
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    Wendy - love your blonde hair and your tight abs! You rock! All of your exercise and activity is definitely paying off. I am just thrilled that I can start seeing my hip bones, lol. I'll be happy to have the bad belly fat keep diminishing because the adverse health effects, and give credit to the strength training for helping. Kudos to all of you who are utilizing the fasting.

    When I was on Weight Watchers, someone came up with the "Wendie Plan" (Wendie maybe? B)) who suggested a form of it as a way to break through a plateau. At that time, a person had a certain amount of points per day and this plan had one day with super low points, the following couple days a higher percentage of points then a super low point day, etc. At the end of the week, the total amount of points were right on target, but the body was tricked into losing weight because it got off "starving" mode. It worked.

    Rye - understandable that you don't want to tackle the machines without a trainer! You are doing so well with the swimming and indoor walking/cardio, you are my hero. I've been falling behind I'm afraid.

    - that sterling ring is really neat! Glad DH is back home and you didn't get eaten by that gigantic spider!

    - that is a neat story about Christine and her husband, they sound like very special people. Smart and hard-working, what a great team and a testament to their good hearts and faith.

    Lenora - Will and Tami's story is super special as well and so neat that Mallory is such a great part of your family. Hope Will & Tami are doing better after losing the baby.

    Suebdew - I am itchy just reading about it, lol. I remember poison ivy from my childhood and don't miss that stuff at all. Glad you are getting treatment for it and hope it works quickly!

    Karen in VA - " I am a different person in the mirror than I am in my soul. My mirror person is squashing my soul person" what an interesting way to see it... thank you for these wise words. I'm banking on your soul person winning this round! In the meantime, I'm content to sit on your deck, lol. Pond Angels and all!

    Monsoons have begun and I need to empty the rain gauge - it's full!

    Tomorrow is Friday! Hip hip hooray!! Wishing you all a good evening and hugs where needed! If you need the boot, that's Pip's specialty.

    Soggy SW WA State
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Rye - my sister has dyspraxia. You're the only other person that I have heard ever mention it. She actually just got diagnosed at 55 years old.
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Rye - my sister has dyspraxia. You're the only other person that I have heard ever mention it. She actually just got diagnosed at 55 years old.
    When your sister was young, I doubt there was a dyspraxia diagnosis. I was given a diagnosis of ‘Motor-coordination learning disability’ in 1971 or thereabouts. I think that was as specific as it got. They knew nothing about it really, no good explanations or therapeutic interventions - they could only identify the abnormalities in my brain waves in certain places.

    Unfortunately the term ‘learning disability’ (which isn’t even very accurate) was a pretty major source of shame for my mother- and I grew up doing everything- every trick I could think of to hide my difficulties. I’m only now learning that some of my ‘appear normal at all cost’ adaptations were pretty unhealthy and/or hard on my body.

    It isn’t actually anyone’s fault, very little was understood about this type of disorder until long after I was an adult. Treatments and therapies as I understand it simply didn’t exist when I was a child.

    I have only met two children who have been diagnosed with dyspraxia, no adults. I’d love to talk to your sister about her experiences.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Rye- my sister is extremely outgoing and I am sure that she would love to talk to you about it. I think she would actually like to talk to somebody else that has the same diagnosis that she has. The way that she explained it to me is that she doesn't know her left from her right. She can drive but cannot follow directions. I will talk to her then pm you with her information.
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Rye- my sister is extremely outgoing and I am sure that she would love to talk to you about it. I think she would actually like to talk to somebody else that has the same diagnosis that she has. The way that she explained it to me is that she doesn't know her left from her right. She can drive but cannot follow directions. I will talk to her then pm you with her information.

    Sounds good. I get lost trying to manipulate a q-tip in my ear canal. (Seriously!) and can only manage maps by having the direction I'm moving pointing upwards. But my biggest difficulty area is the fine motor-coordination/ balance stuff - unusually I'm pretty fine with gross motor coordination - usually a difficulty, as I understand it, with those who present as I do.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 8.18min, 140mhr, 10.8amph. 1.4mi= 78c
    apple watch- 58c
    TREADMILL, skip/sidstep/scissors- 15min, 6.4sp, 132mhr, 1.5mi = 105c
    apple watch- 125c
    floor exerc- 35.20min, 5 sets of 10ea, ceiling to fl single leg touches w/10# weight, hamstring leglifts, push-ups, all 4's elbow to knee, reverse bicycles, leg lifts, pelvic lifts w/8# weight, crunches, sit-ups w/8# ball, on butt-knees to chest 122mhr = 135c
    apple watch- 162c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 6.58min, 12.7amph, 124mhr, 1.4mi= 51c
    appple watch- 48c
    ride bike puy 2 sumn sta- 17.07min, 142mhr, 10.7amph, 3mi= 157c
    apple watch- 112c
    jog sta 2 wk- 5.27min, 146mhr, 10.11min mi, .5mi= 69c
    apple watch- 59c
    jog wk 2 sta- 5.02min, 9.39min mi, 148mhr, .5mi = 69c
    apple watch- 63c
    ride dome 2 hm- 22.24min, 6.8amph, 143mhr, 2.5mi = 209c
    apple watch- 139c

    total cal 873
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Just a quick note before book and bed.

    Becca, I like the ring. It’s different which is what I like.

    Rye, never heard of that disability. Thanks for educating us.

    Kim, sorry to hear of your troubles. I can understand your stress. My MIL and SIL live in PR so we have been dealing with that stress. On top of that you also have the fire and health issues. ((HUGS)) Please feel free to contact me outside the group if you think it would help. Take care of yourself.

    Ok, can’t think anymore tonight. Will check in again tomorrow.


  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member
    Someone mention arachnophobia?

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member
    Picture of the scene out my camper window.
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Thank you ladies for just being your wonderful selves. I have had a marvelous week on so many fronts and wanted to share that. I hope this goodness spreads to each and every one of you.

    Cin Cin a tutti!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,084 Member
    Machka: Sorry to hear about the dental mishaps. My dentist is sending me to a specialist to check out what looks like an infection on the gum above the tooth that has had a root canal. Since the nerve is gone, I've never felt any pain on the site.

    Sue: Sending you healing energy!

    Tere: Take care and get well. I wish you could find a solution to your asthma that didn't involve steroids.

    Karen VA: ((hugs)) The pound of veges is a great way to getting back on track. Still doing jazzercize?

    Rye: I think you are doing fantastic with exercise given your physical limitations. Keep up the swimming.

    Mary[/b]: Thank you for reminding me to get my intervals in with more regularity. I did find that intense exercise was the secret sauce for breaking through a plateau. I'm going to see my abs some day. I may be 90 years old, but I'm going to get there! Adding more push ups starting tomorrow AM.

    Re fasting: Count me as another who swears by it. The day after I return from a trip, I fast with just one Vega protein smoothie. I also like that it resets my appetite and shrinks my stomach so I'm satisfied with less food.

    I'm having a wonderful week of 'stay-cation' activities. Lunch with one friend; coffee with another. Tomorrow the car goes into the shop, so I'll be puttering in my office and getting ready for re-entry to work next week.

    Stay well, friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills
    Where there is a quart of milk in the IP turning into yummy yougurt

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,479 Member
    Did Cathe Friedrich Lower Body DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do Brook Benton's Butts and Gutts DVD.

    Joyce - doesn't Wendy have great abs???? I will NEVER in a million years get abs like those.

    I just tried the thing where you can scan an item and it'll be added to your menu. That's neat. But that's also probably why there are multiple listings in the database of the exact same item. It's much easier to just scan in something rather than looking for it.

    Tere - so glad you're better now. Congrats on not smoking

    Denise is stressing AGAIN. She called yesterday to ask if Jess has extra dishes for her cat. Really, Jess watches cats and dogs -- don't you think she has extra bowls? Then Denise asked if Jess had cat litter. Really? She has a cat -- don't you think she has litter? She is afraid Jess will give her cat a sedative when she takes the cat to VA. We just told her that once the animal is stressed, the sedative won't work. Jess knows that. Thank GOODNESS I'm in NC.

    Denise called the other day to say that she doesn't have "something borrowed". Well, she's very fussy and wanted the jewelry she wanted. I offered to let her wear the watch I was going to wear, but she said "no", that she isn't a watch person. Then I offered to let her borrow the ring that MIL left me. So far she hasn't gotten back to me. I know she's wanting my rings, but I just said that (and this is true) whenever she isn't wearing the ring Pete gave her, it's going to be a constant reminder to him that this is something she's wanted all her life, this is something she told him she wanted, and this is something he didn't give her. No, that would hurt and I would never deliberately hurt someone (unlike Amanda and his mother)

    I'm thinking when we go to PA for the wedding (we're leaving next Wednesday, the rehearsal is Thurs, wedding is Fri, we'll probably come home Sun) I'll do a fair amount of HIIT. For one thing, most hotels have an elliptical or even a treadmill. Also, that burns a good amount of calories, and I know that I'm going to go over at the wedding and rehearsal. Another reason I'm glad I'm in NC is because when Denise has a problem (like she got a flat tire), my first instinct was to go to her. But being here means I can't run to help her so she's having to handle little things like this on her own. Unfortunately, her way of handling this was to call Pete at work and he came home. I'm sure that made a great impression on his boss. He has to leave work because his girlfriend got a flat tire????? But not my problem. It's interesting that she called us and not Pete's family. What can we do from NC? Again, we can only give direction, not solve it.

    Lenora - what brand of protein bar do you use

    M- "There are many reasons to exercise and one, for me, is because I can. At some point, I might not be able to ... so for as long as I can, I will. And there could be a "use it or lose it" factor in there too." I so agree with you, especially the part about not being able to. I'm convinced part of Vince's problem is that he doesn't exercise. I have much more stamina than he does. Like he was totally tired after the two dance lessons yesterday. I wasn't.

    suebdew - I'm so sorry for the p.i. having spread. Glad the PA gave you a shot and the steroids. Hopefully, they'll help. Good news from the eye md!

    Terry - I hope you can do water aerobics. It's such a good workout with little to no impact. We have one lady who, when she joined the class, was BIG, and I do mean BIG. Since joining the class she's had to buy a new bathing suit as hers got to where it was sagging on her and she just told me that she had to give her belt to one lady so the lady could take it in (the straps that hold it on). You really don't get that "yuk" feeling when you're sweating in the water. When I first get in the water, it's many times a bit cool. By the end of the class I'm wishing someone would put ice cubes in the water!!! The bad part of an eating addiction is that you must eat to live, you don't have to do drugs to live (although junkies would debate that)

    DJ - I've pretty muchly decided on the first coat is this solid light silver and on top of that is a layer of sparkly silver. I tried the silver sparkly by itself, looks too "empty", another finger has two coats of it, that to me looks like too much sparkle. So I think I'll go with the light silver and on top of that one coat of the sparkly stuff. I love fish of almost any kind. Have fun!

    Just got back from Newcomer bowling.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Mary – A spider that size would have made me have the female version of a “Widow Maker” [no pun intended]. Maybe it was a crab (???) Black widow spiders ‘kill’ their mates once they have performed, then they go off to some dark, dank, spot in a wood pile and produce babies. No thanks, I only will pick up one piece of firewood at a time and I make sure I drop it several times between where it is stored and where we put it in the house for a ‘fire’.

    I was sitting at my desktop one AM when I felt a prick on my left shoulder; and, brushed off a good sized brown spider. I did not crush it, but, put it into a pill bottle and called my MD and told him I had been bitten by a spider. He asked if I had seen it, and told him I had it in a bottle. I went right in, it was in that family; but, it wasn’t the bad brown recluse spider that destroys tissue.

    Sharon – There are several states that are now ‘community property’ states insofar as domestic relations issues are involved. The only state that has some ‘really’ screwy laws is Louisiana (also considered community property ‘with a twist’). Old French law and when there are divorced parents involved with children from another family it can get really screwy for the 2nd wife – if they decide to split. I know a couple who got together, lived with one another. He had grown children, she had one from a previous marriage. If he had died while still living in Louisiana, she and his grown children would have divided whatever; but, her daughter would not have inherited unless he was able to ‘adopt her’. So, when they were in their 40’s & 50’s they adopted a newborn. Then moved to GA, where he could write his grown children ‘out of his Will’ … which he did and then the ‘adopted’ child ran away from home and had nothing to do with her ‘adoptive mother’. Step-sister did all she could to chase her down and would get ‘bounced’ out of the places she worked in. Finally, she sent a certified – return receipt requested letter to her to notify her that she was entitled to an inheritance. My Dad (an attorney) used to say that ‘nothing brings out the worst in people than a good old family funeral where there ‘might’ be a little property or money involved.

    I’m sorry you are in such a pickle – My Mimi was ‘highly allergic’ to poison ivy … a neighbor a block over was burning leaves and had poison ivy in the burn pile; she broke out and ended up in the hospital because she had inhaled the fumes of it being burned.

    Marcelyn – Where the “Hell-O Kitty” do you live? I want to make sure I don’t move there and hopefully, if I visit, I will watch out for the tarantulas. I know Louis said when they were stationed in Corpus Christi, TX … they had to shake out their socks and shoes, and other clothing to make sure they did not have scorpions in them.

    We had big black ants when I was growing up. They lived around the oak trees. We’d play with them very gingerly; but, the ones that had a ‘red’ body would burn the daylights out of you if it bit you. I’ve seen them here (southwest GA) before … Louis has a name for them, but, I can’t remember what it is. Oh, maybe they are ‘carpenter ants’. I don’t know what the difference between the black ones and the few you see with a red body (back end). They look like they’re big enough that you could make them close up a cut by getting them to pinch the area and cut off their heads so that it stays (maybe that is just ‘way too much TV’).

    Like where the hotel in Africa is built over the migratory path of the elephants. Guess it was good that they realized they were going to come through the lobby. I’m sure that was well planned out for tourists. I’d love to see that. I’d love to go to Africa to see all the wild animals, too. Just to look at them. Not hunt them.

    Lanette – Growing up my mother had dachshunds. Three of them, not at one time. First one died before he was old enough to even get his first shots. She was heartbroken, so Daddy went back and got another one. They all had German names – I think the one I remembered most was “Jeetzel”. He was a mess, and definitely my mother ‘dog’. She fed him pablum when he was young and one day put a little mineral oil in it. She walked up to the saucer, put his nose right down to it, looked up at her, then bent over and flipped the saucer across the room. She could not ‘fool’ him by doing that and he let her know. He did not like being left alone; and, one day she did not realize that she had locked him out of her bedroom; so he goes around through the bathroom, into her closet and pulls out her favorite hat … a ‘red feather’ hat … when she came home that afternoon, she walked in and feathers were flying everywhere and he was just sitting there like ‘what’?????

    When we were first married, we bought an old house and fixed it up. It had an oil heater and we’d see this ‘rat’ … I would say a ‘sewer rat’ by the size of it, that would come into the house by way of the heater. Too smart to fall for cheese on a RAT trap (about 5” x 7”) and would cut your finger off if it went off and it was in the way. Louis would set it and we’d go upstairs to bed and no sooner had we gotten in bed, that thing would go off … WHAP! He’d run downstairs to find it but not rat. This house had food still in the cabinets and had been vacant for about a year. Nothing smells worse than rotten potatoes. We figured if we could find out ‘how’ he was getting ‘in the house’ we could get rid of him. So later that night we have just the nightlights on; and, he goes running across the hallway and Louis dough pops him with a power pressure BB gun … it was like at the fair … it’d jump and turn around, pop, jump and go the other way. Finally, it gave in and went back down into the unit, so we knew where to block it up. After that, never saw it again.

    Possums … I’m sure God has a purpose for them, not sure what it is … other than to dig up grubs in your otherwise perfect lawn. Looks like divots in a golf course … all in one night. Where there is one, there are many.

    My question is the purpose of armadillos? Other than as an empty beer can holder on the side of the road. Nasty, nasty, nasty! We have black snakes (which are non-poisonous) and they eat rattlesnakes, too. But, when you see something moving in the grass … well, at least … I ‘don’t always stick around to see if it is ‘good or bad’. Of course, when I ran over a ‘diamondback rattler’ and told Louis and Trey about it, they laughed and said, ‘oh, it is just a big timber rattler’ … I ‘knew’ it was a diamondback and I told them to go see what it was, I had backed over it a couple of times. They brought it home and ‘that’ is my contribution to the menagerie of mounted animals we live with.

    Terry – When it became necessary for us to place our Mother into an Assisted Living Facility (she wanted to stay in town) … oldest sister put all her stuff in sets of 4 out and we went room-to-room and on a rotating fashion to pick what we wanted. Just the 3 of us with Mother. No sons-in-law, no grandchildren. When we finished choosing what we wanted, then our choices became what our children wanted. There were certain things that came back to us (outside of our choices, such as presents, etc.). It worked very well for us and there were not any fusses about anything. Later on, we did a few exchanges … so that my oldest sister ended up with her full dining room set. She was the only one of us who had a house that could use it all let out. It sat 12 people comfortably.

    The only thing we took did not allow her to keep was her jewelry. She’d ask from time-to-time who got it. At some point in my life, I might give some of my furniture to my children; but, only if they really want it. Don’t want either of them, or my DDsnL, and/or grandchildren to take it just because they think I want them to have it. Only if they really want and would enjoy it. So, since they won’t inherit anything until both of us are deceased, it is 50/50 – they can make that choice, even if they have to ‘flip a coin’.

    Today, I gave in … and ‘exercised’ … was taking a ‘break’ from it … ‘how fast’ can we go? Still hot; but, Cracker and I walked the property. I don’t think my pedometer on my cellphone works very well.

    Wendy – I might have to lose 25 more lbs to get a flat stomach then. Or more. I just don’t want to start looking ‘gaunt’. I gain weight from my toes to my nose and lose it the opposite direction. So I can lose just a little (and through the face) will look like I have lost more. For years … I’ve tried to get Louis to compare me to other women at the beach. Bigger, smaller, chunky, muscular, etc., and he is always so ‘non-committal’. LOL!!!

    Heather – Growing up as an attorney’s child, Will were extremely important and I witnessed a whole lot of them. A lot of the people he made Wills for were elderly blacks in the county who had been ‘given’ land … so he would do this in order to keep it from being taken from them. That and deeds … damn, I went up to the county courthouse and pulled out huge deed books. By the age of 14 I was able to check deeds all the way back to the inception of a piece of property. I’d draw off the little maps and we’d read them to one another. If there was a typo we’d put in the misspelled word with [sic] behind it … which would let anybody else down the line know that we did not misspell it first. I agree, that a POA needs to be done; but, a Will is as important, if not more so … because a POA is totally useless if he dies. YES, insist … continue until it becomes ‘nagging’ if necessary. Having a POA, Last Will & Testament, Durable Power of Attorney (Living Will and/or Directive) allows for things to be continued and should be ‘revisited’ about every 2 or 3 years (or any changes … divorce, new child, … sicknesses that are incapacitating) … Our DYS does NOT want to own anything that is tied to our DOS. That won’t happen, mainly, because we have the basic mirrored “I Love You” Wills and we’ve talked to the attorney on several occasions. It would be different if there were more than just the 2 of them. They can settle it fairly and equitably … and basically all they will need to do is ‘hire an attorney’ to draw up the deeds to separate the two tracts of land. Past that … they can flip a coin’ to divided anything else. Hopefully, at the passing of the first of us, we will have enough life insurance to pay off the house. After that there will be bills that will automatically go away.

    Allie – So happy that you are getting on with things. Life is GREAT!!!!!

    Do skinks have stripes down their back?

    Becca – Put your hand on a table and see if that works better. I can’t even take a good picture because my hands shake and I am ‘unbalanced’ {in more ways than one} … doing this PT is really an ‘eye opener’. Chris and I had a good laugh today when he was standing in front of me straddling a stool that I had to put my foot up on, without looking down. I started laughing when the first time I wobbled, he said that ‘maybe standing that way wasn’t the wisest decision’. Then I had to follow his arms/finger up/down/sideways and all the time moving my head and telling him how many fingers. He does this to ‘make me dizzy’ … or ‘nauseous’. Today he had to tell me to ‘slow down’. Told me he had a lady who was not doing as well because she was going so slow that she might not have been doing them. I am beginning to be able to feel the difference. I am thinking, ‘hey, this is really working’ … now I will have the tools to correct my dizziness if it happens again.

    You really don’t want to see a stinkbug …. Especially NOT one that has been smushed. AWFUL smelling and it doesn’t go away soon. As for a ‘stick’ bug … good luck … they are masters of disguise. That and a “Praying Mantis” … My question is: What is the use (or purpose) of a ‘gnat’? God must have a warped, twisted, sense of humor when it came to ‘creating things’.

    Lanette (again) … making a full circle here, maybe – Will and Tami called us last night. She was taking Mallory to the OrthoMD/Surgeon today (maybe yesterday) … I get lost with my days; but, they both sounded in ‘good spirits’. Even Mallory was doing well; but, they have her on Tylenol 3 – which means she is taking Codeine for the pain. She was with her Daddy at the time and Tami said it really ‘upset’ him; when he called she dropped everything and left. Out at the lake she was a good hour-and-a-half away. She went and got her baby … she was off at cheer competition in Brookhaven, MS. She can dance, just not the flipping for competition cheering. They are going to ‘bling her cast up’ for the dance performance. I can’t believe it is going to be Friday already in a few hours.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,476 Member
    suebdew wrote: »
    >:) Haven't caught up but wanted to post to bring you up-to-date on what's been going on. My poison ivy has spread all over my body but especially bothersome is the fact that it is all around my eyes. I called the dr office on Tuesday and was lucky enough to get an appointment a half hour later. Was the PA who I really loved me. She said it was a severe case(which I knew) and systemic. Gave me a shot and a 6 day treatment of steroids. AlreDy gained two lbs
    suebdew wrote: »
    I wan't finished yet!!!!! Anyway still itching and the poor PA started scratching just looking at me lol.
    Anyway, covered in calamine lotion I went to eye doctor yesterday as it takes a long time to see him. He is my macular degeneration specialist. Good news, left eye is back to normal and back to dry. So relieved I didn't need a shot as I was afraid to do it with the poison ivy so near.
    Been doing Duolingo (thanks for the website) and told my DGD about it as she is taking Spanish. Will continue to reD and catch up with you all later, my friends.
    SueBDew in TX <3

    Ohhh ... so sorry to hear about the poison ivy.

    Twice in the last few years I've been covered from head to toe in a rash (one was a penicillin allergy I have now discovered I've got, the other was measles) ... I feel for you. Rashes like that are truly miserable! With the measles one, the Dr finally gave me some really strong drugs (painkillers, antihistamines, and something to make me sleep) which knocked me out for about 3 days.

    Glad to hear you did get some good news!

    And it is nice to hear that so many are using Duolingo. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Checking in! Been busy, going to Florida next week to visit my daughter. I’ll be back on MFP when I get back!
    Dana in Arkansas
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,476 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Flat stomach I believe everyone on this site can achieve a nice flat stomach. With A fat burning diet and strength training such as weightlifting or progressive overload kettle bell swing (not an hour long session with a light Kettlebell ) And possibly removal of leftover skin. If you eat too many carbs the result is stored fat. CICO does work for weight loss however I really believe that like Karen said your body needs to burn up some of the stored fat. Just because you're sweating does that mean that you are burning fat!

    Sadly, I will never have a flat stomach.

    When I was 23, a surgeon decided to do an exploratory surgery and cut me from bellybutton all the way down. I have a massive, wide scar right down the middle and I bulge on either side. Also, the scar isn't quite straight or even so I bulge irregularly. Even when I have been underweight and in great shape with a small 4-pack set of abs showing (I can't do the full 6-pack because of this surgery), my lower abdomen has been lumpy, bumpy and unattractive.

    Since then, I have never worn a bikini and I am really shy about showing off that portion of my body. It was one of the things I warned my husband about when we were just getting to know each other ... that I'd understand if he took one look at it and ran the other way. But he didn't! :)

    However, every Dr I've had since has been surprised. They all ask me what happened, and then get very quiet like they want to say something but are holding their tongues.

    I suppose I could go the cosmetic surgery route, but I've just gotten very good at hiding it in everyday life ... and most of the time, I don't even think about it anymore.

    M in Oz