Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @bapcarrier and @b_lisieux, no - I mean changing your weight in SETTINGS, not in weekly check-ins. Go to settings, then profile, then goals, then current weight. That's also the place where you can make adjustments for how quickly you want to be losing. At least that's what it is in my Android app. IPhone or PC/website might be a little different.

    Barb, 1200 calories is very low. It's generally considered to be the lowest number of calories for a female of any height or age to sustain herself and MFP will not allow a lower setting. My 1800/day is also set at sedentary, and I'm 62 (altho I am a few inches taller than you). When I was in losing mode, my calories we're at 1600/day and my loss rate was set to .5 lb/week. I'm just really wondering why your calorie allotment is so low...??

    Do others on here have a similar 1200/cal/day allotment? Am I just "blessed" because I'm tall? Not trying to be facetious, really - I'm just curious!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited October 2017
    Sunday Share ... The "Walking Project" has been launched! Today I made my first foray to re-establish something I used to do a lot of at times past in my life. I know it's going to be a slow and arduous habit to build back up because of the shape my body and joints are in, but heck, I've gotten through other hard challenges in the past and am determined to get this one down too,

    Today's picture is of my shadow ... I think (I hope) I'm not as truly lumpy as the shadow shows ... but it will be a good shot to compare future shadows to for shape. I was able to walk a short route around the corner and to the next block over ... GoogleMaps tells me it is about 450 feet and should take 2 minutes to walk ... the round trip took me 7 minutes. My heart mind and soul wanted to go farther, but my leg and heart said "enough for the first attempt".

    I've started an electronic album and will continue to take more pictures every time I do the 'Out in the Fresh Air on the City Sidewalks" tour, and occasionally I'll share the gems with my friends here on MFP.
  • tdunnegan
    tdunnegan Posts: 100 Member
    Blisieux -- just loved your post. Plain and simple. Thanks for sharing

    Nikion901 - the shadow shot is actually me. We are twins. Imagine that :) such a great idea. Congrats on that first walk. Each walk is a win. Keep going! You've got this!

    Birkitwood - camping - what a bgreat pasttime to share with hubby. My kids
    calories are at 1200. I set that number based on input from nutritionist -- although they are good with up to 1500. I'm not aware of MFP function -- gonna check that out. At 1200, when I'm compliant over time, I lose 2 lbs a week.

    Machu pitchy- now on my bucket list!

    Bapcarrier - wondering if you've ever tried water when snack attack hits? Good go to for me. I also learned that 4pm is time for fruit and protein.

  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    @birgitkwood just an FYI when I went to setting, profile, goals, my starting weight AND my current weight were already listed. I have the premium program so don't know if that makes a difference or not, but apparently it automatically would change it without my doing anything. Just for the fun of it, I put in my current weight as starting weight and it gave me the same thing, 1200 calories/day. I am set for 2 pounds a week so if I changed it to a lower number it might give me more per day. But my weight loss is slow enough as it is.

    @Nikion901 great idea, love the shadow shot and incentive for walking. I may try that, as I get bored walking without my little dog. Maybe taking the camera would help.

    @tdunnegan thanks, but yup I've tried water. So far so good as I did not snack last night and that makes the 8th night in a row. (I thought last night was 9 but I was ahead of myself, oh well, tonight will be 9.)

    @b_lisieux I enjoyed your post very much! It's fun and enlightening to hear about the other people here on the site. Makes it that much friendlier!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Drats ... had a whole long page of personals and clicked on something that made them go 'poof'. Well, maybe if I got in the habit o 'talking to' instead of 'talking at' more frequently then my personals wouldn't need to get this long?

  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Struggling with total lack of motivation to do anything today. Been sitting in my chair all day looking out the window
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Love the photo and the idea, @Nikion901. Looking fwd to future pics.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited October 2017
    @karenleona ... sorry you are still not feeling well. I noticed this with your last post a few days ago. Sometimes the best thing to do is to 'wallow' in it ... I do it!! ... When that demotivating spirit hits sometimes I'll spend a day in bed, under cover, reading a book non-stop or watching old movies on TV or YouTube. I you still feel this way on Monday, I hope the weather is nice and sunny and warm for you so you can move that chair to the outdoors and then you will feel better. Hasn't your work schedule been crazy lately? That's do it every time!!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Total washout today
  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member
    @karenleona, if it's washout that's ok! Tomorrow is a new day. Please don't let one (or 2 or 10) bad days get you down! I am also working on this.. if I did "badly" the guilt should not ruin the next days as well... write off those days and brush it off and let's move forward. Today will be a little better and tomorrow a little more! Progress is progress, no matter how small.
    @Niki, love the shadow photo! We need a series of shadow progress photos! It will be awesome!
    @birgit, yes we are quite a bit shorter So it takes Less calories to fuel our bodies. If i eat properly it is enough, but if I eat empty calories I am never full.
    So ,Monday...
    I have had 3 tremendously bad days food wise. So much so that I am dreading Wednesday weigh in. However, I choose today to recommit to getting better. To do that I will eat ONLY healthy for today without stressing too much about calories.., because if I don't restrict myself from good nutritious food maybe I can get away from the insane sugar and carb monster.
    Good luck to me!
    And to all of us.
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Monday Check-In!

    Well this has been a lazy weekend .. I only took a brisk 30minute walk on Saturday and that was it! In my defense I was not feeling 100%, I think my body is fighting a cold that is trying to stay; I had a horrible throat ache all weekend. And also, ate a bit too much … and I could see the result this morning on the scale :'(

    @birgitkwood I love upstate NY; now with the fall the coloring must be amazing. And camping in that area must be so nice. I haven't been camping in ages, but when I was younger we would go all the time, but to the beach.

    I have been relocating since I was young; I lived in different countries in South America, in Asia, in the US (in 3 different occasions and states) and now Europe. This time if due to my husband's job. Usually the assignments are for a couple years, but we have stayed in places up to 6 years and sometimes left just after a year ... so you never really know. I am used to it by now and try to make the most of the experience as I can.

    BTW, I am also at 1200 calories and that is to lose 1.5lbs per week ... I guess its because I am short? Not sure; but I tend to eat usually around 1400cals at least 3 to 4 days a week ... so I guess that is why I am loosing slower.

    @bapcarrier glad you liked the dished that I shared; here a brief description:
    • Upper Left Corner: Ceviche. Typically made from fresh raw fish (but could also be seafood) cured in lemon juice and aji (chili), onions, salt, pepper and cilantro. Very light and fresh, great for summer lunch and dieting!
    • Upper Right Corner: Causa Limena. This dish comes all the way from the Inka time … main ingredient yellow potatoes (I know you would say …. but aren’t they always yellow? Actually in Peru we have more than 4000 types … and in every color :D - this recipe is made with a potato that is kind of sandy) So, mashed potatoes spiced with aji (chili), lemon, salt and pepper and  layered with either chicken tuna, crab, or shrimp salad. It is served cold and usually garnished with avocado and some type of mayonnaise. Not so light ... carbo bomb for sure, but delicious!
    • Lower left Corner: Lomo saltado. This dish is a sample of how Chinese immigration influenced our local food. A stir fry that combines strips of sirloin marinated in soy cause, vinegar and spices; sautéed with onions, tomatoes, french fries, and parsley; and usually served with rice. If you just have the meat and do not add the carbs, great option for dieting!
    • Lower Right Corner: Suspiro Limena. Another legacy dish, this one dates from the 19th century. The bottom layer, which is called manger blanco is made with whole milk and sugar boiled until thick and caramel colored to which are added egg yolk and vanilla essence . The top layer is meringue made from egg whites, port wine and is sprinkled with cinnamon. Needless to say, this is a caloric bomb!

    @b_lisieux aji de gallina is one of my favorites too! Good luck with MFP, for me was the best tool I found to track my food and exercise and keep me accountable! Once you see all the calories you were eating you start making better choices for sure.

    @Nikion901 love your 1st photo!! very artistic!! :)
  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member
    @Happy girl, lomo saltado looks great! Maybe after I get back on track I'll do it with some rice(but without the fries : ) and I haven't gotten around to your zoodles with cream salmon, but definitely soon!
  • tdunnegan
    tdunnegan Posts: 100 Member
    larenleona - I think do nothing days should be mandatory... Sunday , day of rest.... How great to grab a book!
    newjax2017 - Sugar and carb monster has been getting a big bite out of me too!! I learned last week that a sugarholic's brain looks exactly like a drug addict's brain (scarey,huh?) I also learned that there's a part of the brain that controls cravings. Have to train it to stop. Not that that's new news, but I love understanding the body's focus

    Monday Check In - I bought veggies as I said I would... now to stir fry so I can grab quickly. Bought grapes, cause they are a good substitute for the hand to mouth sweets I go for.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • jam5660
    jam5660 Posts: 126 Member
    Monday check in: between life, stress, planning a suprise bday party for nephew, and planning/going to the gym for the last 2 weeks, my house is in disarray(to put it nicely) and with the wild week this is going to be I HAVE TO skip going to the gym today and reclaim this house.
    But it's probably a good thing becuase I was up most of the night with a 2 yr old whom didn't want to sleep and a horrid foot/leg cramp from, I believe, a combo of elliptical use and trying to wear a pair of (low) heals yesterday. And my leg and foot still feel weird this morning. Not pain but the feeling like it's going to spasm again at any moment. Grrr.

    But the good news is I hit 50lbs down Sunday morning!!! But alas the scale was up this morning because of the indulgences at said bday party yesterday. Hopefully it will be back down by Wednesday weigh in!

    I too get 1200 calories if I want to lose 2lbs a week, but I'm a shorty too.
  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member
    @tdunnegan I know I have an addictive personality... anything that make some momentarily feel good is tremendous temptation... alcohol, cigarettes, feel good food.... I will work on retraining my brain as you say. AND a day of rest sounds good... we should probably go back to things that worked in past, and simpler times.

    @jam5660 50 pounds down is fabulous! Even if you went up a bit from the bday party it will go right away. yay you!
  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    @birgiktwood Thanks for the clarification on entering weight in settings, not check-in. To get there I see you have to change your starting weight. I was just curious. I think my 1450 will be good, which is set to 1.5 lb. per week unless I consistently gained every week or never lost anymore, I probably wouldn't change it. So far I've never gone over that number so all is good.
    @newjax2017 Bad days happen sometimes. You pick yourself back up, dust yourself off, forgive yourself and move forward. You've got this!
    @happygirlxxx I hope you feel better and are not getting a bad cold.
    @Nikion901 Loved the shadow picture. What a great idea! Will look forward to more as time goes on.

    Monday check-in.......Had a good weekend, kind of lazy actually. No food struggles. I discovered a lower calorie ice cream that I really love (a weakness for me) and had some on Friday night and Saturday. Normally I'd have some every night but decided that I will only have some on the weekend. I "could" have some every day, if it fits in my daily journal but decided that's not a habit I should have. That's a victory in my thinking, if you knew how much I love ice cream. LOL Have a great Monday everyone!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited October 2017
    Monday Check-in ... I have a new low weight today! But I won't reveal the number because I don't want to 'jinx' myself.
    Within Calories goal in September ... 23 of 30 days
    5 days were ore than 100 calories above goal, 2 were close but just missed the mark.

    The past week or so I've been hungry fist thing in the morning. For the longest time I wouldn't feel like needing any food until about 11 AM ... I wonder if this has anything to do with my better eating habits this past month?

    I'm pleased that you liked my shadow photo ... it is a fun idea @newjax2017 for other shadow shots sprinkled here and there. The sun was close to directly overhead so that shadow is not stretched out at all.

    @jam5660 ... Cramps in the lower leg and foot ... I used to get them all the time ... sometimes right in the middle of the night. I found that increasing magnesium in my diet cured me! ... Did have to take a supplement for a while though. I was also very low on vitamin D, but don't know if that had anything to do with it.

    @tdunnegan ... I don't usually buy grapes because they are high enough in sugar that I find I cannot stay reasonable in eating them ... even when I freeze them and eat them frozen. Blueberries and Strawberries in the freezer at my house pretty much non-stop. I can eat a whole 2/3 cup blueberries or 1 cup strawberries and feel satisfied.

    @happygirlxxx ... Ceviche requires the freshest fish you or seafood you can find so I don't ever make it. But at one time my dad (he would be 99 this November) used to fish every day and my mom would sometimes make it when he had caught the right fish. Delicious in small servings at a party table.

    That's all the posters I see on page 942 ... so I'll end this post now or lose my reply.

    PS ... @b_lisieux , you post came in as I was typing mine ... and I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed getting acquainted with you from your Sunday Share.
  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member
    Thank you @Happygirl . I saved it with a screenshot!
  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    @happygirlxxx Wow, that recipe looks great! Will have to figure out the nutritional data on it, just for the meat part. I could always vary my starchy side depending on what I have around. Not sure I'd want what looks like French fries plus rice...too many starches I think, at least for my own personal taste.