Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • cedar2526
    cedar2526 Posts: 44 Member

    Name: Jackie
    Age: 56
    Height: 5'4"

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 252
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 240
    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 252
    2. Sept. 27: 251
    3. Oct. 4: 251
    4. Oct. 11:
    5. Oct. 18:
    6. Oct. 25:
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: 0
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: 1

    Total weight loss so far - 14 LBS

    No change this week and no surprises. I have a much better mindset today and hope that it shows on the scale for next week.

    @happygirlxxx That has happened to me many times and the sooner I get my motivation back the better. Since I have joined these challenges, I can usually get my motivation back within a week, but in the past it might take months or years. Good luck to you, You can add me as a friend if you like, I would love some ideas.
  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    HELLO. I am new to the group. So happy to be here. I am in need of losing 100 pounds. I am very sad to say it but tht's where I am. I am so excited to know that I am not alone and there are others who have this same long road ahead of them.

    I would like to ask two questions...
    1) Is there anyone who is already down 40-50-60 pounds? If so, what has been your primary eating plan?
    2) Is there anyone who is doing nothing but light walking for exercise?

    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to fess up to or get off your chest?) The only truth I have to confess right now is that I have been on MFP since 2013 and I am still confused about how many calories I should be eating everyday. I don't want to end up like a biggest loser contestant and lower my MBR so low that i gain all the weight back, but I also want to get this weight off quickly for health reasons.
  • marieyoung07
    marieyoung07 Posts: 23 Member
    I am new . Yes I need to lose 100 pounds and after reading your first page I am completely lost. But I still need support and friends.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited October 2017
    ihp2015 wrote: »
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    ihp2015 wrote: »
    PS ... congrats on moving down a category! Which BMI Calculator do you use?

    I used the calculator on the MFP website. Under the tab "apps" there is a BMI calculator. The easy thing is that your current weight and height are already filled in, so you just have to click "calculate"

    Thanks @ihp2015 ... on my computer, that app only shows if I'm in the Obese/Overweight/Normal category but not which Obese category I'm in ... must be different on your app.

    @Goal179 ... Yep ... me. I'm down 45 pounds and mainly do walking as my activity focus. However, I also do physical therapy type motions/poses because of skeletal/nerve issues. My eating plan is to focus on food as nutrition and not reward/salve. I eat home prepared meals as much as possible as restaurant/take-out/grocery prepared foods all tend to cause binges for some reason. I eat fruit, vegetables, whole grains, meats, legumes, seafood. I even use Hemp protein powder in smoothies or in my porridge on some days. What I try to stay away from are snack-type and dessert-type foods except for special occasions.

    @marieyoung07 ... sorry the first page got you confused. This thread is for people who need to lose at least 100 pounds and is an open thread ... so anyone who wants can post to it. The daily topics are suggestions from what was, at the very beginning, topics of conversation on the different days of the week. We use them still as a source of discussion only be choice or habit.

    The part in the middle, that talks about how to bookmark this thread so you can come back to is is incorrect. (The only person who will find the thread under My Discussions is the one who started the thread). So .... if you want to come back, simply click the star symbol near the thread name to bookmark it in MFP. To see your bookmarks is different depending on what equipment you are using to access MFP so I will not discuss that ... but you can find information about it on the help topics in MFP.

    @happygirlxxx ... maybe your body is telling you that it is time to stop the calorie cut to lose weight and start maintaining for a while. As practice to see if you can get back to 'normal' eating without going overboard on the food you have abstained from? Or perhaps it is that you HAVE been eating more of the foods that contain sweeteners ... they tend to creep up on me and cause cravings/overeating if I have them too often or in too much quantity at one time. ... For myself, things like pastries, chips, ice creams (etc) all work great the first day I have them, but if I have them again within a couple of weeks I'll find myself having more and more and more as the days go by.

    ... and that's my Thursday Truth .... I am a sweet-aholic and have to abstain or fall off the wagon.
  • tdunnegan
    tdunnegan Posts: 100 Member

    Name: Terry
    Age: 60
    Height: 5' 5"

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 216
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 205

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 217.4
    2. Sept. 27: 219.8
    3. Oct. 4: 219.0
    4. Oct. 11:
    5. Oct. 18:
    6. Oct. 25:
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week:
    Total weight -/+ this challenge:
    Total overall weight lost

  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member

    Name: Barney
    Age: 58
    Height: 5' 3"

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 227.8 lbs
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 213.4 lbs (aiming for 1.6 lbs/week this time since I need to slow my loss a bit)

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 226.0 lbs
    2. Sept. 27: 224.6 lbs (woo hoo!...I'm finally BELOW the Morbidly Obese category!!!).
    3. Oct. 4: 222.6 lbs (on vacation Sept 28 - Oct 4, actually weighed in Oct 5th).
    4. Oct. 11:
    5. Oct. 18:
    6. Oct. 25:
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: - 2.0 lbs
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: - 5.2 lbs
    Total overall weight lost so far: - 94.4 lbs
  • tdunnegan
    tdunnegan Posts: 100 Member
    Thursday Truth
    I continue to eat gobs and gobs of junk food. Chocolate kisses are my biggest temptation at the moment. I will eat like 45 kisses - about 900 calories. So even though I eat well otherwise I blow it. As I mentioned recently, I learned that sugar is just as addictive as drugs. Some here refer to it as the craving monster. I've beat it before, but must be stronger now. I know how to do it. "Just Say No". I think that will be my mantra.
  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member
    @Nikion901: I can't see it in the app either, but sometimes I log in on the MFP website and that's where the calculator is.
  • tdunnegan
    tdunnegan Posts: 100 Member
    Goal179 - I have lost 50 pounds. And I did it using MFP. Around 2012, I got down to 200 and a size 14. Still have those jeans. Looking forward to the amazing feeling of being able to fit them again!

    I lost the weight by tracking, eating 1200 calories a day and exercising almost every day. I pretty much cut out bread and pasta -- but getting to that point took time. Initially, I aimed to meet the 1200 calories. Then I focused in on meeting carb, fat, calcium, protein goals.

    My all time high weight was 265. When I started MFP I was around 250. When I first started logging my food I found I was eating like 4000 calories a day, even more someimtes. I was shocked. I know that 2000 calories a day is the norm.

    Over the course of six months I got down to 200, as I mentioned, by eating 1200 calories and exercising almost daily. That was five years ago.

    Went back up to 235 in 2013. Then down to 226, which I maintained since about 2015. Started back with MFP this spring.

    I am now 219. (a month ago I was 210).

    I did not go from 4000 calories a day to 1200 calories a day overnight. It took me a couple of months. Clearly, the issue is hunger pangs.

    I started by drinking water when I get hungry. I also chew on ice. The chewing is satisfying. I also like carrots because of the crunch. I've learned that protein satisfies hunger more than fruits. I've learned that berries and citrus are better fruits to eat than others -- lower on the glycemic index (less sugar) I eat an apple and 20 almonds at 4PM religiously. Something else I learned to do.

    I learned from nutritionists. Nutritionists have provided me with great guidance. But not all nutritionists are the same. I prefer someone who will review my MFP log and talk to me about how to tweak it.

    My current settings are: 1200 calories, I track carbs, fat, protein, fiber and calcium. My goals are: 45% carbs, 25% fat, 30% protein. There's no goal for calcium (I just noticed)

    Again, these settings were provided by my nutritionist who actually went into my phone/MFP and set them for me.

    Having a nutritionist who is on board with MFP is fantastic. I didn't know she would do that when I signed up with her. But its a huge bonus. I see the nutritionist once every three weeks. Since I've went awol in August, and gained back 10 pounds, I haven't seen her. She reached out and I just haven't been back. So that's not good.

    Weight loss is challenging. Why we overeat is the issue. There's an author, Geneen Roth, who writes books on this topic. They're worth a look, if you like to gather info that way. I am highly analytical. She talks about emotional eating. Quite interesting.

    Anyway, long answer... I'll stop here.

    Welcome aboard. Stay plugged in here. This post alone was quite cathartic for me.
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @happygirlxxx - feeling your pain, GF. Yes, it happens to me too. Here's how the convo in my head goes when that happens (and no, I don't really suffer from split personality disorder, but it often feels that way):

    Me: you've fallen off the wagon again, you stupid cow. WTF is wrong with you? The wagon is so far away now and has left you in the dust. No way to get back on. And also where the heck are my cookies?

    MS: You know what to do! Tomorrow morning, first thing, you're going to get up and hitch up the dog. Then you're gonna go for your brisk 4-mi walk and get those endorphins moving. Afterwards you're going to get on track and eat the way you know to eat for the day that's good and healthy for your body.

    Me: tomorrow's gonna suck...

    MS: Yes, it will. That first day always sucks. You will feel crappy from sugar withdrawal and you're gonna hate the exercise. BUT afterwards you'll love having done it, and you will start to feel better. The second day you'll feel GREAT and you'll feel proud of yourself! That will be your reward!

    And that's the way it goes. It is always, always hard to get motivated to find that wagon again after a binge. I have found that I can't wait for "magic moments." The power is within myself, no one and nothing else. I know I can't wait to find the motivation - I have to CREATE it! I am the only one in charge of BOTH of my heads and getting them to cooperate. The first day I always have to white knuckle through. The second day - and thereafter - is much better, sometimes even great.

    So yes, I am a binge eater and periodically I will fall off the wagon. I have come to accept that about myself and know it's going to happen. But now it only happens for a day or two, rather than YEARS (which is how I got to weigh over 300 lbs). I no longer allow it to go for more than two days - then, on the third day at most, I do that white knuckle thing and find another wagon to jump on.

    YOU CAN DO THIS!! You've done it before - you know what to do. And you will!!! Cheering you on, my friend - today is the day!

    And the weight you've gained WILL come off quickly once your sodium intake decreases. FYI - I weighed 187.6 on Tuesday. Yesterday, on Wednesday, I was at 185.0. Today I am at 182.4 - for no other reason other than sodium. So don't become discouraged by what the scale says every day (or every week), just use it as the tool that it is and keep on doing what you know is right.

    Sending hugs and best wishes,
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @goal179 - I have lost 120 lbs since April 2016. My eating plan was, and continues to be, to stay within my daily MFP calorie allotment. My only form of exercise is walking the dog. When I started 1.5 year ago, I walked - slowly - up and down the street a little bit. As I lost weight, the distance got longer and the pace got faster. Now I walk 4 miles daily and it takes us (me and my dog) exactly one hour. I use a Fitbit and it calculates my steps, mileage, and calories burned. I do not eat back my exercise calories.

    You can do it!!
  • lydiapassthedonuts
    lydiapassthedonuts Posts: 71 Member
    ihp2015 wrote: »
    Question: how many of you actually eat all or some of the calories that you burn through exercise?

    I will never eat more than half if any at all. I don't lose weight if I eat them. Also, I don't trust that it is accurate.
  • verybusybee
    verybusybee Posts: 131 Member
    SO I am new to this site but I think it may be very helpful. I see Thursdays are "fess up" days so I am going to say that I have fallen off the wagon. Well haven't really started. Just Struggling.
    My positive is that I know with some hard work I can do this and I know all of you can as well. There is always a way.
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member

    Name: cellosmiles
    Age: 37
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 230
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 223

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 229
    2. Sept. 27: 226
    3. Oct. 4: 229
    4. Oct. 11:
    5. Oct. 18:
    6. Oct. 25:
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: +3
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: -1
    Total overall weight lost this year: -21
    Total lost from highest recorded: -28
  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member

    Name: Jo
    Age: 47
    Height:161 cm

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th):167.6
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 158.6

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 165.5
    2. Sept. 27: 164.3
    3. Oct. 4: 170.6
    4. Oct. 11:
    5. Oct. 18:
    6. Oct. 25:
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this 6.3
    Total weight -/+ this 3
    Total overall weight lost so far:......62.2

    I am going to kick next week's butt.

    @b_liseaux, thanks for your comment. Well it probably is a little water weight because of bad choices, a little because my period is within the next week (I just noticed the date) and a little actual gain because let's face it ... I ate terribly for 6 days) But it just teaches me, and underlines the fact that one cheat day is really hard to recover from... it just snowballs... so I should avoid them at all costs.

    @birgit .. Today is the first day of being back on the wagon and I feel satiated. I plan to feel better starting tomorrow morning! because seriously , the bad eating just made me feel bloated and terrible the next day.
    And all I can think of is .. did I feel this badly all the time at plus 70 pounds!? wow!
  • lydiapassthedonuts
    lydiapassthedonuts Posts: 71 Member
    Thursday Truth

    Having a rough day. Totally unmotivated to do anything that I would consider progress or stay on track. I'm mentally exhausted. Hope tomorrow will be better. I have a long weekend coming up.

    I did, however, get my workout in but cut it short. Just not feeling it.
  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member
    Goal179 wrote: »
    HELLO. I am new to the group. So happy to be here. I am in need of losing 100 pounds. I am very sad to say it but tht's where I am. I am so excited to know that I am not alone and there are others who have this same long road ahead of them.

    I would like to ask two questions...
    1) Is there anyone who is already down 40-50-60 pounds? If so, what has been your primary eating plan?
    2) Is there anyone who is doing nothing but light walking for exercise?


    Take a look at the bottom of each person's Fall Challenge posts, we generally have added total weight lost.
    One member is already at maintenance ,Birgit, but still posts Which is great for us because we see It CAN be done!!
    I may be struggling this week but in general I am doing ok. Keeping carbs at under 100 is always better for me, and getting fiber up (25 to 30). I am 5 foot 3, and I started at about 233 pounds. I ate between 1200 and 1400 calories for the first months and I was very strict with myself (then I found summer difficult and became more lax, oops)
    I have learned to eat healthy fats like avocado and olive oil( they are good for the body) and avoid processed food.
    I eat meat, fresh vegetables and cheese.
    I plan to exercise because i need to build some muscle, but all me loss so far has just been with some walking (and maybe a few weeks total manual labor).
    There are many sites to calculate your calorie needs. is a good one. Go input your age height and weight and if you are sedentary (I think most of us are) We are suggested to eat above bmr and below tdee for proper weightloss . I did eat lower in the beginning but the caveat is Being Obese.
    and I made sure to get excellent nutrients I ate nothing extraneous at that time.
    Also, people who do exercise have told us they calculate the calorie burn and then eat back half those calories.
    Good luck, and check in here a lot. This group of people is very helpful.
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member
    Does anyone have a kale suggestion?

    I found some growing in the church garden LOL. It is the only thing that grew this year. So i picked a small bag full.

    I have never used it before myself. Just had a salad mix with it in there.

    All suggestions appreciated!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Does anyone have a kale suggestion?

    I found some growing in the church garden LOL. It is the only thing that grew this year. So i picked a small bag full.

    I have never used it before myself. Just had a salad mix with it in there.

    All suggestions appreciated!

    @cellosmiles ... I've used Kale in soups, and also in smoothies. When I use bitter greens such as kale in smoothies I always use an orange in that smoothie .... so more often than not the kale ends up in a soup that also has tomatoes in it.

    I've read you can dry the kale in the oven and make kale-chips out of them. Never did it cause I can't eat chips of any kind. (any type of 'chip' snack is a trigger for me to keep eating past done.)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @marieyoung07 ... sorry the first page got you confused. This thread is for people who need to lose at least 100 pounds and is an open thread ... so anyone who wants can post to it. The daily topics are suggestions from what was, at the very beginning, topics of conversation on the different days of the week. We use them still as a source of discussion only be choice or habit.

    The part in the middle, that talks about how to bookmark this thread so you can come back to is is incorrect. (The only person who will find the thread under My Discussions is the one who started the thread). So .... if you want to come back, simply click the star symbol near the thread name to bookmark it in MFP. To see your bookmarks is different depending on what equipment you are using to access MFP so I will not discuss that ... but you can find information about it on the help topics in MFP.

    OOPs ... just realized the my original answer to your confusion got lost in an improperly posted reply .... and decided to read page 1 again ... and I had to laugh out loud. ... here's why ...

    .... At one time, on MFP, threads could only be a certain size before they had to close and a new one opened up. This thread was running for a long time and had regular continuation threads started. The thread originator (RobinsEgg) would sent a personal message to each current member alerting them to the new thread ... I wasn't a part of it at that time so I'm unclear as to why there was a special word being used to gain access ... but I think it had something to do with being able to search for the new thread to find it. .... The interesting thing is that when you read that first page, for me especially: is that I read names of people who still actively post to this thread as of this year. People stop posting for a while, but many come back again. ...