

  • GrokOn
    GrokOn Posts: 39 Member
    Bump for a great thread... I haven't gone completely Paleo/ primal yet, but it has opened me up to a great new way of eating that has done wonders for my energy and health.
  • optimusmom
    optimusmom Posts: 18 Member
    Does the paleo diet cut out milk as well? This is particularly dangerous especially for us ladies as we need calcium to help ward off osteoporosis as we age. I know you can get calcium from certain veg, but milk is still a better option. (Or supplements I guess)
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    Does the paleo diet cut out milk as well? This is particularly dangerous especially for us ladies as we need calcium to help ward off osteoporosis as we age. I know you can get calcium from certain veg, but milk is still a better option. (Or supplements I guess)
    Well, my body cut dairy out for me. hahaha Allergies, what a pain! :P Yes, paleo is dairy free. Primal is paleo plus dairy (raw is the preference). Check out this link for other sources of calcium:
    PS: If cheese and milk are such great sources of ABSORBABLE calcium, and the US has the largest number of milk and cheese sales in the world---why does our country have so much osteoporosis? Oh yeah, because the other way to strengthen your bones is with daily weight bearing exercise. Food is only half of the battle.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Does the paleo diet cut out milk as well? This is particularly dangerous especially for us ladies as we need calcium to help ward off osteoporosis as we age. I know you can get calcium from certain veg, but milk is still a better option. (Or supplements I guess)

    This is absolutely false. You can get more than enough calcium from fruits and veggies. Eating more fruits and veggies will keep your body in calcium balance, which means you won't be LOSING calcium into your urine. Not to mention that dairy blocks other minerals from being absorbed like iron. Dairy is not essential.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    I just read the Paleo diet last week, and I'm thinking about going for it - mainly for infertility. The only problem is, I don't like a lot of veggies. It will take me a while to come up with a meal plan that I can eat without gagging (or end up bingeing).

    I would challenge you to rethink that- the not liking many veggies part. I have a friend who says she doesn't like veggies but when we sat down and actually wrote down what she would eat it was more than she thought. Even 5 kinds of veggies is a place to start.

    And, while I was fine with veggies before beginning this WOE, the longer I did it, my tastes changed and I wanted to try more things, so I eat many more vegetables than I ever did before. I also have found that different cooking methods changed my opinion about foods. For example, brussel sprouts. I'd only ever had them boiled, gross. I love them now tossed w/ olive oil and roasted, it's a completely different experience. In fact, I love almost all vegetables tossed w/ olive oil and roasted.

    I've known a few people who have struggled with infertility and this WOE has really made a difference. I myself have endometriosis and I can tell you first hand this diet has greatly impacted my health. Please do consider it.

    Thanks for the reply to my post! I did print off the shopping list from marks daily apple, and I marked off the veggies that I do eat already. I marked 8 of 'em!!

    I believe you that taste buds change, and if I eat less processed foods, I will start to enjoy more veggies. I am already starting to plan out my meals for next week.

    I really want to do this, since my hubby and I have been trying to conceive for 9 years (unexplained).

  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Hi friends! I just wanted to share a recipe with you. I got this from
    I made a version of this from one of his cookbooks and I wanted to try this one because is was CHOCOLATE. Def. good for something sweet or if you need something fast before a workout.

    I used:
    2 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa
    1 tbsp coconut oil
    5 dates
    1/3 c dried cherries
    and 1 tsp. almond extract. (optional)

    I wouldn't have thought that the extract was paleo, however, vanilla is said to be ok in The Paleo Diet book, so I made the leap. Almond and chocolate are my favorite and tart cherries are supposed to be good after a workout, although there aren't that many. I think cinnamon would taste amazing too. I made them last week with pine nuts, blueberries and no cocoa, omg.

    Here's the break down: Cals 154, carbs 12, protein 3, fat 12
    I got 15 balls. :laugh:
  • baschmidt2
    My brother has been doing the Paleo diet for about 4 months now and he loves it. He lost a lot of weight and gained a lot of muscle because he cross trained with bicrum yoga as well as some martial arts type of fighting. Although it is tough and no bread no milk nothing but the naturals, it has really helped and he has fallen in love with it.
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    Hi friends! I just wanted to share a recipe with you. I got this from
    I made a version of this from one of his cookbooks and I wanted to try this one because is was CHOCOLATE. Def. good for something sweet or if you need something fast before a workout.

    I used:
    2 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa
    1 tbsp coconut oil
    5 dates
    1/3 c dried cherries
    and 1 tsp. almond extract. (optional)

    I wouldn't have thought that the extract was paleo, however, vanilla is said to be ok in The Paleo Diet book, so I made the leap. Almond and chocolate are my favorite and tart cherries are supposed to be good after a workout, although there aren't that many. I think cinnamon would taste amazing too. I made them last week with pine nuts, blueberries and no cocoa, omg.

    Here's the break down: Cals 154, carbs 12, protein 3, fat 12
    I got 15 balls. :laugh:

    You can also put these into silicone molds to "perty 'em up" a bit. Make a little extra of the chocolate sauce (coconut oil and cocoa powder, extracts that you are using and a touch of honey if you want), and apply it to the interior of your mold. Cool, then add the rest of the ball mix. You can add more chocolate if desired. It's nice for parties and people that miss candies.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    FabCheeky-- A fellow Chef?
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    hehe Just an at-home foodie. :D I admit that I've worked in the food industry at a couple of restaurants and at one time dreamed of opening a bakery. hehe I love to cook. I love to bake. I've been playing around with recipes from and a lot lately.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    hehe Just an at-home foodie. :D I admit that I've worked in the food industry at a couple of restaurants and at one time dreamed of opening a bakery. hehe I love to cook. I love to bake. I've been playing around with recipes from and a lot lately.

    Me too! I loved watching Three's Company when I was little, I thought that Jack Tripper being a chef was the coolest thing ever and for the longest time growing up I thought that's what I wanted to be, either that or a ballerina. Then I worked in a restaurant chain for several years and the romance was over. But I still love working in my own kitchen.

    I was so excited to find Elana's site a few years ago. The first thing I made was the carrot cake. I had other grain-free recipes and a cookbook but nothing like what she was churning out. She's my culinary hero and really helped expand my baking repertoire.
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    hehe Just an at-home foodie. :D I admit that I've worked in the food industry at a couple of restaurants and at one time dreamed of opening a bakery. hehe I love to cook. I love to bake. I've been playing around with recipes from and a lot lately.

    Me too! I loved watching Three's Company when I was little, I thought that Jack Tripper being a chef was the coolest thing ever and for the longest time growing up I thought that's what I wanted to be, either that or a ballerina. Then I worked in a restaurant chain for several years and the romance was over. But I still love working in my own kitchen.

    I was so excited to find Elana's site a few years ago. The first thing I made was the carrot cake. I had other grain-free recipes and a cookbook but nothing like what she was churning out. She's my culinary hero and really helped expand my baking repertoire.

    :D Elana is just awesome. I have several sites that I check out for baking, but her site is my absolute go-to.
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    Hi friends! I just wanted to share a recipe with you. I got this from
    I made a version of this from one of his cookbooks and I wanted to try this one because is was CHOCOLATE. Def. good for something sweet or if you need something fast before a workout.

    I used:
    2 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa
    1 tbsp coconut oil
    5 dates
    1/3 c dried cherries
    and 1 tsp. almond extract. (optional)

    I wouldn't have thought that the extract was paleo, however, vanilla is said to be ok in The Paleo Diet book, so I made the leap. Almond and chocolate are my favorite and tart cherries are supposed to be good after a workout, although there aren't that many. I think cinnamon would taste amazing too. I made them last week with pine nuts, blueberries and no cocoa, omg.

    Here's the break down: Cals 154, carbs 12, protein 3, fat 12
    I got 15 balls. :laugh:

    OMG amazing! I'm making this!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Hi friends! I just wanted to share a recipe with you. I got this from
    I made a version of this from one of his cookbooks and I wanted to try this one because is was CHOCOLATE. Def. good for something sweet or if you need something fast before a workout.

    I used:
    2 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa
    1 tbsp coconut oil
    5 dates
    1/3 c dried cherries
    and 1 tsp. almond extract. (optional)

    I wouldn't have thought that the extract was paleo, however, vanilla is said to be ok in The Paleo Diet book, so I made the leap. Almond and chocolate are my favorite and tart cherries are supposed to be good after a workout, although there aren't that many. I think cinnamon would taste amazing too. I made them last week with pine nuts, blueberries and no cocoa, omg.

    Here's the break down: Cals 154, carbs 12, protein 3, fat 12
    I got 15 balls. :laugh:

    OMG amazing! I'm making this!

    I posted it for you babe! :heart: You could also add another date to make it just a little sweeter. It would add just a couple of cals and it would be worth it. I used 6 last time and I think I wish I had used 6 this time.
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member

    Hi everyone!

    Just letting you know after 4 days on my new Paleo food plan I have lost 5lbs! Woo!

    Also, check this recipe out:

    That's it! Good luck :D
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    ima bump this for later I was told a paleo would help with my allergies and my leaky gut syndrome but I wana check out what caveman eating means first....
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    ima bump this for later I was told a paleo would help with my allergies and my leaky gut syndrome but I wana check out what caveman eating means first....

    I'm doing a "Cavewoman" Program which is more about my fitness - Caveman eating is pretty much The Paleo Solution - based on the same science and information. Definitely worth a look :)
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    ima bump this for later I was told a paleo would help with my allergies and my leaky gut syndrome but I wana check out what caveman eating means first....
    Paleo absolutely helped me with my food allergies and gut damage. You can also check out:
    I don't use all of her suggestions, but adding just a few of these to a clean diet will help you immensely. I recommend the bone broth, epsom salt bath soaks, adding a pinch of Celtic sea salt to water---especially after sweating a lot, raw local honey, having a green smoothie often (every other day at first), and eating one tablespoon (to start) of extra virgin coconut oil every day.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    I'm doing my research, and I'm confused! Some sites say to not eat much fat, and some sites say to eat a healthy amount of fat (like your nutrients should be mainly fat, then protein, and a few carbs).

    I printed off a food list from a Crossfit site, and it says all meats should be lean, and you should avoid bacon and peanut butter. That is the opposite of what I've read on marksdailyapple.

  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    I'm doing my research, and I'm confused! Some sites say to not eat much fat, and some sites say to eat a healthy amount of fat (like your nutrients should be mainly fat, then protein, and a few carbs).

    I printed off a food list from a Crossfit site, and it says all meats should be lean, and you should avoid bacon and peanut butter. That is the opposite of what I've read on marksdailyapple.

    Peanut butter is from peanuts---legumes. If you are avoiding legumes, avoid peanuts. Also be aware that even in people that do not have peanut allergies, peanuts can cause microscopic holes in the lining of your intestines---leading to leaky gut. Which leads to fecal matter floating around making you feel worse.

    I have bacon once a week. I eat meat with reckless abandon. I also make a point of using extra virgin olive oil and extra virgin coconut oil liberally. I eat a ton of avocados when I can afford them...nom nom nom.

    Those are the preferred fats. Even better when you can get your meat free range/organic.

    My optimal macros are 50% fat, 30% protein, 20% carb. (I actually try to go a little lower on carbs and a little higher on fat, but this is what I have MFP set to.)

    That being said, I think that the food you choose is highly personal. If you eat a strict diet for 30 days, then introduce one of the questionable items one per week. Watch your reactions: weight gain, energy levels, inflammation, etc.