killing me... not literally... well, guess it could... so tired of being an adult... it's not as fun as I thought it would be as a child...I want to go back to snacks and nap time...
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Snacks, naps, and recess during the workday!
  • explodingmango
    explodingmango Posts: 171 Member
    edited September 2017
    Sara: Sorry about no trip to Vegas, though I'm glad you're not unhappy. Hope your foot feels better soon!

    Annie: Awesome job so far!! I know it's hard not to think of it as a competition with your sister, but think of it this way - if you can't help it, fine, think of it as a competition; in that case, you may be behind your sister, but you're way ahead of millions of other people who are still on the couch. You've got this!

    Lana: I almost jumped out of my seat for excitement when you said I helped. That is a great start to my day; I'm so glad I was able to give you a useful concept!

    Samuels: Great job on that loss!

    My Thursday update:
    Last night was exciting. Went to a local climbing gym and had my first rock climbing experience of my adult life. Figured it'd be both good practice for my upcoming obstacle course runs and a nice new fitness hobby in its own right...and I was absolutely right. It was a lot of fun, people are super friendly - as in, any time I got nervous and it started to show, total strangers would start cheering me on. I love the atmosphere and I'll definitely be going back every other day or so. Then after that, I had to park half a mile from my apartment (parking in my neighborhood is a nightmare if you don't have a garage) and decided to run home just to save time - I never would have imagined I'd consider that a "quick dash" but here we are.

    I had a hard time getting to sleep though. Ended up awake until 3:30-ish talking to a friend and looking into more obstacle course races (look, if I had my way, I'd be doing one nearly every weekend). Did, in fact, find a fifth that I want to sign up for, so that's exciting.

    Then, this morning, I may have found a running buddy in my stress management class. We had a group discussion in which we we're supposed to talk about stressful experiences and conflicts using examples from our own lives; I used the conflict between my boyfriend's and my dietary needs (to which I have found a major partial solution that amused everyone, I should mention), and that between my fitness needs and my study needs as my examples...and from there we started talking about workout plans and running, and ended up tentatively agreeing to do a blacklight run together in December.

    Speaking of running together, boyfriend and I have now half-seriously talked about trying to do a 5K together one day. It was his idea, which really amazed me. That would be a HUGE deal for him; with his chronic illness it's entirely possible that he'll never be able to go that distance at more than a slow, leisurely stroll with lots of breaks on his own. But if we do it together, and I carry him when he gets too would be an amazing experience for both of us. I hope we can find a race that will count him as a finisher in spite of his probable reliance on me, build up both of our strength enough to do it (he's still recovering from a near-fatal flare he had shortly before we met, and I want to plan for just in case it ends up being a Bad Day for him and I need to carry him 90% of the way), all that important stuff, and actually go through with it. We'll probably never be able to do one of my obstacle courses together (even if we build up his strength, what he and I would want out of the experience just wouldn't make us a good team - notably, he hates getting dirty, while I've passed on events because I wouldn't get dirty enough), but this is way more than I expected to ever be even plausible and just the fact that he's expressed wanting to do this makes me ridiculously happy.

    So, in short, things are going extremely well on the fitness front today. Gonna ride this momentum as far as it will take me!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member


    What is a blacklight run?

  • explodingmango
    explodingmango Posts: 171 Member
    Lana- all the info is right here:

    My classmate bringing it up was the first time I'd ever heard of it too, and the moment I saw the website I just thought "...yeah, yeah that's gonna be fun, I gotta do it.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Good evening,

    Large cockroach in kitchen - took a quick water ride - sprayed and all windows and fans are no on. At least it is pleasant outside. New neighbor upstairs usually brings them in. Doing all I can and will just have to keep a look out. I would consider having them come in and spray only if it continues - have to think of dog.

    Long week and one more day at the work place. It is what it is.

    Kathryn everyone at a formal occasion will tell you - their hair isnt right, my shoes hurt, this dress was larger when I bought it. You will have a great time.

  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    hickchic67 wrote: »
    Snacks, naps, and recess during the workday!

    Yes! Not liking this adulthood thing either...

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning! TGIF.

    Wondering about making chicken chili this weekend. Have more ambition during the week and then the weekend gets here.....

    Will lurk from work. Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member

    Happy Friday everyone~~

    Busy day getting ready to leave tomorrow.

    Waves to all who stop by later on.


    243.4 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    edited September 2017

    Hi all

    New to the group... but not new to weight loss.

    A little bit of history:

    Started out with WW in 2008 @ my first weigh in was 239lbs
    Left WW,went to Livestrong, for calorie tracking and continued to loss weight. The livestrong website was wonky and super slow alot and I ended here on MFP in 2011(maybe) but continued on. I ended up losing almost 60 lbs.

    But life happened, stress, injuries, job changes(4x),moving (3x) married life. And I slowly gained weight back. Every now and then I would attempt to loss the weight I had gained, but would somehow gain back more. So over the pass 3-4 years I have proceed to lose and gain the same 15 lbs pounds over and over again. Im a stress and emotional eater. and the 3-4 years have been extremely stressful.

    So finally tired of all the extra weight, came back 40 days ago weighing in at 237 ( literally right back where I started) . I am now down 9lbs .

    I am really taking the stress and emotional eating seriously. I am journaling, making my self aware of my feelings before making food choices. Especially when out of the norm. I hate my job, I hate my boss ( this is 75% of all stress I deal with) so I feel if I can keep my food consistent 9-5 ( meal prepping) then at least most of the battle is won. Right?

    Hopefully this wast too long. Getting ready to go in to a meeting .. about meetings.. to set up meetings
    insert *aggressive eyeroll**

    Please friend me. I have tons of friends but they are not super active in my feed on MFP.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    A bit of a rough day. Went out to lunch with a former coworker. Not the best choices, not the worst. Had a little sugar at work today (chocolate covered peanuts.) I'm just feeling like I'm not making any progress.

    Got my new driver's license in the mail. I think I'm back up the weight I was at the last time I renewed 4 years ago in 2013. I'm sad because I had lost 15 lbs in 2014 but it's all back now, including the double-chin and jowls.

    Guess I'm kind of a Debbie Downer today.

    On the bright side, lunch with my friend was fun. It was good to reconnect. Tonight my family and I are going to a local community theatre production of "Singing in the Rain" and tomorrow we've got DD's volleyball tournament then a big college football game. Will try to make good choices along the way.

    Enjoy your evening. Happy weekend!
