Serial Starters



  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    tlsb2016 wrote: »
    Hugs to Kathryn, Dawn, Mango and anyone else having a crappy time right now.

    Thank you so much... at least this is only once a year... getting tags for car is such a hassle...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - thank you... I've just started my launch party... people are looking, only 1 sure sell at the moment...I set it for a week... so, never know...

    Is it ok to share link to party in here? I know it's not a sale sight... so, want to be sure before I did...

    Have a great night everyone...
    Tomorrow has got to be better..uhh hummm
  • explodingmango
    explodingmango Posts: 171 Member
    edited September 2017
    Thanks everyone - I know that the advice you all gave me is very true, it's just that there's a huge gap between knowing something is true on a factual level, and feeling that it's true on an emotional level. My mother used to tell me that if I was ever seen eating (or even CARRYING) anything less healthy than a salad, it looked "just as bad" as the one poor girl in my school who was raised so misinformed about health that she broke 400 pounds before high school, coming out of the local ice cream shop with a cone in each hand. Yesterday I had a single-serving bag of chips and out of nowhere I remembered that and I wanted to hide in the bathroom for the rest of the day. No one was looking at me and I knew it, but I couldn't stop feeling like everyone within a 10-mile radius had stopped to stare at me and judge me.

    It's depressing lately, because my boyfriend has gotten into fashions featuring a lot of sweets prints, and keeps offering to share clothes and accessories with me, but I can't imagine wearing anything with a donut on it because I'm still too fat - I can't shake the fear that all anyone will think is "yeah, we all know you love that stuff - maybe worry about eating less of it instead of advertising it!" But it never really bothered me that much until it all hit at once yesterday.

    My first ever 5k is a week from Saturday and as of today (because it's payday) I'm officially registered. They ask for an estimated finish time - I estimated 31-35 minutes (I did the distance in a little over 33 yesterday) but I'm hoping, as I get my body more used to going this distance and figure out my pacing better over the course of the week, I'll be able to get under 30 minutes. Anxiety is going through the roof - again, because of the crap she told me. Also officially registered for the first obstacle course race later this month - and I lucked out; there were still open spots for the first non-competitive wave. That's not as anxiety-inducing because I never expressed my desire to do it to her. I knew better. I liked climbing stuff and crawling on the ground and getting dirty? Well, she liked shaming me out of doing anything that made more work (like laundry) for her, so I guessed I'd better keep that a secret if I didn't want trouble.

    ...well, that got long. But, in better news, school let out earlier than usual today and I made it to the local farmer's market, so I got a bit of good fruit! Tomorrow is a day of mostly cleaning, homework, making a phone holster bag for the gym and whatnot, and a trip to both of my gyms, and hopefully - if my boyfriend is up to coming with me - hitting the thrift store and looking for damaged clothes that would look right at home in a zombie survival game (since my first obstacle course is also a zombie escape run).


    Kathryn - I'm really sorry about your brother. Best wishes to you and the whole family - and if there's anything I can provide for Happy Week, just let me know.

    Dawn - Good luck with the sales! And if you'd like to PM me, I'd love to see the link.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member

    Good morning!! TGIF all over the place. Slept so soundly the alarm woke me up. Still yawning.....

    Zucchini in fruit/veg box this month - have zucchini enchilada recipe all ready.

    Mango, keep us posted on the upcoming 5K.

    So glad I have earplugs at work, neighbor in cube will have to do "so much more work" as her assistant went out on medical leave (scheduled) she just likes to whine.....put in my meditation music and shut her up.

    Found out why another drama queen was angry the copier jammed earlier in the week- she was printing pictures of herself so the entire page was toner - go figure- she didnt want to be caught...... Keeping my head down and mouth shut as much as possible.

    TGIF - needs to be said twice. Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    Indeed TGIF~!

    Kathryn - Big hugs to you. I can't find the right words about your brother. It is so very difficult; thank goodness hospice is involved--the best way to deal with the most terrible times.

    As for that sister of yours.....calmly and nicely speak up for yourself. She sounds like a steam roller who needs to have a big chock thrown ahead of her front wheel.
    Building on Sara's idea--she should be told she's buying her own Aerobed or have her sleep on the couch. Do NOT let your daughter get moved to the couch and give up her room. That would be a bad thing for daughter's head, and you'll foster your sister's stepping all over you. She isn't your boss. She does not get to give you orders......unless you let her do it. No Doormats!

    Waves to Tess and Dani and Dawn and Mango and Sara~~


    243.4 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    PS Kathryn - tell sister to take Uber or a cab. You're not able to pick her up. Harrumph!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Mango- I'm trying to message you... having trouble... if you don't get it, let me know and I'll try, again
  • explodingmango
    explodingmango Posts: 171 Member
    Dawn - I'm not getting it - let me try messaging you and see if you can reply to that?

    Sara - Don't worry, I'll definitely be keeping you posted! Even as anxious as I am, I'm excited - this is, after all, "something I'd never be able to do". Reminds me that even though I've burned out and given up dozens of times, at least I've managed to make overall positive progress over the past few years.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    dawn - did you get my email through this website? not sure if that is PM or not, never emailed anyone on this thing......
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Good evening,

    Another red calorie day but it is either that or falling asleep at work......

    Will try and knit a little tonight as I watch a dvd. Dog to groomer tomorrow and that is usually a good time to knit as well.

    Just glad work week is over. Will be enjoying those fantastic drinks under Lana's Palm Tree later.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    dawn - did you get my email through this website? not sure if that is PM or not, never emailed anyone on this thing......

    Just got it... hopefully, you'll get my reply... sorry, busy afternoon...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Mango- did my message finally get to you? Gotta love technology...haha
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member

    Good morning,

    Dawn got email will look at the link later. Back for more sleep please.....

    Kicked my dogs food dish mainly with my big toenail yesterday wow did that smart. Have pedicure Wednesday so hopefully it will not be too painful. I took polish off and things look okay...... really can do without another dr visit this year.

    Regular errands with dog grooming today. So afternoon I hope to ZZZZ

    Wave to all who follow. BBL.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    Sara - I hope you got more sleep. How is the toe this morning?

    Annie, where are you? How are you doing?
    Saltine? Samuels? Vanessa?

    Waves to Mango and Dawn and Kathryn and anyone else who stops by today~~ New peeps are welcome.....stop by and say hello!


    *tossing hat and bag onto favorite lounge chair.....*

    244.4 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    edited September 2017
    Toe is doing remarkably well, will warn the pedicurist to go gently.....

    Found a home for the 6 scarves I knitted, the Chemotherapy department said they would find good homes for them....

    Dog groomer is next - will get more knitting done.

    Dawn just placed order. thank you.

    Camping out with groomed and gorgeous dog later under Lana's Palm Tree.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    good evening,

    tracked all food and have 7 calories left over, I am thinking "what did I miss?"

    Dog to vet tomorrow, Dr wants to see rash groomer found to get correct allergy meds, she is also due for some of her yearly meds/immunizations etc. Means I can cook/vacuum without dog.

    Time for dog walk. Wishing all a good night.
  • explodingmango
    explodingmango Posts: 171 Member
    edited October 2017
    Evening everyone!

    One week to the first race, four weeks to the first obstacle course - anticipation stress is through the roof. About to head out to the gym and train...I am anxiously planning out these final lead-up is an endurance-focused lower-body day featuring a nice long run, tomorrow is climbing and extra upper body work, Monday is rest, Tuesday is whatever we do in stress management + more running...and so on...

    Annoyingly, I got a new wireless headset for the gym...and promptly lost it. I'm now using my previous set, which hopefully has enough of a battery charge to last the session...if it doesn't, I'm SOL for a while. The charging port broke on this one, so until I can work out how to repair it, it's either work off what charge I've got or find and use the new set. But, well...this is an example of exactly why I want to repair this set. I get cheap ones from Big Lots specifically because I'm always at risk of breaking them; I prefer to have a backup set when I can afford it...and if I can save $15 by repairing one, well, all the better.

    As for at home, I got a lot of cleaning done yesterday and today - I've officially run out of laundry - and I even repaired a favorite pair of boots of mine (marking my first time partially re-soling a pair of shoes, and they look great!), so I feel like I've been pretty productive.

    We've got even more stress though. Boyfriend and I almost argued about cleaning yesterday - housekeeping is mostly my job due to his chronic illness; he does what he can when he can, but a lot of the time that's not much (especially since there's a huge psychological component to his illness - the more he mentally feels like what he's doing is work, the more likely his body is to decide that it must be overwork - this seems to be a common feature of digestive system issues), and yesterday was very much one of those days...and, well, I started having one of those moments where, even though I factually knew he wasn't helping much because he couldn't, emotionally I just felt discouraged and hopeless and like I was being taken for granted...we're both lucky that I'm good at identifying when my feelings are not logical and shouldn't be acted on, but unfortunately that doesn't always make them go away. Talking about them calmly helped a lot, though. We're both doing much better today.

    He's also getting a bad case of the pre-wedding jitters. We're working on scheduling a tour and booking the venue, and all the anxiety that comes with a big thing like this is starting to set in for him...I'm doing my best to keep things calm at home. We've agreed that touring and booking the venue is the last major stress-inducing step like this that we take before we can take him to get his anxiety meds refilled...which may make things difficult in terms of sticking to our timeline because the clinic's call center is impossible to get through to. I'm just glad we're keeping things relatively casual, because we'd already be way behind schedule if it was going to be the super tight-laced formal kind of thing weddings are traditionally "supposed" to be.

    I'm also extra anxious because we still haven't even figured out how to tell my father about the fact that we're engaged...he's the most unsupportive supportive person I've ever known. I love my father, he's a great person, he's always super helpful, he's worked like nobody's business to make sure that despite the massive changes in the economy, I still have as much opportunity to build my own life as he did - he just...doesn't always get the details quite right, and...anything having to do with my gender and relationships is a huge area where he fails. He tries to be supportive, he really does, and I can tell he feels nothing negative about it, I said, he just doesn't get the details quite right and I'm mildly nervous about how he's going to respond. We've invited him over for Thanksgiving and I was considering telling him then...but then I feel like waiting that long would be rude...but we've already waited so long...but he might not even be able to come over for Thanksgiving anyway...argh, what do we do?

    I'm impressed with myself for not ending up giving up again and eating my stress. But I keep remembering, hey, if I do that, then I'll make myself too sick to run my races, so...deciding it was time to finally get into this stuff was apparently a pretty good call.

    Well, with that update made, I'm going to make one last quick check for my new headset and head on out!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member

    Good morning, Dog is my best alarm clock. She is up and fed. Vet apt at 9am drop off and leave. Allergies are bad here for human and animals. Eye drops for me. Hope to hook Miss T on more or new meds. Saw large boxes of air filters at work - really hope they use them.......

    Groceries, Vet and then home for most of day.

    More sleep? I hope so. I woke up dreaming about the "lunch" the company was giving the group of us. Interesting to have a dream about it and food looked okay. We shall see as no info has come down about anything special for the group of us.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    Good morning All~~

    I'm having coffee, waiting for the cobwebs to clear~~

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Lana - between groceries and Vet. Put out ingredients for Zucchini Enchiladas - dog was being too fussy to sleep since last post, so there is a nap in this morning somewhere. I wish a good cup of coffee would help. I think sleep is my better option.