Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    dlm4mom wrote: »
    What do you all do when your office orders out for lunch- pizza or Chinese. Please tell me!!!

    How comfortable are you with your colleagues? Can you bring your own lunch and still eat with them? Will they ridicule you or support you?

    Or maybe bring lots of healthy snacks to eat before lunch and then just eat a little with them? No rule says you have to eat a full portion.
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    edited October 2017
    Thank you so much to everyone who wrote to me today!!! You have me in tears... happy ones this time. When I made that comment I really felt like I was just talking to the vast void of the internet, I honestly wasn't saying it to get attention. I really wasn't expecting any response at all! I guess I underestimated how much you all care, and I never would have believed how good it could feel to get virtual hugs and well wishes from strangers. Thank you!!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    I do read all of your messages too! If I was home and doing my regular routine I'd be answering you all a lot more often. I'm hoping to be more present here when I return home and things FINALLY get back to normal.

    And to think... I almost didn't bother signing in on here today. I was feeling so down and lonely and defeated. I'm so glad that I did, because I really needed to read all of your kind words.

    I've been feeling off the rails and out of control and I don't know how to get the control back. I felt so amazing while in France because (for the first time in my life) I managed to power through an emotional and stressful situation without turning to junk food. Now I feel like I'm all the way back at square one!

    So here is what's getting me down:
    1. I'm away from home (away from husband and pets and family)
    2. I'm sick (cold)
    3. I'm being Forced to spend time with people I do not particularly like
    4. Trying to complete university courses at night after training all day (seriously. 8 hours of training. No breaks. Even lunch is used to talk about training. I'm not exaggerating)
    5. Keep getting sick (nasty sick, not cold sick) from the food I'm eating
    6. Can't find decent food anywhere!!! (I had to throw out the salads and veggies I bought at the local supermarket because they tasted so gross. I even had my colleague try some of them as proof that I wasn't being picky)
    7. I'm not even sure I still want to work for this company!!! (I was surfing job ads yesterday.)
    8. And I think I'm still kinda jet lagged

    I just need to get home. Back to MY kitchen and MY bed and to all of my loved ones. But mostly back to the arms of my Prince Charming who I miss more than I've ever missed anyone in my entre life. I'll be better as soon as I get a kiss from the man I love. Until then... I'll try to suffer through.

    Today's goals...

    Day 43 (Oct. 5th) goals:

    1., Be active, ❌
    2., Drink lots of water, ❎
    3., Think positively ❌
    4., Eat small portions, ❌
    5., Avoid sugar✅
    6., Bonus: Stay under 2000 cals❎
    7., Extra Bonus: Stay under 100 carbs❌

    Tomorrow's goals:

    Day 44 (Oct. 6th) goals:

    0., Do better than yesterday
    1., Be active,
    2., Drink lots of water,
    3., Think positively
    4., Eat small portions,
    5., Avoid sugar
    6., Bonus: Stay under 2000 cals
    7., Extra Bonus: Stay under 100 carbs

  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    I had a long post written yesterday, but then my non existing attention span kicked in, I had to look up a word, opened another tab to do that and in the end closed the whole window instead of the tab. So all was gone and I did not have the energy left to try again. I also had forgotten the word again I just looked up anyway.

    I am still suffering from gastroenteritis... I will try to get another doctors appointment today, as it is only slightly better since Monday. I was told I can't work while I have symptoms, as I would still be infectious. Right now I suspect Campylobacter, as it is dragging so long. Not happy about that.

    Todays weight-in showed I am clearly underweight now (about 3 lbs underweight, I'd say. 1.2 kg), but I still cannot eat anything but bland diet food and do not really keep that inside me a lot. And I also do eat way too little in the first place, because I constantly feel stuffed and have to force myself to eat. Yay. Let me tell you, the gastroenteritis diet is a horrible fad. It works, yes, but say goodbye to healthy nutrition and energy levels if you try.

    But I somehow need to get back into life. So I will come up with goals again, small doable goals.

    1) Call doctor, ask for test results and appointment
    2) Drink 1.5 l of water
    3) Eat one actual meal (1 plate of soup/overcooked carrot stew/...), not just mini snacks
    4) Read work emails, maybe try to do a little work
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday was a good day! And I lost a little weight - 1.5 lb since Oct 1. Have to keep going - that could easily just be water weight. Continued effort required to lose 'real' weight!

    Yesterday's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat :smile:
    - No snacks - only ryvita if hungry :smile:
    - Be in the green with 350+ deficit :smile: Pretty close, 315 left
    - No alcohol :/ Didn't manage this one. Decided to have a glass of wine to help get me through reading some really boring. Backfired though - although I enjoyed them more, I couldn't concentrate on them!!!
    - Go to gym at lunch :smile:
    - Meditate :smile:
    - Focus on key priorities and be productive :smile:
    - Stay positive (listen to music) :smile:

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - Lunch less than 450 cals
    - No snacks - only ryvita if hungry
    - G&T only in evening
    - Pizza for dinner, but no other indulgences (i.e. fattening dessert/snacks) allowed

    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Focus on key priorities and be productive
    - Stay positive (listen to music)

    Happy Friday everyone!

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    edited October 2017
    Recap R 10/5
    1) No dog walk this a.m., she can run in fenced-in yard. I needed a break after 6 days in a row. So, move during workday, which will be difficult in afternoon with staff meeting followed an hour later by teleconference meeting. Fitbit goal: 5,000 steps. = Surprisingly, Fitbit had 7,444 steps and 250+ steps for 12 of 14 hours. I guess I'm to the point where I hate to sit, even at work, for too long w/o moving. :smiley:
    2) Meals prelogged today / stay w/i 100 green = Had unplanned snack 105 calories after grocery shopping & that put me in the red by 4. I still call this a win! :smiley:
    3) Wash 1 window before choir = Totally forgot my teleconference would end 1/2 hour later than I usually leave the office, then raced home to feed critters & self. Had preplanned dinner of Schwan's beef tips & gravy, no yolk noodles and salad from farmers market produce: wonderful bib lettuce, heirloom tomato and shredded carrots. So good! Then off to choir. So, long story short, did not wash a window. :D
    4) Grocery shop after choir = Done. @Bex953172 and @slittlemeister I have photos from the British section of my store's international aisle, but found out I cannot download photos from an android phone into MFP app. I'll have to download those later to desktop and then share.
    5) Unwind (that means no screen time on phone or PC!) 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15 = Cut it pretty close, lights / everything out at 10:16 :D

    Today starts "cake season" in my dept. There will be a delicious scratch made cake for co-worker's birthday today, one next week, then most likely cake for Boss's Day (what boss made up this holiday?), followed by two more birthdays (3 days back to back the third week). All within 13 days. Yikes! I plan to eat only small pieces, but since one bday is mine, I get whatever doesn't get eaten at work to take home and share with hubby. Maybe I'll cut extra large pieces for everyone else. :D

    JFT F 10/6
    1) Walked dog 3.43 miles before work, dog was so skittish in dark this a.m. Heard two owls hooting to each other, saw 1 bunny, and dog was crazy for squirrels once it starting getting light out. Happy dog & happy me. :smiley:
    2) Don't fret about additional micromanagement crap from staff meeting yesterday, just stay focused on my assignments, totally doable.
    3) Meals & snacks not prelogged, but know the plans / stay on track / net calories green
    4) That's it! I'm not going to be silly two Fridays in a row, and list chores. If anything gets done tonight at home, great. If no, so what?

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    I’ve had a well poop day today.
    Finally admitted to myself that im struggling so much with everything,
    I hate everything and pretty much everyone, including myself. Just feel like I’m being left to rot. I seem to have a terrible time controlling my anger too.
    You wouldn’t think it would you?
    I have a GP appointment next Tuesday.
    But every time I go I can’t remember everything so I’ve just written it all down. It’s about 2 A4 pages worth. I feel better after writing it I guess and I know it will help.

    Hopefully she can help me.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Today we are taking a spontaneous trip to Iowa - me to go to the Quilt Show there, while hubby visits a childhood friend. So .. I may not be on here to log until Monday.

    But I wanted to share something with you guys. I am back to reading the book "The Beck Diet Solution: training your brain to think like a thin person.

    This paragraph really struck me -- if only I did this while pigging out on a bag of those pumpkin cream candies, the ice cream I had on hand, the chips, etc etc!

    Imagine the aftermath of giving in to a craving. Go ahead and think about eating the food you're craving. Imagine it in your mouth. How many seconds does it take to eat it? How many seconds do you feel pleasure? Now visualize the rest of the picture -- the part of the experience you usually don't think about until it's too late. Picture yourself feeling weak and out of control. See yourself feeling upset, giving up, continuing to eat more and more, feeling worse and worse. Do you start to feel heavier in your body or more heavy-hearted? As you become upset in the image, remind yourself how many times you've given in before, how you promised yourself you wouldn't do it again, and how hopeless you felt.
    Now that you've seen the entire picture, which seem better: Eating or not eating?

    For myself, this is what my week had been like. This is how I deal with death of loved ones. This is how I've dealt after lifelong friends left - and the loneliness of not having such good friends close by.

    But not any longer --- I remember how great it feels to not give into a craving. So I am going to print this out - leave it whereever I can read it, along with my reasons to get healthy.

    I just thought, for all of us who this time of year struggle, that maybe this might help us.

    I hope you all have a great weekend -- I will be back on here monday!

  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I’ve had a well poop day today.
    Finally admitted to myself that im struggling so much with everything,
    I hate everything and pretty much everyone, including myself. Just feel like I’m being left to rot. I seem to have a terrible time controlling my anger too.
    You wouldn’t think it would you?
    I have a GP appointment next Tuesday.
    But every time I go I can’t remember everything so I’ve just written it all down. It’s about 2 A4 pages worth. I feel better after writing it I guess and I know it will help.

    Hopefully she can help me.

    Sorry you're feeling rubbish. It's really good that you're seeing your GP and also good that you have written down how you feel. Maybe you should keep writing your feelings down (in a journal), regardless of what happens on Tue? That can be therapeutic for some people.

    Sounds like you could perhaps do with some counselling. Have you ever had CBT? I did online CBT - Talking Therapies - last year and found it really helpful. You might be able to get some face-to-face though, if you don't have a laptop? (I think you said that before?)

    It can be hard to get referred by the NHS - they are pretty stingy given funding cuts etc. My tip: cry at them. Worked for me :smiley:

    Hope you manage to have a decent weekend. Take care of yourself and try if you can to do things that boost your mood - hot bath, walking, DVDs! (If you can manage that with the little ones)
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I’ve had a well poop day today.
    Finally admitted to myself that im struggling so much with everything,
    I hate everything and pretty much everyone, including myself. Just feel like I’m being left to rot. I seem to have a terrible time controlling my anger too.
    You wouldn’t think it would you?
    I have a GP appointment next Tuesday.
    But every time I go I can’t remember everything so I’ve just written it all down. It’s about 2 A4 pages worth. I feel better after writing it I guess and I know it will help.

    Hopefully she can help me.

    I hope your doctor will be able to help you - I'm sure she can. My daughter always writes down her feelings - she told me this helps her a lot. But also, maybe if you could find a good counselor? You have a lot on your plate -- but we are all here for you. Being pregnant always threw my hormones way out of wack - I would sit and cry for no reason - and I couldn't explain it to anymone. So be sure to write everything down so you remember to tell you doctor. But we are here for you ..... Hugs
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I’ve had a well poop day today.
    Finally admitted to myself that im struggling so much with everything,
    I hate everything and pretty much everyone, including myself. Just feel like I’m being left to rot. I seem to have a terrible time controlling my anger too.
    You wouldn’t think it would you?
    I have a GP appointment next Tuesday.
    But every time I go I can’t remember everything so I’ve just written it all down. It’s about 2 A4 pages worth. I feel better after writing it I guess and I know it will help.

    Hopefully she can help me.

    Sorry you're feeling rubbish. It's really good that you're seeing your GP and also good that you have written down how you feel. Maybe you should keep writing your feelings down (in a journal), regardless of what happens on Tue? That can be therapeutic for some people.

    Sounds like you could perhaps do with some counselling. Have you ever had CBT? I did online CBT - Talking Therapies - last year and found it really helpful. You might be able to get some face-to-face though, if you don't have a laptop? (I think you said that before?)

    It can be hard to get referred by the NHS - they are pretty stingy given funding cuts etc. My tip: cry at them. Worked for me :smiley:

    Hope you manage to have a decent weekend. Take care of yourself and try if you can to do things that boost your mood - hot bath, walking, DVDs! (If you can manage that with the little ones)

    Yeah I might write them down, I do feel better, like I don’t have to think about it anymore. But I worry in case anyone finds what I write because it is private isn’t it.

    I had CBT back in 2014. It worked but she kept saying I should probably leave my partner and stuff and I didn’t like that. I can do online on my phone but it’s not very good. I’ve been referred for bereavement counselling for Samson just waiting for that to come through. In my area it’s really easy to get talking therapies! They mention t all the time when I go for medication reviews.
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I’ve had a well poop day today.
    Finally admitted to myself that im struggling so much with everything,
    I hate everything and pretty much everyone, including myself. Just feel like I’m being left to rot. I seem to have a terrible time controlling my anger too.
    You wouldn’t think it would you?
    I have a GP appointment next Tuesday.
    But every time I go I can’t remember everything so I’ve just written it all down. It’s about 2 A4 pages worth. I feel better after writing it I guess and I know it will help.

    Hopefully she can help me.

    I hope your doctor will be able to help you - I'm sure she can. My daughter always writes down her feelings - she told me this helps her a lot. But also, maybe if you could find a good counselor? You have a lot on your plate -- but we are all here for you. Being pregnant always threw my hormones way out of wack - I would sit and cry for no reason - and I couldn't explain it to anymone. So be sure to write everything down so you remember to tell you doctor. But we are here for you ..... Hugs

    Thank you so much for your reply as I know you’re setting off to Iowa! (Hope you have a good time)
    I’m gonna try writing stuff down. See how it goes. I suspect when I go on Tuesday they will change my meds’ and offer CBT again so I’ll have to attend both the bereavement counselling and CBT if I can even do that I’m not sure but fingers crossed!
    I just want to be over this once and for all.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Hello all!

    I've been lurking via the phone, but not posting. I have not had free time on my laptop and I hesitate to post while at work. I guess I need to put posting here on my JFT list!

    This thread has been very busy in the last week. So far y'all seem to be keeping it together - or doing the level best possible. Me too.

    Life's OK.
    • Awaiting the arrival of my granddaughter.
    • My nephew was married last weekend and we had a nice get together in South Carolina.
    • My husband was hit in the back end by another car the day before we left for that trip. He has a noticeably swollen ankle that is painful and lower back pain. Waited to see the doctor until we came back to see if it improved. Nothing major, but those two parts could be a problem. He is seeing a doctor today.
    • My girls high school bowling team is holding together. They are currently undefeated and we are almost done with the season. I see one team that may beat them. They should go to the state level match. The thing that could break them is girl drama. So far so good.
    • I am healthy
    • and the weight is not going up.

    On that weighty note I am in for the 5 pounds by the end of the year challenge. My starting weight is 194.

    I hope to be in the 170s by the end of the year, but with the holidays and the days getting shorter up here in the northern hemisphere that may not happen. I have had a great year so far. I am down 34 pounds but I had wanted to lose a pound a week for 2017. I am not throwing in the towel and I am not unhappy with the success I have had. Maintaining at a lower weight is a success too.

    JFT .. with what is left of today
    Well I haven't really had time at home for two weeks. I have a wedding to go to this weekend also, but it is at the home of a friend locally so very easy. I think I will make some chores my target for tonight.
    • Cook dinner
    • Vacuum downstairs
    • Vacuum up stairs
    • Vacuum stairs
    • Clean downstairs bath - get extra cat litter box away.
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    skymningen wrote: »
    1) Call doctor, ask for test results and appointment >:)
    2) Drink 1.5 l of water :(
    3) Eat one actual meal (1 plate of soup/overcooked carrot stew/...), not just mini snacks :)
    4) Read work emails, maybe try to do a little work :|

    I went to the doctor, because they said my results were there. Well, the only part that was there is the information that it is not norovirus. Nice to know, but what does that help me? Doctor did not want to do anything but wait it out at least until Monday and wait for the rest of the results. So why did they ask me to come in after I asked for the results on the phone? I thought they had found sth, I mean, she asked 'how early can you be here', it sounded urgent. I was so mad, that I had to drag myself there.
    The doctor (another than my usual) also said bland diet probably doesn't even help. So I went and bought anything that looked tasty on my way home. Ate some of it, but honestly, I think I was slightly better physically with the bland food, I was just frustrated an the 'more real' food made me feel a little better emotionally.

    Did not drink near enough either, but at least had a plate of pasta, with a rather bland sauce. Did not work much, but a tiny bit at least.

    Today I woke up missing bf, having tummy aches (as I do every day now) and feeling incredibly sad and weak. So what could be goals?

    1) Eat one actual meal
    2) Drink 1.5 l of water
    3) Do one housework task

    I guess that's going to be it.

    @Bex953172 I am so sorry you fell bad. Sometime I write down stuff on my laptop and then just don't safe it. Nobody can find it and I don't need to have it written down, I just usually need to do the writing to order my thoughts and get it off my mind. I hope if you get some more therapy sessions you will find a better therapist than you had last time. In my opinion, after you told them twice that you don't want to leave your partner that topic should be off the shelves. If they come back to that, they are lacking the ability to actually help you.
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    Today was just ok. I can't seem to keep carbohydrates under 100 even when I am within calories. And drinking enough water is not going well. So for tomorrow simple goals
    At least 5000 steps
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    I've been extremely busy and not on here much!

    Here are my goals for the past 2 days and for tomorrow as well.

    Day 44 (Oct. 6th) goals:

    0., Do better than yesterday ❌
    1., Be active, ❌
    2., Drink lots of water, ❎
    3., Think positively ❌
    4., Eat small portions, ❌
    5., Avoid sugar✅
    6., Bonus: Stay under 2000 cals❌
    7., Extra Bonus: Stay under 100 carbs❌

    Day 45 (Oct. 7th) goals:

    0., Do better than yesterday✅
    1., Be active, ✅
    2., Drink lots of water, ❌
    3., Think positively ✅
    4., Eat small portions, ✅
    5., Avoid sugar✅
    6., Bonus: Stay under 2000 cals❎
    7., Extra Bonus: Stay under 100 carbs❌

    Day 45 (Oct. 7th) goals:

    0., Do better than yesterday
    1., Be active,
    2., Drink lots of water,
    3., Think positively
    4., Eat small portions,
    5., Avoid sugar
    6., Bonus: Stay under 2000 cals
    7., Extra Bonus: Stay under 100 carbs
    8., Complete readings and homework for next week ahead of time
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    skymningen wrote: »

    1) Eat one actual meal :)
    2) Drink 1.5 l of water :(
    3) Do one housework task :(

    I couldn't get myself to do anything. But I am very slowly feeling better, so today will just be the same goals.

    1) Eat one actual meal
    2) Drink 1.5 l of water
    3) Do one housework task
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    I didn't post goals for yesterday, so I'll just post the positive things I did. I think I need to start looking at the small wins, so I don't feel like such a failure all the time and give up.

    So, just for Saturday:
    1. Went to apple orchard in Door County with my husband and picked apples.
    2. Took a nice ride in the country around Door County afterward
    3. Did not take my work laptop out of my car all day yesterday.
    4. Did not allow myself to think, stress or complain about work yesterday. Huge win!
    5. Watched a good movie with my husband last night
    6. Got a good night's sleep

    So far on Sunday:
    1. Went fishing with my husband. Didn't catch anything but enjoyed a beautiful day on the water. Saw a bald eagle right by us land up in its nest. Geese on the lake. My two sons and one of the granddaughters and one of the grandsons all showed up in their boat to fish too and so we got to see them out there on the water. Great time.
    2. Did not allow myself to stress about work today at all.
    3. Trying to make good choices of snacky stuff on boat and right now watching the Packers game.
    4. Cut off coffee earlier than normal and switched to water.
    5. Still did not take laptop out of trunk of car!!! No working this weekend!
    Still to do :
    6. Laundry
    7. Prep for tomorrow, tonight (lunch, clothes, etc)
    8. Hit my step goal. I've reset it to 6000 since I have trouble hitting it any higher lately.
    9. Log all my food honestly
    10. Hit half my weight in water - 85 oz.
    11. Read Week 2 of 52 changes to a better life and post. (I'll do this after dinner...) :mrgreen:
    12. Read this week's challenge from the "A Challenge a Day" thread.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    This is a summary of Week 2 of 52 changes to a happier healthy me... ;) There are a few pages of tips to get better sleep but I didn't want to take up too much room on our thread for this.
    Week 2 Get Your Zzz’s
    “Sleep is the best meditation.” Dalai Lama

    The health benefits of getting enough sleep are indisputable. Proper sleep helps to strengthen and support the immune system, boosts cognitive function, consolidates memories, keeps hormones in check, and helps us to look and feel our best. When we don’t get enough, health problems, both mentally and physically, can occur. In the short-term, we may experience irritability and moodiness, decreased attention span, fatigue, and headaches. Long-term effects of not getting enough sleep, however, include slowed metabolism, which can lead to possible weight gain or diabetes, increased blood pressure and heart-rhythm irregularities, impaired memory, depression, and increased susceptibility to health problems.

    The Change
    Get seven to eight hours of restful sleep every night.

    Week 1: Hydrate with water
    Week 2: Sleep 7 to 8 hours per night

    Blumenthal, Brett. 52 Small Changes: One Year to a Happier, Healthier You (p. 24). AmazonEncore. Kindle Edition.
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    edited October 2017
    skymningen wrote: »
    1) Eat one actual meal :)
    2) Drink 1.5 l of water :/
    3) Do one housework task :D

    I ended up doing quite a bit of housework yesterday because I really felt better. Also ate one actual meal, but only very small snacks besides that... so obviously I am still eating too little. I should get back to logging as soon as I can put up the energy to do so.
    Today I am back at work. The worst symptoms were gone yesterday, so supposedly I can work again. I don't know. I am still in pain after eating and my guts are not to be 100 % trusted. I will call the doctor for results later today. Now I just focus on being here for a while, getting back into normality and such. I am a little panicked about my PhD right now.

    And I nearly forgot the goals for today, so I need to edit them in:

    1) Get results from doctor
    2) Work at least until noon, if possible
    3) Get some actual task done at work. Something. Anything.
    4) Drink more water or tea
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Today could be challenging food wise. I'm going to my friend's for dinner and one of two things tends to happen when I do that:
    - She makes a really fattening sausage pasta bake that contains millions of calories
    - Her boyfriend cooks and makes something that contains about 200 cals. I'm then so hungry I end up snacking on the way home (wine munchies don't help)

    I'm actually staying over which should reduce the amount I can snack. But still need to be careful!

    Today's commitments -
    - Lunch under 450 cals
    - No snacks except ryvita
    - Buy light dessert and diet lemonade to take to friend's for dinner
    - If the fattening option: Take sensible portions and do NOT have seconds
    - Drink one lemonade for every wine

    - 30 + minute lunch break
    - Focus on key priorities and be productive
    - Be calm and welcoming to new starter
    - Leave work by 6.30 latest
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Today we are taking a spontaneous trip to Iowa - me to go to the Quilt Show there, while hubby visits a childhood friend. So .. I may not be on here to log until Monday.

    But I wanted to share something with you guys. I am back to reading the book "The Beck Diet Solution: training your brain to think like a thin person.

    This paragraph really struck me -- if only I did this while pigging out on a bag of those pumpkin cream candies, the ice cream I had on hand, the chips, etc etc!

    Imagine the aftermath of giving in to a craving. Go ahead and think about eating the food you're craving. Imagine it in your mouth. How many seconds does it take to eat it? How many seconds do you feel pleasure? Now visualize the rest of the picture -- the part of the experience you usually don't think about until it's too late. Picture yourself feeling weak and out of control. See yourself feeling upset, giving up, continuing to eat more and more, feeling worse and worse. Do you start to feel heavier in your body or more heavy-hearted? As you become upset in the image, remind yourself how many times you've given in before, how you promised yourself you wouldn't do it again, and how hopeless you felt.
    Now that you've seen the entire picture, which seem better: Eating or not eating?

    For myself, this is what my week had been like. This is how I deal with death of loved ones. This is how I've dealt after lifelong friends left - and the loneliness of not having such good friends close by.

    But not any longer --- I remember how great it feels to not give into a craving. So I am going to print this out - leave it whereever I can read it, along with my reasons to get healthy.

    I just thought, for all of us who this time of year struggle, that maybe this might help us.

    I hope you all have a great weekend -- I will be back on here monday!

    Joan-thank you for sharing this! I keep saying I have to pick up the Beck Diet Solution book as many recommend it. I'm going to copy & paste this paragraph so I can read it when I need a boost.